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1 APRIL 2010 TO MARCH 2011


Project Form

Appraisal Guide

This guide is intended for Supervisors who would be assessing employees reporting to them /
team members and for Group Heads. The purpose is to

• Bring about objectivity in the assessment

• Provide a uniform platform for assessment across Groups, and
• Act as an aid for supervisors

The guide consists of three parts as under:

1. Attribute definitions
This part gives definitions of all attributes listed under "Work Performance" and "Personal
Competencies" in the appraisal form. It is important to go through these definitions, as these will
bring about some common understanding of the attributes.

2. Rating Scale - Descriptions

A five-point rating scale is to be used to arrive at the points to be granted against each individual
attribute. This part describes each of the five ratings, once again to provide a common
understanding of the rating scale. You will note that different descriptions apply to attributes under
"Work Performance" and under "Personal Competencies". An understanding of these
descriptions is essential to decide the rating against each attribute.

3. Guidelines for avoiding appraisal errors

This part relates to the common errors during assessments and are advised to be taken
cognizance of before starting the assessments.
1 APRIL 2010 TO MARCH 2011

Project Form
Attribute Definitions

Work Performance

Demonstrating high process orientation in one’s work:
• Following processes of one’s work area
• Reviewing & improving processes to avoid redundancy
• Awareness of organization’s quality standards
• Expecting process orientation from others & educating them when required

Quality execution of assigned tasks:
• Identification & completion of critical tasks
• Accountability for deliverables/ownership
• Eye for detail
• Meticulous execution with logical conclusion of task
• Systematic planning & prioritisation
• Completion of task within reasonable time limits
• Benchmarking one’s products & services against global standards
• Lesser number of errors and rectification of the same within as short a time as possible


A positive will and inclination towards servicing customers, both external & internal:
• Identifying customer needs/expectations and providing them opportunities to describe their
• Providing prompt, efficient and personalised service
• Seeking comments, criticisms and involvement of customers and adjusting services based on
their feedback
• Demonstrating persistence and patience in routine trouble-shooting and crisis handling


To meet work standards - both quantitative and qualitative and expectations within the
decided time frame for optimum effectiveness of achievement of result :
• Balancing / prioritising between urgent/important tasks/better time management
• Delivery of critical tasks on time of most, if not all, critical tasks
1 APRIL 2010 TO MARCH 2011


Personal Competencies

The ability to speak, write and read effectively in the discharge of responsibilities and
execution of tasks, incorporating a simple sense of continuity and coordination in the same:
• Clarity of communication for others, the ability to communicate effectively and make others
understand what is meant to be communicated in the right perspective.
• The ability to listen effectively, to absorb and observe details


The ability to create and maintain interpersonal relations which foster team work and spirit,
and propel achievement of results, apart from enhancing professional camaraderie at the
work place:

To contribute to group objectives in the workplace in a team environment through

- co-operating and interacting well with others
- contributing actively and fully to team projects
- working collaboratively as opposed to competitively with others
- acknowledging diverse opinions, addressing relevant concerns and working towards
consensual solutions that enhance the output of the team


To possess the ability to adjust work as per organizational or department needs:
• Willing to learn new skills required
• Demonstrating positive attitude towards sudden change
• Adapting to new role positively
1 APRIL 2010 TO MARCH 2011

Project Form

Rating Scale – Descriptions


As applied to attributes under Work Performance

Outstanding contribution beyond the role expectations and requirements. Demonstration of
consistently strong performance over the entire year with results that contribute significantly to the
team’s success.
As applied to attributes under Personal Competencies
Possesses and demonstrates outstanding personal ability in all work situations, tasks and
responsibilities. Effectively applies this personal competency to aid in efficient execution of role.


As applied to attributes under Work Performance

Consistent and competent delivery of results in most jobs, with some contribution that solidly
exceeds role expectations.
As applied to attributes under Personal Competencies
Consistently demonstrates ability in most work situations, with exceptional exhibition in some key
areas or critical tasks.


As applied to attributes under Work Performance

Consistent accomplishment of results expected from role with steady & reliable performance.
As applied to attributes under Personal Competencies
Exhibits the required level of ability in all job responsibilities and consistently applies these abilities
for attaining expected results.


As applied to attributes under Work Performance

Accomplishment of most expectations from the role. May require some coaching on new or complex
aspects of the job. .
As applied to attributes under Personal Competencies
Generally exhibits the minimum required level of ability in all job responsibilities.


As applied to attributes under Work Performance

One or more areas of role expectations and requirements not adequately delivered. Concentrated
effort required in improving performance in some areas at least. Needs intensive coaching to
adequately perform role requirements and increase level of acceptability of assignments done.
As applied to attributes under Personal Competencies
Needs development in enhancement and application of ability to jobs and tasks. Innate potential
needs to be tapped.
1 APRIL 2010 TO MARCH 2011

Project Form

Guidelines for Avoiding Appraisal Errors

Considering that human beings do the appraisals and not machines, it is difficult to have a perfect
Appraisal system. Listed below are possible errors that take place in any appraisal system. It is
important to be aware of these errors so as to be able to avoid them.

1. Halo Effect – This tendency lets the assessment of a single attribute influence the evaluation
of the individual on other attributes too. Carrying out the entire appraisal on one perceived
positive quality causes the halo error, thereby giving high rating than actually desired.

2. Horns Effect – This tendency allows one negative attribute of the appraisee to influence the
entire appraisal. This results in an overall lower rating than may be warranted.

3. Spill Over Effect – This refers to allowing past performance influence the evaluation of
present performance. A similar error could also happen when the appraiser recalls only the
times when things went wrong, when the appraisee did not perform well. This happens
because of a biased sampling of events related to appraisee's performance.

4. Central tendency Effect – This is the most common error that occurs when an appraiser
assigns the middle range scores to the individuals. Extremely high or extremely low ratings
are avoided. This error is caused mainly due to lack of information about the appraisee and
his/her behaviour.

5. Skewed Error – Skewed error is a condition when the appraiser gives very high ratings on all
aspects irrespective of the actual performance. This is an example of positive skewness.
Similarly, when all the ratings are on the lower side, we call it a negative skewed error.

6. "Similar to me" Effect – This arises when the appraisers are unable to make objective
judgements entirely independent of their own values and prejudices. It is where a similarity in
attitudes, preferences, or background between the appraiser and appraisee influences the
ratings. This is based on the human tendency - we are inclined to like people we see as
similar to ourselves.

In any Appraisal system these errors may either operate in isolation or in combination thereby
affecting the credibility of the system. We should endeavour to minimise possible errors by being
conscious of them and being watchful that such errors do not creep in.

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