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The emphasis in learning should be on the development of meaning and

comprehension. Students should be able to gain experiences and learn on their own,
then adapt what they've learned to the different and unpredictable scenarios they'll face
in the workplace. Hence constructivist approach is essential.
Constructivism is a theory that posits that humans are meaning makers in their lives and
essentially construct their own realities

Meaning, education here is student-centered; students have to construct knowledge

Ernst von glaserfeld (1990, 1994) advanced radical school of Constructivism based strongly on
Piaget's theory of cognitive development .The sources of Constructivism has arrived at Piaget's
theory of cognition who looked knowledge as biological function. He imparted the concept of
adaptation into the study of cognition Piaget actually believed the radical Constructivism which
are based on the following principles.

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