The Secret Diary of Robert Pattinson: Monday November 3

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The secret diary of Robert Pattinson

Monday November 3rd

- Today is the anniversary of my engagement to my girlfriend Suki. I’ve bought her a giant
red velvet cake, a teddy bear and lots of candles. Candles are never enough in our house.
I am very happy to have a person such as Suki in my life. I wouldn’t wish for anything to
be different... or wait, maybe if Suki was a little bit tidier, I think? But that’s a long story
that we’re not going to talk about today.

Tuesday November 4th

- I have never thought that there would be a day in which I get chosen for the role of
batman. Who would have thought that an awkward shy kid like me would go as far as I
am today? And even though it sounds very exciting, it still feels very frightening to me
knowing that I will not only be judged by film critics, but also children, parents and
young adults that have no idea how scary acting is. It makes me regret taking the risk but
then again, it’s an opportunity for growth.

Wednesday November 5th

- Here I am, lying on my couch, with a piece of pizza in my hand. A typical Wednesday
night. It’s crazy to me how quickly I can switch between lives and personalities. Just this
morning, I was photographed in the most expensive pieces of clothes, surrounded by the
richest people in the world, acting all fancy and cocky, meanwhile at night I am the real
Robert. My favorite Robert. The Robert who wears a t-shirt with holes, the Robert who
doesn’t brush his hair, the Robert who eats cereal straight from the box.

Thursday November 6th

- Suki wasn’t home today. She had to take our dog to the vet, so basically, I was home
alone all day, bored out of my mind when the craziest idea came to my mind. There is
this girl that used to stand outside my house for hours, winter or summer, it didn’t matter
to her. She was starting to bother me, so what did I do you ask? I went straight up to her
and asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me, poor girl, she had no idea. During
the date I started to whine about how boring my life is, how depressed I am and how ugly
my personality in real life is, until I managed to ensure that she hated me. Now I know
that she will never think about coming back ever again.
Friday November 7th
I must go the gym today, which is something I never liked, but doing things you don’t like is a
part of being an actor. Growing up, I wasn’t the type of kid who would join sports or love
football. I used to read books, watch movies or stare out the window, swimming in my own
world instead of an actual pool (swimming pools are a horror story for me). I just hate the
pressure of having to look perfect for movies. Movies are usually meant to represent normal,
everyday people. Why do we set such unrealistic expectations for actors when in reality, most
people don’t look like that?

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