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Weeks 1 & 3

Monday/Wednesday: 50 crunches, 50 reverse thrusts, 2 sets of 25 squats and straight leg pulses, 3

sets of 15 repetitions bicep curls, 3 sets of 15 repetitions side lateral raises, 15 triceps dips
Tuesday/Thursday: 50 crunches, 50 crunches with legs up/ankles crossed, 2 sets of 25 glute
kickbacks and lunges, 3 sets of 15 repetitions shoulder presses, 3 sets of 15 repetitions triceps
kickbacks, 15 triceps dips
Friday: 50 crunches
Saturday: 3 sets of side leg raises

Weeks 2 & 4
Monday/Wednesday:  50 crunches, 50 reverse thrusts, 50 crunches with legs up/ankles crossed, 2
sets of squats and glute kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 repetitions shoulder presses, 3 sets of 15 bicep
curls, 4 sets of 15 triceps kickbacks
Tuesday/Thursday: 50 crunches, 50 reverse thrusts, 50 crunches with legs up/ankles crossed
*Each week increase number of crunches by 10 if you’re up for a challenge!, 52 sets of side leg
raises and straight leg pulses, 3 sets of 15 triceps dips, 3 sets of 15 repetitions shoulder presses, 3
sets of 15 repetitions front and side lateral raises *1 set = 15 reps, however, each week increase
number of reps by 5 for a challenge!
Saturday: 2 sets of lunges

Exercise instructions:
 Crunches: Lie with your back flat on the floor and your knees up. Keep your arms at your
side and slightly raised, to refrain from putting pressure on your neck. Using your abdominal
muscles, lift your chin towards your knees. Hold for one-count.
 Reverse thrusts: Lie on your back with knees bent and thrust pelvis.
 Crunches with legs up/ankles crossed: Lie on your back with legs raised at a 90-degree
angle. Lower legs with ankles crossed to floor until you start to feel your stomach work. Hold for
a one-count and bring legs back to a 90-degree angle.
 Squat: Standing with feet hip-width apart, bend knees and lower into a squat with your
butt sticking out behind you. Press feet into the ground and stand up. Add 5-10 lb weights to
increase intensity.
 Glute kickbacks: With hands and knees on a mat have back parallel to the ground. Kick
one leg back and flex your butt at the top for a one-count. Lower leg and knee to the floor, switch
leg, repeat.
 Side leg raises: Laying on the side of your body, stack your legs on top of each other. Lift
your leg on top into the air and hold for 3-counts. Lower and repeat.
 Straight leg pulses: Laying flat on the ground raise legs above body. Grasp the hamstring
of your right leg, lower your left leg to the ground.

Below exercises should be done with 5 or 10 lb weights:

 Triceps Dips: While supporting yourself on the edge of a stable table or chair, dip down
keeping elbows close to your body.
 Bicep curls: Start with your arms at your side and your forearms facing towards the wall
you are looking at. While holding your weights, curl your forearms towards your biceps and hold
at the top for 3 seconds.
 Shoulder presses: Start with hands by your side holding weights, arms facing towards the
front . Engage in regular bicep curl and then press above your head and reverse motion, ending
with hands by your side (it is a 4 part movement).
 Triceps kickbacks: Start with arms to your side holding weights and lift straightened arms
behind you keeping elbows behind your back.
 Front lateral raises: Holding weights with arms by side, raise arms in front of body to
shoulder length and hold. Lower and repeat.
 Side lateral raises: Holding weights with arms facing inward, raise weights to the side of
body at about shoulder length and hold. Lower and repeat.  

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