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 results:

The tensile stress and the engineering tensile strain:

Tensile stress (Pa) Engineering tensile strain

0 0
8512544.803 0.003682243
27905785.97 0.022411215
47151817.72 0.044338318
50300819.25 0.068366355
36373527.91 0.095528972
37512800.82 0.124764486
46332565.28 0.152616822
106016385 0.199575701
138901689.7 0.22144486
167460317.5 0.243175701
203136200.7 0.267482243
270455709.2 0.287048598
287480798.8 0.303854206
298700716.8 0.322728972
308102918.6 0.345450467
315341781.9 0.367616822
322036610.3 0.392652336
327336149.5 0.415497196
330939580.1 0.441233645
333646953.4 0.464028037
335848694.3 0.486166355
335848694.3 0.510104673
Fill the following table:

Detail Specimen

Width (mm) 12.40

Thickness (mm) 1.26

Cross-section area (mm2) 15.624

Gauge length 53.5

Young's modulus (GPa) 781.9567594

Load at yield point (N) 4225.6

Yield strength (MPa) 270.4557092

Maximum load (N) 5247.3

Ultimate tensile strength (Mpa) 335.8486943

% Elongation 48.99%

Fracture strain 0.510104673

Fracture strain 335.8486943

The plot of stress vs strain curve:

stress vs strain curve


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

 Discussion:
Based on the experiment that has been done, we used steel as specimen. It
is because we want to test what is the maximum stress for steel that known
as a strong material. According to the experiment WP300 is used for the
experiment and this machine is universal material tester designed to
conduct several mechanical materials. From the experiment, we get to
determined how strong a material, steel, is and how much it can elongate.
Its tensile properties were obtained while it is being pulled. The plotted
graph of stress vs strain curve shows how the material reacted to the forces
being applied. The properties to be observed in the graph are the point of
break or failure, Young’s modulus, yield stress, maximum load, ultimate
tensile stress and strain. Based on this information, the specimen has been
tested is following the international standard. According to the results that
has been gained, we could know the maximum stress for steel before the
steel break. This experiment is very useful to know the strength of material
and to compare which material have high strength.
There might be some error that should be aware of to get precise
value during the experiment. First, parallax error during taking the
dimension of the specimen. This error will occur when the observer’s eyes
do not parallel with the scale while taking the dimension. It is
recommended to use digital scale to get more accurate value. Other than
that, machine error that will occur any misalignment that cause the system
to deform the specimen. Therefore, use a grip appropriate for the test. Make
sure that the specimen in a straight line to ensure the deformation goes well.
Lastly, the measurement can be taken several times to ensure the
measurement are reliable.
The type and surface texture of the broken experiment occurred is
ductile fracture with amount of necking. Ductile fracture is when the
material undergoes deformation before it breaks.

 Conclusion:
In conclusion, this experiment clearly shows to us the tensile stress
of steel. Furthermore, different type of material has different strength and
tensile stress. Moreover, this experiment shows that steel is a ductile
material because it shows a necking point before fractured. Last but not
least, the value that gained from the experiment and the theoretical value
is not the same due to some errors that occurred during the experiment.

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