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Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Welcome to the Official Course of the Amber Institute of

Hydro-Electric Health Care.
At the Amber Institute we have realized the need for a
up to date system of our Ancestral Physiological
Sciences, open to the masses. We have realized that all
other walks of life have developed systems of health,
which correspond to their physiology & phenotypes an
we are in need of our own. We have also realized that
the basic biology and anatomical information taught in
schools (public & private) don’t apply to us and do not
speak to our make up, thus this portent is of the utmost
From the first of us to the last of us I dedicate this course
of study to create Physicians of Healthy Gods, who will
receive the title of P.H.G. upon passing a final and
submitting a 27,000 word thesis. This is the third text in
the course for PHG’s however there will be higher levels
of science. Upon completion the graduate will be able to
heal himself, her family and their friends.
To live in a body and attempt to poison it with every
breath you take, every fluid you drink & every thing you
eat; is a serious mental disease and disconnection from
reality. To couple that with constantly looking at this
body with disdain because you don’t like the way it
grows naturally is beyond words, so we have set a course
to heal the mental disease which has been translating
into physical disease & eating us Alive.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

In the beginning was God the physical
manifestation of the Black Cosmos.
God & the Goddess as a manifestation
of the Cosmos, lived of off Cosmic
Energy. These Gods had one blood type,
the only that has ever existed O
negative. All other blood types are a
hoax played upon the minds of people
to hide history and reality. The reality
is the Rh positive, A, B & AB
classifications are based on fungus
development and deterioration of the
original Blood Line. The African or
Black Person is the true custodian of
the only birthright that ever meant
anything, pure blood. Your first and
most important piece of Real Estate is

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

your body which is produced entirely

by the Red Blood Cell.

A Red Blood Cell is always the same no

matter how many yeast (antigens anti-
genetics) have begun to live on the
outside of the cell. The misconception
that different blood types really are
different “types” of blood cells is
confusing. There is only one type of
blood cell and when
yeast/fungus/bacteria live in or on the
blood cells their behavior changes.
When anyone gets sick their behavior
changes whether the sickness is
Materialism or Ebola.

All of existence started as a Toroid

(refer to the Money Mind State for
Toroidal Physics & Topology).

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

A toroid has quite a few mysterious

properties I will share a few with you
here to establish a congruent system
of creation of which you are still a big

Plasma Physics
In physics and chemistry, plasma is a state of
matter similar to gas in which a certain portion
of the particles are ionized. Heating a gas
may ionize its molecules or atoms (reduce or
increase the number of electrons in them), thus
turning it into a plasma, which
contains charged particles: positive ions and
negative electrons or ions. – wiki

Our Ancestors used electromagnetic medicine to

achieve a health and lifespan unseen in this age
and to some unbelieveable. They main form of
this practice was done with electron gas
(plasma) in big light bulb looking tubes to
augment the current levels in different areas of
the body. They used starlight (sunlight) to
increase the body’s conductivity in conjunction
with a natural diet (no flesh), hybrid and
chemically produced vegetation didn’t exist.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The key to life is always in life, euro

doctors don’t get that so they do
things like study blood cells outside of
the body…lol Anyway the Toroid is the
original shape of life which is how to
major vortexes can function as one
(refer to the Money Mind State). This
shape gives a red blood cell maximum
surface area for the transfer of
“gases” into and out of the cell (which
is 99.99% percent water [water is a
gas]). The shape also allows the RBC
to morph into
any other cell,
tissue or organ
with ease. In
science if you
have wires running in different
directions of current & conductivity
the shape of the magnetic field is
toroidal!!! So the RBC is the shape an
size (9 micro meters) it is for a reason.

In fact all of the traits that go with

sickle cell anemia are based on it’s
shape, so we can see the geometry of
the cell is everything.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), also lateral gene

transfer (LGT) or transposition refers to the transfer
of genetic material between organisms other
than vertical gene transfer. Vertical transfer occurs
when there is gene exchange from the parental
generation to theoffspring. LGT is then a mechanism
of gene exchange that happens independently of
reproduction. Horizontal gene transfer is the primary
reason for bacterial antibiotic resistance [1][2][3][4]and in
the evolution of bacteria that can degrade novel
compounds such as human-created pesticides. – wiki

The same way viruses/bacteria/yeast

become resistant to synthetic
antibodies (antibiotics) they become
resistant to the natural antibodies you
produce internally. These strains move
into or onto the redblood cells and
become a regular part of your
physiology. When you reproduce they
either follow the sperm & if you are
female they invade the new life as it is
being formed. This is why a RH negative
mother that gets pregnant by a RH
positive father has to take powerful
drugs to secure the baby, her natural
defenses will kill the alien genome taking
root in her flesh. Notice this is not
the case with a B type with a A type

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

etc… only with RH negative & positive

because by nature to different species
can’t bread together. By nature a RH
negative woman can not reproduce with
someone who is RH positive!

Back to the RBC, the Blood Cell is the

Master Stem Cell in the body and all is
formed from it. The Blood Cell is Red
only when it is carrying a negative
charge or electrons, which means not
only that life is electric but that the
RBC is a rechargeable battery! Very rare
is the bacteria/yeast that is not
Hydrophobic and the more hydrophobic
a yeast is the more it will cling to any
non-fluid substance it can find (blood
cells & eventually organs etc…). These
Hydrophobic organism secrete alcohol
and create cravings for sugar & starch
to feed on, so that it can produce
more alcohol. Hydrophobic means to be
at complete odds with water so it
should be no wonder Hydrophobic
organism would secrete a fluid that
dries up water (alcohol). This
dehydration limits the ability of the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

body to conduct electricity ie… contain

life. The greater amount of electricity
one can conduct & store is marked by
melanin production.

Eurocentric Doctors seek out clever

ways to remove the organs which
protect the blood ie… gall bladder
(removes fat from blood & helps
process future blood in the
duodenum), thyroid (trains white blood
cells), spleen (the core or “red pulp”
[composed of chlorine, copper, iron,
magnesium, potassium & sodium]) kills
ANTIGENS. This type of health
system is not designed around the
health of the Black Body but around
the health of the Yeast/Fungus.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Intro Again

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

A man meets a woman they fall in love and decide to

make a family. They first check each other’s
physiological data for compatibility and make sure their
finances are in line. At this point in the story the have
sexual intercourse during the act of sexual intercourse
the man ejaculates hundreds of millions of sperm into
the woman’s vagina. Both God & Goddess have healthy
reproductive organs because they have a diet rich in
Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Sillica & Zinc.
These sperm cells (tadpoles) swim through the cervix
and into the fallopian tubes. Once in the fallopian tubes
the sperm cells are selected electromagnetically for
acceptance by the ovum. Once accepted the marriage of
the egg and seed create a zygote. As these zygotes
travel down the fallopian tubes the zygote
electromagnetically signals red blood cells (composed
of calcium, copper, iron, potassium, sodium & zinc) to
differentiate from the hematopoietic stem cells in the
mucous membrane, into duplicate zygotes and
surround the original forming a morula (blackberry).
The formation of cells surrounding the zygote is guided
by the TEK genes in conjunction with the endometrium
(mucous membrane), the endometrium is shed every
month during the period if pregnancy is not the case.
The endometrium becomes the “water” sac if a
successful pregnancy ensues. This is why a problem
will arise if the father is Rh+ and the mother is RH-.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

This process creates two layers of zygotes, inner and

outer (a blastocyst). The outer becomes the “membrane”
and the zygotes just beneath the outer layer become the
embryo, with the inner most layer becoming the yolk
sac (which creates blood cells). This blastocyst
continues to travel until it reaches the womb and merges
with the lining of the uterus (mucous membrane), here
it will be feed by the red blood cells. This blastocyst
will further differentiate into the 3 germ layers of the
embryo called the endoderm, the mesoderm & the
ectoderm, surrounding a central pulsating vortex that
will become the heart (composed of calcium, gold, iron
magnesium phosphorus & potassium).
The endoderm differentiates into: the
gastrointestinal tract composed of calcium,
chloride, iron, iodine, potassium & sodium; the liver
composed of iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium &
sodium; the pancreas composed of chromium,
manganese, potassium, vanadium; the urinary
bladder composed of fluorine & sillica, the lungs
composed of manganese, phosphorus & silica; the
thyroid & the parathyroid composed of chloride,
iodine, magnesium, potassium & sodium…
The mesoderm differentiates into: skeletal
muscle composed of calcium, chloride, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium &
sodium; the skeleton composed of calcium,
chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, silica, silver &
zinc; the dermis of skin composed of copper, gold,
manganese, potassium, silica, sodium & sulfur; the
urogenital system calcium, chlorine, copper, gold,
iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
silica, sodium, sulphur, cobalt & zinc.

The ectoderm differentiates into: the nervous

system including neck & brain composed of
calcium, gold, iridium, iodine, magnesium,

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

manganese, phosphorus, potassium, silica, silver,

sodium, sulfur; the eye composed of chlorine,
chromium, copper & sulfur; pigment cells
composed of copper & gold; the epidermis
composed of copper, gold, manganese, potassium,
silica, sodium & sulfur; hair composed of chlorine,
copper, iron, silica, sulfur & zinc; and mammary
glands composed of calcium, chloride, cobalt,
copper, gold, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, selenium, sodium, sulfur, zinc.

Differentiation is a property of electromagnetic

signaling. Similarities exist in the development of the
fetus and daily maintenance of Adults in the creation of
cells by the mucous membrane’s hematopoietic stem
cells. In adults the villi in the small intestine use monera
(“digested” food) as the raw building blocks and in the
womb red blood cells are generated from the mesoderm
(sight of new forming mucous membrane called the
The Goddess gets pregnant with Fraternal twins, this is
the natural pregnancy for a God & Goddess. Each of her
ovaries released a egg and they were completed by a
negatively charged sperm cell as well as a positively
charged sperm cell. The negatively charged sperm cell
produced a male principle (boy) and the positively
charged sperm cell produced a female principle (girl).
These two dielectric plasma fields (refer to Psyclops &
the Magickal Tongue) that were capture by the God &
Goddess as you see are electrical in nature. The reason a
new life is called a morula or blackberry early on is
because the fertized egg that has become 16 cells are all
purplish black and look very similar to a bunch of
grapes or blackberries. Early formation of Melanin is
crucial as the differentiation is purely a electromagnetic

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

A thick dark Linea Nigra, Melasma, Chloasma etc…are

all great signs of a healthy baby in fact Sunlight is very
healthy for the pregnant mothers. Melasma, Chloasma
or the Mask of Pregnancy is the body’s way of
preparing the mother for increased electrical activity
and the Linea Nigra is simply the body’s way of
preparing the youngling for increased electrical activity.
Studies in Biomagnetism have shown the magnetic field
of humans time and time again, which we overstand as
a result of electrical activity in the body. In fact the
body’s ability to transmute cholesterol into Vitamin D
(a solar hormone) that helps nourish mom & child.
Let’s take a quick
re-look at the atom
so you can change
your perception of
The HydroGene
atom is the
fundamental building block of matter, composed of 1
electron and a nucleus containing 1 proton. After
studying Psyclops & the Magickal Tongue a Hip Hop
Grimoire (the Money Mind State) we should overstand
the flawed
inherent in this
theory. We live in
a system of Black
Holes predicated

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

around cosmic energy from the vacuum in space (it’s

estimated currently to have over 1 billion electron volts
of energy per cubic centimeter).
The Atom is a small black hole with the electron and
proton being states of polarity or directions of flow
pertaining to cosmic energies. The nucleus is a
miniscule wormhole which allows these energies to
flow in & out (between here and “there”), the key to
overstanding the nature of an atom is that
99.99999999999% of the atom is Dark Energy. This is
the very nature of “cold” & “hot”, this is also how cold
weather makes us sick & why we have to bundle up (so
to speak).
In reality we are not electric beings which is what I
have been waiting to tell you we are Cosmic beings.
The electron, a procession of which is called electricity
is actually a very small field of cosmic energy. When
the body is absorbing this cosmic energy the sensation
created on the inside is warmth (which increases
immune and cognitive function), conversely the loss of
this cosmic energy from the body translate into what
feels cold (this weakens immune & cognitive function).
What we know of as the electron is the Red Blood Cell
of Universe the Master Stem Cell of Physical Creation.
Dark Matter differentiates into Dark Energy which
differentiates into the Electron. When this cosmic
energy is able to flow coherently we have electricity.
This process is a two way street as information is feed
back into every black hole expanding the universe from
which it came (my formula for the expansion or
collapse of a universe is in Psyclops & the Magickal
Tongue a Hip Hop Grimoire [the Money Mind State]).

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The molecule is group of vibrating energetic mediums

(atoms), which are bonded by electromagnetic
attraction. The creation of molecules or molecular
combinations is called chemical reactions, these
chemical reactions happen at a rate of over 100,000 per
second. Chemical reactions are instigated by some form
of cosmic energy (light, sound, heat or electricity). This
is another reason why the Celluar Water is important
and should contain a plethora of minerals, for raw
material as well as conductors to attract & hold a wide
variety of Cosmic energy. When dealing with molecules
or molecular structure the main thing to keep in mind is
how powerful the cosmic energy it exudes is, this
determines it’s push. This push is called repulsion in
science and in molecules determines the distance away
from other atoms in a molecule it must be, this
determines the shape.
Take a look at the water molecule above, the two
hydrogen atoms aren’t very “repulsed” by each other so
they can remain relatively close. Maximum repulsion
would result in a linear shape or lack of shape, the
hydrogen’s would have been adjacent to one another
making this molecule look like 3:45 (or straight up &
down like 6:00).
Also of importance is to note that a atom can only form
a bond with it electrons in it’s outer valence. This
means if it only has 1 electron in it’s outer most valence
then it can only form one bond.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Water or Lymph is the usual cellular environment so

remember our discussions in Cellular Water & the
Money Mind State on Hydro-Phyllic verses Hydro-
Phobic substances, this plays a role in molecular
formation because hydrophobic substances “stick
together”. They kinda back into each other as they are
constantly seeking dry land.
We will refer to electricity in the plain sense however
you will know it’s nature. The cells process a trillion
bits of information per second facilitated by the super
conduction of energy as bio photons. This is done at
speeds faster than the speed of light in fact the water the
cells swim in are the medium of exchange. This
information transfer happens so fast that the constant
vibration of the molecules is the most register-able
“physical” trait to date.
In humans the “x” chromosome represents a magnetic
field and the “y” represents an electric field. The two
“x” chromosomes represent a very powerful magnetic
field capable of not only pulling in coherent dielectric
fields (souls) but the extra electricity to animate them
until maturity. Green, purple & black vegetation is
crucial in the diet at this point to increase the body’s
raw melanocyte forming elements. Cellular water (as
explained in the portent [book] Cellular Water) is very
important and extra special care should be taken to
insure that the fetus which is 99.99% water is very
mineral dense. At this stage in life 100% of the body’s
waters are structured so that 100% of the electricity
being funneled in through the mother’s umbilical chord
is utilized. As we age less of body’s waters remain
structured due to hydrophobic substances being
constantly introduced into the cellular environment.
Mom’s also house the moorphogenic field off the
zygote until it’s physical frame is able to conduct that
level of electricity. Until the body is strong enough the
vortex, which will become the heart funnels instructions

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

in via mom. This is the reason why the is a pulse or

heartbeat before and actual heart develops.
Iridium (in Momatomix) is a crucial mineral as this will
be the predominant mineral composing the infant’s
brain and nervous system. 4 cups of mineral dense
water a hour is excellent during pregnancy especially if
taking sunlight. The lighter the skin tone the less time
one should spend in the sun, never use sun tan lotions or
chemical substances on or in the body during
pregnancy. In fact one of the original components of
prayer was simply standing in the grass shoes off,
staring at the sun with the palms of the hands also
facing the sun. This ancient art form provided a way to
return with the earth’s magnetic field as well as the
sun’s electric force. This is still one of the most
powerful healing modalities I know, your body should
be flooded with mineral dense copper based water when
performing this practice.
Back to our Twins, their electrical beginning as positive
and negative only give them a predisposition to being a
girl and a boy, the jury is not out yet. The mother’s
womb has an electrical nexus, which corresponds to her
hormonal out put via light waves from her 3 eyes. The
Pineal Gland (composed of calcite [crystals], copper,
iodine, manganese, phosphorus & sulfur) absorbs
sunlight throughout the day which encodes various
instructions for Cosmic Beings. One of the jobs of the
pineal is to regulate & instruct the Hypothalamus Gland
(composed of chlorine, copper, iodine, magnesium,
potassium & sodium), which is relevant in the discourse
of our twins as it has the final say in their sex organs.
The hypothalamus also receives it’s own light waves
directly from the retinas in the eyes via the retinal
hypothalamic pathways (paraventricular &
suprachiasmatic), which it converts into information via
hormone stimulating hormones. On top of the 3 eyes
sending information to the hypothalamus, the
hypothalamus receives instruction directly from the
Locus Coeruleus in the Mid Brain (see Psyclops & the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Magickal Tongue appendix c). The L.C. is one of the

key structures in the Mid Brain which links the Cosmic
Being to the Cosmos. So the hypothalamus receives
input from a variety of stellar input systems which in
turn translates into GnRh for our twins. The correlation
of stellar information and the “charge” of the sperm cell
will determine the sex of the fetus. Neurons (melanin)
in the hypothalamus release Gonadotropin-releasing
hormone which in turn causes L.H. (luteinizing
hormone) & F.S.H. (follicle stimulating hormone) to be
released into our twins. These hormones have a
polarizing effect which causes the gonads
(electromagnetically neutral) to differentiate into either
male or female genitilia.
This should give you a good idea of the electric nature
of our beginnings. Your #1 and most
piece of real estate is your body,
without it you will not be able to effect, affect or enjoy
anything on this floating ball of gases we call Water.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Black Genetics & black gene ethics

From man back to
supra man

Life is marked by two half breaths, the first breath

you breathe in & the last breath you breathe out.
Anything covered in this manual & text to the black
body which is covered in portent #1 or portent #4 is
either for clarity or to emphasize a point.
All life is electric. All food is electric. All liquids,
gases, solids or crystals are electric. All is
composed of electricity. The earth is electric, water
is electric and the air is especially electric.
Everything in our physical realm is vibrating and
that requires energy, mass is in fact a community
practice. This is where the Mass in church really
came from, the esoteric side. In church mass is a
ritual to get everyone on a specific frequency or
within a specific range of frequencies. All energy
no matter how fast or slow it’s vibrating is mass to
other entities vibrating within a close proximity to it.
All move energy also makes a sound, as does your
1 Hertz = 1 vibration/second

Elephants sound are between 5 Hz & 10 000

Hz. Human sounds are between 20 Hz to 20
000 Hz. Dogs are between 45 Hz & 45 000 Hz.
Dolphins can hear up to 200 000 Hz. Now take
a look at your every day quartz crystal it sings
at 500 000 Hz every day all day but no one can
hear it or can they? Your cells and DNA are not
only communing in the High Frequency world
every day all day but their health is regulated
by it, from 0 Hz up to 200 000 000 000 Hz.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Your mind is not your own anymore unless

you fight for it.

Below this threshold is infrasound and above

it is ultrasound

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The body requires only electricity to run along with

water, minerals are required to hold and process
the various levels of charge presented by the
electricity. So the first and most important food
source of the body is light followed by the breath.
Photons (light), electricity (breath) and water
The skin, your suit of armor that separates all that
is “outside” of you from what’s within, is what
absorbs light and converts that into instructions for
the maintenance of the body. One of the main
functions of the skin is to convert Cholesterol into
the Solar hormone Vitamin D. It is the liver and
kidneys (calcium, chlorine, fluorine, iron,
magnesium & manganese) that convert the star
light into the hormone we call vitamin D.
Vitamin D converts calcium into a useable form to
maintain healthy bones as well as keeping the
blood alkaline (take note the blood travels 12,000
miles a day through out your body….it’s the
number 1 determining factor in your health).
Keeping plenty of fresh bio-available calcium can
lower cancer rates as well as yeast/fungus
populations. Vitamin D also helps maintain the
small intestines ability to mineralize the blood and
assimilate phosphorus.
The lungs (breath out 8-12 gallons of poison per
hour, over 240 gallons a day without you
noticing) are the key in extracting the electricity
from the oxygen and assimilating it into the blood.
On average African peoples have longer lungs
than other races, if all things were equal this would
give one a longer lifespan as you can conduct
more electricity. In fact the relationship between
the length of the lungs and skin pigment is a
symbiotic one. The melanin content increases the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

body’s ability to conduct electricity, however it’s not

just the ability it’s a need. The body needs light &
electricity in conjunction with the depth of pigment
it possesses. This means that not spending
enough time in the starlight and breathing right will
affect you based on your level of pigmentation.
The major regulatory organs & glands all perform
based on electromagnetic activity.
Understanding this should help save you money
on purchasing “vitamin pills” as they are of no use
to a body. First off, they are devoid of all of the co-
factors which make the “vitamin” of choice bio-
available. They are not only devoid of all of the co-
factors but minerals and water as well. I would go
as far as to say that vitamins could be a leading
cause in kidney disease, remember all blood
passes through the kidneys twice every hour.
Studies have indicated niacin & vitamin a in liver
failure. People with kidney problems should avoid
even these fresh herb or herbal supplements
containing these herbs aloe, bayberry, ginger,
ginkgo, licorice, mate, rhubarb, horse chestnut,
autumn crocus and wormwood. Remember the
kidneys remove toxins from the blood and all of the
blood in the body passes through the kidneys
twice. The kidneys have a limit as well as
everything else in physicality so some toxic
substances will pass through the kidneys on
multiple trips, poisoning the kidneys again and
again and again.

Emotional trauma can have a very toxic affect on

health which is completely over looked in modern
Acedemia. To put it very simple Hormones &
Hormone Precursors tell the body what to do, your
emotions can are converted into hormones. If you
have negative emotions they will be converted into

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

negative instructions for the systems of the body

whether you like it or not. Aside from damaging
instructions which can lead to cancer and tumor
formation, the emotions can create blockages in
the electrical circuitry or light body.

Let’s take a scientific look at the

physical aspect to the Ka & Ba
known as the light body
(composed of copper, gold, iron,
iridium, phophorus, rhodium &
selenium [fascia, myelin sheath).
In your body these are some of the electrical
functionalities of your physiology however all
parts of the body have multiple functions these
are just a few basics, batteries - structured
water (red blood cells), transducers - nerve
cells, motors - mitochondria, pumps - heart,
calculators - brains, transmitters - nerve cells,
electrochemical potential - minerals, circuitry -
every body part, binary system - ac/dc currents
& ionic encoding, current ac/dc, resistance -
none, voltage - limited by pigment content,
capacitance - limited by pigment content,
charge - can be derived from air, land or water.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

A brain is a massive grouping of neurons (melanin

containing cells that transport light & electricity),
which we have 4 with a total of over 100 billion
neurons(refer to Psyclops & the Magickal Tongue
a Hip Hop Grimoire the Money Mind State).
Each neuron has over 100 thousand dendrites
(electrical wires) which relay incoming messages
and one axon for outgoing message that can
connect to 10 thousand other neurons at once. A
neuron can receive & carry more information than
any computer on the planet.

Thinking is a electrical process in fact your nervous

systems (we have two one is digital & one is
analog [refer to Cellular Water]) are completely
electrical and your thoughts move throughout the
body via quantum tunneling. In a wired system
electrons flow through the atoms of the conductor
in the wire but in the body they just hop cell to cell.
Remember from Cellular Water that space
between to charge containing bodies creates a
potential, which will generate electricity. The body
is made of 800,000,000,000,000 electrical parts,
which is enough to generate plenty of electricity,
however each cell has many ways to generate it’s
own internal current. Sodium ions have a positive
charge and potassium ions have a negative
charge, the interplay of these to elements across
the cell membrane creates a charge. Funny thing

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

is with over 100 trillion cells in the body performing

different physiological functions, which are
differentiated by electrical input/output no scientist
can say who regulates the current of each one
without referring to religion or getting spooky
including me…LOL

The spinal column also generates, stores,

modulates & transmits electrical current of all
frequencies (refer to Cellular Water). In fact these
could be considered the big three of electricity in
the body, your brain (control board), your spine
(generator) & your nervous systems to
communicate the light and electricity throughout
the body. Multiple Sclerosis is a deterioration of the
tissue (insulators called Myelin Sheath) that cover
the interior of the nerves, usually involving yeast.

The Light Body can’t be discussed in any detail

without the Mitochondria. All cells have
mitochondria and derive their power from them.
Mitochondria creates ATP out of the foods we eat
through the electron transport system. The genius
of all the body’s systems is really punctuated here,
the main waste product of ATP usage is ADP. ADP
is the beginning and main ingredient in the
synthesis of ATP, efficiency at it’s best. Lactic Acid
is another by product of ATP burning however your
ability to create Lactic Acid is a anaerobic activity.
The more yeast/fungus you have in your system
the lactic acid will be produced by muscle and
bone stress. Healthy Black Body’s do not produce
lactic acid, the Black Body is naturally Alkaline
(Aerobic) while the European Body is naturally
acidic (Anaerobic). The by-product of the
conversion from “food” to ATP creates extra
oxygen which into when added to the waters
around change it from H2O to H2O2 (hydrogen

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

peroxide). Another by-product of Oxidative

Phosphorylation is Super Oxide or Hyperoxide
which is listed along side peroxide as free radicals
which damage the body by attacking cells and
organs, this is one of the key places Black
Genetics must be focused on and I will explain. In
the body of a Anaerobic system or in a body of
Anaerobic organisms this would be damaging
however not so in a Black or Healthy Body.

The fact is “White” Blood Cells actually use these

compounds to destroy cancer cells which are
NATURAL. Yes, I said cancer cells are natural
however what is unnatural is a weak immune
system that can not regulate it’s own cells when
they become wayward. On average we develop a
cancer cell daily, which is the reason we have a
kidney, spleen, liver, thyroid and all the other
systems of blood purification to redundancy in the
body. Being healthy doesn’t mean you live in a
bubble where your body isn’t going to be
challenged, it simply means that your body will be
able to meet any & every challenge. Case in point
the same people that will tell you Super Oxide is a
free radical are now selling Super Oxide (as
superoxide dismutase) as a antioxidant.
Mitochondria not only produces energy but heme
(a major component of hemoglobin) and natural
human cholesterol which the body uses in Vitamin
D production.

So keep in mind this intracellular activity is crucial

to the health of the Black Body, peroxide &
superoxide give the cells in a natural body a extra
line of defense against being invaded by Viruses.
This is the woman of legend that is being invaded
and married off to the foreigners under threat,
duress and cohersion. The invasion of the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Mitochondria, Dehydration, Cellular Membrane &

Mucous Membrane are the root causes of disease.
This is the
reason we
the intial
stages of
life to

communicate the electromagnetic nature of life in

the Money Mind State portent I discussed the
Magnetic X Chromosome in further detail, however
here I will reiterate that the X marks the spots. This
is key in reproduction as the center (centromere) is
where the electromagnetic energy eminates from
which should be black (as in the full spectrum). All
incoming Solar energies and internally
created energies manifest as either a
Black Light or Black Fluid. This is why at the
level of DNA on outward you have perpetual
darkness. All living diseases in the body yeast,
tumors, cancers, fungus and virus manifest as
WHITE. White by nature is the lowest type of
frequency or a frequency devoid of life, therefore it
seeks to absorb other light. This way of thinking
has now crept into the Black community where
Black people will parasite off of other Black people
because they have adopted the nature of their

Quick twin update by now you should now enough

to keep those twins healthy and yourself. If you
are astute enough by now you should know what
all of the major components of the body are made
of so you can restore them to health if needed.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The heart I will only mention in brief as I have

covered the heart in depth in the two previous
portent in the P.H.G. series. I will note special
about the electrical nature of the and that is the
S.A. node. All regular muscle (composed of
calcium, chlorine, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium & sodium) in the
body is composed of myocytes (6 billion) or muscle
cells. All organs are also muscles we forget and
must be worked out just like the biceps or chest,
however only breathing patterns can get to the
internal muscles. Muscle cells (electronic
generators) are organized into fibrils, which
compose the muscle fibers.

The SA node is a special group of myocytes in the

right atrium of the heart, which have filaments
specially designed for the light that is converted
into the pulse of the heart thus the body. The SA
node brings light into the physical body from the
Morphogenic field which it sends to the AV node
for conversion into the electrical impulses the heart
is famous for. The AV node is located in the
pyramid within the heart called Koch’s Triangle.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Thyroxin produced in the the Thyroid and

Adrenaline produced in the Adrenal System
(composed of calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine,
magnesium, phosphorus, silica, sufur & zinc) are
hormone which have the ability to speed the
heart’s electrical output. Thyroxin acts in times of
illness and adrenaline in times of emergency, the
mechanism above is put in place to make sure to
slow down the heart when pumping too fast for any
reason. This is an enormous undertaking the Villi
in the small intestine make millions of Red Blood
Cells each second that flow through the kidneys
and blood vessels (composed of magnesium, silica
& sulfur) twice every hour totaling 12 thousand
miles a day. Each trip around the body the carry
out CO2 (& protons) and get infused with fresh
electrons in the lungs, flawlessly. The heart beats
over 100,000 times a day pushing the blood
through over 1000 miles of veins for every 150
pounds you weigh (200,000 miles at 200 pounds).

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The eyes are crucial to the electrical circuitry and

light body, probably the most complex aspect of
the body & are the strongest muscles. The eyes
relay the angles of incoming photons to the optic
nerve and visual cortex to be converted into the
colors we see. A densely melanated brain allows
for one to dream in color, a gift which should not
be taken for granted. What we “see” is a internal
process which not only involves the “optical &
visual” centers of the brain but the Mid Brain in
conjuction with the morphogenic field. One has to
be constantly projected into the electrical impulses
our eyes construe as Reality (just a series of
impulses that are converted based on the
programming index in the brain). The pineal,
hypothalamus & pituitary (composed of iodine,
manganese, phosphorus & sulfur) help in
managing the balance between Cosmic
Information, Perceptual Information and Physical

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Lets Talk Electrical food and the lack of

In the early nineties, Sally (name
changed to protect privacy) was
married to a licensed psychologist who
worked at a VA Medical hospital. He
worked with combat veterans with
PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Most of them had served in Vietnam.

Sally said, "I remember clearly an

evening when my husband came back
to our apartment on Doctor’s Circle
carrying a thick official looking folder in
his hands. Inside were hundreds of
pages of certain studies commissioned
by the government. He was in shock
from the contents. What he read in
those documents completely changed
his life. From that moment on my
conservative middle of the road
husband grew his hair and beard and
never cut them again. What is more,
the VA Medical center let him do it, and

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

other very conservative men in the staff

followed his example. As I read the
documents, I learned why. It seems
that during the Vietnam War, special
forces in the war department had sent
undercover experts to comb American
Indian Reservations looking for talented
scouts, for tough young men trained to
move stealthily through rough terrain.
They were especially looking for men
with outstanding, almost supernatural,
tracking abilities. Before being
approached, these carefully selected
men were extensively documented as
experts in tracking and survival.

With the usual enticements, the well

proven smooth phrases used to enroll
new recruits, some of these, Native
American trackers, were then enlisted.
Once enlisted, an amazing thing
happened. Whatever talents and skills
they had possessed on the reservation
seemed to mysteriously disappear, as
recruit after recruit failed to perform as
expected in the field.

Serious casualties and failures of

performance led the government to
contract expensive testing of these
recruits, and this is what was found.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

When questioned about their failure to

perform as expected, the older recruits
replied consistently that when they
received their required military haircuts,
they could no longer 'sense' the enemy,
they could no longer access a 'sixth
sense', their 'intuition' no longer was
reliable, they couldn't 'read' subtle signs
as well or access subtle extrasensory

So the testing institute recruited more

Native American trackers, let them
keep their long hair, and tested them in
multiple areas. Then they would pair
two men together who had received the
same scores on all the tests. They
would let one man in the pair keep his
hair long, and gave the other man a
military haircut. Then the two men
retook the tests.

Time after time the man with long hair

kept making high scores. Time after
time, the man with the short hair failed
the tests in which he had previously
scored high scores.

Here is a typical test:

The recruit is sleeping out in the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

woods. An armed 'enemy' approaches

the sleeping man. The long haired man
is awakened out of his sleep by a
strong sense of danger and gets away
long before the enemy is close, long
before any sounds from the
approaching enemy are audible.

In another version of this test the long

haired man senses an approach and
somehow intuits that the enemy will
perform a physical attack. He follows
his 'sixth sense' and stays still,
pretending to be sleeping, but quickly
grabs the attacker and 'kills' him as the
attacker reaches down to strangle him.

This same man, after having passed

these and other tests, then received a
military haircut and consistently failed
these tests, and many other tests that
he had previously passed.

So the document recommended that all

Indian trackers be exempt from military
haircuts. In fact, it required that trackers
keep their hair long." --
The mammalian body has evolved over
millions of years. Survival skills of
humans and animals at times seem

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

almost supernatural. Science is

constantly coming up with more
discoveries about the amazing abilities
of man and animals to survive. Each
part of the body has highly sensitive
work to perform for the survival and
well being of the body as a whole. The
body has a reason for every part of
Hair is an extension of the nervous
system, it can be correctly seen as
exteriorized nerves, a type of highly
evolved 'feelers' or 'antennae' that
transmit vast amounts of important
information to the brainstem, the limbic
system, and the neo cortex.

Not only does hair in people,

including facial hair in men, provide an
information highway reaching the brain,
hair also emits energy, the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

electromagnetic energy emitted by the

brain into the outer environment. This
has been seen in Kirlian
photography when a person is
photographed with long hair and then
re photographed after the hair is cut.
When hair is cut, receiving and sending
transmissions to and from the
environment are greatly hampered.
This results in a numbing-out.
Cutting the hair is a contributing factor
to the unawareness of environmental
distress in local ecosystems. It is also a
contributing factor to insensitivity in
relationships of all kinds. It contributes
to sexual frustration.
--- Article & Research by: C. Young

The hair is an extension of the nervous and is a

special attribute of Blackness. There is no other
group of “people” on earth who have bear blessed
with “hair”, the other species on the planet have
fur. Fur is a type of hair that does not have the
electromagnet attributes of hair and so it is limp or
flank. The electromagnetic prowess of hair is what
pulls it up and outward, true hair follows in the
nature of Cosmic Law which is a Spiral (Golden
Mean & Hyperbolic [refer to the Money Mind

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

What does hair have to do with electrical food?

Everything your red blood cells which are
produced in your small intestine by the hair in your
small intestine called villi. This is where you
lifespan & quality is determined, what you do to the
hair on your head has a great effect on the hair in
your stomach. The hair in your head is connected
to the rest of the body’s hair through the mucous
membrane. Black is the Dominant color of all forms
of Hair & Fur because water attracts and stores all
aspects of light, carbon binds them. When carbon
binds all different aspects of the light spectrum
together it is Black ie… melanin, ATP, Dark Matter
So let’s start by changing the way we have been
programmed to say and repeat the mantra “I have
to eat electric food to be healthy”. All food is
electric an if we are going to be astute we need to
realize that and begin to study the charge of each
particular item you are trying to eat. Side note if
you don’t have the time to spend five minutes on
figuring out what it is that you wish to eat, don’t eat
it or accept the consequences! Every food is
electric and has a charge be it positive or negative.
Everything is Electric!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Not only does every food have a charge but every

food has to go through electrolysis & hydrolysis to
be converted into something useable by the body.
Everything natural or alkaline is not good bleach,
ammonia & formaldehyde are either natural or
highly alkaline, all are seriously poisonous and
toxic. Be aware of the ratio between how much
energy is released out of the food you eat into your
body verses how much energy you expend trying
to digest the food. You don’t want to burn 3 gallons
of gas to get only one gallon of gas in return. All
vegetation breathes and the longer a fruit or
vegetable is separated from the tree, the more
energy it looses. Even though we have been
taught in the raw food paradigm that we should not
cook the food because it’s living, it’s not. It is very
energetic but not living, all living creatures store
light in their DNA. The energy stored in the DNA is
what we are after in vegetation.
What you are looking for when you eat is to
expend as little photon-electric energy as possible
and get back much more in return. Plants use a

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

process called Photosynthesis to convert gases

into sugars and starches, these are healthy sugars
& starches. The Black Body alone uses a process
called Photovoltaism, making us Photovoltaic.
Photovoltaic simply means we have the ability to
convert sunlight into electricity.
The small intestine would be nothing without the
duodenum! Take a look in the stomach first Red
Blood Cells which should be 7.365 PH on the
Alkaline scale create Hydrochloric acid which is 1
million times more acidic than the blood, dissolves
your food and pours a acidy soup into your
duodenum (the stop right before the small
intestine). The liver, gall bladder, pancreas &
duodenum combine fluids to make the most
alkaline fluid in the body, this causes a electric
storm in the middle of your body every time you
eat. This is where every atom gets shredded and
where the global scientific elite got the blueprint for
particle colliders (like the Hadron Collider). Note
you need your gall bladder and that the duodenum
is where the real digestion takes place, the
stomach just adds the key charge to create
lightning in your duodenum.
Your life and body is created every time you eat,
your small intestine creates new Red Blood Cells
through the Vill (instestinal hair) transmuting the
monera (digested food) in conjunction with the
T.E.K. genes and instestinal glands into Red Blood
Cells, this all takes place through & at the behest
of the mucous membrane. Different Races
have different length intestinal tracts,
Black Bodys on average have the shortest
because we have the longest lungs
providing a longer lifespan. These red blood

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

cells then become every single cell, tissue, fiber,

muscle, organ, bone & gland etc… in the hue man
body. The body is not only a system of black holes
in conjunction with one another but your
gastrointestinal tract is a black hole, which goes
from your mouth straight through you to your anus.
This means you actually don’t have “skin” your
actually have a pair off mucous membranes, one
which converts outer electromagnetic energy into
inner electromagnetic energy as such the mucous
membrane converts inner electromagnetic energy
to outer. We have to remember also as a side
note that acid (acid foods) burns through flesh
and your mucous membrane is of the utmost
delicacy! Both have other functions but these are
crucial processes to your health and well being.
Study well the potency of Iron, Magnesium,
Calcium, Potassium & Sodium in reference to the
above also bear in mind that any water you
drink that is not mineralized waters down the
amount of minerals that you do have! Mineral
deficient water becomes “misplaced” and stored in
the tissues of the body (water weight). Water must
be mineral dense to conduct and synthesize the
body’s chemistry, which includes vitamin & mineral
All of these things are connected as the body is on
system of many and vitamin/mineral pairing is
simple if you have a mineral rich diet and water.
Keep in mind Vitamin D & Calcium, B-Complex &
Manganese, Calcium & Magnesium etc … Eat &
drink a nutrient dense diet, it cuts down the
thinking….lol Your body knows how to get rid of
the excess just eat light.
The Prostate gland (composed of gold,
magnesium, silica & zinc) is similar to the uterus of
women in one major aspect, it is under attack right

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

now globally. All of the impotence & erection pills

on the market serve to poison the prostate. These
chemicals not only poison the blood & prostate but
they also throw off your hormonal balance. They
cause more estrogen to be released in men and
excess estrogen is one of the leading cause of
cancer cells in men & women.
We are not only have problems getting up but we
are having problems getting it off. Sterility is
sweeping through the community at light speed
and due to our low carnal nature we think that’s
great we don’t need a condom “cause Im shooting
blanks anyway”. Every time you ejaculate you
loose powerful life force and brain matter, both of
which are much easier to loose than gain. Any
where from 250,000,000 to 500,000,000 sperm is
considered a healthy “shot”. They travel a
maximum 3,360 times the size of their body (1/15
of a inch) each hour, they can swim in circles for
up to 7,000,000 miles before they go caput.
Before we step it up a bit I want you to realize what
you know, which is how the body functions and
what the body is made of. Once you know what the
body is made of you can supply it with the right
minerals (plant form) to restore it should it become
ill. Yes, it’s just that simple with the right amount of
mineral dense water and sunlight. First you must
detox & sweep the parasites from your body and
then you provide the right nourishment devoid of
toxins BAM! Away goes illness incomes health.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Back To The Future

Moving forward will propel us into the Ancient

Technology which has become “Modern”. I have
put lots of information in the first 2 portents of this
series as well as the previous sections of this
portent to prepare you to master the concepts
ahead. For the most part this information will
resignate with you on a different frequency as you
have been waiting all your life for this knowledge,
All things in existence, exist because they vibrate.
They are mass because they are energy. Mass is
just a perspective. Mass is the embodiment of the
cosmic law, which states that energies vibrating
within a certain frequency range of each other can
not pass through one another. Things vibrating a
much higher speeds you can’t see or feel,
ultrasounds you can’t hear; this means there are
worlds within and on top of worlds. Light and it’s
source the electron are not bound to these laws,
as such neither is water. All things have their roots

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

in energy. Photovoltaic organisms & Fungus are

both energies however opposite. Light not only
gives life but it distinguishes between all walks of
life. Light also maintains all things meaningful and
seeks to destroy all thing that don’t fit in to Nature.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

This is what a cancer cell is in the body, a cell who

is improperly absorbing and emitting light. The
cells are either not properly absorbing or emitting
light. Humans in particular are Photovoltaic the
Black Body absorbs light which it transforms into
nutrients as well as hormonal and cellular
instructions. It is ultraviolet rays which cause each
cell’s photo-repair system to turn on or off. Every
one of the 100 trillion cells of the body process

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

over 1 trillion bits of information per second 99%

of, which is ultrasound and ultraviolet light. This
information is then converted into the 100 plus
thousand chemical reactions taking place in each
cell every second. The scientific term applied to
this science is Bio-Photons which I have been
teaching about for years.

All of the body’s processes are regulated by light,

in fact I must debunk the idea of Sunlight. The sun
is a start so any light we receive from the sun is
actually starlight. Which does not look like what we
have come to know as sunlight or daylight. What
we are use to referring to as daylight or sunlight is
actually the result of our atmosphere and the
transformative process of piercing our atmosphere.
What our instruments pick up as photons (the
result of moving electrons) are actually the inertia
from the resistance picked up by moving from a
“vacuum” into our atmosphere. Remember from
portent #1 photons are absorbs and re-emitted by
electrons everywhere so anything and everything
between us and the sun is eating and digesting
(which includes re-emitting) the photons before
they reach us.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Outside of cancers and tumors other problems are

easily understandable from and electric
perspective. One of the main cause of Multiple
Sclerosis in many cases is yeast however in a ever
growing amount of cases it is a matter of blowing a
fuse. The diets that we are on are full of insulators,
which prevents are light body from conducting
electricity at optimal levels. When more light
comes into the body than the body can handle the
nervous system may burn and shred the myelin
Again we have 100 trillion cells processing 1 trillion
bits of information per second & simultaneously
conducting over 100 thousand chemical reactions,
this can only be possible through super conduction
(refer to the Money Mind State). In fact light or
electricity transmission and reception at light speed
or beyond could not be possible with entropy. This
would mean entropy in a Black Body is unnatural,
due to entropy being a un-natural state logic would
surmise it is dis-ease. One would also have to
deduce that the true nature of vegetation from the
seed (whole grains) to the plant (veggies) to the
flower (fruit) is then healthy not because of a silly
acid/alkaline balance but because of the stored
frequencies in it’s DNA. Therefore only a true
student of the body and nature would know this,
many so-called wholistic healers are doing nothing
moor than re-cycling youtube videos & old
information. Every piece of food you gets turned
into acid in the stomach so what makes one
substance healthy and another one toxic? The
answer is in the electricity release from the food in
the duodenum, the nuclear reactor/particle
accelerator of the Black Body.
Eurodocs and Euro scientists have postulated the
theory that these bio-photons that are being

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

released from the cells of all living things is a

waste product. Sounds like something we heard
before about Melanin, huh? This is another reason
why listening to other races about health is
dangerous! What is beneficial in the Black Body
may be dangerous in others and vice versa.
Photons activate each activity of each cell in the
body, photons also provide instructions for the
larger organisms (organs & glands), which guide &
protect the cellular environment.
This is why in Cellular Water we cover the fact that
there are two nervous systems, one which is
based on Alternating Current & one which is based
on Direct Current (refer to Cellular Water). The DC
system is the oldest and is taught in every Ancient
School of healing our Ancestors had around the
globe. The DC system serves as the relay between
Cosmic (Starlight) Radiation and intracellular re-
generation. Super conduction is actually initiated
by increased “light” which in our dumbed down
understanding is measured in heat. As elaborated
on in Cellular Water, Super Conduction is only
manifested under temperatures of 115 degrees
and higher with low humidity between 3 & 7% this
is why we lived all around the globe on the
equator. Every ten degree increase studies have
shown doubles the bio-photonic field density in the
cellular environment.
All of the excess energy energy is stored in the
pineal gland and DNA. The DNA releases this
energy very slowly for cellular repair and the Pineal
Gland releases this light in the form of Melatonin to
protect the cellular environment when the
Mitochondria drops it’s guard from 10pm till 5am.
Melatonin is liquid sunlight, the light released from
the DNA is ultraviolet rays. Electrons remember
represent the influx of Cosmic energy from the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

zero point. The Black Body can not & will not be
healthy working or going to school 9-5 unless there
is care taken to receive sunlight other times of the
There are only to principles that govern life’s
growth and maintenance which are the Golden
Mean Spiral & the Hyperbolic Spiral. Here again
we will briefly mention yeast/bacteria and the
cellular environment. Another reason that fungus
can’t take sunlight is because they lack chromatin
in most cases which works in conjunction with the
centromeres & the microtubule system in
electron tunneling (light distribution). Red Blood
Cells are higher in the food chain in regards to
photon expression because they carry electrons
directly (photons are only the result of electron
movement). Keep in mind now and in the future as
this is the science of tomorrow that I am giving you
today, bio-photons or any photons are generated
by electron movement. Science is not quite ready
to come to terms with quantum tunneling &
electron tunneling in biological systems yet as this
Atoms are miniature black holes. Cellular integrity
is based on mineral density which has a major role
in a cell’s ability to absorb, store & emit light or
electricity. All health or sickness has it beginning
and end in ultraviolet light at the cellular level. The
main importance of food then is how much
electricity it takes your body to “digest” a
substance verses how much electricity you get
back out of that substance. Bio-photons are the
means by which the Morphogenic field stays in
communion with the cellular environment and vice
versa. Ultrasound (phonons) and Ultraviolet light
(photons) are simply the sounds of miniature black
holes (electrons) importing cosmic energy as well

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

as photons being the visual as of that display, all

take place in the DNA.
The major keys to life are life itself, water is living
and so is light. They both speak to us only we don’t
listen. All life is a matter of communication &
vibrating on resonant frequencies (pun intended).
This is why Quartz crystal is so powerful, it has a
500,000 Hz frequency and the ability to transfer
frequencies at any distance instantly. This is why
all radio, computers & TVs are based on the
Quartz crystal.

The above is Rose Quartz as quartz comes in

many varieties including one very specific which is
discussed at length in Cellular Water called Bones.
Your Bones are made of quartz crystal or silica, so
the body is much more dynamic than one is lead to
think. All modern technology can do the Black
Body has been doing without augmentation for
thousands of thousands of years. Stay tuned for
the next installment where we venture into how to
hone your innate abilities once we are in a ideal
state of health.
So we now know what the body is composed of,
the major functions of cellular communication and

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

how to repair different areas of the body when in

need. The major components again are Minerals
(raw building materials), Water (the builder) &
Cosmic Energy (blueprint). These three
components switch roles at different times but
always are all that is needed for intra cellular repair
in a black body. So lets look at where we should
find these herbs to supply the body’s minerals.
This is the big secret because most herbal
formulas give little to no visible results and the
reason is the herbs have been de-natured you
need wild herbs or herbs grown in a natural

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics


Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Vitamin A - Alfalfa, Burdock, Cayenne, Dandelion,

Garlic, Kelp, Marshmallow, Moringa, Papaya,
Parsley, Pokeweed, Raspberry, Red clover,
Saffron, Watercress, Yellow dock.
Thiamine B1 - Cayenne, Dandelion, Fenugreek,
Kelp, Parsley, Raspberry.
Riboflavin B2 - Alfalfa, Burdock, Dandelion,
Fenugreek, Kelp, Parsley, Raspberry. Vitamin B12
fulfills the need for RBC counts, nourishes the hair
follicles for hair growth, helps in growth and
reproduction, enhances the skin and nails and
prevents development of cataracts.

Panothenic Acid B5 - Vitamin B5 is the one

responsible for your energy levels and your
wounds get healed faster. Regular intake prevents
a person form getting anemic, strengths immunity
and is an active agent in fighting infection.
Herbs rich in Vitamin B5 are as follows:-

Pyridoxine B6 - Alfalfa, Wheat, Corn, Mugwort.

Vitamin B6 is needed to produce hydrochloric acid.
Allergies, arthritis, and asthma can be regulated.
Herbs rich in Vitamin B6 are as follows:-
Cobalamin B12 – Alafalfa, Kelp. Vitamin B12
protects nervous system, useful for digestion,
fights anemia and more.

Vitamin C - Alfalfa, Burdock, Boneset, Catnip,

Cayenne, Chickweed, Dandelion, Eyebright,
Garlic, Hawthorn Berry, Horseradish, Kelp,
Lobelia, Mullein, Parsley, Plantain, Pokeweed,
Papaya, Raspberry, Rose Hips, Shepherd's purse,
Skullcap, Strawberry, Watercress, Yellow Dock.
Vitamin C has the essential required for calcium

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

and iron formation. Helps in boosting immunity and

prevents cancer.

Vitamin D - Alfalfa, Watercress. Vitamin D is

beneficial for calcium and phosphorous
utilization, regulates heart beat, prevents heart
beat and boosts immunity, blood clotting and
normalizes thyroid.
Vitamin E - Alfalfa, Dandelion, Kelp, Raspberry,
Rose hips, Watercress. Vitamin E is an antioxidant
which helps prevents cancer and heart disease
also helpful in preventing cell damage and skin
Vitamin K - Alfalfa, Plantain, Shepherd's purse.
Vitamin K is good for liver function and beneficial
for bone formation.
Calcium - Coltsfoot, Chive, Chamomile,
Caraway seed, Cleavers, Dandelion, Dill,
Horsetail, Meadow sweet, Mistletoe, Nettles,
Parsley, Pimpernel, Plantain, Poppy seed,
Raspberry, Shepherd's purse, Silverweed,
Watercress, Yellow dock.
Calcium builds and protects bones and teeth and
is good to regularize heartbeat and prevents
muscle cramping.
Chlorine - Alfalfa, Dandelion, Dill stems, Fennel
stems, Goldenseal, Kelp, Myrrh, Nettles, Parsley,
Plantain, Raspberry, Uva ursi, Watercress,

Chromium – Hisbiscus, Spirulina, Gymnema,

Oatstraw, Nettles, Red Clover, Stevia. Chromium

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

is vital for the metabolism and regulates blood

sugar levels and blood pressure.

Copper - Agar-agar, Dandelion, Dulse, Kelp,

Liverwort, Nettles, Parsley, Sorrel. Copper
converts iron to hemoglobin, healthy bones and
Flourine - Corn silk, Dill, Garlic, Horsetail, Plantain,
Iodine - Dulse, Garlic, Irish moon, Kelp,
Sarsaparilla, Mustard, Parsley. Iodine is essential
for the body for a healthy thyroid gland to prevent
excess fat deposits in the body.
Iron – Chickweed, Dandelion, Devil’s Claw, Dulse,
Garlic, Irish moon, Kelp, Sarsaparilla, Moringa,
Mullein, Mustard, Pennroyal, Nettles, Parsley,
Pokeweed, Rhubarb, Rose hips, Yellow dock. Iron
is essential to increase metabolism and

Magnesium - Alfalfa, Blue cohosh, Carrot leaves,

Cayenne, Dandelion, Dill, Irish Moss, Oatstraw,
Kelp, Licorice, Mistletoe, Mullein, Nettles,
Peppermint, Primrose, Raspberry, Skullcap,
Walnut leaves, Willow, Wintergreen, Manganese,
Agar-agar, Bladderwrack, Burdock, Dulse, Kelp,
Nettles, Sorrel, Strawberry leaves, Tumeric,
Wintergreen, Yellow dock. Magnesium is fruitful for
the body to dissolve calcium and phosphate kidney
and is wonder for improving the cardiovascular

Manganese – Burdock, Cloves, Coriander,

Dandelion, Eyebright, Ginger, Parsley, Nettles.
Manganese is essential for healthy nerves, blood

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

sugar regulation, normal bone growth, and thyroid

hormone production.
Phosphorus - Alfalfa, Blue cohosh, Calamus,
Calendula, Caraway, Cayenne, Chickweed,
Dandelion, Garlic, Irish moss, Kelp, Licorice,
Parsley, Purslane, Pokeweed, Raspberry,
Rhubarb, Rose hips, Watercress, Yellow dock.
Phosphorous is needed for teeth and bone
formation, nerve impulse transfer, normal heart
rhythm and kidney function.
Potassium - Alfalfa, Blue cohosh, Birch, Borage,
Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Centaury,
Dandelion, Dulse, Eyebright, Fennel, Irish moss,
Kelp, Mistletoe, Mullein, Nettles, Papaya, Parsley,
Peppermint, Plantain, Primrose, Raspberry,
Shepherd's purse, White oak bark, Wintergreen,
Yarrow. Potassium strengthens the nervous
system, heart rhythm, regulates water balance and
muscle function.
Selenium - Kelp, most seaweeds.
Silica - Alfalfa, Blue cohosh, Burdock, Chickweed,
Corn silk, Horsetail, Kelp, Nettle, Poppyseed,
Raspberry, Sunflower seed.
Sodium - Apple tree bark, Alfalfa, Cleavers,
Dandelion, Dill, Dulse, Fennel, Irish moss, Kelp,
Mistletoe, Nettles, Parsley, Shepherd's purse,

Sulphur - Alfalfa, Burdock, Cayenne, Coltsfoot,

Eyebright, Fennel, Garlic, Irish moss, Kelp,
Mullein, Nettles, Parsley, Plantain, Raspberry,
Sage, Shepherd's purse, Thyme. Sulfur fights
bacterial infection and is good for liver function.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Zinc - Kelp, Marshmallow. Zinc is the one that is

good for the healing process of the body, regulates
the oil glands, and promotes growth and mental

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa): a blood purifier; reduces

and prevents symptoms caused by arthritis,
bursitis, and gout; lowers cholesterol. Contains
natural fluorides ,preventing tooth decay and helps
rebuild decaying teeth. Alfalfa contains eight
essential digestive enzymes and eight essential
amino acids of protein and a high chlorophyll
content. Extremely rich source of Beta-Carotene,
Minerals, Trace elements, and vitamins A,B-1, B-6,
B-12, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin and
Pantothenic Acid. Mineras are Calcium, copper,
Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and
Angelica (Angelica sinensis): helps regulate
menstruation, diaphoretic; diuretic; expectorant for
coughs, bronchitis and pleurisy, particularly when
symptoms are accompanied by fever, colds, or
influenza; relieves gas, can help stimulate appetite;
helps the skin eliminate toxins; may be used in
anorexia nervosa.
Apis: is one of the key remedies for sore throat when the
tonsils are puffy and red, when it hurts to eat or drink
anything warm, and when relief comes from sucking an ice
cube. It is a leading remedy for hives when the skin is
swollen, red and sensitive to heat, often from an allergic

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus): an

immune stimulant thought to inhibit tumor growth
and often used to help reduce the side effects of
chemotherapy. It supports the production of
interferons (proteins our cells produce to fight out

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

viral infections). May be used daily as tonic before

colds start.
Bayberry (Myrica ceriferea): astringent in diarrhea;
reduces secretions; used also in colds and chills;
relaxes nervous tension which may be cause colic.
Belladonna is helpful for fevers, when a child has a
flushed face, throbbing headache, drowsiness but difficulty
falling asleep and swollen glands and radiating heat. It is
used for measles, when there is a sudden onset of high
fever, with a flushed face and reddened lips.
Black Cohosh (Cimacifuga racemosa): an
emmenagogue; assists in balancing female
hormones and regulating menstrual periods; used
as an anti-inflammatory in arthritis; helps lower
high blood pressure; sometimes induces labor and
regulates contractions.
Black Haw (Viburnum prunifolium): believed to
tone the female reproductive system; helps
prevent threatened miscarriage; contains uterine
muscle relaxants.
BLACK WALNUT :Astringent, antiseptic, purifier, especially
for skin eruptions; anti fungal and vermifuge in larger doses.
BLOODROOT: Digestive tonic, bronchial expectorant; topically
for skin infections, as gargle for oral lesions (prevents plaque
build up).
BLADDERWRACK: Supplies trace minerals, good for low
thyroid, obesity and removing toxic minerals.
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalactroides):
antispasmodic (an agent that relaxes nervous
tension that may cause colic); emmenagogue;
used to diminish menstrual cramps; used for
uterine inflammation and uterine toning; assists in
"false labor" (contractions that don't lead to birth)
and helps prevent miscarriage; assists in labor.
Boneset (Eupatorium perfolatum): diaphoretic;
helps reduce fevers; bitter action for liver, gall
bladder, and bowel.
Borage (Borago officinalis): lactagoge; diaphoretic;
anti-inflammatory; lowers fevers during

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Bryonia: is the leading remedy for coughs, especially dry

coughs aggravated by motion.
Buchu (Barosma betulina): diuretic; reduces
inflamed mucous membranes that cause a mucous
discharge; helps heal cystitis (infection of the
urinary bladder and tract) and prostatis (infection of
the prostrate gland); relieves irritation of the
bladder, kidneys, urethra.
Burdock Root (Arctium lappa): stimulates appetite
and digestion; reduces arthritic pain; blood purifier;
treats scrofula, and other cankerous skin
conditions; Burdock root also combined with
dandelion and yellow dock can cure a the swelling
of a sore growing on top of a lip.
Butternut Bark (Juglans cinera): eliminates
intestinal worms; a mild laxative; increases
secretion of bile and activity of glands in the walls
of the intestinal tract.
Cayenne (Capsicum annum): a blood purifier;
lowers blood cholesterol levels; helps reduce blood
pressure; improves circulation and respiration.
Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana): The bark
a gentle laxative especially helpful for the elderly,
particularly in cases of chronic constipation;
antispasmodic; and strengthens the liver; a
chelating agent to prevent the formation of
calcium-containing urinary stones; used for
hepatic disease. contraindicated during
Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa): Detoxifier
Catnip (Nepeta cataria): associated with stomach
discomforts; carminative (an agent use to relieve
gas and sharp pain in the bowel region);
antispasmodic; relieves cold and flu symptoms; a
diaphoretic; a mild antimicrobial. (North American
Indians used catnip tea for colic in babies).
contraindicated during pregnancy.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): the flowers
reduce stomach problems, helps relieve cancer of
the liver, mouth, skin and brain, applied internally

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

as well as externally; calms anxiety; stimulates the

expulsion of parasitic worms in the digestive
system; also helps eliminate of bacteria that cause
strep throat; used to treat skin problems. The
essential oil's in Chamomile are a wonderful blend
of many individual oils. Pharmacological research
suggested that there is a strengthening the
protective mucosal barrier against ulceration.
Action: Nervine, anti-spasmodic, carminative, anti-
inflammatory, anti-microbial, bitter,and vulnerary.
Chamomilla is used for hyperactive infants and young
children who are restless and irritable. It also helps babies
suffering from teething pain or colic. Use it when an infant
cries incessantly except when being carried or when a child
is hyperirritable and has tantrums.

Chestnut (Castanea Sativa): Contracts body

tissue and blood vessels; helps in convulsive
coughs and other irritable conditions of the
respiratory organs.
Chickweed (Stellaria media): reduces internal
inflammation, and external swelling; soothes
coughs, colds, sore throats, and flus; effective
against certain respiratory pathogens.
Cloves (Caryophyllum aromaticus): antiseptic;
reduces vomitting.
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara): soothes coughs and
colds; expectorant; stimulates the immune system.
Comfrey Leaf powder (Symphytum officinale):
impressive in speeding wound healing and
guarding against scar tissue; soothes irritated
surfaces; helps hemorrhages wherever they occur,
internally or on the skin.
Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus): Relaxes muscle
tensions and reduces spasms; relaxes the uterus
and relieve painful menstrual cramps; helps to
prevent menstrual excessive blood loss; protects
from threatened miscarriage; sedative.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): treats liver

infections and breast cancer; helpful in detoxifying
the liver.
Dill (Anethum graveolens): helps eliminate gas in
infants; tranquilizer; softens hardened stools.
Echinacea (Echinacea Angustifolia): an immune
stimulant and the liquid extract is sweet tasting.
Echinacea (Echinacea purperea): an immune
stimulant by increasing phagocytosis; used to treat
fevers and minor infections.
Elder flowers (Sambucus canadensis): releives
symptoms of coughs and colds
Elder berries (Sambucus nigra): applied externally
for burns, rashes, and minor skin problems.
Elecampane root (Inula helenium) : diuretic;
diaphoretic; helps with coughs, and bronchitis.
False unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum) : balances
hormones; diuretic; aids in delayed or absent
menstruation; also helps threatened miscarriage;
in small dosages it eases vomiting associated with
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) : an estrogenic
agent; a lactagogue.
Feverfew (Tanateum parsenium) : anti-
inflammatory for arthritis; remedy for migraine
headaches; relieves painful and slow menstrual
flows; promotes relaxation; uterine stimulant.
Garlic (Allium sativum) : lowers blood pressure
and cholesterol level; increases phagocyte and
peritoneal macrophage production, thereby acting
as an antimicrobial; effective in treating throat
Gentian (Gentiana lutea): increases ability to
digest and assimilate food; increases sensitivity of
glands and organs to adrenalin (the hormone the
body secretes when in need of rapid energy).
Ginger (Zingiber officinale): gastrointesinal;
stimulates circulation; a useful diaphoretic,
promoting perspiration. As a gargle it can give
temporary relief of sore throats.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Ginkgo Leaf (Ginkgo Biloba): Circulatory; brain

circulation, anti-inflammatory, vasoddilatory,
relaxant, has been suggested in the following
conditions: vertigo, tinnitus, inner ear disturbances
including partial deafness,impairment of memory
and ability to concentrate, diminished intellectual
capacity and alertness as a result of insufficient
circulation, Raynaud's disease, arterial circulatory
disturbances due to aging,
Ginseng, American Wild (Panax quinquefolia): an
adaptogen (helps the system adapt to a variety of
changes); increases energy; decreases blood
pressure. contraindicated during pregnancy.
Ginseng, Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus):
an adaptogen; lowers stress; both raises and/or
lowers blood sugar as needed. contraindicated
during pregnancy.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis): antimicrobial;
a bitter herb whose root is an anticarrhal; tonic;
used as a antibiotic; contains berberine effective
against Helobacter pylori (often responsible for
recurrent ulcers) and giardia; effective against
gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus and
staph, and gram-negative bacteria such as
Escherichia coli; treats eczema and ringworm
(applied topically) reduces inflammation of the
eyes; contraindicated during pregnancy.
Honeysuckle Flowers (Lonicera periclymenum):
laxative; expectorant.
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): a cough remedy;
used to facilitate healing of bronchitis and asthma;
expels mucous from the lungs and throat.
Linden Flowers (Tilia europaea): a nervine, anti-
spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue,
hypotensive, diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent.
Linden is well known as a relaxing remedy and in
the treatment of raised blood pressure associated
with nervous tension.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): soothes and

heals mucous membranes in the intestinal tract;
treats ulcers.
Lomatium (Lomatium dissectum): Antimicrobial
Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis): the root
soothes mucous membranes; helps heal wounds;
ointments and cremes made from the root are
effective on chapped hands and lips; internally
treats inflammation and problems of the genito-
urinary tract; mouthwash; soothes teething pain.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria): Intestinal
Astringent, anti-inflammatory, carminative, antacid,
anti-emetic. Protects and soothe the mucous
membranes of the digestive tract, reducing
nausea. It is gentle enough yet its astringency is
useful in treating diarrhoea in children.
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum): Liver protectant,
Hepatic, galactogogue, demulcent, cholagogue.
Research done in Germany is revealing data about
reversal of toxic liver damage as well as protection
from potential hepatotoxic agents. As its name
implies, it promotes milk secretion in herbal
formulas for breast feeding mothers.
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca): Antispasm,
nervine hepatic, cardiac tonic, hypotensive. The
latin names of this plant show its range of uses
from delayed menstrual due to anxiety and uterine
conditions while cardiaca indicates its use in heart
and circulation treatments (due to tension and is
often used with Hawthorne berries.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): helps heal
respiratory problems; protects damaged tissue;
reduces swelling and pain; has antibiotic qualities.
Myrrh (Balsamodendron myrrha): increases
mucous membrane activity; helps fight infection by
increasing white blood cells (that attack foreign
microbials); treats weak pulse and cold skin;
stimulates digestion by increasing peptic gland
activity; (since myrrh is soothing to mucous
membranes, it frequently used in vaginal douches.)

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Nettle (Urtica dioaca): lactagogue; diuretic and

detoxifying; helps heal eczema (especially children
when stress related and combined with burdock).
As an astrigent in formulas can be used to hlep in
uterine hemorrhage.
Oatstraw (Avena sativa): helps builds the outer
layer of the skin; helps detoxify body.
Oregon grape root (Mahonia aquifolium):
antimicrobial; source of berberine which is an
antimicrobial for several bacteria (see goldenseal
for more on berberine).
Osha root (Ligusticum porteri): reduces
inflammation of the throat and mucous
membranes; increases elimination of toxins
throughout the spores of the skin; acts like a
bronchial dilator.
Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata): sedative;
assists relaxation and sleep.
Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa): retards the
development of tumors; helps heal candida in
adults thrush (candida in the infant's mouth); helps
heal viruses; anti-fungal; assists in eliminating
parasites. Dr. T. Meyer learned from the Callaway
tribe and using it on his leukemia patients with
success. In 1960, it's use was taken up by the
Municipal Hospital of Santo Andre where medical
doctors used a brew of the bark on terminal cancer
patients that helped them with pain and reduction o
the size of the tumors.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita): reduces cramps,
antispasm, stimulant.
Plantain (Plantago ovaga): alleviates skin infection
and inflammation; also reduces pain and coughing.
Pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa): remedy for
colds and flus; expectorant.
Queen of the Meadow Root (Eupatorum
purpureum):also known as gravel root or Joe-Pye
Weed. Diuretic, anti-lithic, urinary infections,

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Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus): a uterine

tonic; relaxes the uterus; traditionally believed to
lead to an easier childbirth; midwives have found
that women who drink raspberry leaf tea regularly
during pregnancy have decreased chance of
hemorrhage; relieves kidney irritation.
Red clover (Trifolium pratense): helps treat gout;
reduces coughing; expels mucous from the lungs
and throat; used to treat and prevent cancer.
Red root (Ceanothus americanus): treats tonsil
inflammations and sore throats; increases
transport of nutrients from the blood across the
capillary cells to the lymph.
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma sinensis): An
Rhubarb root (Rheum palmateom): the root
stimulates the appetite; helps stop diarrhea;
inhibits bacterial growth; inhibits growth of cancer;
sometimes administered for upper digestive tract
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis): treats
headaches; soothes upset stomach; a muscle
stimulant; soothes irritated nerves.
Saint John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): anti-
inflammatory; treats lung diseases; urinary
infections; helps reduce stress; helps heal wounds
and cuts.
Sarsaparilla (Smilax ornata): root used to soothe
sore eyes, wounds, and burns; antimicrobial as a
result of antibiotic properties (saponins); diuretic;
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa serrulata): anti-
inflammatory; appetite stimulant; digestive aid;
diuretic; relives dysmenorrhea that results from
lack of uterine tone.
Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora):nervine; relaxant;
sleep-inducing, relieves pain caused by spasms.
Shavegrass (Horsetail herb): stabilizes and
strengthens lung membranes; effective in healing
urinary tract infections/

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris):

lowers blood pressure; reduces heavy menstrual
flow (menorrhagia); reduces the incidence of
hemorrhage in childbirth; heals urinary tract
irritation and clears blood from the urine;
stimulates uterine contractions.
Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes): helps
Immune system.
Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva): demulcent; soothes
damaged tissue; treats gastritis and ulcers; very
effective for coughs; very effective for sore throat;
diarrhea; sores; remedy for broken bones; anti-
inflammatory for the stomach.contraindicated
during pregnancy. Soothes inflammation (children). It is
useful for treating burns, sore throats and digestive
problems, including diarrhea and constipation (children).
Spearmint (Mentha spicata): Antispasm; stomach.
Spikenard root (Aralia recemosa): diuretic;
relieves coughs and asthma; Native Americans
used it for menstrual irregularities; helps lung and
kidney ailments.
Squaw vine (Mitchella repens):relieves painful
menstruation; helps prevent miscarriage; used
during the last few weeks of pregnancy to aid
Stevia Herb (Stevia rebaudiana): digestion, herb
has very sweet taste.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) reduces bacteria
growth; reduces mucous in the lungs; eliminates
hookworms in the intestines; strengthens the
nervous system.
Usnea (Usnea barbata) Antimicrobial.
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis): reduces
stress; induces sleep; (European studies show that
the major component, the "valepotriates" have
sedative, anti-convulsive, hypotensive,
tranquilizing, and anti-aggressive qualities, making
Valerian a natural tranquilizer.)
White oak bark (Quercus alba): anti-inflammatory;
helps prevent diarrhea.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

White pine bark (Pinus strobus): Expectorant.

White willow (Salix alba): pain reliever; relieves
headaches, fevers, arthritis, sore muscles, and
White cherry bark (Prunus serotina): Respiratory
Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa): increases liver
efficiency by lowering serum cholesterol; helps
prevent miscarriage; reduces dysmenorrhea,
cramps, and after pain (uterine cramps after giving
Wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina): astringent;
helps irritating coughs due to sedative action, anti-
tussive, expectorant, Note that inhibition of a
cough does not chest infection, which will still need
to be treated.
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens): anodyne;
astringent; diuretic; stimulant; emmenagoge;
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): purifies the blood;
reduces fever; lowers blood pressure; digestive
stimulant; diaphoretic.
Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus): clears skin
problems including eczema and psoriasis; relieves
glandular inflammation and swelling; eliminates
ringworm; In India yellow Dock even hardened
weak gums (softened by having a bad diet); also
has some antibiotic properties.
Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum):
Yucca Root (Yucca species): anti-inflammatory for

Children’s Quick Fixes….

Lemon Juice for a Sore Throat add some
Honey or Agave for taste. Cucumbers are not
just for Boxers they reduce swelling for
children of all ages 1-1000…lol
Chamomile Tea for Infants with Colic, it

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

relaxes the gastrointestinal tract…

Baking Soda works for skin irritations &
bug bites

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The above two charts represent the heart of

Chinese Medicine your homework is to find out the
mineral composition of each of these herbs. I know
you can do it very easy because I did it in 10
minutes, the internet is your friend.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Relationships in the Mineral

Some herbs like and need each other. Even in the
mineral kingdom there is relationships, however
you need to have a understanding of this science
because it’s crucial to health.
Minerals like Copper & Iron belong together,
copper is the most conductive mineral (organically,
metallically it’s 2nd behind silver) & iron is the most
magnetic. The two provide electromagnetism at
the cellular level which is why Red Blood Cells are
composed of them. Without copper the body can
not process Iron another reason Anemia is
rampant. Sodium & Potassium go back like car
seats lol… On a serious note the minerals are
listed in order of priority. So below is the friends &
family groups:
• Calcium – Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper,
Sodium, Potassium & Selenium.
• Magnesium – Calcium, Potassium, Zinc,
Manganese, Phosphorus & Chromium.
• Sodium – Potassium, Selenium, Calcium, Iron,
Copper & Phosphorus.
• Potassium – Sodium, Magnesium, Manganese,
Zinc, Phosphorus & Iron.
• Copper – Iron, Calcium, Sodium & Selenium.
• Zinc – Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese,
Chromium & Phosphorus.
• Phosphorus – Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium,
Potassium, Zinc & Iron.
• Iron – Copper, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium,
Chromium, Phosphorus & Selenium.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• Chromium – Magnesium, Zinc & Potassium.

• Manganese – Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron &
• Selenium – Sodium, Potassium, Copper,
Manganese, Iron & Calcium.

Vitamins are also apart of the dating game, if

certain minerals are not present vitamins don’t
function AND VICE VERSA. So knowing who
needs what is key:
Vitamin A – Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus,
Magnesium, Manganese & Selenium.
Vitamin D – Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Copper
& Selenium.
Vitamin E – Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron,
Manganese, Zinc, Phosphorus & Selenium.
Vitamin B1 – Selenium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron,
Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc &
Vitamin B2 – Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc,
Potassium & Chromium.
Vitamin B5 – Chromium, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc
& Phosphorus.
Vitamin B6 – Zinc, Chromium, Magnesium,
Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Manganese & Selenium.
Vitamin B12 – Selenium, Copper, Calcium &

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Sexual Healixing if your squimish

close the book!
One stormy and rainy night Ausaru walked in the
house after a long day at work. His wife Afrodesia
Dee Dee for short called out to him from their
bedroom. “Them texts you been sending me all
day kept me wet and I didn’t go outside”. Walking
into the room he me I grab her oversized left ass
cheek with my right hand pulling her crotch onto
my bulging jeans, rubbing and grinding my extra
hard dick on her. I nibble her ear kiss it then
whisper “ me too, I wanna do what you said in
those messages.” We must have stood there
kissing grabbing laughing licking rubbing gigguling
sucking and squeezing for an eternity.

Some how we
managed within the fray to peal off one another’s
clothes. I only needed to rub the head of my dark
fat veiny penis on her tight hot clit to find out she
was dripping. I love that first half wet penetration
into her body (where you get to pry open the
pussy). Anyway after about thirty minutes of warm
– up we jumped into the shower. In the shower I
wash her sweet brown skin body completely and

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

she washed mine the same, very sensual and

gentle like a soapy massage. After drying each
other off we hopped in the bed for a warm mouth
full of each other. Being a cancer 69 has always
been a favorite fore-play posture. Five minutes in
DD started to spasm triggering my reflexes before I
knew it I was, EXPLODING. Inhaling through my
nose deeply to retain the semen and erection I
push my way into her core. I think is the way she
stares into my eyes that does it or maybe its how
our hands are running wild all over each other’s
body as if we just met. A Timeless moment went
by as we grabbed, pulled, tugged, and reached out
for anything we could use I was pushing she was
pushing. Lightning! My spine was on fire as I
grinded into her lava like womanhood. Same result
same pattern in about 5 different positions before
we relax and just lay. Still connected, my dick still
pulsating freakishly hard somewhere buried in her
divinity. We take a some deep breaths before
finally disengaging to lay side by side a few
minutes more. This is how we’d start our work out
routine every day. Up into the living room we go
lighting incense (frank n myrrh) and listening to
meditative state (ohm or hemi-sync or zen
whatever floats ya boat . jazz it is lol ) music to
start the vibes into motion for recharging. We do
our own mix of slow deep streches and postures
carefully selected for a combination of eroticism
and results. (We like stretches where we can still
touch pull and grab each other for support.) After a
lil over an hour of stretching we they jumped in the
shower and started from the beginning.

Sexual Healing the Go Down!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The break down of this act in the intro ha ha if you

skipped it go back lol.

This is what a sex ritual looks like it doesn’t have to

be chicken blood on the walls or milk chocolate
kisses as long as the elements are there.

- The texts back and forth all day kept held the
sexual arousal all day while apart. This is crucial
because it boils the sexual fluids igniting you inner
alchemy releasing and preparing hormones left
and right. This is also key to the relationship in
general, no matter how long your in a relationship
both people still need to feel wanted sexually. This
can sway appetite for variety if thee is what I call
extended foreplay.
- Extended foreplay is continuous and on going in
many degrees and variations. From the subtle
“how are you doing” to the promise of future
pleasure in explicit detail and full blown phone sex.

- The grabbing and kissing was not only a potent

foreplay tool but it’s a way to connect intimately
with your partner especially when the passion is
phi. Daily stresses are also released in this way, it

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

gives an entry point to the world of sexual delights

and a exit to the mundane. This may seem
unimportant but focus is very important when
recharging (make love) it is the difference between
fruitless masturbation and bountiful love. The
feelings you experience during intercourse are
what determine which and how much of which
hormones get released. Hormones provide
instruction for certain things to happen in the body
and DNA synthesizes amino acids. At any rate
both of these work to provide you with what you
ask for, whether or not you even know your asking
for it. Even though there are some who feel that a
“nut is a nut” scientifically and sensually they are
just fooling themselves. Release of sexual fluid
without the intention of reproduction is largely a
mistake of western cultures aggressive sexual
outlook. The reproductive organs are for just that
reproduction, either through replication or
rejuvenation. Obviously replication would be
making a new human but rejuvenation occurs only
by retaining the fluids thus retaining the life force
connected to it (for personal use officers I’m
quitting tomorrow though lol).

Sexual Healing

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Many of us are in dire need of sexual healing! “

Right? We need to let a good one go! Ladies are
all done up, fake breast and ass shots. Men, the
men have become even worse than females in
their quest for sexual satisfaction and supremacy.

Some men are using

weird looking tubes or even injections directly into
the penis for size outside of the “normal” pill

poppers. Not only is sex big

business as far as sex selling other marketable
interests but, its still selling itself like its going out
of style. Its almost like the church provided the
prohibition to sex’s intoxicating allure making it
more attractive and magnetic. To the point where it
doesn’t even matter who its with any more just do
it. We have become slaves to this pull, so much so
that it doesn’t matter what this lovely young woman

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

is selling I already know I’m buying it.

Ok well not quite. LMFAO. You get my point

(pardon the pun) though. Even our daughters as
young as five are wearing strapless blouses and
halter tops etc…. It’s plain madness. The steroids
in the fast foods and frozen meats are causing the
hormone factories in these lil people to be out of
whack. Take a look at a few of our hormonal
defects here, there are more this is just an

- Homosexuality is being theorized

to its death. The reality is that although there may
be a “natural” group of people who are born with
an affinity for the same sex things have changed.
Its now cool and trendy to be deviant. Whether you
wanna be like the rappers an follow Greek
tradition, the rape force of corporate America and
the penal (to funny) system or your just open to
one to many ideas (tri-sexuals will try anything).

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The point is we are losing are center. The woman

are just as confused they are turning to each other
but still holding on to the dick.

Why? If you don’t

need a man why the prosthetic.
- Overdevelopment is a term I glued together for
these young 12 year old girls wit 36 22 38
measurements and 14 year old boys whose faces
are covered by hair. These same young boys have
pimples on their necks and back. Pimples only
show up on ya neck and back from prolonged
steroid use or fast/frozen food (loaded with
steroids) use. This massive burst in physical
development causes and array of problems not the
least of which is irresponsible parents. Babies that
have babies can teach those babies so babies that
raise themselves let their children raise
themselves. This is a cycle from which all other
failures trials and tribulations start, the family unit.
Once the family unit is destroyed the men turn into
predators will to do anything for survival and the
woman become something more sinister because
are predators but come across as prey. Rape,
bastard children etc…..
- Our health is completely dependant on our
hormonal balance. In fact the difference between
your growing male organs and woman’s organs is
only a matter of hormone distribution. In order for
you DNA to build the right amino acids it needs
instruction. Imagine if your body repaired the liver
with brain tissue or the breast with heart tissue.
This is a serious matter. Hormones are also

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

- responsible for thinking and we are systematically

desensitized to one another and ourselves.

The sex drive is

linear now meaning the life-force is only coming
out of the body. In a fractal world everything must
self refer and go back within as such the life force
needs to be channeled back into the body. Or we
become “sexual addicts” only this is an illusion
there is no sexual addicts. We are all sexual
addicts, we are sexual beings in fact everything in
the universe was created through it. Sex is how the
original one became two and those two can always
re-unite to make another one.

So diet then becomes crucial to our struggle

because it is mostly through die-it that we ruin our
hormonal balance.
First of all you are a grown man/women and you
know what you shouldn’t be eating already so lets
open up and start by cutting those things out
completely. Then we need to look at timing we are
eating to late at night you wanna eventually stop
eating not juicing, blending or having a piece of
fruit, but stop eating food after 730pm. Now I know
beyond a shadow of a doubt that’s not gonna
happen overnight it didn’t for me an I was smoking,
drinking and clubbin wit the best of em (trust me on

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

that). Just start with any time as a goal it could be

10pm as long as you rigorously stick to it and then
gradually every two weeks move it back 30
minutes. More specifically outside of the things we
should already know to cutout like fast-food, soda
and sugar (kake kandy kookies) we need to
address some things you might not be aware of ie
white bread, white rice and white potatoes are
rough on a player eventually ya body will convert
these guys into sugar and don’t be fooled by
colored white bread thinking its actually whole
wheat its not it probably has molasses in it to give
CONSUMPTION and beware of the double up,
labels will list one thing but your actually getting
more than one serving of that amount i.e. a 20
ounce soda will say 24 grams of sugar per serving
but 8 ounces is the serving size so your actually
getting about 60 grams when you drink that bottle.
Sugar substitutes don’t always help some have
worse sideffects than sugar including nervous
system damage it takes self respect and discipline
but its worth it to move away from sugar all
together, use honey, molasses or the actual taste
of the "food/drink" you are consuming instead.
Sugar should be treated as a narcotic its
created almost the same way heroine is its just a
different plant I think if more people knew about
that they wouldn’t "use" as much sugar. Every
single food or food additive we eat we say "we ate"
or "I’m going to eat" but somewhere in the not so
distant past we knew sugar was a drug that’s why
whenever referring to sugar we say "use" even on
cake ingredients it says use x-amount of sugar its
a dangerous narcotic don’t "use" and don’t allow
your kids to "use" it. I think we have all felt the
affects of the "sugar high" (drugs get you high

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

not food) a scary thing to think about is when they

first started making sugar they used human blood
to make it. Sounds like some late night b movie
where there is a evil dr. xyz trying to make a
poison to get the whole world addicted to his
concoction then as they keep eating they will
become weaker and sicker as he gets richer and
richer. Dr xyz can even sell them a cure for the
sickness that develops from being addicted to his
poison and once he's got the adults he can even
get their children hooked and sick. Sounds
absolutely crazy right? Good thing we don’t live in
a place where that could happen cause this is real
life if something was killing people they would
simply stop using it. Right? People wouldn’t have
pancreas failure and still drink a few sodas every
day people wouldn’t have to take injections every
day of one chemical to offset their addiction to
candy bars. Real talk more slaves died in the
baking heat of the sugar fields than in the cotton
fields and alot of them had their blood then used to
refine the sugar. The man who came up with a way
how to use fossils (ole rotten bones) instead of
actual blood to make/refine/whiten sugar got a
noble peace prize (but this is all hypothetical cause
I'm not a licensed dr or teacher blah blah blah) look
it up see what you find!!!! Alcohol is for the most
part liquid sugar and look at how many people a
year it kills way more than cocaine and crack but
its legal. People smoke cigarettes all around the
world but strange enough the countries with the
highest lung cancer rate are the countries that
spray (cure) their tobacco with sugar as part of the
drying process. Originally beer was a pretty
healthy drink in moderation and any bartender who
got caught using sugar in his beer was hung by the
townspeople for poisoning. Children are looking
borderline blackout drunk from the blood sugar

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

content after you get them "high" bouncing, the

inability to stay still, sometimes even running into
things or hitting their head. You may think its cute
but they are high most liquor is made from sugar
protect your children. Whoop whoop be on the
look out for a white powdery motherf@$%er he
doesn’t look dangerous but use extreme
caution and shoot to kill if spotted any where
near your loved ones or food supplies that’s a
10-4 good buddy over! For more in depth
information on sugar read the book "sugar blues".
Abs are very very tricky (you may have to
give up meat period) and hard to get and even
harder to keep (sharpen). Most of the difficulty
surrounding abs is because people think they
come from crunches or some gadget you can
purchase for 3 easy installments of xyz not so.
Those crunches and abs gadgets will help develop
your abs but they will still remain hidden under
layers of fat and there is no way to reduce your
waist without reducing the fat everywhere (those
diets pills are like putting your finger in dam don’t
even think it). So the key very simply is cardio
(running jogging swimming cycling etc.) intense
consistent cardio four to six times a week for at
least 30 minutes combined with 2 to 4 days of
weight/callisthenic training 1 to 2 hours. Yeah
that’s why models get paid so much its hard work
to diet and train that hard so if you want it its there
for the taking but its going to be a ruff grind. Now
maybe your not so interested in abs but would like
to be more healthy, energetic and lose a few
pounds you can moderate the abs formula to your
desired level say cardio twice a week for 10 to 20
minutes with weight/callisthenic training once
maybe twice a week for 20 minutes to a hour.
The most important thing to focus on when

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

trying to be healthier is remembering your body is

designed to always function at its highest level
naturally. The main thing we have to learn how to
do is get out of its way i.e. stop slowly poisoning
ourselves etc.... we also have to allow our bodies
natural metabolism to flourish that’s the purpose of
not eating late. At night your body is supposed to
be processing all the nutrients you took in during
the "day" for regeneration during r.e.m. sleep and
eliminate the waste all of which cant take place if
we are eating heavy and late . Not only is our body
stuck digesting the late buffet but also because of
the energy required to digest the late night buffet
your body never actually gets to the designated
r.e.m. Sleep, which is where recovery and
regeneration happen that’s why most of us are
waking up tired. Quick tip a lemon in the morning
will incinerate fat like nobody’s business a
grapefruit is cool to but not as potent. If we ate the
inappropriate things before one o’clock in the
afternoon and had a solid dinner at (grandma time)
6pm we would be fine with a healthy snack later
on. If you got to beast out (eat garbage and alot of
it) do that for breakfast or lunch (before 1 pm) and
have a healthy early dinner leaving your body with
ample time and nutrients to recover with (more
nutrients are needed if you party smoke drink work
2 jobs single parents etc....)
At the end of the day there is two types of
eating one is for the body/mind (may or may not
always taste good) and one is for the tongue
depending which one you do more of is going to
directly tell the story of your life. Quick recap here
is a diet to get you where you want to be 2
grapefruits (or fresh lemons juiced or not, & no
sweetener) whatever you want for lunch and a
healthy dinner before 730pm the weight will come

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

off effortlessly (relatively speaking of course)

Detoxify (toxic build up)

These chapters important because the illnesses

and disease not related directly to some form of
malnutrition usually fall under the category of toxic build
up. Toxins and poisons are everywhere i.e. in
order to keep water remotely safe its loaded with lesser
poisons (that harden your arteries whether you drink it,
shower in it, bath in it or swim in it) to kill the really
nasty ones so in essence we are trading a really rapid
death for a really really delayed one. Even our beloved
oxygen is a killer in actuality its the main cause of
ageing (oxidization) yeah it can get overwhelming if
even oxygen is a poisoning why try just live right. No
there are simple solutions natural ones green tea is an
excellent antioxidant (anti-oxygen get it) to fight off free
radical and fruits like acai, pomegranate and grape are
loaded with powerful antioxidants (anti-oxygens get
used to saying it that way you’ll live longer). Also of
high importance is your dna as your dna replicates
these toxins slowly erode the dna so that each
duplicate is slightly less perfect than the last (ageing)
now we do have natural protection against this its a
enzyme called telomerase which creates telomeres that
act like the tape on the tip of your shoe string but we for
some unknown reason (which is buried in the good
book maybe?) stop producing this enzyme once we
become like toddlers in everywhere except our
reproductive organs (maybe fellatio and cunnilingus are
healthy) and stem cells but once again there are natural

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

substances like astragulus, (acidophilus excretes

telomerase but research hasn’t shown its ability to live
in the blood stream yet maybe a gold molecule could
bond with it and carry it where it needs to go my theory
that’s original you heard it here first baby) gout kola and
ashwaganhda extract that slowly but surely turn the
faucet back on of the fountain of youth( this obviously
hypothetical because I’m not a licensed health
practitioner blah blah blah etc......) look it up. Just food
for thought look into these things telomerase, gold,
reserveratrol, astragalus, ashwaganhda and gotu
kola you’ll be shocked at what you learn!!!
The body's organs and organisms are all co-
dependant on each other so if one shuts down the
symptoms or illness (dis-ease) could pop up
anywhere. So once a year you need to clean your
organs out (detox). This is probably one of the
most dramatic changes towards optimal health you
can make that’s very inexpensive the vitamin shop
has a very good selection of detoxes that are
organ specific priced anywhere from $5 to $30
used them at least 2 weeks apart and one at a
time beginning and ending with a colon cleanse.
Also noteworthy is the apple the nutrients in an
apple keep your organs and colon clean (eat one
at least four days a week after completing detox
Your brain and heart are intimately connected
and I cant recall any detoxes for either but you can
take care of your heart thru a good diet (all sh?t in
chapter one) combined with cardio the brain is
similar. The brain needs to be exercised thru
constant learning, challenging it to be creative and
problem solving. It also needs a gang of nutrients
to remain healthy & function optimally especially if
you have or are using alcohol or any kind of "get
high"(narcotic including marijuana wrapped in

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

cigar). Your brain needs omega fatty acids (3,6

and 9 naturally in fish), ginkgo biloba, st.john's
wart, phosphatidyl serine, platinum, iridium,
rhodium, choline, alpha lipoic acid, huperzine-a,
gotu kola, dmae, bilberry, spinach, and blueberries
among others look it up..! It may also be worth
noting that we only use 5% of our brain (some of
us 1 or 2 percent) and that 5% of our brain is made
out of platinum metals (iridium and rhodium).
Another theory the more we increase that
percentage of our brain that is made out of these
"platinum group metals" the higher the percentage
of the brain we will have to use look it up
Here I just want to briefly mention all of the
things in this book are designed to strengthen your
immune system that being said there are a billion
things that can weaken your immune system and if
it gets beaten down to much it will stop working
and there is a very catchy name for this its called
aids. Sex is not the only way to catch aids or
simply stop your immune system from functioning
its just a shortcut. Life is vibration like tuning forks
if you put one next to another they will oscillate at
the same frequency (hang around nine broke
niggas and you’ll be the tenth), which is exactly
what you do when you sleep, unprotected (without
a rubber like rubber gloves that stop you from
being electrocuted) with someone who has it. It’s
an electrical discharge we are electrical creatures
(i.e. "spark of life") that’s why we use a "rubber" not
to exchange disease because it’s all electric. It’s
just like when you touch someone and shock him
or her on a much simpler level. For more
information on this read "the body electric-
electromagnetism and the foundation of life by
Robert Becker and Gary Seldon."
Also be on the look out for these killers

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

ASPARTAME & FLOURIDE they are killers do not

consume in any way shape or form and definitely
don’t feed them to your children. Under certain
conditions aspartame turns into formaldehyde in
the body and you can just google "hitler fluoride"
and see what you find they are poison (again I am
not a certified physician or doctor and these are
educated guesses blah blah) don’t consume
Trudeau he has some informative books

chapter 4
Our bodies have little internal alarm systems built
in to let us know when we need more water like
being thirsty, having dry lips or dry skin. SO
The less water we retain the closer we get
to death! Even look at the bodybuilding industry
alot of those guys go to the emergency room after
big shows from dehydration. For much more in
depth information on water look up Mona Harrison.
*Momatomix* is one of the most
remarkable products to hit health food and vitamin
shops in history what it does to the body is almost
magic and the story behind its inception is
legendary buy and use it...
So by this point with all the money getting n
allllll that we should have enough information to
live long enough to actually enjoy the money we
getting cause you damn sure cant take it with you!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Alot of us put our life or freedom on the line in the

"pursuit of happiness" and some of us find it with a
40-60 thousand a year gig or a nice 6-month run.
The bottom-line though is it doesn’t add up if the
stress and the lifestyle kill us in the process. We
aren’t creating wealth by just getting rich (having
alot of money) a fool and his money soon part so
don’t be the fool putting more money into his closet
game his whip (car) game or the house than your
body because everything in your life that you build
will need you to maintain it. You are the master
builder and master architect of your body and
your life build a strong foundation with
nutrition as your cornerstone. If you cant keep
it real in any other way make sure you square
your body away and at least keep "it" on the
Grandma’s cabinet (Potions and Formulas)
All the potions and formulas listed can not replace
medical treatment and all that please consult your
physician for any serious ailments you have these
are not cures and should not be used instead of
good ole overpriced healthcare from properly
licensed practitioners.
For maximum results all minerals in the
ingredients should be monatomic or at the least
very very high grade colloidal minerals both types
are liquid and come in bottles with droppers that
should be taken under the tongue on top of daily
minimums of nutrients with astragalus,
frankincense (the edible form of course), fulvic acid
supplement, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
and half a gallon of water minimum a day. These
potions can also be used as a guide for you to
drink in tea form. All of these minerals, in the most
bio-available forms can be found in plants &

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics


Calcium, gold, magnesium, manganese, platinum
with a freshly juiced glass of moringa, sea moss,
beets, string beans, wheat grass and apples
(granny) blended with almonds
Calcium, copper (alot), germanium, gold,
magnesium, molybdenum, platinum, selenium,
silver, sulfur (msm), zinc with a freshly juiced glass
of pumpkin, chili peppers and okra blended with
fresh garlic in conjunction with fresh squeezed
lemons separately but throughout the day, your
also going to need reserveratrol, ashwagandha
extract, reishi/maitake/shitake mushroom
supplements, blue/green algae, two cups of green
tea daily, fulvic acid, moringa and sea moss with
as much sunshine as you can get I promise you
don’t want to underestimate the sunshine in this
formula its the key ingredient practice looking
directly at the sun for 1-3 seconds at a time (only
for people with brown to black eyes) your also
going to need to get 2 grams of protein for every
pound of bodyweight and cut all forms of sugar
(except fresh fruits and veggies) and red meat
(poultry and fish got to go too) from your diet
including starches (bye - bye soul food) and carbs
(for maximum potency add cell food to your water
daily) p.s you might want to stay away from
chlorinated water and install a shower filter so you
don’t have to wash in it either.
Tip: zinc also activates your thymus gland, which
pushes out those t-cells.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Gold, molybdenum, silver, sulfur, copper with a
freshly juiced glass of alfalfa, apples, celery,
cherries, parsley, pumpkin blended with fresh
Calcium, copper, germanium, gold, magnesium,
manganese, molybdenum, silver, sulfur (msm) with
a freshly juiced glass of watercress-turnip blended
with almonds lemons and limes.
Tip: hot soup or tea helps, stop using table salt
switch to sea salt or go without it altogether and
take extra b-6.
Calcium, chromium, copper, germanium, gold,
magnesium, molybdenum, platinum, potassium,
selenium, silver, sulfur(msm), vanadium, zinc, with
freshly juiced glass of beets, cabbage, wheat
grass, apricots, pumpkin blended with fresh garlic
(be careful though ggarlic is low ph) and kamut
also drink the fresh squeezed lemons throughout
the day supplement with moringa, sea moss,
reserveratrol, ashwagandha extract, two cups of
green tea daily, reishi/maitkae/shitake mushroom
supplement, blue green algae, fulvic acid and
plenty of sunshine practice looking directly at the
sun (only for people with brown to black eyes [for
maximum potency add Momatomix to your water
P.S. your going to need to cut all meat (even
poultry and fish playa) and sugar (carbs and
starches not fruit and veggies you need them) get
your protein from sea veggies and whole grain with
a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily, you

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

might want to stay away from chlorinated water

and install a shower filter so you don’t have to
wash in it either.
Tip: you might want to get some fiber supplements
daily and do a good colon cleanse every 2-4
months and zinc also activates your thymus gland
which pushes out those t-cells (zinc is in sea
Note: do some reading on alternative medicines
(natural cancer treatments that work is a good
Diabetes type 2
Calcium, chromium, copper, magnesium,
manganese, sulfur (msm), vanadium, zinc with
freshly juiced glass of cabbage, chile peppers,
moringa, sea moss, string beans, jerusalem
artichokes and rhubarb for diabetes or jerusalem
artichoke, red and black raspberries, string beans,
tomato, zucchini supplement with extra b-complex
vitamins, three tablespoons per day of extra virgin
coconut oil, one teaspoon a day of cod liver oil,
probiotics and enzymes and green tea (2 cups a
day at least) increase water intake to a gallon a
day (for maximum potency add cell food to water)
Tip: try eating your veggies uncooked it takes the
body longer to digest them so the change in your
blood sugar level is alot less drastic also try eating
5 to 6 teeny weeny meals instead of three big
*Note*: people don’t die from diabetes they die
from complications so pay attention to those little
alarms they are called symptoms eliminate them at
that stage before they even become complications.
High Cholesterol

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Calcium, chromium, copper, gold, magnesium,

manganese, selenium, sulfur (msm), with a glass
of freshly juiced beets, cabbage, moringa,
pumpkin, apple, jerusalem artichoke and chile
peppers blended with garlic supplement with two
cups of green tea a day, moringa and seamoss
Tip: can’t say enough about moringa, seamoss
they lower your cholesterol in no time they are also
high in vitamin a and platinums, replacing your
meats with chick peas not only normalizes
cholesterol levels but can lower triglyceride levels,
no sweets if you have a sweet tooth pull it, beans
are full of pectin they are excellent, eggs, mayo &
ranch may be dangerous cut em out, add some
blue/green algae and wheat/barley grass to your
Fountain of youth (for those already in optimal
health that have peter pan's disease like me)
*take all your minerals in monatomic form*
4 cups of green tea a day
astragalus, gotu kola and ashwagandha herbs
blue green algae
fresh squeezed lemons daily
water with momatomix (shoot for a gallon a day )
juiced pumpkin and beets blended with sea moss
cardio exercise (jogging running biking swimming
)30 minutes 5 times a week
stop smoking all together

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

only drink red wine if you gotta drink at all

32 herbs to get you right!!!
eleuthero: enhances the body's overall electricity
ling zhu ling: enhances the lungs
yu xing gao: enhances the lungs
gymnema sylvestre: reduces blood sugar
goldenseal: enhances lungs
withania somnifera (ashwagandha): builds
overall immunity and body electricity (chi)
cayenne: stimulates heart & circulation
white willow bark: natural aspirin
fo-ti: fights aging
guarana: natural caffeine
jiaogulan: blood pressure, liver, diabetes and
garcinia: appetite suppressant
cats claw: fights degenerative disease, cancer
and aids/hiv
ginger: enhances digestion
ginseng: enhances strength libido and fertility
echinacea: enhances immune system
astragalus: enhances overall immunity and builds
blood strength
cornus : enhances hormones, bone marrow and
blood strength
polygonatum: enhances cardio and heart capacity

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

alfalfa: cleans blood

rehmannia: enhances blood(against anemia)
rhodiola: a natural anabolic (get big baby)
tribulus: a natural testosterone booster (all
slippery elm: enhances the intestinal tract
black fungus: lowers cholesterol
sea moss/irish moss: enhances intestinal tract
white peony root: lowers blood pressure
moringa: immune and nervous system re-
milk thistle: enhances the liver and kidneys
chrysanthemum: enhances fat metabolism
dandelion: enhances the liver and kidneys
platycodon: enhances the lungs
horsetail: enhances hair/skin/nails
aloe vera plant (the inside of the plant not the
skin):enhances everything it touches but should
not be consumed unless under guidance very

Living Really Really

Really (etc…) Long List
The nine disciplines
- Sungazing/Sunbathing – Get your full dose of uv
light to feed the light body roygbiv is his name also

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

full spec uv rays this also cleans the psychic

- Pure water electrically charged the way it used to
be before we pulled all the gold and platinum out of
the rivers streams and oceans – fresh free radical
free liquid peter pan pixie dust aka electrons with
hydrogen you couldn’t ask for a more nutritious
- Vegetarian diet with the correct nutrients
metals/minerals etc… - supplies organic info and
raw material to make new bricks in your temple
you templar you.
- Increase the percentage of metal (solid light
pgm’s) /crystal (frozen liquid light) in/on the
skeleton (the infamous philosophers stone) as well
as regular bone marrow washing the idea is to
convert the base metals into platinum group metals
– pull the sword (words) from the stone (bone)
- Proper breathing technique – o2 is the purest
source of electrons so just inhale deep into your
stomach then middle and upper chest nose only
and always keep the tongue in its space at the roof
of the mouth.
- The correct sexual practices - save the fluid but by
all means continue to do it sex is sacred because
its how we create new electricity that’s why the
“rubber” (like electrician gloves) was created not
prevent dis-ease but to prevent the creation plus
more important cultivation of electricity and power.
- Stretching and exercise to increase the body
electrical capacity storage and conductivity – your
body has electrical atrophy fix it.
- Keep your circuit connected as much as possible
meaning mouth closed and tongue on roof of
mouth – keep the juice flowing the more it flows
the power grows.
- The ninth element to this level off longevity is the
sun heat genes, which work in conjunction with the

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

exotic carbon aka melanin (which should stay

properly oiled) – almost identical in some places to
melanin these guys separate the boys from the

You have different schools of enlightenment or

illuminative theory. The tantric (sex) path, the
buddhist (mental) and tao/dao (physical) all of
these groups or paths culminate in the spiritual

Tantric Thought

All things needed are or can be produced in the

body. The tantric aspect is a lil gross for some
because they consume all bodily fluids, ALL. Yes
menstrual blood too lol… Listen that is a book unto
itself but I will state that there are codon sequence
“unlockers” hidden within the blood of a “healthy”
melanated woman, she that is he is the master al’s
(al, il, el, eloh, from eloheem) chemist (chem.=
khem = black = blackness = blackhole = nu = dark
matter). So they prepare a variety of elixirs through
sex and exercise. Then through meditative focus
these elixirs are ingested throwing gas on the
flame for heighten states of consciousness.

Buddhist Thought

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Everything is mental there is no reason to actually

have to drink an elixir when you can just deeply
think of it and get the same results in the body. Try
telling that to someone dying of starvation “just
think of the food you’ll be fine, full to be careful not
to put on to much wait” lol. Although this may
sound crazy the brain actually cant differentiate
between a thing strongly visualized and actual
events. See in the sub-atomic realm there is only
infinite possibilities of things and not actual things
so if you are in tune to that extent this works and
works best. The Buddhist path is based on the
science creation and sorcery directly. The premise
is if you get your mind strong enough you can
manifest anything you want, so why work on
anything accept trying to get a more powerful brain
(sender/receiver), reproductive system (generator)
and djed refinery/capacitor as well as storage
facility. The name of the game was constant
progress daily at becoming a more and more
powerful creator daily. Period.

Taoist Thought

The Dao/Tao is my favorite though they are kind of

physical in a way with their approach but they use
every tool available to achieve illumination. They
have the street philosophy down pact “Malcolm X
style nigger by any means necessary” – FBP. They
will use any advantage to achieve the main goal. I
kind of dig this crew. So the Daoist would be the
witches so to speak out of the ole school physicist
and meta-physicist. They have all of the herbal
tinctures, remedies and elixirs tucked away safely
with them. Although there are plenty of herbs now
known for their effect on kundalini, life force

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maintenance and enhancements. Its probably

depending on you geographical location pretty safe
to say no daoist masters or monks live next door
so be very very very careful when buying tea.
Everything that’s good is not good for you!

With all that being said, again the best diet is a

simple one and that unfortunately doesn’t include
meat but neither does it include sickness either. So
there is no real slick secret here.
A Drink a minimum ½ a gallon living structured
water a day.
B No meat.
C No synthetic fluids.

There are a lot more little tips about getting fit like
just (80%) eating living foods and no (under 20%
lol) processed food. There is literally magic in a live
food diet but that’s another book. Sadly though
many are called few answer….. Its in there veins
but… The odds are that you wont change your diet
at all or very little so.
We have herb for you baby!!!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

No not that herb! These.

Black seed extract
Ginseng (pure Korean)
Tribulus terrestris
Carylus avellana

Keep in mind they can help even some miracles

but some of yall really do need Jesus!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Men if you are one I can call a Man one who

qualifies as a man. Not a male there is a
distinction. You becoming women not even just
gay but women. Your body is becoming feminized
and your mind is progressively taking a more
victimized helpless perspective.

Men if your blood

is dirty you will not be able to get an errection no
matter what you take. The body has safety
mechanisms in place and to keep the holiest of
holies safe it doesn’t allow dirty blood to flow into

your instrument.
You need a bath on the inside if your joint is soft,
your not sick your just dirty. It’s easy as a shower

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

to fix to. A detox

here a detox there presto every morning you will
awaken to hard wood.

Maybe not that hard but well you get the idea…
Stop sleeping with easy women and challenge
your self it’ll do your life wonders!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

It’s just as simple for you guys. A clean healthy diet

or else it’s the chop shop for you sad but true. Our
women our mothers are killing themselves slowly
with all of the “shit” she is putting in her body.
Every chemical my sister that you put in your hair
or on your skin, ends up in your bloodstream. You
have allowed your body to become dump! A
nuclear waste station…I’m sorry for saying it
although it has to be said. Everyday all day there
are little cells in your body transporting toxic waste
from the hair or skin on down into the blood

stream. Like little

workers emptying barrels of black oil into the
ocean. Combine that with meat and fast food and
you get a mucus producing factory. The biggest
problems are ovarian cancer, uterin cancer and
fibroids which all relate to mucus build you in these
same areas of body. In fact in areas of the body
where there is no mucus problems the body is
healthy, the scientific term for that is alkaline.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Wherever there is
alkalinity in the body you have already eliminated
80% percent of viruses bugs and little nasties off
your radar. These germs need and acidic
environment to germinate in. Believe it or not some
voluntarily leave the body to find a better host
(apartment building). Women your responsibility is
greater than ours those wombs must remain intact
and healthy. The seeds/eggs you hold are living
and as such can be poisoned like anything else

that’s alive. They eat

drink and waste as well just on a atomic and
subatomic level. You don’t even have to have
children in order to ruin the family tree. Your DNA
is within the memory of your morphogenic field
which is connected to the plasma memory bank
your bloodline sprang from. So detox is a
prescription for you to be filled asap. A whole body
or colon is good but you need organ/system
specific detoxes/herbs to target the woman’s body

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and needs. No matter how

you slice it the divinity in black women is not
hideable, down playable or cover-up able. She has
her own shape which is the most fractally arranged
and most evolved in known existence. The black
womb-man or Goddess must redeem her purity at
all cost ant it starts with what goes in your mouth.
Then we wont be lookin at yo ass to see your
genetic superiority we can look in your mind and
listen to your heart. Till then though…..” Damn you
fine shorty”.. lol. Cant laugh hard enough!
Stay away from half n half men too if your see a
man has masculinity problems avoid him!!! None of
this pants down ass out shit or these tight feminine
pants, bright color, almost gay clowns. Knock it off!

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Mentality not to be confused with

beastiality. Which
is just such a wild dis-order of the mental species I
will not address it here as it would cause me to
digress to far from the main scope of this work.
However mentality is contagious, in a fractal world;
your mind either engulfs mines or is engulfed by it.
This why we are so influenced by those around us.
Keep this in mind, as mind influences matter.
The mind not only influences matter but creates it.
So don’t get lost the subject here is mentality and
how it affects the body, spirit and sexual bodies.
The reason I may have seemed to digress a bit is
to give you more information so you can see the
entire picture come together yourself. The mind is
what guides all the processes of the body
conscious or sub conscious. The mentality is a
sum total of every experience, thought, feeling and
possibility from the alleles/dna. This is why a man
will sacrifice feeling (love) for intercourse and a
women will sacrifice intercourse for feeling (LOVE).
We can almost see mind and body as one from
this point of view, the body grows out of the mind
the spirit grows out of the associations of the body
and mind.
So what are you saying exactly?

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Men think. Women feel. A man uses love or its

illusion to get some pussy. A woman will fake
orgasms and even lay up under a nigger fat funky
smelling ass to get some love. Deep. We have
men using their penis to fake love (by using his
dick/sex in a certain way) to get sex and woman
are using their pussy to fake sex (by using their
pussy/sex in a certain way) to get affection. Now
all this deception, which is hard work and nobody
is happy. Huh? If we as men are willing to give
away love for pussy and women want to give up
pussy for love, we all should be happy right? Men
think. Women feel that’s why unfortunately they will
always be superior feeling taps them through the
heart right back into the divine. Men mostly speak
from a worldy, matter-istic and physical
perspective as opposed to women feel intuitively
from the spiritual cosmic realms. The most
powerful sex is the woman so much so in fact that
the ancients drank the soma ( male and female
sex fluids mix with virgin period blood ) as a way to
initiate neophytes as well activate the body’s
electrical circuitry. This works because the womb-
man is the master alchemist. The manna of old is
today’s spiritual gold is yesterday’s mfkzt. People
are running around spending all types of money
researching these metals in inorganic dead forms.
The only living forms of ormes or monatomic
minerals are found in the ocean, breast milk,
period blood and male/female sexual fluids. Yes
brother not only is she GOD but she is confirmed
as the GOD maker! So the mentality has a huge
influence on the physical growth of the body. The
body is where these lights, vibrations or feelings
become flesh and we are hurt, hurt wounded shell
shocked and broken. The hormones and DNA we
are producing from the mental “plexes” is also
broken. There is always the possibility of building a

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

strong building with bad tools but the odds are

against you however if you have the best tools and
preparation you may be the third lil piggy.

Our sexual deviations are not natural they come to

us naturally but they are not natural!!! They come
to us naturally through the body and its natural
functions the sad thing is they are Trojan horses
and mental green light we give them is the
permission they (we) need to make us sick or kill
us. Yes, crazy as it sounds if we are sick it’s
because we either want to be or need to be.

Period. The act of perverting

the sexual body through deviant sexual practices is
tantamount to genocide. If I pervert your sexual or
distort your reproductive practices, as your body’s
DNA builds the proteins that become you they to
will be distorted. Cancer is a out growth of cells in
the body that have manage to either make up their
own directions or get distorted ones. Do you
overstand the situation? Do you have any clue
what all this overstimulation does to the mentality.
It not only overrides the mentality but it makes you
mind moldable. This is how clones or yes men can
be create. In fact this is the military/corporate way,
fear yelling shock aaaaaaggggghhhhhhh! Once
you get beat down to certain degree (the light is

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

held down below your minimal vertebrate your real

birthstone. That’s right the true and original
birthstone was wherever your kundalini stopped
because that where you had to pick up from your
last life in order to progress. That’s right the true
and original birthstone was wherever your
kundalini stopped because that where you had to
pick up from your last life in order to progress.
Imagine where we could be as a global family of
earthlings if we didn’t focus on the bullshit and
picked up every life where we left off. Stop it!
famlee you killin me. Literally!
Your look is everything, right wrong or indifferent. It
determines your entire life’s path right? Attractive =
friends Unattractive = Misfits. Attractive = under
qualified, overpaid Unattractive =
Underpaid/unemployed. This though is only on the
surface, at the subatomic and atomic levels its
electron and potential electron exchange. For a
person to be attractive means that the very
subatomic electrons that your body is made of
want to leave your body and live in the person your
attracted to. He/she is literally so “good” looking
that the fabric of your being wants to split. Then
once you have the understanding of what physical
life is, you really have to say what the fuck?
Something is wrong here how can anything look so
good that I want to give it my life force in five
minutes. Stop it. This can be used as a powerful
weapon though, if it is applied to masses of
people. How? Simple. Its just as effective on just
one person but masses….. If you train program or
hypnotize a group of people to think that the idea
of beauty is another group of people’s phenotype
what you will get is a residual energy source.
This residual energy transferral will happen

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

infinitely until the brainwashed people are

imagine how powerful it is to step in a room and
through sheer awe and fear be filled with
everyone’s life force in the room. The “attractive”
group of people would seem literally invincible do
to the irony of the spell. The stronger the
oppressed people get the more energy/emotion
they feed the “attractive” people so they will always
seem stronger. These last three sentences alone
cost me much more than fifty bucks to have
revealed to me you should have paid me a
thousand for this information, shit I should a paid a

The unTHINKable

“Girl I’m tired of struggling I need me a white boy ”

Sayed Blockesia to Hoodonia. “That’s my word
son, all I need is one of these new white bitches
with a fat ass and it’s over I can’t take this bitch no
more” Son said to Fam.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

To keep this real friendly we gone do it like this

animals share the jungle but lions don’t mate with
elephants. Fish don’t give blow jobs to frogs.

Hippos don’t have gay

baby fathers and neither do panther have dike

baby mothers.
What the hell is this mess!!! How can you have a
child when you don’t even no your sexuality. Wait.
Stop. How can you have sex without knowing your
sexuality. WTF. No excuses we are breeding
ourselves out of the global community by killing our
children’s hope for tomorrow with poor preparation
This is continuous germ warfare perpetuated by
the germ-man through mass hypnosis and mass
media marketing your eating breathing and
drinking poison all day every day and you still live
to 50/60/70 plus years its just mathematics that if
you remove this constant bombardment of shit out
of your life your life span will easily double. You will

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

also be able to develop green blood cells (very

fragile won’t grow in the presence of toxicity),
which are of the utmost need if you want to live a
extraordinarily long life. Green blood cells will only
develop from a high alkaline diet with a lot of
seaweed and algae especially chlorella. 75% of
the world’s oxygen also comes from these very
same seaweeds and algae which is why they also
assist in creating the inner atmosphere within the
body that less than 5% of the worlds population
enjoys swimmers and astronauts develop them as
part of their training unbeknownst to them or their
trainers which is one of the reasons they can hold
their breath for so long.

- There is also studies that are saying in the past we

may not have even had exactly the same sort of
blood we have today due to the env-iron-mental
changes we now have a iron based blood. Studies
are saying we could have possibly had a dual
copper, manganese (we have to focus on getting a
lot of manganese in our diet) based blood, which
would have made us a zillion times more
electrically alive. The blood would have also been
well greenish-black. “Nahimean” when I get mad I
turn green…. You see some of the things we are
ashamed of are the result of the inquisition and
denationalization. Basically the process of making
one hate himself, which is where the nation of
Muurs is currently. Hate is the opposite of our very
make up being a moor (amor/amore) love is your
natural state which is where you can yield the
life/sexual force, the most power force known in
existence. Everything revolves around blood type,
there is over 300 blood types but the basic 8 are
AB positive AB negative A positive A negative B
positive B negative O positive O negative. These

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

blood types will tell you a lot about the world we

live in and again this is freaky shit. The basic blood
types are divided by the amount of fungis that lives
on each blood cell and whether or not you have
monkey blood. So the AB is the foulest blood type
with the most amount of fungal/viral infection (harry
potter would call this mudblood) in varying degrees
till you get to the pure blood with no
fungus/bacteria on the cell which would be O. The
positive and negative refers to whether you have
monkey blood/dna, so if your blood type is positive
it’s a yes for evolving from monkeys conversely if
it’s a no you did not evolve from apes ( the rhesus
monkey hence the RH ). Not exactly, it just means
someone in your Ancestry may have mated or was
raped by someone who gave them the RH protein.
Now on the flipside the earth is losing its magnetic
field because we are so weak, we can’t afford to
water down or mix our blood at this juncture. It’s in
everyone’s best interest to chill for a minute. Not to
mention it ruins genetic diversity, any two races
mix and have a baby. If one parent is black the
child will be black. The only way the other races
can survive is if we allow them to reproduce
without us besides our frequencies are no where
near compatible.

Sidebar google search Eugenics watch all you

find, then read this book from scratch again see
how free you’ll be with your “loving” after.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Male hunter you’ll become or

maybe the men will never bust a nut again until all
that backed up testosterone makes them look like

this. Can you say over

kill. This is the same guys before steroids picture
don’t laugh its NOT funny.

This is real life people

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

maybe not yours but real these are your friends

and family behind closed doors. We need sexual

healing people. .
Sexual healing can only come about when we can
look at selves in the mirror and laugh or cry as long
as its honest emotion. If we follow these honest
emotions or feelings we will have the happiness
and satisfaction we seek but we have to
learn/study first.

I can’t even begin to explain,

How eight months ago,
My whole life’s plan changed.
It started with just a positive stick,
And turned into joyful kicks.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

My miracle is growing inside.

Our father’s have joined together,
And put a prince in my life.
See I only met hid grandpa,
On his daddy side,
Maybe once or twice,
And he changed my life.
He knew he had a bigger plan,
To give his life for my little man.
His life in vain will never be,
I’ll make sure that my son will always see,
All that he needs to make him rich,
His Daddy as a King,
And to understand his position as a Prince.
Lets go anal! Why is this so appealing even men
want it up the ole shit shoot now dig this nigger!

This makes us look bad. Well in

a way. OK he doesn’t make us look that bad at all
but that pose is a lil crazy. The ass, butt, keester,
badunadunk, booty etc… As the part of our body

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

we use to defecate it’s a wonder how its been so

exploited and used as sexual EYE candy. For a
man I don’t care what type of “knowledge” you
drop, a nice ass is hard (parden the pun again) to

say no to. Period.

Yes mam . ygwcgwdehbwsi. Yes mam.
Tyiughiulghbihjgbswbdhbckihwski. Oh I
understand right away mam.
TFYUTUFUFTufyufuygfuyguyGUYGUYG. Twice
as much work no pay, NO PROB. Funny cause we
meet women and go from this YES man to this

guy. No words, back

to the point. Asses like the one above I believe
should be everywhere on tv, in picture frames, on
clothing, everywhere I look I want to see one.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Lets take a look inside here, or


Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Here again is the secret lack of knowledge of self.

Gay men straight women it’s a kundalini
modulator. If you have anal sex the orgasms are
bananas because your are banging directly on the
sacral plexus. In fact a large part of the vices we
have today stem from finding KUNDALINI release
in some odd weird or culturally illegal way. You see
our DNA is in need of sexual healing the sexual
sciences are lost but the requirement for them is
not. So we will just look to find it elsewhere and
when we find it if it’s to crazy to try we will deny our
passions until it makes us deviant. No one is
immune the entire society will do it every so often
in private. This is where sexual abuse and mind
control comes in the same as crack or heroine.
Any where a person receives a kundalini activation
they will return to. Look at all the men that go to
prison straight and come out with a new habit.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

We must learn to stop this first.

One of the worst

drugs to ever hit the hood. This drug is more
dangerous then crack or dope because people
think its ok. The gym rats the book lovers and the
chocolate lovers….. for-gged aboud idd…

Chocolate lovers
are so crazy they can’t even tell that they are
getting high. Textbook. High. We are looking for
DNA physics in the club, in the church, at the liquor
store, on the corner the strip club driving at 180
mph drunk or sober. The thrill we seek is none
other than the awakening of our natural
GODBODY!!! Most of us don’t know that those
types of thrills are possible from within the body.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The more important thing to

understand is that you will never stop needing to
feel this level of “BLISS”. The more important
thing to understand is that you will never stop
needing to feel this level of “BLISS”. People do
all types of things to get this feeling. It’s the same
feeling, we get it from different activities but the
result is the same. People who kill people do it for
this feeling, people who play video games do it for
this reason, gorilla go rill for this feeling….etc The
nature of nature is to nat or not or nit – phonetics
are key lol. To knot or knit as in bind or sow or
weave, which is in part how the string theory
evolved. We are weaved by her (nature) to weave
for her and that’s exactly what we do, a big thick

colorful life quilt.

Doesn’t that make you feel all warm inside. It
should beauty (electric charge attraction),
beautifies. The science is, everytime something

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

beautiful is added to your morphogenic field it adds

more (electric charge attraction) beauty to your
personal field. This is why attractive people make
you physically feel good and you like having us
around you. Conversely if you are generally the
most “attractive person in your circle you can start
to feel drained like the people around you are
vampires, because they are. Electrons or electricity
flows from strong to weak, in fact this is how an
electric potential is created. We are electric being
and if my outy slips into your innie we could
potentially create another electrical being. As
above so below.
It’s a fine line you walk trying to get people to see
the practicality of this type of physics but the fact
that we don’t get it, is literally killing us. The fact
that we don’t get it, is literally killing us. These
atomic and sub-atomic layers of our material
existence eventually wind up becoming our reality.
Sickness, depravity, wealth, courage, and
compassion all started or passed through these
realms on its way up the scale into our (fractal)

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

We are living in
darkness, eternal darkness, HELL. There are two
types of darkness the original triple darkness the
all of light or the void empty cold devoid of life
darkness. That’s one of the big problems with the
P.R. of darkness any way….lol . Right now we are
not walking in the light we are walking outside of it
and because of that we are not growing properly.
This also creates a crab in a barrel mentality
because if I can’t have the last bit of life/light so to
speak why should you. Why should I let you? This
is about me doing me! Right? Absolutely but it
doesn’t have to be we can both feel good, get a
orgasm or get into the zone. We don’t have to feel
like we are being hated on because secretly we
know we do well at someone else’s expense. This
internal tension leads to a distorted form of self
reflection where you can’t tell that you are actually
“the observer” observing and studying yourself.
You are the DNA exploring it’s body and creation.
You are your own biggest hater and enemy.
YOU!!! This is why “weed” makes people paranoid
it opens up our heart chakra, which gets us in
touch with our feminine tendencies, feelings.

Hate is dangerous and self hate is the most

dangerous type of hate. A person or creature that
hates itself can not be trusted or civilized. In fact
love of self is the foundation civility. The entire

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

concept of civilization started with or was the first

external act of survival. So to bring the topic full
circle your mentality is based on BLISS fulfillment
and the processes attached to its attainment. This
understanding is tantamount to the spiritual key
that opens the door to
enlightenment/illumination/heaven. In fact in our
illustrious traditions the devil’s main tool was
temptation. How would that be a real tool for “the
devil” unless there were constants in place,
scientifically. These constants are what allow for
the “bait and switch”. If I know you require
something and you don’t know what that is, I am in
a incredibly powerful position. You will feel like
there is a hole inside that needs to be filled with a
family, religion, blunt, kill, rape, piece of cake,
bottle pop etc ….. This is all apart of the temptation
game or conversely the satisfaction game “ I CANT
GET NO, SATIS FACTION etc..”. If I know the one
thing you hunger for the one thing your soul is
starving for daily, your purpose in life & you don’t; I
can rule the world.

We must get past the shame and fear of the

unknown because the reality is we are the
unknown. Making the fear of the unknown the fear
of ourselves on the inside which creates our
surroundings. So fearing the inside will keep us
from being conscious creators. Creating what we
fear for fear sake makes us strangers in our own
bodies. This brings us back to mentality and
hormonal balance & Health in general. Disease is
evolving because we are not.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Is it achievable individually? No.

So the choice then becomes either work together
or be a loser. Which some feel like they have
outsmarted by becoming a deviant. Scientifically
they are losing though because bliss or love is not
nearly as important as how it was created. So the
deviant acts paint harsh pictures into your
bloodline’s plasma source which will block you and
yours from illumination or just successful
relationships. To get without giving is a slave mind
state. Free, is a bondaged thought.

To get without giving is a slave mind state. Free, is

a bondaged thought. We wont be prosperous until
we embrace these types of thoughts so much so
that they become our reality. This will become a
reality when we start having these conversations at

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

work, on the train, in the barber shop and the hair


As a woman it should be common practice, to

practice quality control on your man’s sperm. You
absorb it anyway. All foods and states of mind
have specific frequencies. As previously explained
everything spiritual is attached in some way to
something physical and vice versa. So they
unhealthy foods/thoughts are also attached to
unhealthy frequencies, which then became are
apart of your plasma source and on into existence
it comes. It must be guarded daily 24/7 from such
attacks. One day the story of your life will be retold
by these virtues.











Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics










The unified theory is just that unified. No man

(womb or not) is a island we will only make

progress together. Black and White Male and

Female Feelers and Thinkers.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

The current paradigm of power and control is

forcing those unable to think for themselves to live
within a certain of polarity. Specifically meaning
they cant think outside the box or imagine. This
paradigm makes male and female into passive and
active so that in peoples minds ”the woman in the
relationship is supposed to fall back and look good
and be silent”. The man in a relationship is
supposed to “ pay for everything and be
completely emotionless”. This paradigm in a
economic based society that’s in a recession is a

recipe for . That’s

why we can’t accomplish goals outside of the
bedroom. Its simple look at this example in a
economic based society the people have economic
based mentalities and thoughts which determine
actions. So if a man makes less money in a
relationship his women will not only feel justified in
showing him no respect, she will feel compelled to.
She will create situations in which she has a “right”
to be tight about one thing or another. This is really
just a ploy. What she is doing is what she thinks is
masculine or behaving like the “breadwinner”
should behave. Winning a argument or getting to
talk down to and belittle your partner is a perk of
being the “breadwinner” (their favorite). Men on the
other hand have this type of foolishness engraved
in their DNA due to the negative programming they
have received since inception unless exceptionally
lucky. Sexual healing is required but not a “GOOD
FUCK” sexual healing is not that. Sexual healing is

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

understanding or overstanding the physics behind

BLISS or ORGASM. . Sexual healing is
understanding or overstanding the physics behind
BLISS or ORGASM. Orgasm is the physical
expression of BLISS the two are one not to be
confused with ejaculation. All one has to know is
BLISS brings orgasm but orgasm doesn’t bring
bliss. There is more beauty in the world and in our
everyday lives than we admit. We must retrain our
brains to see it. We must retrain our brains to see
it, only. We must retrain our brains to see only
beauty. We must retrain our brain to see only
beauty, only. We must retrain our brains to see
only beauty in others. We must train our brains to
see only beauty in others, only. This is a djed eye
mind trick I just did on you to retrain your brain a lil
but I don’t take liberties with peoples intellect so I
will leave it to you although you have a way now to
write new programming for your brain. It has to be
fractal though and repetitive. A statement you can
just add a word to but keep evolving the meaning
while extending the mantra.

Try it:
The next time you are outside and you inhale
imagine that you can see the electrons flowing into
your nose in the air. Imagine blowing out protons.
The next time you are in the presence of trees
imagine inhaling electrons the same way only
“see” them coming from a tree. Inhale them and
this time when you exhale the protons see the tree
taking them in.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Practice like this is amazing you wouldn’t believe

how relearning to connect with nature can teach us
how to connect with each other but its real and

Don’t let real life pass

you by!!!

Be ye not content

to watch only, lust to live and do it passionately!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Another adjustment we will have to make is we

can’t be satisfied with vicarious living. Entertainers
of all sorts are becoming fat cats pretending to live
the way you wish you were. YOU WISH YOU
TO MEDITATION ZEN ETC…. These charades
are why we need a healing we are so used to
pretending to be someone else we no longer
remember who we really are. Most people think
they “are” the job they have, ask them. Ask
yourself if I say to you “who are you” most people
answer “I am Tyrone I mange CVS” you see the
philosophy or PHI-losophy behind this type of
thinking. In order to be healed sexually we must
begin to honor our mothers and fathers again. A lot
of the everyday problems we have will melt away
when we return to this older style of living which
was based on the broken pieces of our traditions
we managed to fight and keep. We fought to keep
some semblance of identity only to have our
children throw it all out in favor of adopting the
mannerisms of our oppressor down to the way we
walk. The “ditty” bop we put so much pride in is no
more than the end result of a “project” to test mind
control and DNA programming.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics


Yes. You see these slave master used to make

slaves wear big iron balls shackled to their ankles
so they wouldn’t run away or get “out of place”. We
had to take one regular step then one dragging
bouncing step to swing the iron ball. These
oppressors having some knowledge of physics and
what these sciences reveal about DNA. What they
learned is that junk DNA really isn’t junk its actually
the more precious DNA because it thinks, the 5-
10% of DNA originally attributed to usage is now
known to be the order class of DNA the simple
workers. Anyway they knew after wearing the ball
for a certain length of time our DNA would adjust
and the ball would become apart of the information
encoded within the plasma of our bloodlines giving
us a perpetual ditty bop.
I really just wanted to educate about the science
behind sex before I show you how to do it properly
in accordance with the laws of our ancestors and
the cosmic laws set forth by the pre sub atomic
deities who determine form and shape.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Below the Article is included to demonstrate how to apply Herbal

Remedies. Bear in mind the example is just in the care and
seriousness at which the Chinese approach this craft. As I am
handing you a manual with a science that is thousands or millions
of years old RESPECT IT THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!

Li Dong-Yuan's Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach

and Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders
by Z'ev Rosenberg, L.Ac., D.O.M.
Abstract: In modern clinical practice, we often
encounter many patients with chronic, complex
disorders, such as chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis,
lupus, allergies, gynecological disorders, asthma,
arthritis and cancer. Many TCM practitioners using the
tools of their education find their diagnoses turning out
like run-on sentences, lacking any way to create a
coherent and consistent diagnosis. Dr. Li Dong-yuan,
author of the Pi Wei Lun/ Treatise on the Spleen and
Stomach, was an expert in designing elegant diagnosis
and treatment strategies utilizing acumoxatherapy,
herbal medicine and dietetics. Based on the central
prominence of the spleen/stomach, Dr. Li also made use
of wu-xing/five phase principles and Chinese
calendrical calculation in his diagnosis and treatment
plans. In this article, we will discuss the influence of his
work on the present day practice of Chinese Medicine.
I was originally trained in a standard TCM style in
acupuncture college in the late 70's and early 80's.
There were few textbooks available in English, so I
supplemented my education as much as possible with
such works as Henry Lu's translations of the classical
texts . As many practitioners of Chinese medicine have
discovered, actual practice of an Eastern medical
discipline is both more discerning and complex than
anything in the modern TCM textbooks. Rarely will a
patient profile be adequately explained by an eight
parameters pattern diagnosis (yin/yang, hot/cold,
internal/external, vacuity/repletion). Instead, the
practitioner will find symptom complexes characterized
by combinations of vacuity and excess, yin depletion

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

with damp stasis, blood stasis, heat in the upper jiao and
cold in the lower jiao. The eight parameters pattern
diagnosis is simple but limited, lacking a sense of
interactive dynamics when used without the five phases,
six channels, three burners or four levels pattern
diagnoses. 1 My experience was that trying to fit my
patients into the box of the eight parameters, was that a
great deal of information about the patient had to be
ignored if it did not fit in. Unfortunately, some of that
information was essential and held the key to the case.
As my practice developed, many of my patients were
seeking help for complex, chronic auto-immune
disorders. In the 1980's, chronic fatigue syndrome
began to appear, along with lupus and multiple
sclerosis. At the time, neither the biomedical or Chinese
medical literature available in English translation
adequately addressed these conditions. Over time, I
learned to look to the classical Chinese medical
literature for answers to my clinical problems.
In 1990, I picked up a copy of the Treatise on the
Spleen and Stomach by Li Dong- yuan, published by
Blue Poppy Press, one of the first titles in their Great
Masters series. The first chapter I opened up to was
"Diseases in the Different Seasons". I sat down and read
the first paragraph:
"When the spleen and stomach are vacuous and weak,
the qi of the upper burner is insufficient. In summer, the
original qi is damaged by intense heat, giving rise to
fatigue, somnolence, debilitated limbs, insufficient
essence spirit, atonic flaccidity of
the legs, cold inversion in the mornings and evening,
and fire-like heat coming back with the yang qi
becoming effulgent when the sun is hanging high. Since
both yin and yang, qi and blood are insufficient, there
occurs heat inversion with yin vacuity or cold inversion
with qi vacuity; with inability to taste food,fire sparks
emitted in the eyes, blurred vision, frequent urination,
difficult voiding of bound stools, ventral pain in the
cardiac region, flank pain or acute spasm, tightening

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

below the umbilicus as if bound by ropes, or in the

extreme, stabbing l(ower abdominal) pain, difficulty
relaxing the abdomen, obstruction in the chest, frequent
retching or dry retching or coughing with phlegm,
foaming at the mouth, rigidity of the tongue, pain in the
upper and lower back, scapulae and eyes, frequent
headache, inability to take in food, no desire to eat,
particularly severe spontaneous sweating, and a feeling
of yin qi (chills) shrouding the skin and hair. It is hot
weather that exacerbates the disease. All this is brought
about by geng, the large intestine and xin, lung metal
which are overwhelmed by heat. In this case, one must
first assist the original qi and regulate the insufficient
geng and xin. For this, Huang qi ren shen
tang/Astragalus and Ginseng Decoction is indicated."
Although this is a extensive description of a very
complex disorder, I immediately recognized the
syndrome described in the text as being quite similar to
multiple sclerosis, considered to be a modern condition
connected with stress and environmental pollution.
Until I found this book, I was frustrated in my attempts
to find any comprehensive information on multiple
sclerosis from either a biomedical or Chinese medical
point of view. The few articles on the subject (in the
Journal of the American College of Traditional Chinese
Medicine) described this condition as a syndrome of the
du channel, and favored acupuncture and moxabustion
applied to that channel directly. The biomedical
literature described the symptom picture, but all
treatment was, at best, experimental and symptomatic,
and at worst, toxic.
I was inspired by my discovery, after so many years of
fruitlessly seeking effective treatment, and began to
adapt Dr. Li's methods with many of my patients. I
found the emphasis on the spleen/stomach and earth
phase in line with my background in macrobiotic
philosophy 2. Equally impressive were his herbal
prescriptions, such as Huang qi ren shen

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

tang/Astragalus and Ginseng Decoction3, quoted above

in the text.
This prescription was the first formula I decided to
release as part of the Alembic Herbals line, after using it
successfully with patients for several years (now called
Rejuvenate and Regulate Formula). Alembic Herbals
product line was designed to expose practitioners to a
series of great prescriptions written by the great Chinese
herbal physicians such as Li Dong-yuan. I later added
another one of Dr. Li's prescriptions, qing shu yi qi
tang/Clear Summerheat and Augment the Qi Decoction
(released as Qing Shu Formula). For more in-depth
information on these prescriptions, please see the
Alembic Herbals handbook. These and the other
formulas in the Alembic Herbals, including several
more to appear in the months to come, are designed to
raise the standards of herbal practice by making such
prescriptions available with the information that informs
their use.
The essence of Dong-yuan diagnosis
During the Mongol invasion of China, epidemics of
influenza, with fever, gastrointestinal distress and
respiratory symptoms were endemic in northern cities
near the Great Wall. The physicians of the time treated
the people with cold, heat clearing
prescriptions without benefit. Dr. Li pointed out that
with the extreme stress and grief
of war, loss of life, impure water, and inadequate food
or shelter, that the epidemics
were caused by depletion, and that people needed
supplementation to overcome the
epidemic evils. The main prescription he chose was bu
zhong yi qi tang/Supplement the
Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction, available from
K'an Herb Co. as Arouse Vigor 4.
One definition of zheng qi/correct qi as ëthat which
distinguishes the self from non-self', similar to the
definition given by modern immunologists of the
immune system. Li Dong-yuan concentrated primarily

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

on the internal state of a patient, and the dynamic

interaction of the zang fu through the five phase
relationships. First, he reasoned, the spleen/stomach and
original qi had to be supplemented with sweet warm
medicinals such as ren shen/rx. ginseng and bai zhu/rx.
atractylodes. Interestingly, sweet warm medicinals,
according to Chinese medical theory, clear pathogenic
heat from the body as well (for example, Wu Ju-tong's
Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases, mentions
gui zhi tang/Cinnamon Twig Decoction to clear surface
warm heat conditions). Secondly, Dong-yuan used cool
pungent medicinals such as chai hu/rx. bupleurum and
sheng ma /rx. cimicifuga to raise clear yang and
downbear turbid yin. Thirdly, if necessary, bitter cold
medicinals to directly clear heat, such as huang qin/rx.
scutellaria baicalensis and huang bai/rx. phellodendron.
Finally, add medicinals to treat any other symptoms that
are part of the total pattern, such as blood stasis, lung
yin vacuity, or turbid dampness.
Often times, what may appear as external pathogenic qi
(wind/cold, wind/heat) is actually internal vacuity of the
spleen, liver or kidney, causing weak defensive and
constructive qi. This can lead to so-called allergic
reactions, with sinus, skin, or digestive flareups, along
with achiness in the joints. The pulse may be floating,
but underneath is weak. To treat such patterns only with
surface-relieving ingredients will further weaken the
interior and prevent the resolution of the condition.
The concept of yin fire
A central concept of significance in the Spleen/Stomach
School is yin huo/yin fire. A combination of poor diet,
irregular lifestyle and emotional strain damage the
function of the spleen and stomach. Damaged spleen qi
fails to raise the clear yang and descend the turbid yin,
leading to a buildup of dampness in the lower burner.
The clear yang sinks, stagnates, transforming to heat.
Depressive heat and emotional agitation stirs up the
ming men/ministerial fire, which counterflows upwards
causing heat in the upper burner.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

This scenario leads to the commonly observed

phenomenon of heart fire and lung heat (heat in the
upper jiao) concurrent with middle jiao/spleen yang
vacuity damp, and cold vacuity with damp heat or blood
stasis in the lower jiao, possibly with kidney qi vacuity
as well. This pattern is common in gynecological
disorders, candidiasis, irritable bowel disorders, and a
wide range of autoimmune disorders. It is very common
in patients who are on long-term use of medications
such as prednisone, antibiotics, or birth control pills. As
this pattern progresses, the yuan qi/original qi will be
depleted, and can lead to a increasingly complex, deep-
seated disorder.
I hope this survey of Li Dong-yuan's work can provide
inspiration to develop a framework in which we can
treat the paradoxical, knotted symptom patterns of
chronic disorders as a totality, rather than attacking
isolated symptoms, relieving some and aggravating
others. The use of coherent, well-designed prescriptions
containing complementary antagonistic ingredients
restore equlibrium of yin and yang, strengthen the
correct qi and original qi, and disperse pathogens
without depleting the strength of the patient. Perhaps
the medical philsophy and prescriptions of Li Dong-
yuan will help restore health to our chronically diseased
patient population.
1. wu xing bian zheng/five phase pattern diagnosis:
studying the interactions of the viscera and channels via
the five phases san jiao bian zheng/ triple burner pattern
diagnosis liu jing bian zheng/ six channel pattern
diagosis, from the Shang Han Lun si fen bian
zheng/four level pattern diagnosis, from the Wen Bing
2. Macrobiotics, the philosophy of health developed by
George Ohsawa, was largely inspired by his studies of
Chinese medicine. A direct link to Ohsawa was the 18th
century Japanese physician, Ekiken Kaibara, who
developed many of the dietary principles adapted by

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

macrobiotics and called Dong-yuan's work the ìroyal

road of medicine.î Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach
places much emphasis on the role of proper diet as the
basis of good health, and is clearly a central pillar of
dietetics in Chinese medicine.
3. The ingredients of this prescription are:
huang qi/rx. astragalisheng ma/rz. cimicifuga
chen pi /pericarpium citrus reticulatae
ren shen/radix ginsengmai men dong/tuber ophiopogon
bai zhu/rz. atractylodes
bai zhu/rhizoma atractylodis macrocepahae huang
bai/cx. phellodendron
shen qu/massa medica fermentata
dang gui /radix angelicae sinensis
zhi gan cao/ honey-fried rx. glycyrrhizae uralensis wu
wei zi/fructus schisandra chinensis
xiang fu/rz. cyperus
zhi mu/rx. anemerrhena
4. The ingredients of bu zhong yi qi tang are: huang
qi/rx. astragalus
ren shen/rx. ginseng
bai zhu/rx. atractylodes alba
dang gui/rx. angelica sinensis chen pi/citrus nobilis peel
chai hu/rx. bupleurum
sheng ma/rx. cimicifuga
zhi gan cao/rx. glycyrrhiza, baked

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

Intro to Cellular Water

The Physics of the HydroGene & Return of the Living
An Amber Institute Presentation
Featured Portents

Contact Info
• •
• • 404 457 0844 • •
Historical Aspects
• • When the Black Man Women & Child were kidnapped
for bondage their diet was purposely left out.
• • The difference between a living, breathing physical
GOD & a mortal is physical constitution.
• • Physical Constitution is 1 part Genetics, 1 part
physical activity & 2 parts diet!!!
• • The war between those with Melanin & those without
has been going on since the inception of those without
• • We as Melanites have not lost this war as it is still on
going! Fuck 1492!!! & the Inquisition!!!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • We are just on the losing end currently as we have

lost our center, this was & is Physicality.
• • Physicality includes thinking and spirituality because
these are both aspects of the physical body.
• • We lost our empire when the science of the Black
Body or Temple of Solomon became a “mystery”
• • This lost knowledge is what lead to the mixing of
Bloodlines. So yes the penis played a role and yes it
was the Black Man who did it but it was the lost of our
secret science of Immortality that lead to these foolish
• • The 1st through the 13th dynasties had no illnesses
at all and could never be invaded!!! On Fruits, Veggies,
Starlight, Water & Herbs...
• • After this point we moved away from our Ancestors
Diets and began to Die physically, spiritually &
• • Our Ancestors ate raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seaweed,
wild herbs etc...
• • Outside of Herbal teas or tinctures we NEVER
cooked anything.
• • The need to cook came with consuming things which
were dead or poisonous.
• • We never lived in fear hence we had no reason to
domesticate or enslave plants.
• • The moment we captured the plants and enslaved
them, they began to give us much less nutrients.
• • This is the real reason the number 13 is unlucky to
“certain” bloodlines of Europeans, it’s the active science
of living that the first 13 Egyptian dynasties had from
the living GODS who preceded them.
• • Immortality didn’t mean you could not be
killed it just meant that there was no “ageing” in the
context we know it today thus no limit on lifespan to a
• • Case in point if I live 7-900 years and you only live 40
years, I will have lived to see

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

20 generations of yours before I transition which would

make me immortal to you.
• • Life is electric based on the accumulation, storage &
usage of the Electron.
• • In the hueman body as well as the body of mankind
this electric principle is facilitated by the red blood cell
with it’s Iron (magnetic) core.
• • This very magickal biological agent the Red Blood
Cell or HydroGene, as it is nothing more than a evovled
hydrogen Atom is produced in the stomach or small

The Villi or Intestinal Hair

• • The creation of Blood has been purposely hidden
from you as it will lead to a Supreme paradigm shift in
health as well as consciousness.
• • The intestinal villi determine your lifespan and are
intimately tied to the hair all over
the rest of your body. Meaning what you do to one
group of hair on your body you do to all. So when we
perm, cut, press, shape up, braid or dread the hair we
are encoding “new” expressions into the DNA which will
affect our hair and villi growth.
• • You see he Hu lives longest lives the strongest.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Wealth and Wisdom are accumualted over time as is

Lifeforce (Chi,Ki or Qi) which is why in order for you to
be subjugated your lifespan must be reduced because
your subjugator has a very short lifespan by nature.
• • The moor astute of you should have already guess
why ...
• • Two aspects of our physiology separate the Melanite
from all other species of Hueman & Mankind.
• • These are the Concentration of Melanin obviously
and the Hair.
• • The Melanin is no where near as important as the
Hair and we are the only group of beings with it.
• • All other groups of Huemankind &
Mankind have varying degrees of fur, which drastically
limits their ability to produce redblood cells!!!!

• • When healthy living “food” is consumed it becomes

monera, which is one of the things good bacteria is
responsible for.
• • They also feed this monera to the villi which
combines fresh clean WATER with the monera and
creates Blood.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • The villi need an ACIDIC environment in the small

intestine to complete this procedure properly because
minerals can only be extracted in the small intestine
when it is below 7 on the PH scale.
• • If the small intestine is too Alkaline even the good
bacteria will die and they will not be able to create the
monera or feed the villi metabolized Iron for blood
• • Now your body is not so stupid that it would depend
on you solely for survival.
• • As everything in your body is created from the
coagulation and transmutation (alchemical term) of red
blood cells or in science called differentiation of red
blood cells.
• • When you cant produce new red blood cells your
bones liquefy or de-differentiate back into red blood
• • The body creates 3-6 million red blood cells per
• • The threshold or bar or bear minimum is 3.5 million
red blood cells in the blood stream, the moment we slip
below this count the bone marrow reverts back into
blood to keep us from certain death.
• • Blood should never ever be created in the bone
marrow this takes decades off of
your possible lifespans for each minute your bones
produce blood.
• • As children all of our bones produce blood however
as we dry rot from the inside out and the bones become
yellow only the moist bone like the spinal column can
produce blood cells.
• • The bones should be producing electricity to keep the
body electrified however it can only produce one or the
• • The is where hair texture comes in, the stronger the
hair texture the more abundant the Red Blood Cell

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Those with flank, dead hair or fur can produce little to

no red blood cells in relation to the amount needed and
have to rely on the bones anyway.
• • The is why Melanites have a much moor dense
skeleton, we require less blood production from our
bones even in our dilapidated state.
• • This is the true essence of Hydration, creating
HydroGenes aka Red Blood Cells...!

• • So yes of course there is a size disparity and it takes
many many water molecules to get enough hydrogen to
the villi for blood conversion.
• • The bones could be looked upon as the true
philosopher’s stone as properly taken care of they are
capable of conferring incredible and magickal abilities
on their owner.
• • You see real magick is based on electrical output and
the bones are where you can store tremendous
amounts of electricity. They are quartz crystal you

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • So it was the loss of information that brought about

our fall from grace which was and still is predicated
through our stomach.
• • As far as written history will allow us to look back,
those who lack hue or Melanin
have been a physically degenerate people.
• • The Chinese people built the wall of China
to keep the Europeans out because not only did they
practice cannibalism but they carried disease every
where they went.
• • The health of the heads of any nation can always
give you some insight into the health of it’s general
• • Loius XIV of France is a prime

example of the European health and medical science at

that time and prior.
• • At 9 he had smallpox, then VD, then Typhoid, at 25
he got the measles, then worms, rotten teeth with
abscesses, gout, hemorroids at 48, malaria shortly
after, kidney stones, arterial sclerosis and died of
gangrene in his legs.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • So yes the strength of hair is signified by how tight

the individual strands of hair curl in on themselves (just
like the structuring of water).
• • This tight curling into infinite little number 9’s called
naps is what gives us the ability to live indefinitely. It is
also what limits the lifespan and health of other similar
• • I say similar species because we are not classified
well it should be noted that we are more amphibian
than anything.

• • Some people place air’s importance above water

based on the fact that we die in seconds or minutes
without Air and it takes days to die without Water.
• • This is incorrect, Air should only be based on the
electrons it supplies us.
• • Secondly Air is only another term for
Atmosphere which is the layer or layers of Gases which
surround a planet and provide or protect life.
• • Water is a layer or layers of Gases which surround a
planet and provide or protect life.
• • The only difference between we call “Water” and “Air”
is density.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Point being it takes us longer to “drown” in the Air or

die from lack of water because we are not only
submerged in it but we are made of it.
• • Air & Water will remain equal for this discourse
however we can make the choice not to drink the
proper water which makes this subject of greater
importance as far as focus is concerned.
• • Water and Air are actually partners, you see air
carries the electrons which animate the body to our
lungs, who then transfers this electricity to our blood
• • You see water is no simple conductor of electricity; in
it’s pristine living, structured, mineral and Hydrogen
heavy form properly called a liquid crystal it’s a
• • A superconductor is a conduit through which energy
can travel without entropy or energy loss.
• • Water is a true Women as she follows none of the
known laws of physics and creates new laws of physics
every time you think you have her figured out.
• • Water is the only substance known to man that
behaves as energy and as a
Superconductor at the same time or interchangeably.
• • Water is the physical form of Hydrogen
which is the true Source of all physical existence known
and unknown to Hueman & Mankind alike.
• • Hydrogen chose oxygen as it’s physical partner of
manifestation because of
it’s electrical potential.
• • Oxygen is so potent an
acid that it actually burns
or weakends the electron
bonds which render the
electrons in it’s orbitals
very easy to be “share” or
stolen. This is the only
reason we breath it, for
it’s electrons.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Not only are all the elements on the Periodic chart as

different densities of Hydrogen but starting with neon all
the elements are built with water in the center.
• • Remember the electron is the basis of all life and
there 10 electrons in a Water Molecule.
• • Sodium is the first manifestation of dry water. Na is
very conductive also because there is only 1 electron in
it’s valence (outer orbital).

The Real Beginning

• • Dark Matter and Dark Energy are the Archetypes for
Water and Air (Atmosphere).
• • In the beginning was just Dark Energy in an effort to
know itself, it meditated (still waters).
• • This meditation on itself slowed the energy down
enough for the coagulation of Dark Matter.
• • The space between them created an electric potential
or spark, a Star. A star is very small compared to all of
existence, it is a spark.
• • This Star or Sun composed of Hydrogen alone, went
on to create everything else.
• • So in Dark Energy’s process of self referral a Star
(hydrogen) was created.
• • In a star’s process of self referral the rest of the
periodic table as well as fire and water are created and
ejected outward.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • As the fire cools it becomes earth (rock), depending

on it’s proximity to it’s parent.
• • If in a favorable proximity to it’s parent this rock’s self
referral will generate and
internal star.
• • This internal flow of electrons or Sun will create a
magnetic field.
• • This magnetic field will attract and hold water, which if
in favorable proximity to it’s parent (the Sun) will
become Atmosphere.
• • The cycle then starts over with water in place of the
original Dark Energy.
• • You see not only does water function as a liquid
crystal when structured, but it also produces every
element on earth that the stars produce in the heavens.
• • Water does this only in it’s structured liquid crystal
form by trapping light like a prism and slowing it down
until it becomes a tangible substance.
• • The frequency of light trapped in the water crystals
determine it’s outcome.
• • This is why Seawater has every single element in it’s
natural monatomic isotopes within it, they are created
• • This is one of the reasons Momatomix has a high
concentration of pure seawater in it.
Introducing Momatomix the first Photovoltaic water
Momma Knows Best
• • If water can think, feel & remember then it is in fact a
living entity!
• • In light of this as I explain in Psyclops & the Magickal
Tongue a Hip Hop Grimoire (the Money Mind State),
the brain is only a mechanism for interpreting,
processing & integrating waters intellectual properties.
• • This is why your brain is 95% water, sitting in a
bucket of water that needs to be
changed every 2 hours, consuming 85% of the body’s
total fresh water.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • This is where one consciousness resides, in one’s

• • This is why shortly after death a small amount of
water vapor is released from the body, Hydrogenes are
home to the spirit.
• • Combine those facts with the fact that only 10% of
the world’s oceans have been explored.
• • Every event that ever happened anywhere on this
planet has been recorded in our waters and a global
war is being waged against our Water.
• • Everyday 2 million tons of human waste are dumped
in our oceans.
• • Every year 10 million tons of garbage and 900,000
tons of oil are dumped in our oceans.

• • She is fighting back though!!!

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • All the water is being pulled back into the ocean and
the green land is becoming yellow desert.

• • Just to give you better picture.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • It takes 5 1⁄2 million liters of water to raise a 700lb

cow and 80,000 liters to produce a 50lb bag of rice.
• • Take second to think about all the life forms I am not
counting including humans when I state that we
produce globally 80 million tons of Beef.
• • We produce 600 million tons of rice.
• • So, yes we should kiss water’s @ss.
To my father Butch!!!
• • If her withdrawal wasn’t enough, in the past 30 years
hurricane strength has nearly tripled.
• • Hurricane frequency has moor than tripled from 1500
a year to over 6000 a year as of 2002.
• • In 2004 the Tsunami killed 250,000 people &
damaged another 500,000.
• • In 2005 the flood in Europe damaged 250,000.
• • In the same year Katrina killed 3,000 and damaged

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • 5 million people dead 5 billion damaged in 30yrs as of

• • Today while 1.5 billion people have no clean drinking
water a baby dies of dehydration every 19 seconds
along with 20 million men, women & children a year.
• • By 2023 will reach a critical mass of chronic
dehydration where it will be common to hear about
someone being robbed and killed for water, this was
the climate in 20,000 B.C. that brought about the last
global flood.
• • A embryo is 99.99% water and mothers are having
babies dry up in their men’s testicles dry up
& no longer produce viable sperm ...
• • So this all means water is much more crucial to your
existence & life than you know, only we are losing it.
• • The point is many fold but most
importantly, so you can learn how Water functions in
your body & maximize your health with the little water
we have left.
• • These 3 items can save your life.

• • Not only is every element formed in water so to is

every amino acid, DNA and embryo.
• • The key ingredient to this is light which brings
electricity the animating force of all life.
• • In fact each of the 100 trillion cells in your body are
nothing but little bodies of water
structure by electrical capacitance, who communicate
by transmitting, receiving and decoding electrical
signals called bio- photons.
• If a cell could write down all the information it sends
and receives each second, it would take a hueman 100
years with no sleep to read it. – Franz Morell M.D.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Alchemy is about the internal chemistry taking place

in the body 24 hours a day.
• • A key electrical function of the body at the cellular
level is the energy production which is dependant upon
the the Sodium/ Potassium exchange across the body
of the Cell. This produces ATP or cellular energy.
• • What is not known though is how the sodium
becomes potassium.
• • This is simple for those willing to except water’s
Simplification of how Sodium Becomes Potassium...


• • A healthy cell is always glowing with fresh electrons
and bio-photons, which is where melanin becomes

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • A black body full of shining micro stars and melanin

should not only not age but literally shine visibly.

• A healthy cell functions at 70mv (milli volts).

• The average person is carrying 100 trillion cells.
100 trillion cells x 70mv each = 7 trillion volts of
This is the true essence of light body however only
a Melanite is capable of fully maximizing this
potential. This
is a God Body.
Anything you
see or read
auras is white
supremacy and
No Melanin no
shine baby... This is why this information is
suppressed because in this arena they can not
devise a plan to dominate naturally which is why
there is such a big push to genetic modification
with nano- technology.
• • Keep in mind the foundation is healthy and abundant
Red Blood Cell in the stomach which is predicated on

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

the Hydrogen density and electrical potential of your

water not simply PH or alkalinity.
• • In today’s sick society a healthy person is considered
someone who has 66% of their body water in their cells
and structured with the remaining 33% located outside
the cells and unstructured.
• • Our new goal is to be composed of 100% structured
Hydrogen dense electrically superconductive water.
• • Rouleaux or blood cell stacking is caused by a few
• • Lack of proper drinking water
• • Eating meat which leaves protein residue in the blood
which attaches to cells making them sticky, this residue
also forms uric acid crystals which build in the joints
forming Athritis & Gout.
• • Most importantly loss of the electromagnetic balance
rendering cells not only immobile but vulnerable to
• • Rouleaux is the precursor to many disease however
the two most important are Diabetes & Cancer (Aids is
also cancer).
• • Diabetes & Cancer are nothing more than
germ and biological warfare being waged upon you
under the guise of “American Culture”.
• • Both of these problems are caused in your stomach
and with time can be corrected
there, with the exception of Diabetes type 1 which can
be caused be poor genetics or Yeast.
• • Type 1 Diabetes is based on pancreas failure,
however although brown & black are very rarely victims
of this condition.
• • Type 2 Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is simply based
on oxidative stress and cellular miscommunication
caused by Sugar, Starch & Flesh consumption
compounded by Alcohol, Tobacco as well as “wreck-
creation- al” drugs.
• • The average Black or Brown person eats less than
1% whole grains which is a large part of the problem as

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

people who eat 70% whole grains never suffer from

Diabetes Mellitus.
• • Cancer often has Anemia in conjunction with
Rouleaux as a precursor do to the blood not being
produced in the stomach for extended periods of time
or being produced without “good” bacteria in the small
• • The small intestine must be below 7.365 PH & have
an abundance of good bacteria
in order for minerals to be converted into monera then
Red Blood Cells.
• • To have a better understanding of Cancer Cells you
have to have a better
understanding of the Red Blood Cell.
• • Red Blood Cells have no nucleus because they are
sent from mucous membrane as Master Stems Cells to
tissue, bone or organs.
• • This is based on electromagnetic signaling &
• • A red blood cell can become a cancer cell
when a toxic blood environment causes it to
deteriorate, carcinogenic influence or Animal DNA
which are all correctable.
• • Slicing, cutting, radiating or nuking as solutions can
all kill a healthy person let alone a physically
compromised person.
Fibroids & Prostate Cancer
• • Black & Brown people make up 12-15% of Americans
however we lead in Certain Cancers, Diabetes Mellitus,
High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Arrest, Fibroids, AIDs
cases etc...
• • This is MADNESS on our behalf & GENOCIDE on the
europeans behalf.
• • 95% of us eat ice cream while 70% of us don’t eat
FRESH vegetables.
• • Our children visit fast food places including chinese
food restaurants 5 times as much as

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

spiritual places ie... churches, synagogues, mosques,

temples etc...
• • Fibroids, Prostate Cancer & Abortions are all
designed to limit the black population.
• • A fibroid is a growth, bump, cyst, tumor in the Uterus
of a woman.
• • The size of which is not the major concern as far as
severity is concerned the position is the major
determining factor in discomfort & severity.
• • The Uterus and the Prostate are main organs used in
reproduction that are not involved in sex so their care is
• • Every time a women has a period or menstrual cycle
all the blood in her body flows towards her reproductive
• • Every time a man has a erection the blood in his body
rushes towards his reproductive organs these are
crucial factors in Fibroids & Prostate Cancer.
• • Meat, processed flour & sugar, birth control &
erection drugs, condoms all play
a role however sexual hygiene plays a large role.
• • As does excessive ejaculation.
• • Dirty penises & vaginas are rampant in inner city
intercourse where passion has been depicted in TV &
Movies as ripping off the clothes and going to bed.
• • This does not include a shower, yeast, discharge &
urine are all of the genitals as well as hands.
• • No Condoms don’t help the further complicate the
problem by adding foreign chemicals to the mix.
• • Dairy (cow puss) products which all contain Casein
further harden & toxify the reproductive organs.
• • Women especially but men to with their wave grease
and hair crap further poison the genitals.
• • Perms are the biggest culprits in causing Fibroids,
remember the hair on your head is linked to your
Mucous Membrane which expresses itself as Villi in the
stomach (stomach cancer) but your genital region is
apart of the Mucous Menbrane.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • So what you put on your head goes directly to your

reproductive region.
• • Disease is a Commercial Industry there are
registered Patents on disease like Aids Patent #’s
5676977 & 4647773
• • So there is absolutely no focus on creating cures!
• • Not only are black women a minority in America but
they lead this country in Hysterectomies. In fact they
are the team MVP of Hysterectomies as they have
allowed America to become the global leaders in
• • Disease is a Industry and Cannibalism is the culture
of Vampires.
• • Flesh is consumed at 3 times the rate of vegetables.
• • Milk & Vaccines are made from animal puss.
• • In fact people are being feed people on a consistent
basis and not just in “ground meat”.
• • Human flesh is used as a flavor additive along wit Bat
shit in many foods.

• • Black people again only make up about 13% of

America however we lead the abortion rate 5 to 1 and
3500 abortions take place a day.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Since 1970 that’s about 30 million dead!

• • So where are all those lil guys going?
• • In your food and medication!
• • You gotta understand eating flesh is not
natural PERIOD!!! This is a survival mechanism of
europeans who lived in frozen climates without
vegetation that became a cultural practice, this is was
forced on every population they colonized.
• • Laws like the National Institute of Health
Revitalization Act and others make selling aborted
fetuses and other “legally” obtained body parts
(placentas), a commercial entity.
• • Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, Naked Juices,
Gatorades, Tropicanas, Fritos,
Cheetos, Sun Chips, Baked, Beef Jerky, Munchies,
Munchos, Doritos, Tostitos, Nestle, Gerber,
Butterfingers, Kit Kats, Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine,
Stouffer’s, Carnation Milk, Juicy Juice, Milo, Haagen
Dazs, Campbell Soup products, Kraft Products any
many more....
• • There is a long list of chemicals and additives that the
FDA has deemed OK not to include on ingredient
• • Senomyx, Opening Lines & the University
of Auckland in New Zealand are just a few of the
Corporations involved in body part traffic...
• • In fact Opening Lines was offering $1000 for infant
brains, $500 for their waists and $350 for spinal cords...
• • Is there any wonder your body is rejecting this food?
• • Acid Reflux & Heartburn are a growing problem in our
community because of the diet we are indulging in.
• • First Acid Reflux is the internal action taking place
and Heartburn is just the name attributed to the feeling
we get.
• • “Food” is supposed to travel from the mouth to the
throat (esophagus) and the to

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

the stomach for processing in acid reflux the food and

stomach acid are coming out of the stomach into the
• • The lower esophageal sphincter is the valve that
keeps the food and acid from the stomach, in the
stomach and out of the throat.
• • Due to the excessive chemical content in the
processed foods combustion is happening in the
stomach exploding the valve open causing food and
acid to be blown into
not the esophagus but
the air ducts of the
lungs (causing
• • You have to
understand a key to the
Matrix of Genocide
through our stomachs.
• • When your body eats
something that
something goes
through various organs
in the body where the
nutrients are extracted
from the food and what
is left over gets
excreted and called feces or “shit”.
• • Food companies have built machines that
duplicate this “process” of digestion and run natural
nutrient dense foods through them and extract all the
nutrients out for chemical commerce, the shit or feces
that comes out has colors and perufmes added then it
is sold as “processed” food.
• • You are literally buying and eating as well as feeding
your children shit!
• • Look at our skin!
• • I can see the sicknes in most people’s

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Your body is designed to get rid of toxins through

sweat, urine & defecation.
• • Dehydration though has caused all three of these
natural ways of detoxing
unavailable, the next step is to try an push the toxins
out through the skin...
• • 90% of skin issues are due to this fact including but
not limited to measles,
chicken pox & smallpox...
• • We are sick and this toxic overload in conjunction
with the behavior modify food additives creates mental
& emotional problems leading to business, personal
and family relationship problems.
• • These problems then manifest as eating disorders
which in turn send us back to the chemical and toxin
filled feces we call food or drugs like Alcohol and
• • Alcohol is a major cause of chronic dehydration and
breeds yeast
overpopulations in the blood, brain, liver, prostate,
uterus & kidney.
• • Marijuana causes abnormal appetite, oxidative
stress, destroys sperm cell production and destroys the
electromagnetic balance of the red blood cells.
• • The benefits of Marijuana are all misquoted on
purpose to destory your health.
• • Marijuana and even some strains of tobacco can be
very beneficial to the body however they need to be
drank or eaten not smoked.
• • All smoke ruins the small intestines sensitivity and
thus may lead to Anemia.
Emotional Eating
• • Anger turns you to a salty food...
• • Lack of love activates your sweet tooth...
• • Insecurity leads to bread (yeast) cravings...
• • Anxiety leads to crunchy cravings...
• • The need to be nurtured leads to craving
creamy foods...

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• • Tension and stress lead to needing something

• • Although some of us may be tired of hearing about
melanin and make jokes about it, it is one of the most
important biological factors in all of life.
• • In fact the term human is proof of that as the prefix hu
stands for hue which is color
and color is designated by melanin content.
• • Melanin is the transducer and capacitor in
every cell and organ in the body, this has to be
addressed in every aspect of a Melanated persons
Eating Flesh
• • The avgerage Black Person eats 25 cows, 33 pigs,
1500 chickens and 1000lbs of mixed meats in their
• • Niggeritis or the itis is the slang term for
Hyperlipemia in conjunction with white blood cell
retardation which occurs for up to 4 hours after eating
flesh & sugar.
• • Hyperlipemia is also CRUCIAL to understanding
Diabetes Mellitus.
• • Animal fat eats insulin, insulin is the agent secreted
by the pancreas to burn sugar.
• • When Hyperlipemia sets in the blood is completely
saturated with animal fat, this animal fat soaks up all of
the insulin your pancreas can produce which in turn
leaves no insulin to burn blood sugar.
• • Animal fat & protein are also sulfur based which has
a adverse effect on any group of people who has
selenium in the center of the melanocyte as opposed to
European who have a sulfuric core to their melanin.
Heart Disease
• • This blood fat is crucial also to cardiac arrest and
other problems we face as it clogs the Arteries and
causes Arterial Sclerosis.
• • When the fat clogs a brain artery you have a stroke, a
kidney artery-kidney failure or HIGH BLOOD

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

PRESSURE, aorta-anurism or death, intestinal artery-

surgery, foot or toe artery-gangrene & heart artery of
course leads to Angina or Heart Attack.
• • When milk is produced there is a watse product on
the top that looks like foam on top of the milk called
“butter fat” which is deadly.
• • They have packaged this “waste” and created
commerce by combining it with
sugar selling it as Ice Cream, cocoa powder & sugar
selling it as Milk Chocolate, fermenting it with bacteria
selling it as Sour Cream or Yogurt, calf intestines &
bacteria selling as cheese, or adding reblending it
calling butter.
• • Your body only needs 27 grams of plant based
protein a day. NEVER DAIRY OR ANIMAL!!!
• • Your body can’t store protein so the liver has to break
it down, which turns into highly acidic
nitrogens, urea, ammonia, protein piieces
• • As the acidic chemical pass through the kidney they
pull out heavy amounts of calcium (the body’s alkalizer)
from your bones (osteoporosis).
• • Whole grains are 10% perfect protein, legumes are
25% perfect protein & green veggies are 15% perfect
protein you never need to eat flesh!!!
• • Black people are not born sick, sickness comes in
through the mouth & skin.
• • Our Ancestors practiced a Hydro-Electric form of
healthcare and that is what I am dedicated to
• • Water & Electricity are the 2 main areas that must
always be addressed in Black HealthCare and in that
• • The Amber Health Institute is dedicated to water and
bio-electric research in this area.

Black Genetics & Black Gene Ethics

• With good strong trees & branches (lungs) as well as

rich fertile soil (good small intestine bacteria) abundant
life is eminent.
• A Melanite who follows the life style of his/her Ancient
Ancestors grows stronger denser bones, storing more
bio-electricity, stronger muscles & brighter, tighter skin
as they live until they get tired of doing so.
• For orders of Cellular Water or Momatomix visit me at
• For private health consultations & herbal/
wholistic treatments email me at
• Or just call me at 404 457 0844

Thank You For Your Support

We are all “We” have!
I hope that if you need me I can
Be there for you in return!
May the spirit of the Most High
Be with You & Yours!


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