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Nhật Minh : Chồng

Hồng Khánh : Vợ
Nam Khánh : Công an
Hoài Anh : Hàng xóm
Kim Ngân : Người tuyên truyền
Nguyên Anh: Người con

(Người chồng say xỉn đi về nhà)

Minh : Khanh, where are you? Where are you?

HKhanh : What? I’m here. Oh, you smell bad. Did you drink wine again?
*Chạy tới đỡ NKhanh
Minh :*Đẩy vợ ra* So what?? You don’t have to care about that. You just need to
be a good wife but you cannot even do it.
HKhanh : It’s not my fault!!! Oh my god, do you know why Ngoc died ??? It's your
drinking habits !! ALL THAT IS BY YOU !! Damn it.
Minh : It's been 1 year but you still have to repeat what ?? She died because of
you, you went to the market and locked the door, Anh went to school, the house
was on fire because you locked the door and she couldn't get out.
HKhanh : If you don't drink and stay at home, she won't die. Why are you still
blaming me ?? I didn't lock the door, what about the thief kidnapping her ??
Minh: SHUT UP!!!
HKhanh *cười khinh bỉ*: So what did you do? You become an alcoholic. You
always come home late. You beat me to death everytime you drink ??
Minh *hét* : How dare you say that to me????
*Minh chạy tới xô ngã HKhanh , đánh đập.
HKhanh *vùng ra, hét*: What the hell is going on with you?? You drink everytime
and always hit and fight with me after that. I was so disappointed with you, I
didn't expect to sign that damn paper!!!
Minh: It's your fault, bitch. Now will you listen to me ?? What do I say you would
argue back?
HKhanh *khóc: I do housework for you, I cook for you, I take care of Nguyen Anh,
I do everything for you, but you treat me ?? Oh ... My Ngoc ... yet she died
because of your mistake, and yet you refused to give up your drinking habits ... I
want to die….
*Nguyên Anh đi học về cái cặp vẫn còn ở trên vai thì thấy cảnh tượng mẹ khóc,
khuôn mặt lo lắng chạy tới ôm mẹ, hỏi:
Nguyên Anh : Dad!! Please stop hitting my mum!! I don’t want it anymore….
Minh: Crumb-bum would be best so get out so I can talk to your mom.
*Nói xong Minh đẩy Nguyên Anh ra một cách mạnh bạo, lao vào đánh HKhanh
(Phân đoạn này phải đánh một cách mạnh bạo và đẩy cũng phải khiến Nguyên
Anh ngã ra xa để thu hút sự chú ý của khán giả. Đương nhiên nói cũng phải như
cãi nhau, hét to lên. Phối hợp diễn sao cho thật hoàn chỉnh)
*Nguyên Anh ngồi dậy, sợ hãi đi giật lùi, rồi lại ngã một cái bịch, lồm cồm bò dậy,
lấy tay lau nước mắt đi tìm người giúp.
-Chuyển cảnh-
*Ở khung cảnh nhà hàng xóm, Hanh đang đọc báo thì thấy Nguyên Anh chạy vào
với khuôn mặt đỏ hoe, nước mắt đầm đìa.
Hanh: Anh, What’s going on with you?
Nguyên Anh ôm chầm lầy Hanh: Huhu, please help my parents…They against each
other everyday after my sis’s death…
Hanh vỗ về an ủi NgAnh: I see. Let’s call the police.
(Hanh gọi công an, chạy vào giúp)
NgAnh: Overthere. Hurry up ! Please arrest that man.
NKhanh : Stop ! (chạy tới lôi NKhanh ra)
Minh : Get your hands off me!! WHO ARE YOU??
NKhanh : Calm down buddy. You need to calm down. We need to talk. I am the
Minh : It’s her fault!! She suddenly fought with me, even cursed me and dragged
out the death of our youngest daughter last year scolding me.
Nguyên Anh : Please help them. I’m scared.
Hanh : What happened between you two. Minh, you musn’t treat your wife like
Nam Khánh : Do you know that you might be fined from 1 to 2 million VNĐ or
sentenced to imprisonment if you take part in violent activity.
Hanh: You should respect your wife cause she’s your wife, right? You guys
married and promised to love each other forever. You have to build a strong
family relationship without domestic violence.
Minh: Isn't she the one who intended to divorce first ??
Nguyên Anh: Dad, Don't think of her like that. Did you know she's sad because
you treated her badly? She still loves you so much, and yet you let her down.
Minh: What?
Nguyên Anh: Everytime you go to bed I see her crying in her room. I love you dad,
so would you listen to me? For me, for mom, can you give up alcohol?
*Minh khuôn mặt sững sờ, đôi tay bất động. Nguyên Anh chạy tới ôm lấy bố, rồi
*Minh buông thả hai tay, nhắm mắt lại, thẫn thờ một lúc rồi ôm lấy Hồng Khánh
Minh : I’m sorry Khanh. I didn’t care about your feelings. I’m so sorry. Can you
forgive me once?
Hồng Khánh :Honey, I’m ok, but you need to promise that you won’t do it
Minh : I won’t.
*Hai vợ chồng buông nhau ra, cười.
Nam Khánh : Good job buddy.
Nguyên Anh: Mom, dad, I’m very happy, Surely Ngoc in heaven is also very happy
to see you make up. Last time we should not look back, okay?
Minh và HKhanh nắm tay nhau, gật đầu: Sure!
Hanh : That’s what I wanna see. Let’s kiss and make up. *Rồi vỗ vai Nguyên Anh*:
Last time you must have been very hard, Great job!

-Chuyển cảnh-

Ngân : Announcement ! We have announcement ! This month – June. The month

that we need to show our loves to family members, prevent domestic violence.
Family Day is coming.
Family is the best. From past to present, the family is considered one of the most
peaceful place, which is where people find sharing and loving. Family will teach
you the first lesson, teach you how to behave, how to develop. Of course, it plays
an important part of the development of society. Therefore, we need to protect
our family. Let’s do it!!
In today's society, domestic violence occurs in many forms and among other
members of the family. Domestic violence makes the victim feel depressed,
afraid, have a worse health and injuries. The relationship between the wife and
her husband will come to and end and they get a divorce. It has so many negative
effects on children, family and society. We need to stop it now. It’s our

Everyone : Let’s make our community better !

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