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Exclusively for the use of CatSU

NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]


A. The table below contains statements about servant leadership. Across each
statement, put a check in the column which represents how strongly you feel
about the statement by using the following scoring system:

5 – Always
4 – Frequently
3 – Sometimes
2 – Seldom
1 – Never

If you are not in a leadership position, try to relate each question to similar actions
you have taken in the past.

STATEMENT 5 4 3 2 1
1. I have made a deep commitment to listen intently to
others so that I can identify and clarify the
purpose and passion of the group.
2. I normally assume the good intentions of others and I
understand and empathize with them by accepting
and recognizing their special and unique spirit.
3. I search for wholeness and the potential to heal
myself and others so that transformation and
integration can take place.
4. I have the capacity for introspection and the ability
to recognize myself as an individual who is separate
from the environment and other individuals
5. When making decisions I rely on persuasion to
convince others in order to build consensus within the
group, rather than relying upon my positional
6. I bring visions to reality by looking at a problem or the
organization from a conceptualizing perspective (form
an idea or picture), rather than just looking at the day-
to-day operations.
7. When solving complex problems, I use my
intuitive mind to understand lessons from the past,
realities of the present, and the likely consequence of
a decision that affects the future.
8. I hold the institution in trust for the greater good of
9. I believe people have an intrinsic value beyond their
tangible contributions as workers, thus I'm deeply y
committed to the personal, professional, and spiritual n
l o
growth of each individual within the organization e
10. I seek to identify a means for building community o
among those who work within the institution. p
l r
LMC 7 in NSTP 1| 10 t
Exclusively for the use of CatSU
NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

B. Provided in Column A below are the Elements of Volunteerism. In every element,

think of one situation or experience you had which you can say that you apply
that particular element, put it across the space provided in Column B.



1. Selflessness In every situation, I always forsake oneself for

the benefit of another person. Before I make decisions,
I always think of others instead of my plan.

2. Sacrifice I sacrifice my self over family.This

happens everytime there’s a conflict in our family. I
always sacrifice myself.

3. Service In senior high, during our nstp we have service

many people in Palta. It was a great experience that
I’m willing to do again if there’s a chance.

4. Support Supporting someone I adore and love is my t

thing. I show my support in very possible way that I can like
putting a banner, advertising, helping, encouraging them.

LMC 7 in NSTP 1| 11

Exclusively for the use of CatSU
NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]


Name : Sharmae T. Manibale Date Accomplished :_

Student ID Number :_ Page Number :_

Directions: Write a short feature article (a feature article is a non-fiction piece of writing
that focuses on a particular topic. You will find them in newspapers and news sites, online
blogs, or magazines, a feature article commonly present information in a more narrational
manner to make them more engaging) about someone whom you consider a volunteer or
servant leadership.

Servant leadership focuses on the betterment and support of others by seeking to meet the
interests, needs, and ambitions of others' above one's own. This can be exhibited through many
ways and the case of Bill Gates, philanthropy and humanitarianism has been the central to his
success. Bill Gates is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in
the history of the world. He founded Microsoft with his childhood
_ friend, Paul Allen, in 1975,
based on a shared vision of personal technology being accessible to everyone worldwide. Today,
that vision has been realized in many parts of the globe, and Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar
public company, ranked third on Forbes’ list of Most Valuable Brands. Gates built the company
and was its chief executive for more than two decades, when Steve Ballmer became CEO in 2000.
At that time, Gates became the company’s chief software
_ architect and remained chairman of _
Microsoft’s board.
Technology companies, like Microsoft, face _ the task of providing individuals and
organizations with means of communication and accessibility. Bill Gates says, “Our vision is to
create innovative technology that is accessible to everyone and that adapts to each person’s needs.
Accessible technology eliminates barriers for people _ with disabilities and it enables individuals to
take full advantage of their capabilities.” This is important to understand when analyzing the social
responsibility that Microsoft has undertaken as a company.
_ _ Microsoft’s main mission is their
“commitment to their customers.” They show this commitment by continually developing new
tools such as computer software, new mobile phones _ and other technologies that enable businesses
and individuals alike to be more efficient in their work
_ methods. Gates has found a way to
penetrate government and use his status and power to positively influence high-ranking officials.
His aim is to encourage a new kind of social entrepreneurship
_ that inspires everyone to participate
in finding innovative approaches to solving the world’s problems. Although every individual—
rich or poor, young or old—has the potential to be_a servant leader, Gates suggests that when the
most powerful global institutions of business and government dedicate their resources and focus
their strategies on problem-solving, it can lead to the sustained reduction of inequalities around the
world. _
The Gates Foundation has not solely focused on educating people in international
countries; they are also focusing on helping students_ in the United States. The__Foundation's K-12
educational program is geared toward assuring that every student has a substantial education
history and can successfully obtain a college education. By using innovative approaches to
education, the students in the program learn in the_classroom, through experiences outside of class,
and also through online educational formats. The Foundation also focuses on teachers, because it
believes they need continuous feedback and professional
_ growth opportunities in order to help y
their students thrive and succeed. Internationally, the Gates Foundation has set up a Global n
Development Division, which focuses on finding _solutions to help people lift themselves out of sl
poverty. e
LMC 7 in NSTP 1| 12 a
Exclusively for the use of CatSU
NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Reflective Journal 7

As promised, this course also tests your reflective thinking and metacognition. Kindly
pause and write your answer to the question below.

Student’s Name : Sharmae T. Manibale

Entry : No
Program/Yr/Block : ID No. :

“From a perspective of a student-trainee of NSTP, what do you

think is the quality of a leader does the Philippines need
There are a lot of current issues in the Philippines such as poverty. Having poverty is unfair, unethical,
and dangerous. The Philippines should abolish poverty because its people deserve to be free of it.
Poverty in the Philippines is one of the most serious problems that the government must deal with. In relation to its
nature, poverty in the Philippines arose from the rapid population growth in the country.
The effects of it are very visible in nature. Poverty causes many Filipinos to not pursue their education. Others seem
to be contented of their lives as poor. Many parents cannot afford to send their children to school because, of the
financial problem. The Filipino youth today faces a myriad of issues that needs to be addressed at the grass root
level. Poverty, lack of education, drug or substance abuse, vice, crime and unemployment are among the many
problems that continue to batter them. Likewis:e, recent issues on the rising number of street children in urban
centers, child abuse, forced-labor and pedophilia are quite alarming, aggravating the plight of the youth. Strong
leaders also practice key behaviors on a regular basis in order to strengthen the positive impact of these qualities.
You’ve probably heard the expression “born leader.” The phrase implies that the qualities that make a good leader
are innate you’re either born with the skills it takes to be a leader, or you’re not. And it’s true that certain traits tend
to be innate such as charisma, humility, and a sense of humor. They are self-aware and prioritize personal
development. Effective leaders focus on developing their emotional intelligence, Goode says. Leaders that work to
refine this quality are more adaptive, resilient, and accepting of feedback from others. They are also effective
listeners and open to change. Successful leaders focus on the big picture, avoid distractions, and don’t get bogged
down by small, tactical details. Practice these behaviors to promote effective management of your time and
attention. They Set goals, prioritize goals, and take responsibility for accomplishing them. Also, take responsibility
for falling short of your stated goals or making mistakes along the way and Set boundaries between your personal
and professional lives. Remember that your organization will follow your lead—if they see you working long into
the night, they will assume that they have to do the same. Leaders Retain awareness of your strengths, weaknesses,
and any potential sources of bias that may impact your thinking and decision-making. Conduct self-assessments and
seek feedback from your team, and set improvement goals with measurable targets in areas where you have room to
grow. As a good leader, They focus on developing others, this leadership quality builds on the principles of the
situational leadership theory, which suggests that effective leaders adapt to whether an individual or group is ready,
willing, and able to take specific action. As good leader, you should encourage strategic thinking, innovation, and
Leaders must consider internal organizational factors, such as product roadmaps and staffing needs, as
well as external factors, including government regulations and technology advancement, when making strategic
business decisions. Strong leaders consider the ethical consequences of the decisions that they make—for both their
customers and their teams. Taking these behaviors into account will increase your awareness of ethical practice and
civic-mindedness, which reflects personal concern for the benefit of your entire organization and the community as
a whole. They must use their power and authority appropriately. Remember the old saying: Honesty is the best l
policy. When leaders are honest with employees, they reciprocate this trust, and the entire organization operates i
with integrity. Respected leaders are able to clearly communicate with individuals, business units, the entire
company, and to stakeholders outside the organization. In an increasingly global economy, LMC leaders must
7 in NSTPalso1| 1
acknowledge and respect different communication traditions

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