LP3 - TED Talk Critique Analysis - Intructions

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141-502 LP3—TED Talk Critique & Analysis 2020-21

Objective: Practice listening to a lecture/presentation and organize notes in a clear

and concise format as well as being able to summarize, analyze and critique the
speaker’s main points, which will be shared through a presentation.

Part 1—Organized Notes (3%)

You will pick a TED Talk of your choice (in English of course), and after taking notes
by hand, you will type up your notes in an organized way (EXAMPLE available).
• From the notes, I should be able to know what the whole lecture was about
with all the relevant details.
• Make sure to include the TITLE of the lecture, speaker’s NAME, and the
website link. You can put this before your notes like a heading
o Title:
o Speaker’s Name:
o Website Link:


You will also prepare a PPT presentation with a minimum of 5 slides to help you
during your presentation, or as I like to call it “information sharing”.
• Title of TED Talk, Speaker name, Speaker Background, video link
• Summary (in outline form) of the lecture.
• Two critiques with your own analysis.

• No paragraphs in the slides—key phrases that would give an idea of what you
will be discussing
• SAMPLE PPT available for your reference.
• This should be a tool to help you with your presentation part of the task as you


• Introduction and Summary of the TED Talk you watched.

• Critique: Two points the author mentions that you want to discuss further/in
more detail.
o Do you agree/disagree with the speaker? Do you think the speaker’s
points are valid or invalid? Why?
o Why did this particular point interest you?
o Why is this point important? Who is it important to?

• Your presentation should be about 5 or so minutes long.

• Presentations:
o Part 1 (Notes)—DUE July 8th (Thursday)
o Part 2 (Presentation)—DUE and DONE in class on July 16th (Friday)

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141-502 LP3—TED Talk Critique & Analysis 2020-21

***The NOTES and PPT presentation files will be uploaded onto Moodle
BEFORE class on the DUE DATE. Please make sure it’s a file that I can open.

Grading Rubric:


• Notes are organized in a clear and logical way. (1pt)

• Notes include ALL the relevant details. (1pt)

• The TITLE, SPEAKER’S NAME, and LINK are clearly cited. (1pt)

Part 2—PPT SLIDES (2%)

• There are at least 5 slides, excluding the title and questions page. (1pt)

• The PPT is easy to follow and organized in a logical way. No paragraph

information. (1pt)


• Presentation Skills (1pt)
o Voice, preparation, understanding, attitude, etc.

• Main points of the lecture were clearly stated. (1pt)

• Student’s Critique & Analysis (3pts)

o Pick at least 2 points that you can analyze and critique.
o Was the critique expanded well and supported with relevant

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141-502 LP3—TED Talk Critique & Analysis 2020-21

Presentation Order

• You can switch with a friend on the same day but not on different days. As long as
you both agree, it is fine with me.

July 16th (Friday)

1. 11:40 Adil
2. 11:50 Aylin
3. 12:00 Mehmet
4. 12:10 Ali Umut
5. 12:20 İrem

6. 14:40 Fatih
7. 14:50 Sultan
8. 15:00 Başak
9. 15:10 Sanem
10. 15:20 Mert
11. 15:40 Efe
12. 15:50 Arda
13. 16:00 Şevki
14. 16:10 Tarık

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