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Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

A constellation is a group of stars that seem to be together. Most constellations have been
named by ancient people and the names given are based on Greek Mythology. For ancient people,
constellations represent religious or mythological personages, animals or objects. Filipino ancestors
have also visualized these constellations and give name to some of them such as Balatik for Orion,
Pandarawa for Pleiades, Gibbang for Gemini, Malara for Canis Minor, Lepu for Aquila and Tatlong
Maria or Tres Marias for the stars comprising the Orion’s belt.

Today, astronomers listed a total of 88 constellations. Here are some of the constellations
and their brightest stars.

Draco: Eltanin Cepheus:Alderamin Centaurus:α Cen Virgo:Spica

Hydra:Alphard Cassiopeia:Schedar Pegasus:Enif Hecules:β Herculis

Constellations seen in the Northern Hemisphere are different from those seen in the Southern
Hemisphere. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Perseus, Lynx, Draco, Cepheus and Cassiopeia are
constellations seen in the north sky, while Phoenix, Grus, Tucan, Eridanus, Hydra, and Centaurus are
seen in the south sky. While some constellations are unique to the northern hemisphere and southern
hemisphere, other constellations shift seasonally. Constellations such as Orion may be seen in both
hemispheres, depending on your distance from the equator and the time of the year.

Stars in a certain constellation change position but remain in the same pattern. As the earth
rotates, the constellations in the Northern Hemisphere circle around Polaris also known as The North
Star. This is why the constellations change their location during the course of the night.
Each month of the year, different constellations can be seen in the same spot in the sky at
the same time each night. This change of constellations with the months is due to the position of the
Earth as it revolves around the Sun. Look at the position of Big Dipper, part of Ursa Major, at
different seasons.

We can see different star patterns through the year. During summer, in the Philippines, the
constellations of Orion and Taurus are not visible at night. They will be visible again as the cold
season begins. During that time, Scorpius will not be seen in the night sky.
Constellations have been associated with religion, but also have practical uses. Before the
development of calendars, people used the position of these constellations to determine the time to
sow or plant and to harvest. They are also used in navigation even until now especially the Polaris
because it does not change its position at any time of the night or year. Astrology regards the

constellations as birth signs and calls them zodiac. The constellations in the zodiac are important to
astronomers as references in locating other heavenly bodies.

Let’s Analyze

A. Do the following tasks.

1. On a clear night sky, go outside and observe the stars. (Ask an adult relative or friend to
accompany you.)
2. Find patterns of stars that look familiar. Draw the group of stars you see. Take note of the
position, the location and the time when you see them.
3. An hour after the first time you see that group of stars, go outside, (with an adult with you)
and find it again. Take note of the position, and the location of the same group of stars.
What Did You See?
1. Describe and draw one group of stars you observe.
2. What did you notice about the position and location of the group of stars when you look at
them again after an hour?
3. What constellation do you think is the group of stars that you see?

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do constellations change their position during the course of the night?
2. Why can’t the constellation Orion be seen in the summer night sky?
3. Why do you think the constellations seem to rise from the east?
4. Why are Ursa Major and Cassiopeia constellations not visible in Antarctica?
5. How can recognizing star patterns be useful

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

1. Why do constellations seem to change location in the sky through the night?
A. Because the Earth rotates C. Because the stars move
B. Because the Earth revolves D. Because the stars orbits the Earth
2. Why are some constellations only visible in certain seasons?
A. The Earth rotates on its axis.
B. The Earth revolves around the sun.
C. The stars revolve around the Earth.
D. Some stars disappear.
3. Which shape of the constellation will help you find the North Star?
A. cross C. small dipper
B. letter W D. big dipper
4. Which constellation can help a traveler find the North Pole without a compass?
A. Andromeda C. Crux
B. Cassiopeia D. Orion

5. How can constellations be useful to farmers?
A. They are used to tell the direction.
B. They are used to determine when to sow and harvest.
C. They are used to locate stars and galaxies.
D. They are used to measure time and tell seasons.

Let’s Create

People saw star patterns in the ancient times. They sawhorses, bears, and dragons in the sky.
Make your own star pattern and compare it to something, maybe objects, animals, or anything that
you know.
Star-shaped colored paper (except black)
Black colored paper
White chalk or crayon
1. Get the cut-out stars and hold them about 1foot above the black colored paper. Drop them
onto the black colored paper and glue the cut-out stars where they fall.
2. Connect the stars using chalk or crayon then observe any pattern/figure.
3. Draw the figure. A constellation has been formed in this activity. Tell a short story about
this constellation.

Standards Nice Try Great Above and beyond
(1 point) (3 points) (5 points)
There is a little There is a group of stars Amazing! There is a group of
evidence of making a pattern, called a stars that form a pattern,
Drawing planning or design. constellation. The pattern called constellations. I can
The pattern of stars resembles a figure. see exactly what the figure is.
does not resemble a The constellation is creative
figure. and unique.
There is no title or There is a title and meaning There is a creative title and
Title constellation which may explain the unique meaning which further
meaning. pattern of the stars. explains the pattern of the
The myth is The myth tells about the The myth is well written and
missing or too short constellation. There is is creatively related to the
Myth/Story to assess. evidence of a plot. constellation. The writing is
Grammar, punctuation and free from errors in grammar,
spelling are acceptable and punctuation and spelling. The
may have only a few errors. idea of the myth is unique.

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