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Pearls of English Grammar.& Composition sit LV ov, AT tte _20— Subject Scanned with CamScanner - NAMING WORDS - NOUNS GENDER NUMBER - ARTICLES. PRONOUN Ty VERBS 20. SIMILES [e IDIOMS | By SYNONYM! / ] 7 j ] } | 237 PREFIXES 25 SUFFIXES 26. SOUND WORDS ’ 27. PARAGRAPH WRITING © Vv Fira) 28. COMPREHENSION ./ ay teil! 29. PICTURE COMPOSITION / o tb 30. LETTER WRITING 6) REVISION EXERCISES \- Se ae 6. ADJECTIVES 8 HELPING VERBS 9,7 SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT 64-66 710,. MODALS 1S CONJUNCTIONS 118 PUNCTUATION» 17. INTERJECTIONS AND - QUESTION TAGS 18. CONTRACTIONS HOMOPHONES IS 11. ADVERBS) 70-74 12 PREPOSITIONS. 75-79 13. SUBJECT AND PREDICATEQ) 80-83 I4- THE SENTENCE 84-89 \ ag, QP ANTONYMS 98-103 104-105 106-108 109-111 112-113 114-116 117-119 120-121 122-123 124-125 126-130 131-138 139-141 142-145 146-160 Scanned with CamScanner A Noun is a name of a person, place, animal or thing. There are five types of nouns. They are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun and Abstract Noun. ae ¢ ACommon Noun is a name common to all persons, places, animals or things of the same coe or group. an To}. 1209, for, Brotha, Srods, A> , venm eg. doctor, village, giraffe, mat, etc. movi, Bey, Giak, avons ¢ A Proper Noun is a name of a particular person, place, animal or thing. Proper nouns always, begin with capital letters. ustofom , Ayarryh e.g. Jack, Paris, Mercedes etc. Ram, Taffy ,2vaclur, Ruaku. pom Dated GiExercise la) a Q. Circle The common nouns with a lua coloured pencil and underline the proper nouns with ared coloured pencil. 1 The basketball coach'was happy with the team’s performance. 2. Ashish and Shikha were surprised by the summer rain. . 3. We were all excited about the cricket match, 4. We went to watch one of Shakespeare's plays. 5. I live ina goochome) My family is very loving. 6. My(neighbour, Mr. Ranjan, has moved to a new ity.) 7.1 decided to walk down thé road to the park near ourcompound. 8. Aunt Maggie, from Australia, will be visiting us next(mont! Scanned with CamScanner * A Collective Noun is a name given to a collection of Persons, places, animals or things. Look at the pictures and read the phrases. = Crew cone Bago, « bol. owen) eee Studer amobof people a flock of sheep a set of tool, Dated GiExercise 1b) —_ Q. Choose the right collective noun and fill the blank space. 1. A_fiorch _ of elephants. therdstidyg sé Ds ARibaatsy of books [cluster/library] y BA Chote of singers. {class/choir] 4. nua “of puppies [litter/brood) 5. A_Rackk of wolves. [fleet/pack] 6. A ‘panel’ of grapes. [bouquet/bunch] 7. A_Stazeavcs of bees. [gaggle /swarm] 8 A XKof fl . gw) be bundle] \ bow quirk lowers. [bouquet/bu! 9. A “gaggia of geese. [shoal/gagglel 10. A _Shaal of fish. [flock /shoall TMS-Eng. Gram. & Comp.-Bk. Scanned with CamSc: @ A Material Noun denotes the matter or substance of which things are made. eg:- This sweater is made of wool. She has worn a dress made ofsilk . ____| have a new leather purse, “Dated GiExercise 1c) ee Q. Pick out the material nouns in the following sentences. «Flour i used to make bread. . Father has some/old eoins. et 2 . Judy loves jewellery made of silver! __ . Collin likes to wear shirts made of cotton? eo . Amy uses a comb made of plastic.” det, . Cheese is made from milk. a Se . My mink coat is expensive. en rt . The gla table is shining in the light. . The shop has items made of ivory. > . Grains are kept in gunny bags made of jute.) . Rosy's boat is quite old but it does not break SLB AaNAAuHREWHD because it is made ofplastic> ee 11. Many useful things like slippers, erasers and balls are made of rubber-~ 12. Mike loves flying kites. He likes kites which are made of bright coloured paper. ‘edt 1 eo Scanned with CamScanner ¥ Toe ee NE AR OPN erent «falcon Noun is the name of a quality, action or state) tha that we cannot taste, touch or see, We can only feel and think about) it eg:- honesty (quality), theft (action), childhood (state). By adding a letter or a set of letters, we can change adjectives, verbs and common nouns to make abstract nouns. Let's look at a few examples given in the table below. Adjective | Abstract Verb | Abstract Common kind kindness: obey obedience) human brave bravery grow | growth | sweet honest honesty decide | decision | friend free | freedom serve service novel | Dated ‘GExercise 1d) Q. Complete the sentences with an abstract noun from the given list, honesty kindness strength truth health happiness beauty bravery cruelty _—freedom ' ~ The soldier was rewarded for his _\3> 2/0 uo galt is wealth. . Always speak the SMe is the best poy. . Kashmir is known for its _* Show _\ . The man was pulling the cart with great . Money cannot buy 9. Laws have been made against _C>uy (4c to animals. 10. India got_[x.20-!0mm on 15th August, 1947. to the poor. OC NAKHRWD BS 0 Scanned with CamScanner GiExercise 16) Ws Q. Pick out one of each - common, proper, collective and material noun. collect 1. Steve was sure that he had left his(bunch of keys in the pocket of his coat. aa Poy? - pry 2.It was a hot day. Todd wore his shoes and went for a walk in an apple orchard:)— collective, Roe?) a: = 3. Cowboy ill) had a lasso made of jute. He used it to drive the herds home. Dated Sa a en 4, Tim was late for the function as he was caught behind ara ; a a lorry carrying bales of cottom, , ied " cablocive 5. The naughty boy, Bob, took a cane and disturbed a hive. The swarm of) . ok 2 | Gees flewout. “Collec He 6. Kerry and her friends followed a caravan of gypsies and purchased from them necklaces made ofivoryyand (beads. Watent 7. Terry and his father wore their flippers and face masks and went deep sea diving. A shoal of fish swam past them. Gllecfue Collect Ye 8. The beggar had a €ollection of old coins and did not know how rich he was till Peter told him their value. v Scanned with CamScanner Dated GiExercise 11) Q. Pick out the nouns in the following sentences and write thei, king 1. This table is made of wood. 2. Bees store honey in the honeycomb. 3. Thomas Alva Edison was born in America. \i 4. The snake disappeared behind the trees. a lI . 5. An elephant is known for its strength. {| | ! 1} 6. There is a lake at the foot of the hill. | | | | 7. Mary bought a bunch of grapes. Scanned with CamScanner \ LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS) The teacher can divide the students into groups and get them to enact the following scenario. Elena : Our neighbour, Mrs. Blyton just told me that both of you were going to the market to get her groceries. She is very grateful for your help and kindness. What items has she asked for? Mohit : She has asked for some milk, eggs, a dozen bananas, a box of cereal and a jar of honey. Riyaz : Let's go to the Super Grocery store. The products sold there are of good quality. Elena: Can / come along? My mother has given me some money to buy a loaf of bread and a batch of cakes. | like that shop because they do not use plastic bags but put things in pretty paper bags. My class teacher has been teaching us how plastic bags are harmful to the environment. Mohit : Sure why not! On our way there | need to pick up my little brother, Joash, from the swimming pool. Riyaz : ! see our friends, Shalu, Adnan and Alexi playing with that litter of puppies near that pile of wood. Let's take them along as well. Mohit : That's a great decision. After that we could all go to play in the park. The students can be asked to name the nouns in the dialogues and mention their types. This can also be conducted as an activity where the group that guesses all the nouns and their types correctly first, wins. (Gram? & Comp-Bk4 Scanned with CamScanner Nouns Tay noun Gln . al ur Ah Sex tendo, There are four kinds of genders. Foe ( ¢ Anoun that stands for a male is a Masculine Gender. e.g. father, gentleman, boy, brother, uncle, prince. * Anoun that stands for a female is a Feminine Gender. e.g. mother, lady, girl, sister, aunt, princess. \ stat ii ® Anoun that stands neither for a male nor a female but is common to both i isa is aCommon Ge Gender. e.g. human, teacher, ‘friend, soldier, animal, artist. 3) | darn Eran, ab oar, Kile MBO, Sonyerdt | ® Anoun that stands for a non-! -living thing i isa A Neuter Gender. | e.g. shoes, box, mates vase, e, knife, cushion.* 5). fy, Be heal | Aeon, Wonal ... vada, | Note : ¢ For some words we add ‘-ess’ to the masculine nouns to ! form the feminine gender, @g. shepherd - shepherdess host - hostess ¢ Animals (common gender) and some birds can also be divided into masculine and feminine gender. e.g. lion - lioness Scanned with CamScanner Ke Beak GiExercise 2a) es Q Use the words given in the box to complete the masculine and feminine pairs in the table correctly. empress colt stallion- bachelor countess — _duke _heiréss baron— hind woman 7 due pated Prinoxn Pur are STAT 1. instructor 5. spinster - 2. hunter - 6. nun . 3. ewe - 7. hero : 4. waiter - 8. host - Scanned with CamScanner sted mame Exercise 2C Q. Place the following nouns into the correct gender box, people mug hay pupil palace broom children lock servant stone milk helper attendant bell cousin door shirt doctor jug cook bird spoon student book cane companion tray comb child lawyer IN GENDER NEUTER GENDER WHONANAWNA ONDNERWNS Scanned with CamScanner Exercise 2d _ pated ____ Q Pick out the genders and name them. 1, The actress acted as a pirate in a movie which the children enjoyed while eating popcorn. 2. The people laughed seeing the heiress ride ona horse without a saddle. 3. The milkmaid delivered the milk in a can for the lad. 4. The wizard waved to his wife and flew over the city on his magic carpet. 5. The waiter, carried the tray to the ladies. 6. The boy is a good child. He took his sister home on his cycle. /, 7. The old widow had no companion, so the young child would take her some fruit occasionally. 8. The young gentleman wore a new suit. His friends envied him and his mother was proud of him. Scanned with CamScanner Singular means one, Plural means more than one Singular Nouns can be changed into their plural form in many way: 1. by adding ‘s’ bee - bees candle - candles giraffe - giraffes swing - swings Note : If there is a vowel before ‘y’ then only ‘s’ is added as in: monkey - monkeys chimney - chimneys 2. by changing ‘y’ into ‘ies’ family - fami country - countries butterfly - butterflies city - cities 3. by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ into ‘ves’ hoof - hooves knife - knives life - lives loaf - loaves ) 4, by adding ‘ es’ to nouns that end in ‘s', ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘x’ ‘ss’ or ‘oO’. pouch - pouches Potato - potatoes bus - buses dish - dishes box - boxes class - classes Scanned with CamScanner 5. by changing the vowel. man - men — foot - feet tooth - teeth Sy goose - geese x ne | mouse - mice, ‘ 6. by adding ‘en’ or ‘ren’ ox - oxen . child - children 7. by not making any change in the noun as their plural form is the same as their singular form. bread - bread sheep - sheep deer - deer aircraft - aircraft luggage - luggage furniture - furniture jewellery - jewellery spectacles - spectacles ‘Note : Some nouns are always used in the plural form. e.g. scissors, spectacles, pants, socks, news, mathematics clothes, ce) talk about it types of uit and fish. 8. When a noun has more than one word then ‘s’ is added to the first or second part of the noun. passer - by - passers-by daughter-in-law - daughters-in-law step-son - step-sons maid-servant - maid-servants Scanned with CamScanner Dated GaExercise 3a) Q Write the singular or plural form of the following. 1. 2. | 10. 14, 12, 13. army batches . potatoes . shelf . rays . volcanos - brother - son-in-law . roof leaf class match buffalo women shelter Scanned with CamScanner cated [Exercise 3b) a Re-write the sentences using the singular or plural form of the underlined words. Make changes only where required. 1. Look at the large mosquito. WI am kg o a j 2. Where have you left the key? Io v 7 3. Please pass me a pair of scissors, CIAL So BS 4. The cargo will be loaded onto the ship. ! oA 5.1 like to carry out my duty. Aud 3, 6. The farmer is joyfully carrying his sheaves, Stray 7. Have you seen the small calf? cob yas 8. Cut the loaf into slices and make sandwiches. J Bervbr> clad, 9. Do you need some more cloth? 10. The wolf chased the pig. : bran Scanned with CamScanner Dated (Ge Exercise 3c) Q Re-write the sentences using singular or plural forms of the underlined words, Make changes only where requireg, 1. The luggage arrived on time. Add We must renovate the old building. builclinas T - Please help the Poor family on the street. fron Qiss 4. The thief managed to escape. shiovey 5. The cat spilt the can of milk. wile 6. The Commander-in-Chief will arrive at 10:00 am sharp. COR TAM BNALES iy 7. Jack's shoes were tight so his foot ached, donk 8. The looker-on lodged a complaint. : eokon» -o7n 9. You should brush your hair daily. Dd. Noast. 10. The dwarf walked all the way home. Av ove, Scanned with CamScanner Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. eg. oranges, books, coins, houses. Nouns that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns. eg. butter, food, water, wood. uncountable nouns can be made countable by using a partitive. Partitives are used to show that only ‘a part of’ or the whole of something is being talked about. Let’s learn more about partitives from the table below. INCORRECT (X)|___ CORRECT (/) 1. hairs a few strands of hair 2. moneys asum of money 3. laughters a peal of laughter 4. lights a ray of/ a flash of 5. papers a slip/ piece/ strip of J, 6. cloths a metre of cloth 7. rices la sack of rice 8. cheeses a slice of cheese 9. dusts a speck of dust 10. milks a glass of milk SOTMS=Eng! Gram & Comp=Bk4 Scanned with CamScanner Dated GuExercise 3d) Q Correct the errors in the singular and plural forms in the Sent ‘ 1. All the childs were playing with the adorable puppys in the Park T-lno : 2. ht three bunch of flower from the marketes, My mother boug! re fio ing ee 3. The lunchboxs were packed and ready for the child. Quanetinavod 4. Many boss were invited for the meeting. WoRees amo pda 5. There are three zeroess in a thousand. zonecm trhorsudi 6, The baby has got two tooths. tb pithy Dated GExercise 3e J) Q Complete the phrases with the correct partitives. hoo juice. 2. luggage. 3B glass. 4. jam. D5 porridge. 6. toothpaste. i soap. 8. tea/coffee. T™ Scanned with CamScanner (LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING solve these riddles to know the correct noun being talked about. 1.1 am hot. I live in the sky, I am bright. Don't look straight at me. I disappear at night. 2.1 am red, green or yellow. I am a healthy snack. I make good juice. You can bite me or slice me. I keep the doctor away. What am I? 3. 1am sweet and cute. I cry a lot. I love milk. Everyone loves me and smiles at me. I'm new to the world. I can’t talk or walk yet. Who am I? 4.1am usually green and brown. I can live for a long time. I'm a house for a bird and children love to climb me. I provide you with oxygen and need rain to grow. SPEAKING Grammar Game Every student in the class will write a type of noun on a slip of paper and fold it. For example - common, singular, feminine, proper, etc. Students will come forward one at a time, choose any letter of the alphabet and pick out a slip. They will then need to say a noun that begins with the chosen letter and according to the picked type of noun. The remaining students have to say if the answer is correct. Scanned with CamScanner The words ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are called articles. We use them bet nouns to show whether they are general or specific. aT) ‘The’ is called the definite article. ‘A’ and ‘An’ are called indefing articles. ‘A’ and ‘An’ are used when we are talking about Somethin in general and not specific. e.g. I need an umbrella. You need a new toothbrush. | Uses of ‘a’ J ofa’ is used with singular countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.) e.g. I saw a bear at the zoo. He is a scientist. ¢ ‘A’ is used with nouns that start with a vowel but take the ! consonant sound. e.g. I found a one rupee coin in my pocket. My sister studies in a university in Florida. ¢ ‘A’ is used before an adjective that comes before a noun. e.g. My father is a good cook. Mary had a little lamb. Kk. » -TMS=Eng. Gram: & Comp- Scanned with CamSei Uses of ‘the’ When a particular person, place, animal or thing is spoken about, the Definite Article, ‘the’ is used. The is also used with the superlative Degree. 1, If you say, “Please give me the brush”. (You are talking about a particular brush). 2. If you Say,’Please give me a brush”. . (You are talking about any brush). 3. The highest mountain. (Superlative Degree) The definite article ‘the’ is not used before proper nouns, unless they are in plural form or specially referred to:- A. Mr. Buckler is a family friend. (No article is needed.) The Mr. Buckler is a family friend. (This is an incorrect sentence.) (Since Mr. Buckler is a proper noun the definite article ‘the’ is not used.) The Mr. Buckler you were speaking about, is our family friend. (Here the article ‘the’ is correctly used because the sentence is talking about a particular Mr. Buckler) B. It rained heavily during days of Noah. (This is an incorrect sentence. Since ‘days’ is in the plural and refers to a particular time in history, the definite article ‘the’ needs to be used.) It rained heavily during the days of Noah. (The noun ‘days’ is in the plural so the definite article ‘the’ is used as it signifies particular days) Scanned with CamScanner ‘ “ The is used when we talk about something known to the list, e.g. 1. Why don't you wear the shirt you bought yesterday, com 2. The scissors are lying on the table. The is used to refer to a time period. e.g. 1. The future holds great promise. 2. My grandfather played for a band in the 1990's | The is used when a singular noun represents the whole class, e.g. 1. The camel is called the ship of the desert. p Y 2. The whale is a kind of mammal. The is used before names of rivers, oceans, seas, mountain range countries etc. e.g. the Nile, the Indian Ocean, the Himalayas The is used while mentioning holy books, journals, newspapers ¢ e.g. the Bible, the New York Times, the Indian Express. The is used before the names of monuments and buildings. e.g. the Taj Mahal, the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Scanned with CamScanner Uses of ‘an’| ¢ ‘An’ is used before a singular countable noun which begins with a vowel sound. e.g. My teacher taught me how to use an atlas. I would love to see an igloo. ¢ ‘An’ is used before a noun that starts with a consonant but has a vowel sound. e.g. Meet me in an hour. It was an honest mistake. g Tay or GiExercise 4a J Q Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1)__am___apple a day is good for health. 2 Paul never tells lies. He is__©7“71_ honest person. 3. She is a. nurse and __O//\__ artist. 4 Ag dog is___ 0 loyal and faithful animal. 5. Maria is Gm __ European but Teresa is__Gn___ Indian. | 6.1 ate___O™_ egg for breakfast this morning. 7. George rides a horse in the countryside. 8. Yesterday | helped Q- one-eyed man. 9. We went to Australia Oya year ago. 10. He picked up__d@/__interesting book to read. Scanned with CamScanner

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