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Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement (PR) occurs when a

desirable event of stimulus is presented as a
consequence of a behavior and the behavior

What is the Positive Reinforcement Questions&Answers

Positive reinforcement works by presenting a motivating 1. Will the child overly dependent on
item so then the person is motivated to finish the task positive reinforcement?
assigned to them. The "positive" in positive reinforcement is Yes. It is important to make certain that the
when something that was not present becomes present after child is not too dependent on the
engaging in a behavior. reinforcement provided, because the
ultimate goal is for them to be reinforced by
the natural environment. You can avoid this
by using a variety of reinforcers, involving
significant others, and encouraging self-
reliance. You can also fade reinforcers
slowly and observe. (More info: http://
Examples: reinforce-desired-behavior-in-children-with-
Johnny comes running into his mom after being outside in autism-part-2/)
the hot sun playing with his friends. He exclaims "I'm really 2. Is PR a bribery?
thirsty! Can I have some coke please Mom?" His mom says Positive reinforcement is not bribery.
"Of course you can!" and gets a bottle of coke and pours him Bribery is when you give the child
a glass. He gulps it down and decides that the next time he something BEFORE the desirable behavior
wants some coke he'll make sure to ask again. occurs whereas with positive reinforcement,
the reinforcer comes after the child has
engaged in the appropriate behavior.

Different Types of Positive Reinforcers

Natural reinforcers: occur directly as a result
of the behavior.
Token reinforcers: points or tokens that are
awarded for performing certain actions. These
tokens can then be exchanged for something.
Social reinforcers: such as "good job!", "high
Tangible reinforcers: actual, physical rewards
Note: such as candy, treats, toys, money, etc. These
we must reinforce the behavior, and not the person! types of rewards can be powerfully motivating,
but they should be used sparingly and with

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