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Progress Report

November 12, 2021

To: Professor Christine Keogan

From: Jason DeHaven
Subject: Progress report on the manual “Windows 11 Installation Guide”

This report covers my progress on the manual “Windows 11 Installation Guide” for the
Technical Writing and Communication class at Blue Ride Community and Technical College.
This is my progress from October 20th - November 12th, 2021. This manual includes information
for anyone that will be installing Windows 11 as an update or as a fresh install. I have completed
a little less than half of the manual. I have having trouble staying focused on the project due to
personal factors. I am a part-time student with a full-time job and two teenage kids. I will
without doubt complete the work by the posted due date.

My Progress from October 20th to November 12th, 2021

On October 20th I received approval from Professor Keogan for my manual project after having a
brief email exchange to discuss possible topics. October 20th – October 23rd I created a rough
outline in the form of a Table of Contents. This will be transformed into the true Table of
Contents at a later date. October 25th – October 29th I finished Chapter 1. November 1st –
November 5th I completed Chapter 2. The first two Chapters were easy to complete as I had just
finished updating my personal laptop to Windows 11. I was excited to work on this project and
formatting ideas came easily. November 8th – November 12th has been a struggle. Chapter 3 is
about upgrading Windows 10 to Windows 11. Having already updated my laptop to Windows 11
I needed to make use of a virtual machine, so I installed VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a program to
allow a virtual machine to be run within an existing operating system. I installed and setup
Windows 10 in VirtualBox. Unfortunately, that is all I accomplished with the project this week.
Work was a little busy this week so I was unable to work on my project as much as I should
have. After work I have been exhausted and not in the mood to work on my project. I will have
to work on my project this weekend.

Picking a Topic
I struggled with picking a topic for this project. I am a computer technician, so I work with
computers all day. I was hoping to find a topic outside of the computer field. After speaking with
Professor Keogan through email, we concluded that staying within my field of study would be
best. I decided to make a Windows 11 installation guide for my project.

Week 1 Progress
In week 1, I completed Chapter 1: Windows 11 Home VS Windows 11 Pro. Chapter 1 is about
the features of Windows 11 Home VS Windows 11 Pro. I visited the Microsoft Website that
showed the features of each version and made a chart to show the similarities and differences
between the 2 versions of Windows 11. Section 1 is an overview of the Windows 11 Home
features. Section 2 is an overview of the Windows 11 Pro features.
Week 2 Progress
In week 2, I completed Chapter 2: Making Sure Your PC Is Ready. In section 1, I listed the
system requirements needed to run Windows 11. This also involved visiting the Microsoft
website to find a list of the system requirements. I then created a table to list the system
requirements in an easy-to-read format. Section 2 is instructions on running the PC Health Check
App on a PC with Windows 10 already running to see if the PC is capable of running Windows
11. In this section I took screenshots of the process and listed the steps that need to be taken to
view the results of the PC Health Check App.

Week 3 Progress
I didn’t work of my project at all this week. I was really busy with work and had some things
that needed to be dealt with in my family life. I will work the weekend to get caught up to where
I feel I should be at this point. Chapter 3 should be completed by Sunday evening, and I feel that
will be possible without any problems.

Progress Expected During the Next Two Weeks

During the next two weeks I will

• Finish Chapter 3 and 4
• Revise the Table of Contents
• Create an Index
• Finalize my project

Finishing chapters 3 and 4

Chapter 3 is about upgrading to Windows 11 from Windows 10. In this Chapter I will be
utilizing the virtual machine that I have already setup. It will have 2 sections with multiple
subsections. Section 1 will explain how to upgrade to Windows 11 using the Windows Update
utility. Section 2 will explain how to upgrade to Windows 11 using the Windows 11 Installation

Chapter 4 is about installing a fresh copy of Windows 11 onto a PC without an operating system
installed. It is going to contain 3 sections, each with multiple subsections. Section 1 will show
how to obtain the Installation Media, such as purchasing a preloaded USB flash drive. Section 2
will discuss how to boot to the USB flash drive. Lastly, section 3 with give step by step
instructions on running the Windows 11 setup.

Revising the Table of Contents and Creating the Index

After I have completed all of the chapters, I will be revising the Table of Contents to include the
page numbers of each chapter and sections. After revising the Table of Contents, I will complete
the Index. I think I am going to find the Index difficult. I don’t really know what to include in the
index as I know this process like the back of my hand. What I mean by that is that I don’t really
think about what I’m doing when I do it. It’s muscle memory at this point. Again, I have no
doubt that I will get this completed by the deadline.
Finalizing my project
Once everything is complete, I will have someone proofread my project to suggest any changes
and catch mistakes I have made. After the proofread has completed, I will make the necessary
changes and submit my project before the deadline.


The strong start to my project really helped with the lull that happened when I reached the third
week. With the expected progress outlined in this progress report, I have no worries about
finishing by the deadline of November 28th.

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