Phone Conver-WPS Office

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Telephoning is having a phone call.

Telephoning holds an important role in the job world,

especially as the media to communicate, especially in a communication of long distance. In addition,
telephoning makes the task easier. However, a professional must be able to deal with it professionally
so that in this unit the students will learn how to make a phone call well.

 Making a Call

Hello, I am…..……..can/could I speak to…

Hello, can/May I speak to……………

Hello, can/could you connect me to……………..

Hello. I am calling for Jona. Is she in?

Hello, good morning, I’d like to speak to …….

Oh, hi, Is Jona home?

 Answer a Phone

Good afternoon. Can/may I help you?

Hello, What can I do for you / what can I help you?

Who is speaking, please?

Who should I say called?

Has she got your number?

Take a Phone

I am sorry, he is out at the moment

I am sorry. He is not in today.

I am afraid, he is not able to answer. He is busy right now

Could/would you leave message?

Any message?

Could you get her to ring me back, please?

 Connect a Phone
I’ll put you through to….

Wait a minute/hold the line, please.

Sure, I’ll connect you to ….

One moment, please.

Just a moment, please.

One second, I’ll get her.

 Short Dialogue

Ms. Regit : Good morning. I am Ms. Regita’s speaking. Could I help you?

Ms. Georgy : I am Georgy from Mega Furniture. I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas. Is he at the offine

Ms. Regita : Yes he is.

Ms. Georgy : I am his old friend Of Mr. Thomas. Please told me that I could contact him through your

Ms. Regita : Ok. Just a moment, please.

Ms. Regita : Good morning Mr. Thomas. Ms. Georgy is on the line. She needs to talk to you.

Mr. thomas : Sorry Ms. Regita. I am busy now. Please tell her to call me in an hour.

Ms. Regita : All right Sir, I’ll tell her

Ms. Regita : I am sorry Ms. Georgy. Mr. Thomas is busy at the moment. Please call him in an hour.

Ms. Georgy : Well, Ms. Regita. Thank you.

Ms. Regita : You are welcome.

How to ask Answers

Answering a Phone Hello
Asking for a Person Could I speak to Jane Horrabin?
Saying Who You Are “Hello, this is Corinne.” “Could I speak to
Jane Horrabin? Jane Horrabin Speaking
“This is Jane Horrabin
Asking Who Somebody Is Who is that? Who is this? who is there?
Asking For A Number “What is the (dialing) code for Bristol?
“How do I get the outside line?”

If Somebody Is Not There “I’m afraid she’s not in at the moment.”

“Can I leave a message?” “Please leave
your message after the tone.” “I’ll call /
call again later. “Could you just tell her
Jake called?
Asking Someone To Wait “Just a moment.” “Hold on a moment,
please.” “Hold the line, please.” “Hang
on.” (informal)
Wrong Number I think you’ve got the wrong number.”
“I’m sorry. I’ve got the wrong number.”

Problems Facing “Could you speak louder? It is a bad line /

bad connection” “You’re breaking up.”
(terputus) “I’ll call again.” “I got cut off.”

Dialogue 1

Juna : Good morning

Julio : good morning too

Juna : May I speak to Mr. Alonso, please?

Julio : I am sorry, he is out to lunch now

Dialogue 2

Secretary : Haskel, Cleaver and Young Corporation, good Morning, what can I do for you?

Caller : Can you put me through to Mr. Ken Andrew, please?

Secretary : there is no mr Ken Andrew here. You must have the wrong number.

Caller : is it the head office of Haskel, Cleaver and Young Corporation ?

Secretary : No, it is not. It is its Branch office. You can call the head office directly.

Caller : Can I have the number, please?

Secretary : Sure, it is 7895686.

Caller : Thank you.

Secretary : You’re welcome.

Grammar Focus
Reported Speech.

Example :

He said that John went to Ramayana Mall.

They told me to open the door.

Lee asked me where I put the bag.

Tipe Reported Speech

Imperative. Command/request)

We reported command. Imperative sentence do not use subject , so Verb in direct imperative does not
change. Verb in indirect become ‘to Invinitive’.

Positive Imperative

Direct Indirect

Victor said “Go away!” He oredered/told me to go away

“Come on time!” He asked/commanded him/them to come on time

Teacher said “be silent” Teacher begged/suggested us to be silent

He begged “Be happy” He warned people to be happy

Negative Imperative

Robert Said, “Don’t go away!” Robert told/ordered us o not go away

“Don’t come late!” Regita asked/commanded us not come late.

I said, “Don’t be lazy!” I begged/sugested you not to be lazy

He begged, “Don’t be over” John warned us not to be over

Declarative (Statement)

Example :


Franglin : ‘I will study now’

Irland : ‘they love me’

‘I have been waiting’ Dominggus answered

Brother : ‘I was sick yesterday’


Franglin said that he would study then

Irland told that they loved her

Dominggus answered that he had been waiting

Brother told that he had been sick the day before

3. Interrogative (Question)

a. Auxiliary

Direct Indirect

George : ‘Can you help me?’ George asked if/whether I could help him

Gita : ‘May I borrow your pen?’ Gita asked if/whether she may borrowed your pen
b. Question words (QW)

Direct Indirect

Beto : ‘How do you do it’ Beto asked how I did it

Markus : Where do you live?’ Markus asked me where I lived

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