Irvin Johnson's Hi Protein Food

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H[-PR@]TE[N F@@D

da, a qroilfa& atd ac gaQ gqrldrt?l

The Before and After case plctured here is an example of what Hi-Protein can ac-
complish. Under the personal supervislon of Irvin Johnson, this 13-year-old boy
used lli-Protein to supplement his diet and at the end of one month had gained 13
pounds. Hi-Protein can help you accomplish similar results. This wonderful food
has been used at the famous Irvin Johnson G;rmnasium in Chicago for the past ye3r
with great success. Now it is available to everyone. It's available in four flavbrq:
Chocolate, Vanilla, Black Walnut and Cocoanut, plus the plain blend. A half cup of
this concentrated food mixed wtlh a pint of milk will produce a tasty body building
drink. It supplies your body with the esseirtial amino acids (proteii), tha buildin!
material from which all muscle tissue is made.
TESTIMOTTIIAL: Raertly I have ben using Johnson's III-
Protein fod md havelotd it has given me more energy
and have also found that ry heasuements have all in-
Before .;.* Af ter creased. Another reason for using Ei-Protein is that
r it's very convenient to use throghout the"B#jf;an*U)
"Mr. Chicago of 1951"
Be sure to specify flavor wanted: Vanilla,
Chocolate. Cocoanut, Black Walnut or Plain.
4 lbs'
L';,'"":o $4.00
(Posrpoid. No C.O. D. orderu. )


Yorh, Pa.

Dear Bob: Dear llob! Dear Slr:
I have put on 14 pounilr ln a month I am orderlng your nerv AdYaEccal i want to tell you of the frne rerulta-'
and a hslf wlth your Hl-l'roteln Foorl. luethodr of lvelght Trf,Ining and 8 pound! lll'
trai'e ontafnea frirm uelng Johnaontl try'
Ilave been trylntR to put on wel8ht for ol Hl-l'roteln l.-ood. since using the Hl- Proteln tr'ood relaularly. I htrve bcen
rth€ Dert 8 yeari wlth no Drevlour xucceBa. Proteln tr'ood on.l the York BIsteE ol ing lor vear8 to strln welEht but Elthou
I have ralsed my weltrht from l:,i, to 14t) trtrlnlng f huve made gainr trll or'.r. lotcer".- Never before have' I n'eIShcr
Iroundi. Now I want to Dureh{ie lt(Dur Now hoyc an odded lncenllr-e to lrein. I over 145. Now I am filllng out lor I hnrr
, new Advenced Methodr of lvelght Tr:rln- heye nlso reod your..How To lle Stronft, gained eonslderable rvelght. Am able tt
hai. Herlthy & Iltrppy,, and eall lronertl] ray Eui Oo*'. on the hlgh coit ot food b:I
Charles J. Espo3lto, Denver' Col. IttE topa oyef oll otherr concernlDg thc uslng III-ProtelD Thanka
.ubiect ol sell lnprol'cment. mlUlon!
L. E. Smlth, Provo, ftnh Johtr l)ombrowrkl, Denven CoIo'
Dear Slrs Iletrr
A frlend ol mlne SaYe me iome of )'our I)ear Bob! -Y"". Bob: -".- course antl the Hl-Proteln
IlI-Proteln X'ood to try. I have been lll I am rendlng you trn order for 8 more rooi-aEfwea the same dny. I putlB botft
for a lon8i tlme rnd welghe.l r)nly 6l) poundr of Hl-Proteln food. I Eslned 5 tnto oetlon nnd the remlt g-o-or thnl
pounda at lhe tlme I itarted to tilke lt. poundr on the flrit lour pound paekages i"i-it "-
frir-ve-Lni""A tr hfllf Jround n dal of
IItrye slready atrlfied I fes'Dounds {nrl ln 10 doy.. ft worka! ."ifa -Ii"i" and I feel llke the proverb-ln
leel much better. Carlion R. Brnckett' ;;iill6;.;- 'fhis lr the lrert comblnatlor
1llr.. A. Hodum, Gtlendole' L.I.. NerY York South Hamilton' lfarr. for qulck reiulti.
'"- settlng
----n-il'ei.on Fliher, New York Clty

Report. ieem to lnrtlette mote thtr on [Te]nEe gatn of tr pound of murcle to a pound
of Hi-Proteln t'ood. Thta eoncolrtrtrte.l body bultdlng food rot only ruppller the body
rvlth a hlali grtr.le of proteln. thc moterlal uaed for b[lldlng ond repalrlng tlrsue' but
It aetuatli; lrnprovex rtlgertlon trn.l axxlmll:rtlon. Thls helDr more of the oiher foods to
be eonrumed to better fldr':tntflre for herltth $nd body bulldlng. Hl-Proteln Food la not
only Sood for the smbltloux bo.t!'btrll(ler' brtt exeeltent for every member ol the trmlly.
Ir ivri-ndertut for grorvlng ehlldien $n(t Tery Food fnr elderly DeoDle who too often do
not lnclude enough trroteln ln t.helr.llct. It bulldi musele, lmprore: hellth atrd cuta
dorvn on food bllla. i'ou xhorrlrt be I regular urer of tlrls rerult produclng lfl-Proteln

Poge 34

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