Yokogawa UT35-UT32A - Part1

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*1: English, German, French, and Spanish are available for the guide display.

■ Safety, Protection, and Modi cation of the Product *2: The /LP option can be specified in the combination of Type 2 code (any of “0” or “1”) and RZ WR ,QVWDOO
Operation UT35A, UT32A Type 3 code (any of “0” or “1”.)
(1) In order to protect the system controlled by this product and the product itself, *3: The /HA option can be specified only when the Type 1 code is “-0” or “-2.”
Digital Indicating Controller (Panel Mounting Type) and to ensure safe operation, observe the safety precautions described in the
Guide *4: When the /CT option is specified, the UT35A does not conform to the safety standards (UL ■ ,QVWDOODWLRQ /RFDWLRQ
Operation Guide onal operation guide. Use of the instrument in a manner not prescribed herein may and CSA) and CE marking (Products with /CT option are not intended for EEA-market).
Func ment
nce F PS P H H S F I F H S HF IH H HH H The instrument should be installed in indoor locations meeting the following
IM 05P01D31-11EN Installation and Wiring Enha
device. We assume no liability for safety, or responsibility for the product's quality, ■ 87 6WDQGDUG RGH 0RGHO conditions:
performance or functionality should users fail to observe these instructions when ,QVWUXPHQWHG SDQHO
«Standard Code Model» 5th Edition : Mar. 2016 2SWLRQ
operating the product. 0RGHO Suf x code 'HVFULSWLRQ This instrument is designed to be mounted in an instrumented panel. Mount the
(2) Installation of protection and/or safety circuits with respect to a lightning instrument in a location where its terminals will not inadvertently be touched.
Digital Indicating Controller (Power supply: 100-240
protector; protective equipment for the system controlled by the product and the 87 V AC) (provided with retransmission output or 15 V :HOO YHQWLODWHG ORFDWLRQV
This operation guide describes installation, wiring, and other tasks required to make the product itself; foolproof or fail-safe design of a process or line using the system DC loop power supply, 2 DIs, and 3 DOs)
Mount the instrument in well ventilated locations to prevent the instrument’s inter-
controller ready for operation. controlled by the product or the product itself; and/or the design and installation 6 SH
of other protective and safety circuits are to be appropriately implemented as the nal temperature from rising.
For details of the each function, refer to the electronic manual. Manuals can be 3 S S SH
downloaded or viewed at the following URL. F PH HHP HFH Heating/cooling type
However, make sure that the terminal portions are not exposed to wind. Exposure
(3) Be sure to use the spare parts approved by YOKOGAWA when replacing parts Type 1: P F H H HPSH H H FF F HH H P P -
Dual-loop type (please see the Operation Guide IM
http://www.yokogawa.com/ns/ut/im/ F '
or consumables. 05P08D31-11EN.) tiple indicating controllers, see the external dimensions/panel cutout dimensions
(4) This product is not designed or manufactured to be used in critical applications 9 UT32A Digital Indicating Controller (Entry model) F I If mounting other instruments adjacent to the instrument, comply with
RQWHQWV that directly affect or threaten human lives. Such applications include nuclear (please see the Operation Guide IM 05P01F31- these panel cutout dimensions to provide suf cient clearance between the instruments.
power equipment, devices using radioactivity, railway facilities, aviation 5 11EN.)
6 IH 3 HF equipment, air navigation facilities, aviation facilities, and medical equipment. None
Type 2: Install the instrument in a location subject to little mechanical vibration.
2. Model and Suf x Codes If so used, it is the user’s responsibility to include in the system additional RS-485 communication (Max. 38.4 kbps, 2-wire/4-wire) (*1)
equipment and devices that ensure personnel safety. F RUL RQWDO ORFDWLRQ
2 additional DIs and 2 additional DOs
(5) Modi cation of the product is strictly prohibited. Mount the instrument horizontally and ensure that it is level, with no inclination to
4. Hardware Speci cations Type 3: None
(6) This product is intended to be handled by skilled/trained personnel for electric devices. Open networks
the right or left.
5. How to Connect Wires CC-Link communication (with Modbus master function) (*2)
(7) This product is UL Recognized Component. In order to comply with UL standards, English (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
6. Terminal Wiring Diagrams
end-products are necessary to be designed by those who have knowledge of the
German (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.) Front panel
requirements. Display language (*3) Keep this angle
French (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.) of controller within 30°
,QWURGXFWLRQ Spanish (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
White (Light gray)
Thank you for purchasing the UT35A, UT32A Digital Indicating Controller. Case color
l 3RZHU 6XSSO Black (Light charcoal gray) 30° Rear of
This operation guide describes the basic operations of the UT35A and UT32A. The (QVXUH WKDW WKH LQVWUXPHQW V VXSSO YROWD H PDWFKHV WKH YROWD H Fixed code Always "-00" (for Standard Code Model) controller
guide should be provided to the end user of this product. RI WKH SRZHU VXSSO EHIRUH WXUQLQ 21 WKH SRZHU /3 24 V DC loop power supply (*4)
Be sure to read this operation guide before using the product in order to ensure WARNING l 'R 1RW 8VH LQ DQ ( SORVLYH WPRVSKHUH Heater break alarm (*5)
For details of each function, refer to the electronic manual. Before using the product, RU H SORVLYH DVHV RU VWHDP 2SHUDWLRQ LQ VXFK HQYLURQPHQWV If the instrument is moved from a location with low temperature and low humidity
7 Coating (*6)
refer to the table of Model and Suf x Codes to make sure that the delivered product FRQVWLWXWHV DQ H WUHPH VDIHW KD DUG 8VH RI WKH LQVWUXPHQW LQ 9 Terminal cover to a place with high temperature and high humidity, or if the temperature changes
is consistent with the model and suf x codes you ordered. Also make sure that the HQYLURQPHQWV ZLWK KL K FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI FRUURVLYH DV 6 Mount on DIN rail (without the display parts and keys) rapidly, condensation will result. Moreover, in the case of thermocouple inputs,
following items are included in the package. 62; HWF IRU H WHQGHG SHULRGV RI WLPH PD FDXVH D IDLOXUH Option codes
(In case of the Standard type, the Position proportion-
l 'R 1RW 5HPRYH ,QWHUQDO 8QLW al type, or the Heating/cooling type, please see the
measurement errors will result. To avoid such a situation, leave the instrument in the
0'/ new environment under ambient conditions for more than 1 hour prior to using it.
• Digital Indicating Controller (the model you ordered) x1 7KH LQWHUQDO XQLW VKRXOG QRW EH UHPRYHG E DQ RQH RWKHU WKDQ Operation Guide IM 05P01D81-11EN. In case of the
2.2 : V VHUYLFH SHUVRQQHO 7KHUH DUH GDQ HURXV KL K YROWD H Dual-loop type, please see the Operation Guide IM
6H I F H x1 05P08D81-11EN.)
• Unit Label (L4502VZ) x1 SDUWV LQVLGH GGLWLRQDOO GR QRW UHSODFH WKH IXVH E RXUVHOI Do not mount the instrument in the following locations:
Non-isolated remote input (please see the Operation
• Tag Label (L4502VE) x1 Guide IM 05P01D31-81EN.) 2XWGRRUV
RSHUDWLRQ XLGH PD GDPD H LWV SURWHFWLYH FRQVWUXFWLRQ *1: When the /LP option is specified, the RS-485 communication of the Type 2 code “1” is 2-wire system. /RFDWLRQV VXEMHFW WR GLUHFW VXQOL KW RU FORVH WR D KHDWHU
• Operation Guide (this document) x6 (A3 size) Install the instrument in a location with stable temperatures that remain close to an
*2: The type 3 code “3” can be specified only when the Type 1 code is “-0” and the Type 2 code is “0.”
(Installation and Wiring, Initial Settings, Operations, and Parameters) *3: English, German, French, and Spanish are available for the guide display. average temperature of 23°C. Do not mount it in locations subject to direct sunlight
*4: The /LP option can be specified in the combination of Type 1 code (any of “-0” or “-1”), Type
or close to a heater. Doing so adversely affects the instrument.
l Target Readers 2 code (any of “0” or “1”) and Type 3 code “0.”
*5: The /HA option can be specified in the combination of Type1 code “-0” or “-2.” and Type 3 code “0.” /RFDWLRQV ZLWK VXEVWDQWLDO DPRXQWV RI RLO IXPHV VWHDP PRLVWXUH GXVW RU
This guide is intended for the following personnel; 7KLV LQVWUXPHQW LV DQ (0 FODVV SURGXFW ,Q D GRPHVWLF HQYLURQ *6: When the /CT option is specified, the UT32A does not conform to the safety standards (UL FRUURVLYH DVHV
• Engineers responsible for installation, wiring, and maintenance of the equipment. PHQW WKLV SURGXFW PD FDXVH UDGLR LQWHUIHUHQFH LQ ZKLFK FDVH WKH and CSA) and CE marking (Products with /CT option are not intended for EEA-market). The presence of oily fumes, steam, moisture, dust, or corrosive gases adversely
• Personnel responsible for normal daily operation of the equipment. XVHU QHHGV WR WDNH DGHTXDWH PHDVXUHV
affects the instrument. Do not mount the instrument in locations subject to any of
6DIHW 3UHFDXWLRQV The following is an accessory sold separately. • Areas near electromagnetic eld generating sources
Do not place magnets or tools that generate magnetism near the instrument. If the
The following symbol is used on the instrument. It indicates the possibility of injury • LL50A Parameter Setting Software instrument is used in locations close to a strong electromagnetic eld generating
to the user or damage to the instrument, and signi es that the user must refer to the
2. Model and Suf x Codes
0RGHO Suf x code 'HVFULSWLRQ source, the magnetic eld may cause measurement errors.
operation guide or user’s manual for special instructions. The same symbol is used in
// Parameter Setting Software • Locations where the display is dif cult to see
the operation guide and user’s manual on pages that the user needs to refer to, together
with the term “WARNING” or “CAUTION.” ■ 87 6WDQGDUG RGH 0RGHO The instrument uses an LCD for the display unit, and this can be dif cult to see
• External Precision Resistor
2SWLRQ from extremely oblique angles. Mount the instrument in a location where it can be
FRGH seen as much as possible from the front.
Digital Indicating Controller (Power supply: 100-240 V ; See the General Speci cations (*) Resistance Module
87 AC) (provided with retransmission output or 15 V DC
RU IDWDO LQMXU WR WKH XVHU DQG LQGLFDWHV SUHFDXWLRQV WKDW VKRXOG EH loop power supply, 2 DIs, and 3 DOs) *: Necessary to input the current signal to the voltage input terminal. Absolutely do not place the instrument directly on am-
WDNHQ WR SUHYHQW VXFK RFFXUUHQFHV Type 1: 6 SH • Terminal Cover mable surfaces. If such a circumstance is unavoidable 150 mm
WARNING F 3 S S SH For UT35A: Model UTAP001; For UT32A: Model UTAP002 and the instrument must be placed close to a ammable
F Heating/cooling type item, provide a shield for it made of 1.43 mm thick plated 150 mm 150 mm
None Note: Manuals can be downloaded from a website. URL: http://www.yokogawa.com/ns/ut/im/ HH PP F S H HH S FH I 150 mm
Type 2: F H
DOOV DWWHQWLRQ WR DFWLRQV RU FRQGLWLRQV WKDW FRXOG FDXVH LQMXU WR 2 additional DIs, 2 additional DOs least 150 mm between it and the instrument on the top,
WKH XVHU RU GDPD H WR WKH LQVWUXPHQW RU SURSHUW DQG LQGLFDWHV SUH 5 additional DIs, 5 additional DOs Part number: L4502TP (2 pcs for upper and lower sides) bottom, and sides.
CAUTION RS-485 communication (Max.38.4 kbps, 2-wire/4-wire)

Type 3: Open Ethernet communication (with serial gateway function)

AC H CC-Link communication (with Modbus master function) H VXUH WR WXUQ 2)) WKH SRZHU VXSSO WR WKH FRQWUROOHU EHIRUH LQ
AC/DC PROFIBUS-DP communication (with Modbus master function) VWDOOLQ LW RQ WKH SDQHO WR DYRLG DQ HOHFWULF VKRFN
DeviceNet communication (with Modbus master function)
The equipment wholly protected by double insulation or reinforced insulation. English (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
German (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
Display language (*1)
French (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
Functional grounding terminals Spanish (Default. Can be switched to other language by the setting.)
(Do not use this terminal as a protective grounding terminal). White (Light gray) YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION
Case color
Black (Light charcoal gray) Network Solutions Business Division
Fixed code Always "-00" (for Standard Code Model) 2-9-32, Naka-cho Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750 JAPAN
/3 24 V DC loop power supply (*2) YOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA
Identi es important information required to operate the instrument.
Heater break alarm (*3) Head office and for product sales
' Power supply 24 V AC/DC 2 Dart Road, Newnan, Georgia 30265, USA
Option codes 9 Terminal cover Headquarters
(1) YOKOGAWA makes no warranties regarding the product except those stated in Mount on DIN rail (without the display parts and keys) Euroweg 2, 3825 HD Amersfoort, THE NETHERLANDS
the WARRANTY that is provided separately. 0'/ (please see the Operation Guide IM 05P01D81-
(2) The product is provided on an "as is" basis. YOKOGAWA assumes no liability to 11EN.) www.yokogawa.com/ns
any person or entity for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the Non-isolated remote input (please see the Operation
use of the product or from any unpredictable defect of the product. Guide IM 05P01D31-81EN.) All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2010 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
,0 3 ' (1 SD H
• Allowable signal source resistance: Note: The control output should always be used with a load of 10 mA or more.
■ 0RXQWLQ WKH ,QVWUXPHQW 0DLQ 8QLW 4. Hardware Speci cations The alarm output should always be used with a load of 1 mA or more.
TC or mV input: 250 Ω or less
Provide an instrumented panel steel sheet of 1 to 10 mm thickness. Effects of signal source resistance: 0.1 µV/Ω or less
After opening the mounting hole on the panel, follow the procedures below to install DC voltage input: 2 kΩ or less
■ Transistor Contact Output Speci cations
the controller: Effects of signal source resistance: About 0.01%/100 Ω • Number of outputs: See the table of Model and Suf x Codes.
1) Insert the controller into the opening from the front of the panel so that the • Allowable wiring resistance: • Output type: Open collector (SINK current)
terminal board on the rear is at the far side. RTD input: Max. 150 Ω/wire (The conductor resistance between the three wires • Output contact rating: Max. 24 V DC, 50 mA
2) Set the brackets in place on the top and bottom of the controller as shown in the gure WARNING shall be equal.) • Output time resolution: Min. 200 ms
below, then tighten the screws of the brackets. Take care not to overtighten them. Wiring resistance effect: ±0.1ºC/10 Ω • Use: Alarm output, FAIL output, etc.
• Allowable input voltage/current:
Panel Bracket Internal Wiring TC, mV, mA and RTD input: ±10 V DC ■ Position Proportional Output Speci cations
(top mounting hardware) II
III T V input: ±20 V DC
Entrance IV O( I ) • Position signal input:
mA input: ±40 mA
Outlet • Noise rejection ratio: Slide resistance: 100 Ω to 2.5 kΩ of total resistance
Direction to insert the
controller Normal mode: 40 dB or more (at 50/60 Hz) 100% side and slide line: with disconnection detection
Terminal board
Insert the controller Common mode: 120 dB or more (at 50/60 Hz) 0% side: without disconnection detection
into the opening at ,( (1 6 /8/
DWH RU (1 5HPDUNV Current input: 4 to 20 mA (with disconnection detection)
the front of the panel. For 100-240 V AC, the power frequency can be set manually. Automatic
H HPH PH HPH SH I PH F F HF - detection is also available. • Sampling period: 50 ms
Insert a screwdriver into the No.1 O (Other)
Category I ly connected to MAINS. For 24 V AC/DC, the power frequency can be set manually. • Measurement resolution: 0.1% of input span
brackets to tighten the screws.
H HPH H HPH PH HPH SH I PH F F HF • Reference junction compensation error: • Position proportional relay output:
Category II Category II connected to the low-voltage installation. UT35A: contact point 1a; 2 points, 250 V AC, 3 A or 30 V DC, 3 A (resistance load)
Appropriate ±1.0ºC (15 to 35ºC), ±1.5ºC (-10 to 15ºC and 35 to 50ºC)
H HPH H HPH For measurements performed in the building instal- UT32A: contact point 1a; 2 points, 240 V AC, 3 A or 30 V DC, 3 A (resistance load)
Bracket tightening torque: No.3 • Applicable standards: JIS/IEC/DIN (ITS-90) for TC and RTD
Category III Category III
(bottom mounting hardware) 0.25 N•m Note: This should always be used with a load of 10 mA or more.
Category IV Category IV low-voltage installation. ■ Contact Input Speci cations
■ Heater Break Alarm Speci cations
■ Input Speci cations • Number of inputs: See the table of Model and Suf x Codes.
• Number of inputs: 2
7L KWHQ WKH VFUHZV ZLWK DSSURSULDWH WL KWHQLQ WRUTXH ZLWKLQ 1P • Input type: No-voltage contact input or transistor contact input
• Number of outputs: 2 (transistor contact output)
●Universal Input (Equipped as standard) • Use: Measures the heater current using an external current transformer (CT) and
0DNH VXUH WKDW IRUHL Q PDWHULDOV GR QRW HQWHU WKH LQVLGH RI WKH Use a contact with a minimum on-current of 1 mA or less.
CAUTION • Number of inputs: 1 generates a heater break alarm when the measured value is less than the break
• Input type, instrument range, and measurement accuracy: See the table below, detection value.
No-voltage contact input:
,QVWUXPHQW 5DQ H • Current transformer input resistance: About 9.4 Ω
Contact resistance of 1 kΩ or less is determined as “ON” and contact
) Current transformer input range: 0.0 to 0.1 Arms (0.12 Arms or more cannot be applied.)
■ ( WHUQDO 'LPHQVLRQV DQG 3DQHO XWRXW 'LPHQVLRQV resistance of 50 kΩ or more as “OFF.”
-270.0 to 1370.0ºC -450.0 to 2500.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Heater current setting range: OFF, 0.1 to 300.0 Arms
Transistor contact input:
Unit: mm (approx. inch) K -270.0 to 1000.0ºC -450.0 to 2300.0ºF 0°C or more Heater current measured value display range: 0.0 to 360.0 Arms
UT35A 11 ±0.2% of instrument range ±1 digit for Input voltage of 2 V or less is determined as “ON” and leakage current must
(0.43) -200.0 to 500.0ºC -200.0 to 1000.0ºF less than 0°C Note: The CT ratio can be set. CT ratio setting range: 1 to 3300
96 (3.78) 65 (2.56) Bracket not exceed 100 µA when “OFF.”
Terminal cover -200.0 to 1200.0ºC -300.0 to 2300.0ºF ±2% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Recommended CT: CT from U.R.D., Ltd.
20 (0.79) • Minimum status detection hold time: Control period +50 ms CTL-6-S-H: CT ratio 800, measurable current range: 0.1 to 80.0 Arms
-270.0 to 400.0ºC -450.0 to 750.0ºF less than -200.0°C of thermocouple K
±1% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Use: SP switch, operation mode switch, and event input CTL-12L-30: CT ratio 3000, measurable current range: 0.1 to 180.0 Arms
0.0 to 400.0ºC -200.0 to 750.0ºF less than -200.0°C of thermocouple T
±0.15% of instrument range ±1 digit
• Heater current measurement period: 200 ms
■ Analog Output Speci cations • Heater current measurement accuracy: ±5% of current transformer input range
for 400°C or more
0.0 to 1800.0ºC 32 to 3300ºF
±5% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Number of outputs: span ± 1digit (CT error is not included.)

96 (3.78)
less than 400°C

91.6 (3.61)
94.6 (3.72)
105.2 (4.14)
Control output: 1 Heater current detection resolution: Within 1/250 of current transformer input range span
6 0.0 to 1700.0ºC 32 to 3100ºF
±0.15% of instrument range ±1 digit Cooling-side control output of Heating/cooling type (Retransmission output • Break detection On-time: Min. 0.2 second (for time proportional output)
R 0.0 to 1700.0ºC 32 to 3100ºF
±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit terminal): 1
Bracket Thermo- N -200.0 to 1300.0ºC -300.0 to 2400.0ºF ±0.25% of instrument range ±1 digit • Output type: Current output or voltage pulse output ■ 24 V DC Loop Power Supply Speci cations
F SH for less than 0°C
1 to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.39 inch) (panel thickness) • Current output: 4 to 20 mA DC or 0 to 20 mA DC/load resistance of 600 Ω or less
E -270.0 to 1000.0ºC -450.0 to 1800.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Use: Power is supplied to a 2-wire transmitter.
• General mounting • Side-by-side close mounting • Current output accuracy: ±0.1% of span (±5% of span for 1 mA or less)
+0.8 L -200.0 to 900.0ºC -300.0 to 1600.0ºF 0°C or more • Power supply: 21.6 to 28.0 V DC
117 (4.61) min. [(N-1)×96+92] 0 ±0.2% of instrument range ±1 digit for The accuracy is that in the standard operating conditions: 23±2°C, 55±10%RH,
-200.0 to 400.0ºC -300.0 to 750.0ºF • Rated current: 4 to 20 mA DC
([(N-1)×3.78+3.62] +0.03 ) less than 0°C and power frequency at 50/60 Hz.
0 U • Maximum supply current: About 30 mA (with short-circuit current limiting circuit.)
0.0 to 400.0ºC -200.0 to 1000.0ºF ±1.5% of instrument range ±1 digit for • Voltage pulse output:
less than -200.0°C of thermocouple E.
+0.8 Use: Time proportional output
92 0 ±0.2% of instrument range ±1 digit
+0.03 W 0.0 to 2300.0ºC 32 to 4200ºF ■ Safety and EMC Standards
(3.62 0 ) (Note 2) On-voltage: 12 V or more/load resistance of 600 Ω or more
3 H 0.0 to 1390.0ºC 32.0 to 2500.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit Off-voltage: 0.1 V DC or less • Safety:
(53) (2.09) 145 (5.71)
min. ±0.5% of instrument range ±1 digit for Time resolution: 10 ms or 0.1% of output, whichever is larger Compliant with IEC/EN 61010-1 (CE), IEC/EN 61010-2-201 (CE), IEC/EN 61010-
“N” stands for the number of controllers to be 800°C or more 2-030 (CE), approved by CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1 (CSA), approved by UL
+0.8 PR20-40 0.0 to 1900.0ºC 32 to 3400ºF
92 0 installed. Accuracy is not guaranteed for less
+0.03 than 800°C.
(3.62 0 ) However, the measured value applies if N≥5. ■ Retransmission Output Speci cations Installation category: II
W97Re3- 0.0 to 2000.0ºC 32 to 3600ºF ±0.2% of instrument range ±1 digit
Normal tolerance: W75Re25 • Number of outputs: Retransmission output; 1, shared with 15 V DC loop power Pollution degree: 2
92 0 (25) ±(value of JIS B 0401-1998 tolerance class IT18)/2 ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit Measurement category: I (CAT I) (UL, CSA)
+0.03 (0.98) -200.0 to 500.0ºC -300.0 to 1000.0ºF supply or Cooling-side control output.
(3.62 0 ) JPt100 (Note 1) O (Other) (CE)
• Current output: 4 to 20 mA DC or 0 to 20 mA DC/ load resistance of 600 Ω or less
-150.00 to 150.00ºC -200.0 to 300.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit Rated measurement input voltage: Max. 10 V DC
RTD • Current output accuracy (conversion accuracy from PV display on the set scale):
-200.0 to 850.0ºC -300.0 to 1560.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit Rated transient overvoltage: 1500 V (*)
UT32A Unit: mm (approx. inch) ±0.1% of span (±5% of span for 1 mA or less) * This is a reference safety standard value for measurement category I of CSA/UL 61010-
48 (1.89) Pt100 -200.0 to 500.0ºC -300.0 to 1000.0ºF (Note 1)
11 (0.43) 65 (2.56) Bracket Terminal cover The accuracy is that in the standard operating conditions: 23±2°C, 55±10%RH, 1, and for measurement category O of IEC/EN 61010-2-030. This value is not necessarily a
-150.00 to 150.00ºC -200.0 to 300.0ºF ±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit
20 (0.79) and power frequency at 50/60 Hz. guarantee of instrument performance.
0.400 to 2.000 V
This is not conversion accuracy through input and output but the performance of • EMC standards:
Standard signal 1.000 to 5.000 V
P S HI Compliant with CE marking
4.00 to 20.00 mA
EN 61326-1 Class A, Table 2 (For use in industrial locations),
0.000 to 2.000 V EN 61326-2-3
±0.1% of instrument range ±1 digit ■ 15 V DC Loop Power Supply Speci cations
0.00 to 10.00 V * The instrument continues to operate at a measurement accuracy of within ±20% of the
(Shared with retransmission output or Cooling-side control output.)

96 (3.78)
DC voltage/current 0.00 to 20.00 mA range during testing.

91.6 (3.61)
94.6 (3.72)
105.2 (4.14)
-10.00 to 20.00 mV • Power supply: 14.5 to 18.0 V DC EN 55011 Class A, Group 1
0.0 to 100.0 mV • Maximum supply current: About 21 mA (with short-circuit current limiting circuit) EN 61000-3-2 Class A
The accuracy is that in the standard operating conditions: 23±2°C, 55±10%RH, and power EN 61000-3-3
Bracket frequency at 50/60 Hz. ■ Step Response Time Speci cations EMC Regulatory Arrangement in Australia and New Zealand (for all model includ-
1 to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.39 inch) (panel thickness) Note 1: ±0.3°C ±1 digit in the range between 0 and 100°C, ±0.5°C ±1 digit in the range ing LL50A)
between -100 and 200°C. Within 1 s (63% of analog output response time when a step change of 10 to 90% of EN 55011 Class A, Group 1
• General mounting • Side-by-side close mounting
+0.6 Note 2: W: W-5% Re/W-26% Re(Hoskins Mfg.Co.). ASTM E988 input span is applied) • KC marking:
70 (2.76) [(N-1)×48+45] 0
min. +0.02
Electromagnetic wave interference prevention standard, electromagnetic wave
([(N-1)×1.89+1.77] 0 ) • Input sampling (control) period: 200 ms ■ Relay Contact Output Speci cations S HF F PS FH
• Burnout detection:
92 +0.8
0 Functions at TC, RTD, and standard signal. • Contact type and number of outputs: ■ Construction, Installation, and Wiring
(3.62+0.03 ) Upscale, downscale, and off can be speci ed. Control output: contact point 1c; 1 point
0 • Dust-proof and drip-proof: IP66 (for front panel) (Not available for side-by-side
145 (5.71) For standard signal, burnout is determined to have occurred if it is 0.1 V or 0.4 Heating/cooling type: contact point 1a; 2 points for both heating and cooling sides
(53) (2.09) min. mA or less. Alarm output: contact point 1a; 3 points (common is independent) close mounting.)
“N” stands for the number of controllers to be • Input bias current: 0.05 µA (for TC or RTD) • Contact rating: • Material: Polycarbonate (Flame retardancy: UL94V-0)
92 +0.8
0 installed. • Measured current (RTD): About 0.16 mA Contact point 1c (control output): 250 V AC, 3 A or 30 V DC, 3A (resistance load) • Case color: White (Light gray) or Black (Light charcoal gray)
0 ) However, the measured value applies if N 5. • Input resistance: Contact point 1a (control output): 240 V AC, 3A or 30 V DC, 3A (resistance load) • Weight: 0.5 kg or less
Normal tolerance: TC or mV input: 1 MΩ or more Contact point 1a (alarm output): 240 V AC, 1A or 30 V DC, 1 A (resistance load) • External dimensions (mm):
45 0 (25) ±(value of JIS B 0401-1998 tolerance class IT18)/2 V input: About 1 MΩ • Use: Time proportional output, alarm output, FAIL output, etc. UT35A: 96 (W) × 96 (H) × 65 (depth from the panel face)
+0.02 (0.98) mA input: About 250 Ω UT32A: 48 (W) × 96 (H) × 65 (depth from the panel face)
(1.77 0 ) • Time resolution of control output: 10 ms or 0.1% of output, whichever is larger
(Depth except the projection on the rear panel)
,0 3 ' (1 SD H

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