S3 Viva Question Bank

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Department of Management Studies

Third Semester MBA Viva Voce Question Bank


1. Define BigData 12. Define Standard deviation
2. List out the different types of Business 13. Define Predictive Analytics
Analytics 14. Recall Machine Learning
3. Cite the difference between Nominal Data 15. State the concept of Predictor variable
and Ordinal Data 16. State the equation for Simple Linear
4. Recall Decision making process Regression (SLR)
5. Define Business Analytics 17. Define Reinforcement Learning
6. State the difference between data reliability 18. Define Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
and data validity 19. Define Un Supervised Learning
7. State the concept of Data Pre-processing 20. State the meaning of Clustering technique
8. Define Univariate data 21. Define Prescriptive Analytics
9. Cite Central Limit Theorem 22. Define Talent Analytics
10. State the concept of range in data analytics
11. Define the concept of outliers in a data set

1. Define E Business 14. What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?
2. List out any two factors which will affect E 15. Define Payment Protocol
Business 16. What is Application Service Providers of
3. Cite the meaning of information services in Payment (ASPs)?
E Business 17. Define Credit Card
4. Define Virtual Enterprise 18. What is online retailing?
5. List out any three features of Electronic 19. Define online publishing
Business 20. List out any two challenges of online
6. What is shopping services in E Business? retailing
7. Define E tailing 21. What is online transaction security?
8. What is Peer to Peer business model? 22. Define Web security
9. Define Value Proposition 23. Define Cyber Crime
10. Define Competitive Advantage 24. What is Identity theft?
11. What is GIG Economy? 25. Define Email Spoofing
12. Define B2C model What is Cyber law?
13. List out any two online payment
1. What is Indian Ethos for Management? 35. What are the advantages and
2. What is Humanizing Organization? disadvantages of absolutism?
3. Describe some business ethos principles 36. How to differentiate absolutism
practiced by Indian Companies? from relativism?
4. What are the Golden Rules of Ethics? 37. Explain a model of ethics?
5. Briefly describe Code of Ethics for Indian
38. Which are the different approaches
6. What is ethics? to ethics?
7. What is morality? 39. Explain some characteristics of
8. What is law? ethics?
9. How to distinguish between values and 40. How ethics differ from ethos?
skills? 41. How ethics and law are related?
10. Ethical Values: Indian shades of 42. Explain the theory of moral
Meaning? development?
11. Relevance of ethical values in Business 43. What is ethical dilemma?
Management? 44. What is ethical displacement?
12. What is Normative Ethics? 45.Explain the process of ethical
13. What is Descriptive Ethics? decision making?
14. What is Applied Ethics?
46. Explain the notion of sustainable
15. Characteristics of Ethics?
16. What are the fundamental principles
47. What is liability principle?
of BE?
48. Distinguish between due
17. Definition of Business Ethics
discrimination and undue
18. Explain some stress management
49. Why work ethics is very important?
19. Explain the role of yoga in
50. What is ecological ethics?
management of stress?
51. What is corporate governance?
20. Explain the characteristics of
52. What are the attributes of corporate
Gurukul System?
form of business?
21. Point out some Indian values for
53. Explain the need of code of ethics in
an organization
22. What are the main differences
54.List some of the Birla Committee
between Indian and Western
Management practices?
55. List some of the OECD Guidelines for
23.What are the Karma Management
good Corporate Governance
56.List some of the social responsibilities
24. Difference between secular and
of a multi-national firm.
spiritual values?
57. What is social audit?
25. What is the relevance of Value Based
58. What is the moral justification for
Management in Global Change?
the whistle blowing?
26. How different work cultures adopt
59.Describe some of the features of
different value systems?
intellectual property act in India?
27. Role of ethics if functional areas?
60. What are the obligations to
28. Objectives of the Competition Bill
stakeholder in CG?
of 2001.
61. What are the rights of shareholders in
29. What are four basic values in
Marketing Ethics?
30. What are the ethical domains in 62. What is meant by equitable
web marketing? treatment of shareholders in CG?
31. Point out some ethical issues related 63. What are the roles of stakeholders
to the use of IT in Business? in CG?
32.Ethical aspects of censorship and 64. What are the responsibilities of
freedom of expression. Board in CG?
33.What is meant by sexual harassment 65.Explain Deontological Ethics
in the workplace? Theories
34. Explain Teleological Ethics 66. Explain Virtue Ethics Theories
Theories 67. Explain System Development Ethics

1. Explain cloud computing 27. Distinguish between to-do and tu-
2. Mention the layers of cloud du list
computing 28. “In the new world of cloud
3. Define rapid elasticity computing, the best way is with a
4. Mention the major difference web-based application”. Justify
between grid computing and cloud 29. How cloud computing is helpful for
computing the corporate?
5. What are the benefits of using a 30. List some examples of online
cloud model? collaborative tools
6. What is virtualization? 31. What is data privacy? Mention the
7. What is resource pooling? main challenge in it
8. What is the basis for pay-per-use 32. Discuss on the future of privacy in
cloud computing? the cloud
9. Why is cloud computing needed? 33. Mention some of the complex data
10. “Cloud Computing is a service”. security challenges in cloud
Explain 34. Explain Open Cloud Consortium
11. What is private cloud? 35. What is Open Virtualization
12. Mention the characteristics of Format?
private cloud 36. Explain Open Authentication
13. What are the advantages and 37. Discuss widgets
disadvantages of outsourced private 38. What is OpenID?
cloud? 39. Discuss XMPP
14. What is community cloud? 40. Recall Session Initiation Protocol
15. Analyze the cloud deployment for Instant Messaging and Presence
models based on security Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE)
16. How do laws of different countries 41. Mention the service characteristics
affect the public cloud model? of Amazon EC2
17. Public cloud is less secure. Justify. 42. Write the advantages of the Virtual
18. What is outsourced community Office
cloud? 43. Explain virtual organization
19. What are the advantages of using 44. Mention the features for web
the community cloud? conferencing services
20. What are the key characteristics of 45. Briefly explain Gmail
SaaS? 46. Explain AOL Instant Messenger
21. How cloud reaches everyone? 47. Write short note on Google Talk
22. How scheduling programs become 48. Write about Google’s blog-hosting
easy using cloud? community
23. List the impact of cloud in group 49. Discuss groupware
projects. 50. Write about web mail service.
24. How a collaborated report is created
using cloud?
25. Explain To-Do Lists
26. How cloud computing impact


1. What is MARCOM? 37. PR vs. Publicity
2. Define IMC. 38. CRM.
3. IMC Mix. 39. Database marketing.
4. Promotion Mix. 40. Big Data.
5. List out the components of IMC. 41. Catalogue marketing.
6. List out the characteristics of 42. Competitive parity budgeting.
Integrated Marketing 43. What is meant by percentage of sales
Communications. method of budgeting?
7. List out two examples of target 44. What is objective and task method of
audience of IMC from FMCG Sector. budgeting?
8. What are the 4C’s of IMC Strategy? 45. What is affordable method of
9. IMC synergy. budgeting?
10. State any 2 barriers to IMC 46. Specific communication vs. Mass
integration. communication.
11. Elicit two value additions through 47. Corporate level vs. Marketing level
IMC. communication.
12. What is the main role of an advertising 48. DAGMAR.
agency? 49. Distinguish between communication
13. Who are the major clients of objective and sales objective of IMC
advertising agencies? campaign.
14. What is a Request For Proposal 50. What is meant by ROI of an IMC?
(RFP)? 51. What is media research in media
15. Agency screening. planning?
16. What is advertising campaign? 52. Media plan.
17. What are the 5 M’s of advertising? 53. What is TRP?
18. What is an advertising media? 54. Pre-testing vs. post-testing of Ad.
19. What is advertisement copy? 55. Cultural diversity in international
20. Reach, frequency and impact of an advertising.
advertisement. 56. Comment on media limitations in
21. Creative brief. global advertising.
22. What is USP? State an example. 57. Comment on legal constraints in
23. Celebrity endorsement. international advertising.
24. Rational vs. Emotional appeal. 58. PR agency.
25. List out the main types of internet 59. Interactive agency.
advertisements. 60. Full-service ad agency.
26. Define Sales Promotion. 61. Part-time ad agency.
27. What are the trades oriented sales 62. Advertising Standards Council of
promotion techniques? India.
28. What are the consumers oriented sales 63. Deceptive advertising.
promotion techniques? 64. Comparative advertising.
29. Consumer oriented sales promotions 65. Consumer Complaints Council.
vs. Sales force promotions 66. Digital marketing.
30. Online sales promotion methods. 67. m-commerce.
31. Event Management. 68. Social media marketing.
32. Exhibitions. 69. Internet as a media vehicle.
33. Direct Marketing. 70. e-commerce.
34. Word of mouth.
35. Sales reports vs. Call reports.
36. What do you mean by prospecting in
personal selling?


1. Define the term banking? 40. What is a DEMAT account?
2. Who is a banker? 41. What is meant by letter of credit?
3. Who is a customer 42. Understand the term credit cards?
4. What is CRM? 43. What do you meant by Suppliers
5. Give meaning to the tem nationalised credit?
banks? 44. What do you mean by charging of
6. Define the term NPA? interest?
7. What are commercial banks? 45. What do you mean by credit
8. What is meant by NBFC? appraisal?
9. What are RRBs? 46. What do you meant by credit score?
10. What are UBs and merchant banks? 47. What are correspondent banks?
11. What are development banks? 48. What is meant by credit
12. What is universal bank worthiness?
13. Write about payment banks? 49. What is an EMI?
14. What is a small finance bank? 50. What do you mean by ‘pledge’?
15. What are DFIs? 51. Define the term hypothecation?
16. Give a note on foreign banks? 52. Define the term mortgage?
17. What is chain banking? 53. What do you mean by collaterals?
18. What is social banking? 54. What is a blanket lien?
19. What is shadow banking? 55. What is bank balance sheet?
20. What is bankers bank? 56. Define current assets of a bank?
21. What is OMO ? 57. Define current liabilities of a bank?
22. What are repo and reverse repo rates? 58. What are the fixed assets of a bank?
23. What do you meant by cloud 59. What are the liabilities of a bank?
banking? 60. What do you mean by ROI?
24. What is a POS terminal? 61. Define capital adequacy in banking?
25. What is schedule vs. non-scheduled 62. What is meant by asset quality?
banks? 63. Define the term liquidity?
26. What is public sector vs. private 64. Define the term sensitivity?
sector banks? 65. What do you meant by GAAP?
27. What is the meaning of time and 66. Define ALM?
demand deposits in banking? 67. What is meant by interest rate risk?
28. What are clean loans? 68. Define NPA in banking?
29. What do you meant by CC? 69. What is a DRT?
30. What is overdraft? 70. Write any two objectives of DRTs?
31. Understand the term bill 71.Define an appellate tribunal?
discounting? 72. Define SARFAESI Act?
32. What do you meant by RD? 73. What do you meant by
33. Define credit creation? securitisation?
34. Define the term “banking”? 74. Define asset reconstruction?
35. Define the term “lien”? 75. What is security interest?
36. What is right of set off? 76. What is central registry?
37. What is Garnishee order? 77. What are offences?
38. Define Cheques? 78. What are penalties?
39. What is meant by endorsement


1. Define Performance 26. Write a note on Human Resource
2. Define performance management Accounting
3. Define KRA, KPA and KPI 27. Write a note on Behaviourally
4. What is Dashboard? Anchored Rating Scales
5. Write a note on performance planning 28. Write a note on Appraisal through
6. What you mean by performance MBO
29. Write a note on 360 Degree Appraisal
7. What is performance re-contracting
30. Write a note on 720 degree
8. What is Potential Appraisal?
9. Write a note on Behavior Observation
performance appraisal system
Scale 31. Write a note on Psychological
10. Write a note on Confidential Report Appraisal
11. Write a note on Free Form or Essay 32. Write a note on People Capability
12. Write a note on Straight Ranking Maturity Model
13. Write a note on Paired Comparisons 33. Write a note on HR Score Card
14. Write a note on Forced Distribution 34. Write a note on Competency Mapping
15. Write a note on Graphic Rating Scales 35. What is performance agreement
16. Write a note on Checklist Method 36. Write a note on e-PMS
17. Write a note on Critical Incidents 37. Define Talent Management
18. Write a note on Group Appraisal 38. What are the developmental purposes
19. Write a note on Field Review of performance management?
20. Write a note on Assessment Centre 39. What are the three approaches in
21. What you mean by appraisal performance measurement?
communication? 40. What is comparative approach in
22. What is performance appraisal performance measurement?
interview? 41. What is tell and sell method of
23. What is problem solving method of PA performance appraisal interview?
interview? 42. What is tell and listen method of PA
24. What is PA feedback? interview?
25. What you mean by pilot study in 43. What is performance coaching?
implementation of PMS? 44. What is performance linked pay?
1. Investment 46. SEBI
2. Financial assets 47. BSE
3. Monetary assets 48. NSE
4. Financial system 49. OTCE
5. Speculation 50. SENSEX
6. Gambling 51. Nifty
7. Security markets 52. Trading
8. Primary market 53. Marginal trading
9. New issue market 54. Insider trading
10. Secondary market 55. Screen based trading
11. Stock exchanges 56. Online trading
12. Capital market 57. Scripless trading
13. Public issue 58. Carry forward transactions
14. Right issue 59. Listing
15. Bonus issue 60. Depository
16. Book building 61. Depository participant
17. Privet placement 62. Dematerialization
18. IPO 63. Arbitration
19. FPO 64. Arbitrator
20. Underwriting 65. Bull
21. Prospectus 66. Bear
22. Merchant maker 67. Stag
23. Risk 68. Derivatives
24. Systematic Risk 69. Options
25. Unsystematic risk 70. Forwards
26. Beta 71. Swap
27. CAPM 72. Put option
28. Market risk 73. Call option
29. Interest rate risk 74. Fundamental analysis
30. Purchasing power risk 75. Economic analysis
31. Exchange rate risk 76. Industry analysis
32. Business risk 77. Financial analysis
33. Financial risk 78. Technical analysis
34. Portfolio 79. Primary trend
35. Portfolio management 80. Trend reverse
36. Portfolio analysis 81. Secondary trends
37. Portfolio Management 82. Support price
38. Efficient Portfolio 83. Resistance price
39. Market Portfolio 84. Odd lot trading
40. Zero Investment Portfolios 85. Relative strength Index (RSI)
41. Portfolio revision 86. Residual analysis
42. Portfolio selection 87. Rate of change indicator
43. Efficient frontier 88. Symmetric triangle
44. Sharpe single index
45. Diversification
1. Define SCM . What are its objectives 33. Plot the graph which shows the
2. Differentiate between push and pull view relationship between Inventory cost and
3. What is the bullwhip effect? number of facilities?
4. How can a Supply chain be responsive? 34. Plot the graph which shows the
5. Differentiate between logistic drivers and relationship between Transportation cost
cross functional drivers and number of facilities?
6. What is procurement? Why is it 35. Plot the graph which shows the
important relationship between facility cost and
7. What is global sourcing? What are its number of facilities?
advantages? 36. Define inbound transportation.
8. Write note on the major parameters of 37. What is outbound transportation?
vendor rating 38. Which are the two key decisions have
9. What are the barriers of global sourcing to be taken while designing a distribution
10. Define the term vendor rating network?
11. State the criteria for effective vendor 39. Mention the name of possible
management distribution network design?
12. What are the advantages of rating 40. What is product flow in distribution
vendors? design?
13. Differentiate between global sourcing 41. What is Information flow in
and strategic sourcing. distribution design?
14. Differentiate between traditional 42. What is E Business?
sourcing and strategic sourcing 43. What is order visibility in E Business?
15. Define outsourcing 44. What is Product portfolio?
16. What are the advantages of 45. What is Global Supply chain?
outsourcing? 46. What is off shoring?
17.Define contract management. 47. What is risk management?
18. Why is Kraljic’s model considered as an 48. Differentiate between marginal
effective contract management tool ? revenue and average revenue.
19. Define E- Procurement 49. What is marginal cost?
20. Define production function 50. What is average total cost?
21. What is the theory of production? 51. What is average variable cost?
22. State the features of production 52. What is average cost?
function 53. State the difference between industry
23. Define logistics and firm?
24. What is the scope of logistics? 54. What you mean by perfect
25. Differentiate between 3PL and 4PL Competition?
26. Define reverse logistics 55. What is virtual supply chain?
27. What is global logistics? 56. Define green logistics
28. What are the factors that encourage 57. Differentiate between lean and agile
global logistics? SC.
29. Define warehouse. What is its primary 58. When is supply chain considered as
function? ‘closed loop’?
30. What you mean by distribution in 59. Which are the cost factors that
SCM? influence the distribution network?
31. Mention the two dimensions that are 60. Plot the graph which shows the
used to measure the performance of relationship between services and
distribution network? number of facilities?
32. Which are the service factors that
influence the distribution network?
1. Define Service. 1. What you mean by psychological risk?
2. Scope of Service. 2. Define obsolescence risk.
3. Goods vs. Services. 3. What you mean by perceived risk in
4. What is a Service? services?
5. Comment on Service concept. 4. Search quality vs experience quality.
6. Define the inseparability in services. 5. What are credence attributes?
7. What you mean by heterogeneity in 6. Search vs credence attributes.
services? 7. List the various service expectations?
8. Product marketing vs. Service Marketing. 8. Ideal vs desired service.
9. List the major characteristics of services. 9. Adequate vs predicted service.
10. Services are performed on the spot. 10. What is zone of tolerance?
11. What is perishability in services? 11. Customer delights vs frustration.
12. Services cannot be stored. 12. Narrow vs wide zone of tolerance.
13. What do you mean by immediacy in 13. What is post purchase dissonance?
services? 14. What you mean by evoked set?
14. Tangibility Intangibility Continuum. 15. Technical quality vs functional quality.
15. Tangible and intangible equal. 16. Moods vs emotions.
16. What is a Pure service? 17. What is attribution of dissatisfaction?
17. What you mean by DINKs? 18. Important vs determinant service
18. Write a short note on Service marketing attributes.
mix. 19. What is a service encounter?
19. What is a service package? 20. Best encounter vs fair encounter.
20. Explicit vs Implicit services. 21. Poor encounter vs worst encounter.
21. What is service environment? 22. What is effective recovery?
22. What is service delivery. 23. What is service capacity?
23. What you mean by a flower of service? 24. Define process in services.
24. Define a new service. 25. What is service system?
25. What is a service brand? 26. What you mean by mapping of
26. Define service pricing. services?
27. What you mean by service promotion? 27. Vertical vs Horizontal mapping in
28. Define service communication. services.
29. What is word of mouth? 28. What is blue print?
30. Define service distribution. 29. Define service encounter.
31. What you mean by tangibilize the 30. Direct vs Indirect encounters.
service offer? 31. High contact vs Low contact services.
32. Define franchising. 32. Front end vs Back end personnel.
33. Agents vs brokers. 33. Service competencies vs Service
34. Define service pricing. inclination.
35. Physical vs electronic channels of 34. Define Service scripts.
distribution. 35. What is physical evidence?
36. Service expectation vs service 36. Dominant vs Peripheral evidence.
perception. 37. What is servicescape?
37. Iron vs Lead customer. 38. Define service package.
38. Define service quality. 39. What is service environment?
39. SERVQUAL. 40. Define remote service.
40. RATER. 41. Define tourism marketing.
41. What you mean by service quality gap? 42. Define transportation services
42. Define professional services marketing. marketing.
43. Define healthcare services marketing. 43. What you mean by financial services
44. What you mean by marketing of marketing?
educational service? 44. What you mean by marketing of
45. Define social services marketing. communication services?
1. Define Training and Development? 16. What do you mean by cross cultural
2. List out the objectives of training Training?
3. Which are the training outcomes 17. Define Training Evaluation
expected? 18. Which are the different types of Training
4. What is adult learning theory? evaluation?
5. What is learning curve? 19. State the objectives of Training evaluation
6. What are the preconditions of Learning? 20. List out the outcomes used for evaluating
7. Define TNA? a training programme
8. Define Organizational analysis 21. Discuss the criteria to be considered for
9. How do you identify the training needs of evaluating a training programme
the organization? 22. What is ROI?
10. Identify the key factors to be considered 23. What do you mean by training cost-
in designing and developing a training benefit analysis?
programme. 24. Define career
11. What do you mean by Vestibule Training? 25. What do you mean by career planning?
12. Define On the Job Training 26. What do you mean by career
13. What is in basket exercise? development?
14. What is Transactional Analysis? 27. Define the concept of HRD?
15. What is Sensitivity Training?


1. Define quality. 17. What are the objectives of TPM?
2. What is Total Quality Management? 18. What is total preventive maintenance?
3. Give the basic concepts of TQM. 19. Define Six Sigma?
4. What is Customer Satisfaction? 20. Explain the key concepts of six sigma
5. What is meant by Employee 21. What are the key analytical tools for six
Participation? sigma?
6. What is a Quality Circle? 22. What are the issues to be considered
7. Name the seven tools of quality. while selecting a project for six sigma?
8. What is the use of control chart? 23. Define Green belt in sex sigma?
9. What is chance cause of variation? 24. Define black belt in Six sigma?
10. What is assignable cause of variation? 25. Define master black belt in six sigma
11. Define variables and attributes in quality 26. Define six sigma rating
control? 27. Define champions in six sigma
12. Name the new seven management 28. What is Voice of the Customer method?
tools. 29. What is the European Quality Award
13. Define benchmarking. 30. What is Rajiv Gandhi National Quality
14. What is the reason behind Award?
benchmarking? 31. What are the draw backs of the
15. What is QFD? Malcolm Baldrige Quality award?
16. Define FMEA. 32. Briefly outline what is ISO 9001 is?
33. What is the purpose of quality audit?
34. Who is a quality auditor?

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