Mr. Renato S. de Las Alas JR - Mr. Neo B. Villareal August October 3120-Octoseptember 233, 2020september 20 - 30, 2021

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Learning Area Mathematics 9

Learning Delivery Modality Online Distance/Modular Distance ModalityLearning {Printed}

School Prudencia D. Fule Memorial National Grade Level 9

High School
Teacher Mr. Renato S. de las Alas Jr.MR. Learning Area MATHEMATICS
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date August October 3120- Quarter First
OctoSeptember 233,
2020SEPTEMBER 20- 30, 2021
Teaching Time Asynchronous No. of Days 84

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a. Illustrate quadratic equationDescribe the roots of quadratic equation using the
I. OBJECTIVES b. Identify the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic
c. Solve quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b) factoring; (c)
completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula and
d. Relate quadratic equation in real- life situationsAppreciate the use of quadratic
equation in real- life situations.
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
Standards inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
B. Performance situations, formulate real- life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities
Standards and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
C. Most Essential  Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant.
Learning  Describes the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a
Competencies quadratic equation.
(MELC) (If
available, write the  Solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational
indicated MELC)
algebraic equations).
D. Enabling  Applies the substitution method to solve for the value of the discriminant
(If available, write the
attached enabling
 The Nature of tThe Roots of a Quadratic Equations
 Solving Quadratic Equations by:(a) Extracting Square Roots; (b) Factoring; (c)
Completing the Square; and (d) Using the Quadratic FormulaThe Sum and
Product of Roots of Quadratic Equations


A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide pp. 14 - 38

b. Learner’s pp. 13-11- 1755
Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional
Materials from
B. List of Learning
Resources for


What I need to know?

 The learners will do the walkthrough of the lesson expectations.

 In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
 Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the
A. Introduction learning targets founded on KSAV principles.
 Let the student answer Learning Task 1 on page 13. In this activity, learners
will be able to recall the past lesson that can be used to the next one.
What’s new?
The teacher will ask the student to answer Activity 2: Another kind of Equation
on LM p. 12. Learners will write their answer on a sheet of paper
The activity aims to establish initial concepts on the learning targets.

B. Development
What I know?
 The learners will answer the 15-item Pre- assessment from LM p. 4- 6 to
test what they know about quadratic equation.
 After answering the questions, they may check their answers at the back of the
module to determine their background knowledge about the given topic
reflected in the MELC.

What’s in?
 The learner will answer the activity 1: Find My Roots on LM p. 18.
 After getting the roots of the given numbers, they will answer the questions
followed on a sheet of paper.
 This activity is used to test their prior knowledge in getting the roots of a
number and will lead to understand the new topic.

What is it
 The learners will be provided with the lecture of the lesson. They will
study and understand the Illustrative examples on the module pages 13-
16.. They will be given definition of quadratic equationThe module is
consisted of examples on how to solve b2 – 4ac to find the discriminant to
describe the nature of the roots and how to find the sum and product of
the roots of quadratic equation., how to express/ write it in standard form and
how to solve it in different ways through sufficient examples.

 They may use their Learner’s Material and see pages 11- 55 or Iif they have
internet access, they can also watch videos on how to solve quadratic
equations on the following links below.
 Students will answer Learning Task 2 on page 16 by completing the table.
What’s more?
  The learners will do/perform the activities Learning Task 3 on page 17
indicated in the module.. These The aactivityies includes the following:
(a) describing the roots of a quadratic equation using the
discriminantIdentifying whether the equations are quadratic or not, (b)
finding the sum and product of roots of quadratic equations and Writing
quadratic equation in standard form and get the value of a, b and c (c) Solve
quadratic equation by extracting square roots (d) ) Solve quadratic equation
by factoring (e) ) Solve quadratic equation by completing the squares (f)
Solve quadratic equation by using quadratic formula

C. Engagement  T These varying activities will help them in involving themselves in
deeper learning on the target concepts about quadratic equations.

What can I do?

Let the learners answer Activity6: Cut to Fit! on pp. 52- 53.
Through these activities, learners will be able to relate the lesson (Quadratic Equation)
in real life situations.
What other enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)
For supplementation, the learners will answer the Activity 7: Make the Most Out of It!
on pp 53 – 54.

What I have learned?

The learners will answer Learning Task 4 on page 17. They will solve the word
problem by applying the sum and product of roots of quadratic equations.the
following questions on a sheet of paper.

D. Assimilation 1. What is quadratic equation?

2. What are the four ways of solving quadratic equation?
3. In your opinion, what is the easiest way of solving a quadratic equation? Cite a
4. How can you relate quadratic equation in real- life situations? Give an example.
What I can do?
A 15- item assessment will be answered by the learners. See pp 67- 69.
(Reflection on the Type Self-Reflection
of Formative
Supply the correct phrase/s to complete each statement.
Used for This Particular
Lesson) 1. I understand that _________________________________________________.
I understand that 2. I realized that ____________________________________________________.
I realized that
____________________ 4.

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