ClaytonMakepeace CopywritingWebinar

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Tribute to Clayton (18.03.2021.

● What successful copywriters learned from Clayton
● These are the notes I caught during the webinar, I missed some in the process

● Invest Without Fear package
● To research your consumer the best book to buy is Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene
Schwartz - copies available on Ebay
● Breakthrough Advertising via Brian Kurtz is the best way I have found to invest in that amazing

Carline Angalade-Cole
● Why do you write copy for crappy products?
● You can’t only be a copywriter, you need to understand direct marketing principles
● Your copy sucks: you don’t
● Good was not good enough
● There is no ego
● Great ideas come from newbie copywriters

Bob Bly
● Credibility preheader - Preheader before each piece writing (ears of clinical data reported in
register of medical research…)
● Before selling the product you need to sell the text
● Read a lot, write a lot, study marketing, study what you get (e.g. email)

Denise Ford
● Importance of working with graphics - see the big picture
● It isn’t just the work; it is the relationship with people that lasted for many years

Kim Krause Schwalm

● Features and benefits tactics
○ 1 identify all the features - make exhaustive list of all your product does
○ 2 ask why is that feature in there
○ 3 Identify the benefit associated with that feature
○ 4 Dimensionalize each benefit - how that looks like what you have that benefit in your
○ 5 Link it to main dimensionalized emotion - how it would make me feel, how it will let
me look - LINK TO DOMINANT RESIDENT EMOTION ... they're the drivers of our behavior
Parris Lampropoulos
● Became consultant
● Partner with the company
● Megalogs
○ Go through product - write as many bullets as you can
○ Which of these bullets has a really good payoff?
○ Turn it into a sidebar, title, content
● Keep it simple
● Stop telling yourself NO

Pauline Longdon
● Don’t compare your first draft with my XXX one
● Invest in yourself

Gary Bencivenga
● Write valuable content
● Aim your headlines at heavy users - Know who those heavy users are, what motivates them
● It is easier to keep existing customer, than find a new one
● Magic is in a product, not in a pen
● You will write the best, it
● Advertising is multiplied salesmanship
● Great ads are built on great research
● Develop a process - research the product and market, imagine you are the user and write
answers to the questions you would have
○ Why should I believe you
○ Why I should I buy your product
● Polish your skills daily
● Collect maxims like this and apply it to your writing
● Work for the royalties (when client earns, you earn also)

Cindy Butehorn
● Continually push yourself, be a constant student, not only in your writing but also in a career

David Deutsch
● Push thing further - example from Clayton: The product cleans the artery = It cleans all xxx cells
(not only arteries..)

Tiara Cole
● Client doesn’t want you to fail - they want you to succeed and sell their the product
● You want to tell the people what you’ll say, tell what you have to say, and tell what you said
● When opportunity comes, you just have to take your shot
● Show the appreciation to the people who helped you be successful

Brian Kurtz
● Clyton studied his competition, and learned from other’s wisdom, too (besides his knowledge)
● Show and not tell
● Seek and access loops
● Sough other masters to support him
● Direct Marketing principles behind the writing
● Confidence instead of arrogance
● Megalog - ..
● Do a list work
● 40-40-20 rule - 40% on the list, 40% on the offering, 20% creative
● Customer service is marketing - sit in customer service calls
● Buy competitor’s product, follow each step, return it, and follow the process, replies, and also
write down how do you feel
● Besides of creating your own group, spy on groups where your groups are, your get the language
● Go on amazon and read reviews (good and bad ones), analyze it
● You are not doing enough if you don’t have haters

Richard Viguerie
● ---

Marcella Allison
● Don’t take rewriting from an A-list copywriter (as Clayton) as offensive - compare each sentence,
and if you have the chance and ask why that change, mark changes, and save your notes of what
you learned - ask “Why the change?”
● Detach from your copy
● Detach from the outcome
● You must love the practice of showing out for writing

Kevin Rogers
● Thing Clayton looked in the copywriting
○ Hunger
○ Smarts - be curious, find answers to questions
○ Can you write the letter - Dear mother, …

Lori Haller
● Impact - Draw people in
● Don’t try to take over designer’s work
Caleb O’Dowd
● Get to know your prospect
● Master the research
● Apply reverse engineering of Clyton’s packages
● The game is one on research
● Study your competitors, and do reverse engineering
● Spend time with the prospects - e.g. create FB group and add 200-300peopčle
● People buy because they have want, need, desire, frustration, problem, fear

Wendy Makepeace
● Sit on research for a few days
● Best response rate for a sale letter - 4%

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