Bs 610

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10 Zone Fire Detection Panel

The panel consist 2 independent siren outputs, Alarm relay, Programmable output for telephone operators a relay pre
zone for the 2 first zones and connectors to connect the rest 8 zone relays. The required battery for the panel is the type
Α-986 (12V/7Ah). All functions and indications are according to European Norms ΕΝ 54-2 and ΕΝ-54-4.

Top cover retaining screws

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Control Keyboard and
indication leds .

Fire Alarm
Control Panel

Mains voltage connection

terminal block (220-240V AC).
Mounting holes.

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

MODE selection
ZONE micro switch
Fire Alarm
Control Panel

Zone connection terminals

Connection terminals
for BS-613
4 zone relay expansion module

Operation adjustment
of zone relay

Battery compartment Mounting hole. General output connection (Sirens, Relay per zone
Α-986 relay alarm,24V) connection terminals .

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Indication LED description
The schematic shows the control keyboard and the
indications plate of a BS-610 panel. Starting from the
top left indicators we can see 2 indicators marked 1 2 3 4 5
'Disable'. The 'Siren' LED lights to indicate a disabled 6 7 8 9 10
siren, whereas the 'Zone' LED lights when a disabled
zone is only one and blinks when we have more than one
disabled zone.
Going towards the right we can see tree LEDs with the
marking 'General'.
The 'Fault' LED lights in every FAULT condition and Fire Alarm
blinks when we have a FAULT and the buzzer is Control Panel

silenced. The 'Alarm' LED lights when we have an ALARM condition and blinks when we have an ALARM and the
buzzer is silenced. The 'Disable' LED lights when we have disabled one zone or a siren. The next group of indicators
is the 'Zone' indications LEDs(one for each zone). These indicators light (red) when a corresponding zone issues an
ALARM condition. If the fault is caused by a short circuit then the corresponding LED will blink, and when the zone is
Disabled the yellow led will light continuously. The Alarm condition has priority to this marking.
Below the `Disable` and the `General` indicator groups we can find another indication group called `Fault`. The LEDs
marked 'Siren1' and 'Siren2' correspond to the siren outputs. If a siren out has a short circuit then the corresponding
LED will blink whereas the LED will remain continuously lighted if the siren output is open circuited. The 'Batt' LED
and 'Power' LED in combination, show us faults concerning the power supply. These combination are shown in the
panel below.

Lack of Battery Battery Battery Charger

AC voltage Overcharging Discharged Absent Error

Power Fault Lights Lights Lights Blinks Blinks

Batt Fault ---- Lights Blinks Lights Blinks

The 'CPU' LED lights to indicate a problem with the main processor unit.
The green 'Power' LED lights to indicate valid internal voltages and blinks when the mains AC power supply is absent.

Control keyboard description/operation The panel is controlled/ operated using the six numeric
keys (1 to 6) found on the front panel. When a key is pressed a short tone is issued.
The panel has three operation levels.
Operation level 1 has all the functions that can be done directly from the user without using a code.
These operations are:
Buzzer silence / Buzzer reactivation . If an alarm of fault condition is issued then the internal buzzer will sound. Pressing
the "1" key will silence the buzzer. ( The buzzer sounds periodically once every minute.) Pressing this key again will
reactive the buzzer.

Viewing zones fault / Led test. Pressing the "2" key will have the following effect. If any fault condition is present in the
zones then the panel will issue 3 short tones, by lighting the ‘General Fault’ LED, and the fault zone will be shown by lighting
the corresponding 'Fault' LEDs (yellow) to this zone. If the yellow led blinks then we have a short circuit in this zone, and
when the yellow led light continuously then we have an open circuit. The panel then returns to normal operation after a Leds
control . These operations can be conducted only if the panel is in quiescent state (No alarm condition).
Operation level 2 has all the functions that the user can do and an access code is required. The code is "345", it is the
same for all panels and cannot be changed. The functions that can be implemented using this code are the following:

Siren Silence. When an alarm is issued and we want to silence the sirens then we must enter the user code ( 345 ) and
then the key number '5'. The sirens are silenced but the internal buzzer continues to sound. The panel remains in normal
operation. A new alarm from another zone will resound the sirens.

Panel Reset. When an alarm or fault condition has occurred and we want to reset the panel we must enter the user code (
345 ) and then the key number '6'. The panel lights all LEDs in sequence and then enters normal operation.

Zone enable/disable. If we want to disable the operation of specific zones the we must enter the user code ( 345 ) and then
the key number '4'. The LEDs marked 'Zone disable' and 'General disable' start to blink. Also blinks the red Led from the
first zone , and if a zone is disabled the corresponding yellow LED lights to indicate this. To deactivate or reactivate a zone

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we can use the '1' key to go in lower zone or the '2' key to go in higher zonne. With the'5' key we deactivate or reactivate a
zone and with the '6' key this operation can be terminated . The panel exits this mode if no key is pressed for more than 30
seconds. The panel then conducts an automatic RESET and enters normal operation mode.
i.e In this operation if you want to deactivate the zone 6, press 5times the '2' key. Then the red led of the 6 zone blinks.
Press the '5' key and for this zone light the yellow led. Finaly press the '6' key to restart.
All disabled zones are supplied with the proper voltage but cannot issue an alarm or fault condition. If we have disabled
zones then this is indicated with the indicators 'General disable' and 'Zone disable' and the buzzer sounds once every

Operation level 3 functions are functions that are implemented during the installation and need the technical code to be
accessed. The technical code is "364", it is the same for all panels and cannot be changed. The functions that can be
implemented using the technical code are activation methods used for the relays and can be done only if the panel has
not issued an alarm or fault condition. These methods of programming are:

Evacuation. By pressing the technical code ( 364 ) and then the '4' key the evacuation mode is activated. The General
Alarm Led lights and the panel is in Alarm mode.

Siren enable/disable: If we want to disable the operation of specific sirens the we must enter the code ( 364 ) and then the
key number '6'. The LEDs marked 'Sirene disable' and 'General disable' start to blink, and if a siren is disabled, the "Fault
Siren1" LED lights for siren 1 and the "Fault Siren2" LED lights for the siren 2. Using the keys 1 and 2 we can enable or
disable the respective sirens. The disabled sirens have a respective LED lighted. The panel exits this mode if no key is
pressed for more than 30 seconds. The panel then conducts an automatic RESET and enters normal operation mode. All
disabled sirens are supplied with the proper voltage but the panel cannot enable them or read their condition. If we have
disabled sirens then this is indicated with the indicators 'General disable', 'Disable Siren' and the buzzer sounds once
every minute.
AUX RELAY programming. If we want to program the operation behaviour of the AUX RELAY we must enter the
technical code ( 364 ) and then press the number key '5'. The 'General fault' and 'General alarm' LEDs start to blink . The
Alarm LED (red) of zone 1 and zone 2 show the way the AUX RELAY is programmed according to the table below.

General Alarm General Alarm General Alarm General Fault

Direct activation Delay 45 sec Delay 2 min Direct activation
The default setting of this relay is set to activate from a general alarm and immediately with no delay. In this programming
mode if theLED
keysAlarm zone'2'
'1' and LED Off, we can toggle
1 are pressed LED the
On LEDs ON or LED Offuntil we reach
Ondesired activation
behaviour according to the table above. In order to exit this programming mode and to store the settings in memory press
the key '6' LED
or doAlarm zoneany
not press 2 key for LED Offthan 30 seconds.
more LED Off LED
This system will On an automatic
conduct LED RESET
On and will enter
normal operation mode.

ZONE RELAY programming. If we want to program the operation behaviour of the zone relays then we must enter the
technical code ( 364 ) and then press the number key '5'. The 'General fault' and 'General alarm' LEDs start to blink. The
yellow LEDs of zone 6 and zone 7 show the programmed activation method of the zone relays according to the table

The default operation method for the zone relay is set to permanent activation. Using the keys '3' and '4' we can
toggle the ON or OFF state of the Permanent
Activated for
until the desired Activated for
activation programming
10 sec 30 sec
Activated for
has been reached.
60 sec
In order to exit this
programming mode and to store the settings in memory press the key '6' or do not press any key for more than 30
seconds. ThisFault
system will1 conduct an
zone automatic
LED Off RESETLEDand will
On enter normalLEDoperation
Off mode. LED On
We can also program the RELAY so that it can cooperate with BS-680 or BS-684 type electrovalves by shorting
the adjustment jumper
Fault zone CN2.
2 In this case
LED Off the RELAYS LED are
Offactivated forLED
On during the LEDalarm.
On After 10sec. they
are deactivated.

Connecting detectors and break-glass call points to zones.
By default each zone terminal block has a pre-installed terminal resistor (5Κ6). This resistor is removed and

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installed on the last device of the zone or is left connected on the zone terminals if the zone is not used. The
connections to all the zone are identical. What is shown in figures 1, 2 and 3 for zone 1 is valid for all the

Figure 2 shows the connection with BS-631 unit. This unit is similar with the terminal resistor. The advantage on this unit
(relative to the terminal resistor) is the following. When a detector is off or disabled the rest of the detectors will work and
the panel will detect a Fault condition, and when a detector gives an Alarm signal the panel recognise it.
On the other hand if a simple resistance was used then the panel could not detect any Alarm signal from the
detectors after the disabled detector.

Detectors Detectors Detectors Detectors

base base base base

-R I -R I -R I -R I


















-L -L -L -L

5Κ6 R


Figure 1. Connecting 4 detector bases to zone 1. Each base can accept BS-655, BS-660 or BS-667
detectors. A remote indication LED BS-572 is connected to one of the detectors.
Detectors Detectors
base base
call point
-R -R

O UT +

O UT +





Figure 2. Connecting a call point BS-536, 2 detector bases and BS-631 unit
to the same zone.

BS-685 BS-685 BS-685

Gas Gas Gas
Detector Detector Detector
Siren - Sounder Connections
Each panel offers 2 independent circuits for connecting sirens, bells or other devices that need 24Vdc in order
to operate.10-30V
Each ZONEcircuit
NO C NC can10-30V
supply aCmaximum
ZONE NO NC 10-30V consumption
ZONE NO C NC of 300mA. Each terminal block by default has a
pre-installed terminal resistor (5Κ6). This terminal resistor is either removed and installed on the last siren of

the line or is left on the terminal block if the circuit is not used. The connections of both the circuits are

identical. Terminal

Figure 3.Connecting 3 Gas detectors BS-685 or BS-686. Besides the connections to the zone terminals
these detectors must also be connected to the terminals 24V_M in order to be supplied with power.

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Besides the terminals that were described up to now the panel also has the following outputs :
BS-531 BS-531
24V_M: A 24Vdc output that is interrupted in the event
Siren with
of a panel reset. It is mainly used for powering gas
Siren with
detectors or other devices that
Beaconneed an interruptedBeacon
power supply when the panel is resetting. If this output
is short-circuited then the LED marked 'General fault' is lighted.

24V_P: A 24Vdc power output that is not interrupted in the event of a reset. It can be used to power

electromagnetic door latches.
Relay AUX : Voltage free relay contacts that by default are programmed to operate when the panel issues
an alarm condition.
Resistor 5Κ6
F_OUT : This output is by default programmed to operate in every fault condition issued by the panel. If it
Figure 4. Connecting 2 BS-531 sirens to the ALARM 2 output. This connection requires
is required that this output be activated by an alarm condition then we must set the MODE switch 2 to the
the appropriate polarity.
ON position. This output is an open-collector output suitable for controlling the BS-489 telephone

Zone Relays : Voltage free relay contacts that are activated in the event of an ALARM on the
corresponding zone. All panels offer a relay per zone. We can use these contacts to activate devices or
operations that must be done when a specific zone issues an alarm ( i.e. Activating electromagnetic door
latches, activating electro-valves ). Figure 5 shows such an installation.

BS-510/24 BS-510/24

24V DC 24V DC


Figure 5. Connecting 2 electromagnetic door latches BS-510/24 to the panel. One is activated by
zone 1 and the other by zone 2.

The panel also has 2 battery connection cables. The red connector goes to the positive (+) terminal
whereas the black connector goes to the negative (-) terminal of the battery.

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1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

To connect the rest of the relays of the panel, we have to use 2 BS-631 units (figure 6). The connection is done by using a
flat wire. Each BS-613 unit includes 4 relays. The BS-613 unit that is connected to CN3 terminal (ZONE RELAYS 3-6)
will have the relays ofZONE
3,4,5 and 6 zones.So the other BS-613 unit will have the rest of the zones.On the PCB (BS-613) in
each relay, exist a white block that is used to mark the coresponding zone for each relay.
Fire Alarm
Control Panel
ATTENTION: If automatic fire extinguishing fuses are used, they can be connected to
relays. The connection with the power supply must be at the final phase. Also in case of
maintainance activities the blasting caps must be disconnected first.

Figure 6. Connecting BS-613 units to the panel.

Connecting the BS-489 telephone operator

Fire Detection

In order to use the BS-489 in alarm

conditions we must set the MODE
switch 2 to the ON position, while in F_OUT
fault conditions we must set the MODE
switch 2 to the OFF position. Mode 2 ON - Alarm
Mode 2 OFF - Fault + -

Figure 7. Connection diagram of BS-489 telephone operator.

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Connecting the mains power supply (220-240VAC)
The panel has knock outs on the back side for all the wiring to pass thru. You can connect cables with max.
diametre 2.5mm to the panels terminal blocks.
The mains power supply wiring must use a double insulation cable.
The connection with the mains power supply must be done to the terminal blocks located on the panels up left area.
Figure 8 (the midle terminal is not in use)

1 cm
Fuse: 1A/5x20

1 cm

Figure 8. Panels connection with 220-240V AC. Figure 9. Panels connection with 220-240V AC. .
1. During the installation the connections to the mains power supply and the battery must be done after all
other connections are finished.
2. The panel connection with the mains supply must be done via a10A external fuse or an automatic circuit
breaker rated at 10A.
3. Always use cables with double insulation.
4. The diameter of the cable must be at least 1mm.(Figure 9)
5. The inner insulation of each cable must not be cut more than 1cm (Figure 9)
6. The outer insulation must not be cut more than 1cm away from the internal insulation.
7. The panel's internal fuse is 1A with 5x20 dimension.

Battery connection
The battery compartment has the appropriate dimensions for Α-986 battery of olympia electronics.
The charging unit on PCB is also calculated for the specific battery. Replace the battery only with one of
the same type.
From the PCB, are connected two battery wires with a special terminal on the edge. They must be connected to the two
battery poles. Connect the black wire to the negative pole (marked (-) or a black mark) and the red wire to positive pole
(marked (+) or a red mark).

Initial Installation
When the connections to the zones, sirens and other required outputs are finished then we must connect
the mains power supply and the battery. In order to aid the installer during the initial installation, the panel
offers a special configuration. This configuration is entered by setting MODE switch 1 to the ON position.
After entering this mode the panel conducts an auto reset and the 'General Test' LEDs blink. The special
functions that aid in working out various problems that might arise are :

When a zone has an open circuit then the internal buzzer sounds and the corresponding LED
lights. If the problem is corrected then the buzzer is deactivated and the LED is extinguished.

When a zone has a short circuit then the internal buzzer sounds and the corresponding LED blinks.
If the problem is corrected then the buzzer is deactivated and the LED is extinguished.

When a siren output has an open circuit then the internal buzzer is activated and the corresponding
fault LED lights. If the problem is corrected then the buzzer is deactivated and the LED is extinguished.

When a siren output has a short circuit then the internal buzzer sounds and the corresponding LED
blinks. If the problem is corrected then the buzzer is deactivated and the LED goes Off.

When a battery fault exists then the 'Batt fault' LED lights and the 'Power fault' LED blinks. If the
problem is corrected then the LEDs are deactivated.

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If all the problems are corrected and the installation is operating normally then the MODE switch 1 must be
placed in the OFF position. The panel conducts a auto-reset and is ready for operation.

Walk - Testing
By using a special operation mode we can conduct a walk test of the system. To enter walk-test mode set
the MODE switch 1 to the ON position. The 'Test' LED blink. If an alarm is manually given by either
activating a BS-536 call point or by activating a smoke detector with smoke or simulated smoke particles
the corresponding Alarm LED of the zone will light and the siren will sound for 2 seconds. Using this
method we can test the operation of the zones.
In this state if we press the number key 1 then the 1 and 5 relays will be activated or deactivated. The
same function standing for the number keys 2 to 5. So if the number key 6 is pressed then the auxiliary
relay AUX is activated or deactivated. By pressing the correspondent button, we can test the function of
the connected units. After finishing the walk test set the MODE switch 1 to the OFF position. The panel
conducts an automatic reset and enters normal operation mode.

Technical Specifications
10 zone fire detection panel

Mains power supply 220-240V AC/50-60Hz

Consumption 25VA

Battery type 12V / 7Ah

Charging circuit Stabilized power supply 13.8V / 400mA

Autonomous duration 36 hours (without using the outputs 24V_M and 24V_P)

Zone circuits 10 zones

with open and short circuit control

Alarm circuits Two 24V circuits that are monitored for open and short circuit conditions
1 Alarm relay, 2 zone relays , 24V permanent 24V reset interrupted
Outputs 2 connectors for external connection of zone relays
Operation temperature 0 to 50 C

Humidity Up to 95% relative humidity

Construction material ABS-polycarbonate

Dimensions 320 x 240 x 87 mm

Degrees of cover protection IP 30

Weight 2 Kgr

Produced in accordance to ΕΝ 54-2, ΕΝ 54-4

Guarantee 2 years

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