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Jerome C.

Name:_________________________________ 7834UK
Class Code: __________________________

Outdoor and Adventure
Module 1 Worksheet 1

Activity 1: Outside Our Home Walk or Scavenger Hunt

Walking is an excellent way of introducing great outdoors. In today’s life you spend a lot of time
indoors. But walking in the neighborhood or along a given route allow you to become more aware of the
buildings, trees etc. that you pass by every day. It helps increase your visual awareness. It leads to one’s
independence and increases your confidence. It helps in the development of appreciation and respect for
your beautiful environment. Start this module by doing the following:
Outside Our Home Walk:
1.Take a walk outside your home. On your walk outside, you write places found in your community ex.
Brgy. hall, basketball courts, health center etc.
2.Examine each place in detail for:
a. color,
b. size,
c. its uses,
d. what is beside it/behind it and where it is placed in relation to the other places on the list?
3.Organize everything that you see using the acronym of your barangay or hometown. An example below
has been provided for you.
4.Wear your face mask and face shield when you go out.
Scavenger Hunt: Sample
You will find something for each of the following letters of the name of your HOMETOWN or

For example:

B-oarding houses__ N-et shop

A-quatic facility__ O-ffice
K ___x____ R-esto bar
A-aqua check H2o station T-ea shop
K ___x____ E-atery
E-atery ____
N-et shop ___
G-aming shop__

Your Acronym here


1. I- Inday’s Sari-Sari Store

a. Color- The color of the store is green and also filled with color blue in the windows of the

b. Size- The size of the store is just a normal size of having a typical sari-sari store in the
Philippines. It’s like a size of a small room.

c. It’s Uses- The used of the sari-sari store is to have a daily living expenses for their family
and to raise their family with the help of their simple business.

d. What is beside it/behind it and where it is placed in relation to the other places on the
list? – The Inday’s Sari-Sari Store is placed near our Barangay in Amungan Iba, Zambales. It
is located beside the Agra- Gas Station.

2. B- Basketball Court
a. Color- The color of the court is red and yellow

b. Size- The size of the court follows the sstandard format of most of the covered court in the
Philippines. The court is a flat, hard surface free from obstructions, 28m long and 15m wide,
measured from the inner edge of the boundary line.

c. It’s Uses- the uses of the basketball court is for the benefit of the people. You can play with
your friends by playing basketball or volleyball, the covered court can also be used as a
location for an event like graduation ceremony or evacuation center, it can also be useful in
making a donation/ Vaccine drive for the people in our town.

d. What is beside it/behind it and where it is placed in relation to the other places on the
list?- It is located nearby in our barangay hall in Iba, Zambales and as I can see, it is easy to
see the Sari-Sari store near the plaza because I can just walk by and see it for myself.

3. A- Aqua Fresco Beach Resort

a. Color- the color of this place is mostly white and blue because this color shines the most in
the area and it can attracts the tourist because of these selected colors.

b. Size- The size of the Aqua Fresco Beach Resort is very large. I think it’s the double size of
the area in our Barangay Plaza. It is around 2000 sq.m.

C. It’s Uses- The purpose of this beach resort is for tourist destination and to unwind from
your stress when you visit this place. It can makes you feel alive and refresh once you go to
this place.

d. What is beside it/behind it and where it is placed in relation to the other places on the
list? – It is the first place that I can see when I started walking, it is located besides the Herra
Beach Resort. It is nearby in my home but it is slightly faraway from the basketball court and
the store.

How did you feel about giving closer attention to your environment? Describe the air outside
as compared indoors, the places you have found and the people you have met and in
general the whole environment. Write your reflection below:

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