Here Are Some of The Worst Environmental Crises in Recent History

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Here are some of the worst environmental crises in recent history:

Mountains of trash in Mejicanos

In January 2014, the city of Mejicanos was submerged in garbage due to the
deficiency in the collection of solid waste by the mayor's office and a confrontation
between the company Gestión Integral de Desechos Solidos (MIDES) and the
commune itself. The situation led the Ministry of the Environment and Natural
Resources to decree a health alert in the municipality and used other institutions to
collaborate in the collection of waste.

Record battery case

Lead contamination around the El Salvador Batteries factory was one of the most
notorious cases in the past decade. The abandonment of material affected dozens
of communities in the Sitio del Niño canton, San Juan Opico (La Libertad) and
forced the Ministry of the Environment to decree an environmental emergency
since August 2010. In San Juan Opico, 69 former factory workers lead was
detected above 70 micrograms. The Executive estimates that recovering the area
will cost $ 25 million.

Pesticides in San Luis Talpa

The problem originated in 1984, after the closure of the Quimagro pesticide factory,
in the Loma del Gallo canton of San Luis Talpa, La Paz. Several tons of
agrochemicals were abandoned. The national health system reports more than 200
people who died from kidney failure in the area and the possibility that their illness
originated due to exposure to chemicals is high.

The toxins were withdrawn in 2014, but not before going through a real ordeal. The
convoy left under a strong security device. Initially they would be destroyed in
Poland, a country that eventually rejected their treatment. The toxins were
destroyed in the UK and cost more than $ 300,000 to ship.
Petrochemical spill in Acajutla

In December 1984, an oil spill of incalculable proportions struck the port of

Acajutla. The oil spill began when one of the pipes in the bunker that stored
petroleum products from the state-run Lempa River Hydroelectric Executive
Commission (CEL) broke. This was the second major spill that occurred in the
area, the first was in June and according to the figures on that occasion between
400 and 2,000 barrels of hydrocarbons could have entered the sea.

Barrels with toxaphene in San Miguel

In February 2010, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources removed
the 92 barrels containing toxaphene that remained abandoned in a vacant lot in the
Las Brisas 1 neighborhood in San Miguel. The chemical was left in the open, in the
place where the Monsanto factory operated.

In total, there were 42.6 tons of waste that was collected from the place, they were
transferred under an extensive security operation directed by the Ministry to
Geocycle El Salvador, S. A. in Metapán, where they were finally co-processed in
the cement kilns.

Molasses spill in La Magdalena

On May 6, at Ingenio la Magdalena, a molasses spill contaminated the La

Magdalena river in Chalchuapa, Santa Ana. The viscous liquid reached the Paz
river and considerably affected the biodiversity of the area. Authorities estimate
that it was the 900,000 gallon spill. However, spokespersons for the mill put the
spill at 250,000 gallons and that only 1,000 reached the river. Crews are still
working in the area to recover the area and there are several species affected. It is
estimated no less than three years to reverse the pollution of rivers.
Lead contamination

Some time ago there was a big problem due to a wave of lead contamination,
caused by a company called "Record", who were manufacturers of batteries. This
company made irresponsible use of this natural resource, ignoring the international
standards that every company that works with this branch must follow, causing
multiple problems for the inhabitants of a place called “San Juan Opico”.

Fortunately, the company was forced to cease operations and respond to the
families with financial assistance for the damage caused. Even today, the
consequences of this terrible pollution are being felt.

Soil Pollution
There are places in El Salvador very affected by soil contamination, its main cause
is the poor collection of solid waste and not processing it properly to avoid multiple
diseases and problems of all kinds.

Petrochemical spills

It is a real problem in almost all countries worldwide. El Salvador is no exception,

since in the spills that have occurred, it can be calculated that between 600 and
1500 barrels of oil have entered the sea.

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