Came Back in Even Collect The: He Painting, He Was Complet Shattered To See That Canvas With Some People Their

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wnereVt!I yvu .:,c\..: U I 11 1.:)LQ f\~ ..

Wh ile he came back in the
even ing to col lec t his
painting, he was completely
shattered to see tha t the
whole canvas was filled with
crosses and some people
had even written their
comments on the painting. )...
, 1.11, ... , II \I I rt 11u I ( ',( 11 001
r•nO Nn

lnithl of lnYIQllnlnf

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~ 0 110 w, flaws 1n the t;is\.. done by others, but d a5ke d lo 1mp,ove upon 1t w<1 n1,1y b,: 1n trnubl~:.J G1 v, ,,q
honesl feedback ic, not bad, but il 1s imp01t<1n t lo offe, ,ons uuct,ve u1t1 ,~.111 rather th,m d~s11111 \ iv,



' HALL-I l OA 1-36 36

HALL-II lOA 37-41 } 33
108 1-28
HALL-Il l 108 29-56 28
HALL-IV 108 57- 64 - 21
l OC 1-13
ROOM-1 lOC 14- 22 9
ROOM-2 lOC 23-34 12
ROOM-3 lOC 35- 43 9

ROOM-5 10( 44-52 9

ROOM-6 lOC 53- 64 12
ROOM-7 10D 1- 9 9
TOTAL= 178 178

ROOM-10 10D 10- 29 20

ROOM-11 10D 1
30-56 27
ROOM-12 8A 1-23 23
ROOM-13 8A 24-44 21 I
ROOM -14 8A 45-54 20
8B 1- 10
ROOM-15 8B 111-30 20
ROOM-16 8B 31- 56 26
ROOM-17 8C 1-20 20
ROOM-19 BC 21-44 24
ROOM-20 8C 45-59 20
8D 1- 5

ROOM-21 8D 6-33 28
ROOM-22 8D 34-55 22
TOTAL= 271 271
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Fo(S )
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in t, I
am no t worth be co m in g a painte ,. Peoploh,,.:
th is is what I have learnt todypa
'-- ' •

me com pl etely. I feel lik e

ing. 3'J
so n, I wiII pr ove th at you are a gr ea t a, , °'"
smilliIwedo ll" su gg es te d, "My
Th e maste rdt 111
Making it Simple (Meanings) :
1. condemn - express complete disapproval
2. canvas - a strong coarse cloth used as a surface for oil paintin~
3 calibre - level of ability
· inconsolably - not able to be comforted
4· _ . . ,,.. _ unwilling and hesitant, , _c ,.,.,,'""' th ina
Stat e whe ther the foll ow ing stat e n1ents are t rue or
false . Rewrite the false stat eme nts
corr ectl y .
The yo ung nrtis t took t hree days to 11aint a beautiful port rait
ot his mc1sler . F
The you ng artis t had disp layed hi s painting on a busy stree
t ~qua , e bee dU~e he
wan ted peo ple's opini on abo ut hi s tal,bre one! painting skills
The mas ter aske d the you ng artist Io paint a scenery bett er
than the fu st one
When the pain ling was put up for the seco nd time, the youn
g a1 list was hdppy
to see that ther e was not a sing le co, rect ion don e.
Since the next day was Sunday , th e master and the disc ,pie
expected mote praises
on t hat day . F
~ foeld lnvt>\l!Ralorl s) wlll r,•poot In thP ,w,lgnPd ,;irnpl<! School by 7:30 AM wilh the letteo of
Appolnl m ent

b Ob-.t•,vr•r w,ll 11• 1,111 t tn tlw , 1,,1,lt,tt1l'rl 1-,1mpl1• •,chool by 8 30 AM

11 r n s,orr ,,II.-nd,tncc of ,,11 t lw •,lurh•nt\ of •,rice trod ti,,~, wllh111 09 :00 AM

" ldenuflc,1I1011 of a su11 ablc blfJ!Cr cla.,~ rourn ,f1rc fombly al the ground floor hav,ng adrquo11c
'"'"'"II , 11 ranr,emenl of ~tudenl} ~hould I.ti! done well before thi, wovey dale I.I' bcfor(' 12"'
Nov<'mbN }01 I

10 Facilitate th(' Survey ream by provldln!J one or two tablel s) and Chalr(s) for !heir work and
provide plain papers.

11 If needed, arr~nge for a scribe for children w ith special needs (CWSN) , if any present on the
sampled bat ch.

12 FIii up the School Questionnaire (SQ) and provide complete and factual data as sought on the

13 Ensure Dlscl pll ne In the entire survey process.

14 Survey Includes Achicvemenl Test (AT) and Pupil Questionnaire (PQ) for wh,ch the respective
OMR to be filled up in the following manner A) for class 3 and 5 , the Fl( s) w ill help sam pled
sIud en ts for marking and com plete the process of filling OMR applying interactive mode, Bl for
class 8 and 10 the sampled students will m ark the response In OMR I hem selves.

15. Students m u sl stay back for nlling of PQ. For Grade-3 a"d S. th e Fl w ould assist and help in fllhng
of the OM Rs.

16 Concerned subject t eacher(s) of the Samplt:d class/ Section must be present to flll the Teacher
Questionnaire (TQ)

17 All Booklets wi ll be collected back by the Fl/Observer (survey team)

JS. Ah er the Survey, Fl/Observer w ould complete the packi ng and t he Observer would leave for
depos111ng Ihe NAS papers to th e designated centre/ person.

19 School aut horiIies ;ire request<'d , 1f t hen' Is any school be-longs to other than Bengali language,
where NAS-21 will be cond ucted, on that case a t ranslat or is to be arranged at their end

20 Breakfd~t & Lunch fo r Survey Team and student s be provided by school au thortt1e, and all sorts
of (ooperatIon to be Pxtended t o the survey t eam

21 All I ht> N~ ~1.1ke-holdcI ) (Including ~chool, ~tutlc n1 s & QuMd1ans) may v,s1 t
hl!P_L/lldS educ JI ,on f'.UV Ill for vlt>wl11r, JbOu l NA'> M111 how ID conduct NAS-21

'J CJ 'J l- I I I 'J

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