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Patricia Sullivan, Edward Pines, Rolfe Sassenfeld, Luke Nogales


Over the past two years, the College of Engineering at New Mexico State University
has worked to develop and grow student engagement in the Aggie Innovation
Space, a multidisciplinary maker space facility. In fall 2015, the college transitioned
management of the facility from a full time staff operations manager to a facility that is
fully managed by on-campus Co-Op students. This paper will discuss the adoption of
an organizational management structure that supports career-critical skills (finance,
marketing, organizational dynamics, technical mentoring, teams, etc.) gained through
the Co-Op management structure, and how a student-managed facility has shifted
student engagement from traditional course-based projects to more innovative and
entrepreneurial initiatives.

In 2013, New Mexico State University (NMSU) created the Aggie Innovation Space (AIS) to help
students, faculty, and staff move their ideas forward. The AIS is a maker space that encourages
creativity and collaboration. It helps its clients (students, faculty, staff, and occasionally members
of the community) move their ideas through the initial stages of the engineering design process.
The AIS helps clients develop project management plans and create low-to-mid resolution
prototypes, as well as providing training and industry collaboration opportunities for students.

Initially, the AIS was managed by a full-time staff employee of NMSU. The staff member was
given the title of Operations Manager and possessed experience in project management,
mechanical design, and fabrication. The Operations Manager had various responsibilities,
including managing student employees, delegating projects to student employees, providing
oversight on projects, and reporting activities to the College of Engineering, as well as
the traditional administrative duties of ordering supplies and managing the budget.

In mid 2014, the Operations Manager accepted a position in another department, which
prompted the exploration of other maker space management models. Given the strong
commitment and sense of ownership by the students working in the AIS and support from
the administration and several faculty members, a student-managed model was introduced.
This model replicated a successful multidisciplinary student-managed program hosted
in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering that focused on the highly
regarded national nano-satellite program. The AIS also transitioned the student status from
student employees to on-campus Co-Op positions. The Co-Op transition required students
to assume more responsibility, as they were now able to claim the work experience as
cooperative education versus general student employment, similar to Co-Op positions held
within industry. Under the Co-Op model, employed students were required to sign a Code
of Ethics that included a requirement to maintain student confidentiality where applicable.

@VentureWell 2016
Background facility, and are responsible for certain repairs,
The concept of a maker space takes the purchase requests, and some training and
traditional lab/machine shop atmosphere and fundraising efforts (Forest, et al. 2014).
turns it into a multidisciplinary environment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
that fosters innovation by providing the
MIT has a series of smaller maker spaces
resources for design and prototyping
rather than a single centralized facility.
(Barrett, et al. 2015). It is a facility “where
One particular facility – the Pappalardo
students, faculty, and staff from diverse
Lab – supports MIT capstone projects
fields can come together to create, learn
and has a design studio, meeting facilities,
and work” and where “campus community
and a machine shop. This lab has six full-
members can freely tinker, design and
time instructors on staff who assist with
prototype their ideas” (Meyer 2015).
training on the lab’s equipment. In contrast,
While faculty and staff lead some maker the MIT Electronics Research Society
spaces, others have adopted a student- (MITERS)-supported lab is run and funded
run model of management. Student-run by students and focuses on more personal
management models can help empower projects, as opposed to curriculum-
students to be responsible for maintenance, based projects (Wilczynski 2015).
management, and ensuring safe practices
San Diego State University
of the maker space (Morocz, et al. 2015).
The SDSU student-run maker space uses
Some schools, such as Arizona State students known as “Master Builders” who
University, have maker spaces run by support volunteer two hours per week and are given
staff. Other schools, such as Boise State weekly training sessions by the STEM librarian
and University of California, Berkeley, are in running the 3D printer, designing, and other
run by a combination of student, faculty, engineering concepts. The student volunteers
and staff (Barrett, et al. 2015). Schools such then act as maker space attendants and
as Georgia Tech, MIT, and San Diego State assist incoming students with the 3D printer
University have student-run facilities. and designing their projects. In addition to
serving as an initial student trainer, the STEM
Georgia Institute of Technology librarian also serves in the capacity of project
Georgia Tech runs a multidisciplinary facility advisor. However, it was discovered that the
that is funded by more than 30 industry student volunteers were also important in
partners and is managed and maintained helping with the 3D printer requests and
by a group of 80 undergraduate students consultations due to the time-intensive
known as the “Makers Club.” Members serve nature of the task (Wong-Welch 2015).
as “Undergraduate Lab Instructors” in four-
hour shifts and assist other students with Best Practices
equipment, lead special project sessions, In examining the different types of maker
and maintain the equipment and lab space. space formats, some best practices emerge:
The Makers Club gives students the benefits
• Location: The site should be in a
of leadership practice and added points for
central location that is easily accessible,
their resumes, as well as enriched the social
within public view (Meyer 2015).
and cultural atmosphere of the university.
• Facility: The facility should be open, give
Having peer-to-peer activities has also given
visibility to projects, be easily toured by
rise to student-led initiatives in the form of
visitors and able to showcase projects,
2 workshops and contests. University staff
serves in a support/advisory role to the
and have sufficient space so that it won’t • Community: Provide a common
be quickly outgrown (Meyer 2015). space where students across all
• Inclusivity: A maker space, its tools, disciplines and years are enabled and


and its layout should be accessible to encouraged to freely meet, share ideas,
those with disabilities; this might include and collaborate on projects that are
items such as braille labels, tables that curricular and extra-curricular, personal
have adjustable height, large print signs, and professional (Forest, et al. 2014).
equipment accessible to those who are • Challenge: Students should be encouraged
seated, and easily accessible materials to use the space to work on “open-ended,
for those who are motor-impaired real world challenges” (Forest, et al. 2014).
(University of Washington 2015). • Autonomy: Allow students the freedom
• Technology and Equipment: Useful to experiment and innovate, and
technologies that are commonly minimize faculty or staff intervention
found in maker spaces include 3D that may prevent this (Educause 2013)
printers, CNC machines, laser cutters, • Privacy versus Collaboration: Ensure
CAD software, microcontrollers, that there is room for collaborative
soldering kits, and augmented reality group work (such as large, open
tools. Provide advanced prototyping tables), and also adequate setup for
equipment that is accessible and free an individual student to work with
of charge to students (Meyer 2015). some privacy (Maker Media 2013).
• Budgeting: In addition to budgeting
for equipment, materials, and overhead, Transitioning to a Student-Managed
it might be important to budget for Maker Space
any remodeling or furniture changes, Prior to the AIS becoming a student-managed
though furnishings can possibly be maker space, an Operations Manager ensured
made rather than bought to save
it was supporting clients. The Operations
money (Maker Media 2013).
Manager primarily helped feed new projects
• Infrastructure: The maker space should into the pipeline, delegated projects to the
be able to support all electrical, safety, student employees, provided oversight on
and transportation (e.g., loading dock,
projects, and performed administrative
elevator) needs, and should not violate any
duties like schedules, timesheets, ordering
zoning ordinances (Maker Media 2013).
of supplies, budgeting, and reporting. The
• Materials: Ensure that a wide array AIS was not actively seeking to transition
of low-resolution materials (e.g., clay, to a student-managed maker space, but
Styrofoam, paper, foil, glue, pipe cleaners)
did so when the Operations Manager
are available, readily accessible, and
took a position in another department.
stored in an organized and easy-to-
find manner (Maker Media 2013). The transition began by researching other
• Training: Provide training for those models across the country and within
who use the maker space and New Mexico State University. Efforts
its tools and equipment to help quickly focused on a highly successful
prevent accidents (Meyer 2015). student-managed model hosted within the
• Safety: Ensure the maker space is Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer
uncluttered, spacious enough to navigate Engineering at NMSU for a national nano-
safely around equipment, well-lit, and satellite program. That model was developed
well-ventilated; ensure that a safety plan is and implemented by College of Engineering
in place for possibly hazardous activities 3
interim dean, Steve Stochaj, and was focused
and equipment (Maker Media 2013).
on providing students with leadership skills

@VentureWell 2016
as well as a strong technical experience. The created an online scheduling system to
model was presented to current AIS student reserve equipment and to schedule time with
employees for input. Initially, there was some a specific technical mentor. They took the
resistance. They were leery of the change initiative to learn new software, create pop-up
and afraid of the uncertainty involved. Most, workshops in areas they felt would help their
if not all, of the students were very happy student peers succeed in the classroom (e.g.,
with their current roles within the AIS. The tutorial-type workshops on Excel, MatLab,
proposed changes were perceived as a threat NX), and they identified new equipment
to an environment they had grown fond of, that would expand capabilities within the
and they were reluctant to step out of their AIS. Of note was their adoption of modified
comfort zones. They weren’t fully aware of flexible work schedules that ensured regular
the various administrative responsibilities operational hours of the AIS while recognizing
previously undertaken by the Operations the realities of balancing employment with
Manager; all they had to do was work on their respective course loads. The modified
the projects that were assigned to them. flex schedule required each student to commit
Several of the students, however, seized to a minimum of ten fixed hours of work per
the opportunity to create a peer-to-peer week with the opportunity for an additional
environment and took on leadership roles. The five hours of flex time per week as needed
remaining student employees soon embraced to address staffing needs for workshops,
their new roles and relished the unbounded special projects, tours, or end-of semester
opportunity to expand their skills beyond their demands on the AIS. The fixed hours ensured
previous levels, as well as learning new skills. regular operational hours, while the flex
hours allowed the students to cover for each
After the Operations Manager officially other as needed to ensure they were able to
transitioned out of his role, the student balance their respective course demands.
employees developed their own management The operational hours were determined
and operations team through experimentation. based on student needs rather than
In their previous roles, they were not institutional office hours and extended into
involved in the process of how projects were the evening. The students quickly gained an
introduced to the AIS, how projects were appreciation for the art of time management.
delegated, or what the administrative duties
were. They found themselves working through In order to better understand the needs
common organizational dynamics experienced of their current and potential clients, they
in the workplace. They reviewed data on the conducted a survey to gauge knowledge
types of projects that had used the AIS over about the AIS among engineering students.
the past year and categorized them as follows: They found that most clients learned of
the AIS through word-of-mouth from other
• Course project (non-capstone) students, faculty sending students with
• Capstone project course projects, and, occasionally, a person
• Individual entrepreneurial endeavors from the community who had heard about
the services provided at the AIS. As projects
• Faculty-assisted research projects
entered the pipeline, they realized they
• Student organization/competition (SAE needed to develop a process for prioritizing
baja, concrete canoe, steel bridge, etc.)
them and, subsequently, identifying which
They quickly created teams around areas of student employee would take the lead. They
expertise to ensure clients of the AIS were were faced with a challenge of finding a
provided appropriate mentorship. They common time for the ten full-time students
to meet, thus the meetings were short (15- The administrative duties were also learned
30 minutes) and well focused. Next, the through trial and error, as well as a lot of
students began taking ownership of projects coaching from administration. Although


based on the required expertise, the level of each of the student employees contributes
interest they had in it, and to a lesser extent, to the various administrative duties, two of
their willingness to work on a project they the student employees have taken leadership
thought the others would prefer not to have. roles in this realm. These two students,
They aligned on deliverables and timelines. both of whom have military backgrounds
They sought input from each other projects through ROTC, used their leadership
so they could more effectively move their skills to ensure effective administrative
clients through the engineering design functionality of the AIS while mentoring
process. They updated each other via email their counterparts along the way.
and brief informal meetings. They agreed
that a project concluded only after the client Collectively, the student employees discovered
was satisfied with the results. If the client was that through regular communication and
not satisfied, they understood the need to respect for each other, they had the skills to
iterate until client satisfaction was achieved. manage the AIS facility and the initiative to
This process is outlined below in Figure 1. increase the level of student engagement

Figure 1. Student-Managed Process 5

for Supporting Client Projects.

@VentureWell 2016
across the college. As peer managers of Professional Development
the AIS, they have come to respect their Leadership skills are invaluable, but not
roles and understand the expectations of typically gained through traditional student
their positions as mentors and stewards. employment experiences. By moving to
the new student-managed Co-Op model,
Although there are many benefits to having
the students were required to assume a
a student-managed maker space, there are
higher level of responsibility. Under the new
acknowledged challenges. In the short term,
model, the students operate as a horizontal
the student employees lacked confidence,
organization. This broad and shallow structure
as they no longer had an experienced
provides each of the students the ability to
professional who made sure they were on
take the lead on different projects, big and
the right track and was readily available for
small. A team approach is evident in the
input on unfamiliar challenges. The students
projects undertaken by the students, and they
had become accustomed to a hierarchical
have become empowered to take initiative.
work environment and were uncertain how
to maneuver without an authority figure to The Co-Op management structure of
make key decisions, act as a single point of the AIS promotes the same skills and
contact, and manage emergencies. Lastly, the knowledge expected of Co-Op students
pace at which each of the Co-Op students employed in industry. It also promotes a
rose to the challenge varied, resulting in a sense of responsibility. The students have
lag between the initial transition and full savored their successes while learning
student buy-in. This resulted in a perceived to take responsibility for their mistakes.
lack of commitment among the student They are very conscious of their roles as
team, and was only resolved following several mentors to their peers and stewards of
team meetings and open communication. the AIS and have risen to the challenge.

Many of these challenges are resulting in The AIS Co-Op students are responsible
long-term gains for the students employed in for managing all aspects of the projects
the AIS Co-Op program. More than a strong that occur within the facility. They are
sense of pride and ownership, the student responsible for creating their own timelines
employees are developing real-world skills and are required to give regular reports on
that will help them throughout their careers. the progress of each major project that is
They are no longer uncomfortable with occurring during the semester. They are also
uncertainty. They are developing confidence responsible for enforcing deadlines when it
in their ability to solve unfamiliar problems. comes to projects. The bottom line is that the
They are learning to work together efficiently students must and do deliver on their projects,
and effectively without external support or as they are dealing with their peers as clients.
pressure. Additionally, this new role assumed They understand that failure to meet deadlines
by the Co-Op students requires a shift in can have serious implications for student
mindset from one that was reactive to one grades and course completion. During our first
that is proactive. These Co-Op students semester, there were no major lapses within
have increased their respective levels of the projects that had been scheduled and the
engagement while developing capabilities students performed very well. Having to face
in areas that interest them most. deadlines successfully and having to make do
when necessary, the students face the same
realities practicing engineers see every day.
The Co-Op management of the AIS strongly Work Experience Gained through the
emphasizes teamwork and collaboration AIS Co-Op experience
among the students. The staff of the AIS Managing and working in this university maker


exhibits a certain camaraderie that is bound space provides on-the-job training for these
by their joint responsibility and pride in the Co-Op students. There are many different
space. They have proven to be outgoing projects and events whereby the students
and quick to help each other whenever are able to learn new skills and perform tasks
issues arise. The Co-Op students have also valued by engineering employers. In line
learned to collaborate with different faculty with the concept of T-shaped individuals,
members and student clients to accomplish the AIS Co-Op students have gained
their particular goals. Several of the Co-Op invaluable depth and breadth. As depicted
students are multidisciplinary and encourage in Figure 2, T-shaped individuals represent
the others to be the same. In order to assist the depth of related skills and expertise
some projects, the students have even been in a single field, and the breadth of skills
willing to learn skills that are not directly required to collaborate across disciplines
related to their major and future discipline. and the ability to apply their knowledge in
areas of expertise other than their own. As
By working in this type of organizational
future engineers, AIS Co-Op students are
structure, the Co-Op students have
gaining broader attributes such as empathy,
learned to take on responsibility not only
communication skills, team building, and the
for their individual tasks, but also for
ability to collaborate. As such, the AIS Co-Op
the priorities and the overall direction of
model has provided students an opportunity
the AIS. By working directly with their
to perform in a real engineering role.
clients, this type of work environment
also produces an emotional intelligence An important job skill learned almost
and maturity that facilitates interactions immediately by the students is that of
with co-workers and the general public. schedule management. The students are
responsible for determining the hours
of operation and for staffing the
maker space during those hours. With
the additional constraints of student
employees having their own class
schedules, this task quickly becomes a
problem with multifaceted constraints.
The Co-Op students work through
these issues and managed to staff the
Aggie Innovation Space throughout
their first semester. During the
semester, the student managers made
several schedule changes to better
accommodate the student traffic.

Resource management was another

skill acquired and practiced by the
Co-Op students. They learned to work
within a fixed budget to maintain
Figure 2. operations and still afford investment in

@VentureWell 2016
better prototyping technologies. The students have learned to work well with other people,
kept their employment hours within their how to resolve conflicts, how to meet
assigned budget and did not run out of deadlines, and how to plan for the future.
funds. Overall, the students managed their Students that work under this innovative
resources very well. Their ability to deliver management model become self-starters who
results within fiscal constraints is a highly can adapt to change and work with others
desirable skill that is sought by employers. to find practical engineering solutions.

Space management was another challenge Conclusion

that the Co-Op students were able to The benefits of having a student-managed
take on with little input from the faculty. maker space are proving to outweigh the
The Co-Op students did well at managing cons of not having an experienced manager.
workshops, tours, time on highly popular The students are developing self-confidence,
equipment, and providing access to software interpersonal skills, and depth in their areas
needed by the clients. The students worked of interest. In an age of increasing budget
hard to transform the different rooms and cuts, the student-managed model is also
facilities to accommodate larger groups more sustainable. It can scale when times
for tours and workshops. They also had to are good, but adjust when needed.
contend with unscheduled repairs of the 3D
printers, which was especially challenging A key aspect moving forward with this
since they needed to prioritize print jobs management model will be to ensure the
and that sometimes frustrated the clients. quality of the AIS management remains
The students did their best to fix problems high when student leaders graduate. This
promptly. They even worked to find other can be done through extensive cross
resources on campus when there were none training of all students. This is already
available at the AIS for the students to use. being partially implemented through the
shallow organizational structure adopted
As peer managers of the AIS, the Co-Op by the students. Faculty mentors should
students also gained experience mentoring continue to encourage students to find
fellow students. Peer mentoring is a very opportunities to acquire additional
important skill to possess, as it demonstrates responsibilities and competencies.
the ability to transfer technical knowledge
and skills to a co-worker. The students spent In our short experience with this new
copious time presenting workshops on model we have not had to yet deal with any
modeling tools and maker space equipment significant cases where the students did not
usage. There were many one-on-one coaching deliver or perform for a client. The students
sessions where the Co-Op students spent have performed well because they are very
time helping other students master the communicative and convey concerns for delay
use of prototyping tools and equipment. to their clients in a straightforward manner.
It is imperative that the faculty mentors
The ability to combine and utilize these develop an open dialog with the student
skills will benefit employers by providing managers so that they are comfortable
them with extremely capable employees reporting mistakes, both big and small. It is
from day one. Students that become Co- also incumbent upon the faculty to ensure
Ops within the AIS have learned specific the students do not over commit their time
technical engineering skills, but they have and capabilities so as to avoid a catastrophic
8 also learned the important T-shaped soft fail with their client. To this point the students
skills required in today’s workplace. They
have thus far done well in gauging their University of Washington. 2015. “How
abilities to provide deliverables to their clients. Makerspaces can be Accessible to
People with Disabilities.” ScienceDaily.


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@VentureWell 2016

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