2010 OLA Profile

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With 200,000+ top executive alumni in 90 countries, we are

one of the world’s top leadership consultancies and training institutes.
We consult to global corporations, government and large enterprises
in whole system culture change, strategic focusing & execution,
stakeholder communications & engagement.

>> Oxford Leadership Academy BELIEFS AND INTENTION

We believe values-based leadership is the bedrock of a fairer, more

humane and ecologically-respectful society.
Our intention is to develop leaders with the character and competence
needed to grow complex enterprises with a purpose beyond products,
profits and personal gain.

Brian Bacon >> Oxford Leadership Academy WHAT WE OFFER

is the founder and President
of the Oxford Leadership Academy. We provide leadership consulting, training, coaching and special events
He is a special advisor to Prime that help global organisations to grow, increase their value, transform
their culture and become more responsive to the needs of society.
Ministers, Presidents and Heads of A global firm with offices throughout UK & Europe, North and South
State and a leading consultant America, Asia Pacific and Middle East.
to the CEO’s and top management of Specialists in trans-national culture change, post-merger integration,
training, coaching, communications & events
numerous multinational corporations.
One of the world’s most successful leadership development programs –
As a leading global business strategist, 200,000 alumni across 90 countries.
he has been involved in more than 30 Unique intellectual property (IP) in leadership development, diagnostics,
successful corporate turnarounds and coaching, and meeting optimisation.
is the creator of one of the world’s A proven 20 year track record of success with blue-chip, multinational
corporations and governments.
most successful leadership development
programmes with over 200,000
alumni from 90 countries. >> Oxford Leadership Academy WHO WE WORK WITH
Brian is a pioneer and thought leader
on the role of business in society ; We work with Boards, Top teams and Senior Management as key
he is a former President of the World advisors, mentors and coaches.
Business Academy in Washington. Private sector clients include …
Unilever, McDonald's, Telefónica, O2, Akzo Nobel, ICI, Sandvik, Coca-
Cola, BP, Ford, Ericsson, Crowe Horwath International, Barclays, GE,
Fortis, ANZ Bank, Pharmacia, Philips, Goodyear, Shell, SAAB:British
brian bacon Aerospace, SEB, Swedish Match, Randstad, Vedior, Indian Oil, TOTAL
Oil, Watson Wyatt and Volvo AB.
founder and president…
Public sector & International Agency clients include …
United Nations Department of Political Affairs, UNDP, NATO, the ILO,
Government Departments and Agencies of Australia, New Zealand,
Brazil, Ireland, Holland, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Thailand, Denmark,
Norway and Sweden. Australian Federal Police, Road Safety Authority,
International IDEA.
Non-Profit Clients include…
Girl Scouts USA, British Red Cross, Save the Children and numerous
local charities. We are committed to developing young and emerging
leaders. We provide pro-bono support for these and other worthwhile
foundations & charities.

Oxford - San Fransisco - Stockhlom - Copenhagen - Sao Paolo - Mexico City - Hong Kong - Sydney
Leadership Consulting : Specialists in strategic focusing, & plan
execution, stakeholder communications & engagement; facilitators of
whole system change - aligning people and culture with strategy.
Leadership Training : Leadership development for C-suite executives
& senior management teams. One of the world’s most successful
leadership programs - 200,000 executive alumni in 90 countries.
Corporate university and L&D specialists.
Leadership Coaching : Mentors and coaches for management boards,
leadership teams and top executives, Executive & team assessments for
selection & development, leadership profiling, chemistry-checks and
Leadership Events : Worlds best speakers, designers and facilitators
of leadership journeys, large meetings, retreats, conventions and other
special events. Council* meeting optimisation technology and other
creative, high impact facilitation methods

A selection of our international faculty :

Dr Luis Huete / Ph.D. is a high profile business school professor and senior
rodrigo loures Fellow of Oxford Leadership. He is an experienced facilitator of our flagship
Oxford Leadership Development Program. A Fulbright scholar and professor
vp, brazilian confederation of industry at Havard Business School, Insead (París) and IESE in Spain, Dr Huete is a
renowned author and acclaimed speaker at international conferences and
Oxford Leadership’s approach is a prag- industry gatherings. Who’s Who described him as one of the most influential
matic way of getting business results by connecting figures in the management sector today.
people with spirit, wholeness and learning. They
Dr Erika Kleestorfer / Ph.D. is a member of the Oxford Leadership
helped us build a new corporate culture based on International Faculty Board. She is former senior executive with IBM
trust & collaboration, focused on the development responsible for global management development. She is an experienced
of the whole company in an eco-based way, instead coach and consultant with vast experience in banks, production,
of the traditional command-control and competitive pharmaceuticals, communication and many years of experience with
ego-based way. “blended or e-learning” methods at IBM.

Dr Ron Naser / Ph.D. is founding USA Board member of Oxford Leadership.

He is former provost of Presidio School of Management, former chairman,
president, and CEO of The Nahser Agency of Chicago. Author of "Learning to
GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO Read the Signs : Reclaiming Pragmatism in Business," he has developed a
consultative business model that has been used by 3-M, Levi-Strauss, Time,
ramón muñoz Inc., Stanford Graduate School of Business, and many other organizations.

chief of staff, office of the president Angela Airall / MBA is a Fellow of Oxford Leadership Academy, USA. She is
a highly experienced executive coach and facilitator of the Oxford Leadership
Development Program (OLDP). She has over 20 years consulting experience
Brian Bacon, as special advisor to the in leadership development, strategic culture change, learning systems and
President, provided our leaders with essential tools diversity. She has served as Senior Consultant at Duke University, Consulting
and techniques for focusing on the right things and Director at Johnson & Johnson, Chief Learning Officer at Girl Scouts USA
the will power necessary to tackle the immense and Centre for Creative Leadership. Angela was nominated as Trainer of the
challenges this government faced when assuming Year by The American Society of Training and Development.
Dr Kim Moller / Ph.D. is Managing Director of Oxford Leadership Academy
in Denmark. He is a highly regarded strategist and Researcher, best known
for his ground-breaking research on innovation and corporate social
responsibility. He is an expert on ‘trust’ in leadership and its impact on
productivity. Dr Moller partnered with Harvard Professor, Dr Michael Porter
in the research which underpinned the groundbreaking “Competitive
Advantage of Nations”.
Ken O’Donnell / Ken O’Donnell is a founding Fellow of Oxford Leadership.
An Australian based in Brazil for over 25 years, he is renowned throughout
OXFORD LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Latin America as a best selling author and specialist in leadership
building alignment, engagement and accountability development and advanced quality management. He is an experienced
facilitator of the Oxford Leadership Development Program (OLDP) and is the
SELF MANAGING LEADERSHP creator of the Self-Management and Quality of Life program that has been
finding your personal leadership compass run successfully in 29 countries. He is a celebrated guest speaker at
congresses and symposiums throughout the Americas.
aligning your personal leadership compass
the art of effective execution

Oxford - San Fransisco - Stockhlom - Copenhagen - Sao Paolo - Mexico City - Hong Kong - Sydney

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