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Build a community platform like Relevant


Shahzad Naeem
423-Ravi Block
Lahore Pakistan

Terms and Conditions

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Welcome Note
Dear Cecelia,

Our Web & App Development Services, concentrate on the techniques and
interactive tools that’ll assist you in formation of different tokens, platforms
& DEX. With us, you’ll receive a customer-focused strategic lead Blockchain
Development & Community development services. As a trusted advisor,
we’ve helped Hundreds of Organizations

We look forward to welcoming you,

Muhammad Shahzad Naeem ( C.E.O)

The purpose is to create a similar platform like relevant. Through this
platform people and users will be able to upload, upvote, post articles. It
will be a forum type platform where people can get indulged in multiple

1. Complete this platform since it is the phase 1 of the project

2. Create a forum, discussion panel, an admin panel from where the

admin can access and set settings for the forums.

We will use Python on the Flask framework to construct this platform.
Through Platform, you will be able to indulge in a community, decide
upvotes and downvotes. They will be able to discuss and work like a proper


I. Initialization & Startup of the project ( $1000)

In this phase we will construct the design mockups, show it to you
and get approval. This will include 2 Figma/Adobe XD designers.

II. UI/UX development ( $2500)

This part will include a web developer who will convert the design
into non-functional HTML.

III. Front-End Development ( $2500)

Converting all the UI/UX into a functional part and completing the
front-end development of the project.

IV. Back-End Development ( $4000)

The back-end development will create the admin panel, where admin
will be able to access multiple features and other attributes as well.

V. Mobile App Development ( $4500)

We will create a mobile application for this project, this will be based
on both IOS and Android. We will also list the apps into the stores

VI. Testing & Deployment ( $1500)

This will include quality assurance of the whole project and a detailed
report will be submitted to the client.

Total: $16000 USD

Resources Required:
1) Front-End Developer
2) Ui/UX Designer
3) Back-End Developer
4) Program Manager
5) Quality Assurance Agency
6) Mobile App Developers

The estimated time frame for this project completion is 60 working days including the
IOS & Android Application Development.

We Look Forward To Get You Onboard!

Client Signature

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