Definition of Scope Deliver Able and Sample

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Definition of Scope - Deliverable & Sample

Craig Borysowich (Chief Technology Tactician) posted 7/24/2008 | Comments (0)

To formally define the scope of work for which the delivery team is
responsible, and the scope of work that is excluded from the
responsibilities of the delivery team.


Typically two to three pages, documented as part of the Project

Management Plan.


Sample Definition of Project Scope:


Introduction to the CPLM and CLCM Development Project

The objective of the SYSTEM Z project is to automate the generation of manifests for
Personal Contact Items at the Delivery Unit level for XYZ.

Currently the process for delivery of a Personal Contact Item (PCI) is managed through
hand-written multi-part delivery manifests, with a manual process for responsibility
transfer and tracking PCIs from receipt at the Delivery Unit through to delivery and any
subsequent customer inquiries.

During 1993 XYZ developed and implemented a “Proof of Concept” to evaluate the
potential of automating management of the PCI delivery process. The purpose of this
proof of concept pilot, conducted in Windsor, was to evaluate the benefits of automating
the PCI delivery process nationally. Significant improvements to be obtained by XYZ
were identified.

The experience and findings of the Proof of Concept initiative provided the basis for the
specifications, documented in XYZ’s RFP, of a production version of SYSTEM Z to be
developed and supported by Company ABC.

This Project Plan documents the activities, roles & responsibilities, and schedule for the
development and staging of the SYSTEM Z Application to the end of a beta test.
Operations & Maintenance (O&M) support and deployment rollout will be documented
in a separate Project Plan.

Company ABC Scope of Work To Be Provided

SYSTEM Z is the integrated computer system to meet the Baselined Functional
Specifications in section 7.1, to be delivered by Company ABC to XYZ under this
Agreement. The system is comprised of the Custom Software for the Depot Client and
for the Central Server to be developed by Company ABC under this Project Plan, the
Software Development Environment, and associated System Documentation.

The SYSTEM Z Development Project includes all application software and

documentation, the identification of equipment requirements, the identification of
packaged software required to run the application, the setup of a staging area, and a beta
test. The installation of the production application code and packaged software in the
staging area, and the ongoing maintenance and support for the application will be
documented in the Operations & Maintenance Project Plan.

Company ABC is responsible for the scope of work to be included in the SYSTEM Z
Development Project as listed below.

· Project management of the Company ABC development and testing

· Identification and monitoring the status of XYZ subcontractors’ deliverables

· SYSTEM Z application software design and development (includes SYSTEM Z

Familiarization Module as part of the application)

· SYSTEM Z application software testing (includes unit testing, integration testing,

and system testing, and support for XYZ Acceptance Testing and Beta Testing)

· SYSTEM Z software development environment

· SYSTEM Z application source code

· SYSTEM Z application documentation

· Preparation of user aids and instructor’s training guide

· “Train the Trainer” development and training (at Company ABC site)

· Phase 1 deployment of SYSTEM Z application software and hardware (Beta test

at 2 sites)

· Staging area setup (ready at end of beta test)

Company ABC Work Documented in Related Plan

Operations & Maintenance (O&M) will be part of Company ABC’s responsibility in the
overall SYSTEM Z project but not described in this plan which covers the Development
and Testing activities. Specifically, the following work will be documented separately in
the O&M Project Plan:

· Definition of staging process

· Installation of SYSTEM Z application software at the staging area in support of the

national rollout (estimated on a per site basis)

· Warranty services

· Maintenance for five years

Scope of Work to be Excluded

This Project Plan covers only the scope of work specified in section 1.2 above. Without
limiting the foregoing, the following items are specifically outside the scope of this
project from an Company ABC perspective:

· Acquisition of SYSTEM Z hardware, operating system and networking software (e.g.,

Windows NTAS), communications

· Acquisition of purchased software licences for SYSTEM Z production sites

(e.g., Oracle, DEC Message Queue)

· Site preparation

· Provision of acceptance test data and Beta test data

· Conducting acceptance testing

· Deployment of hardware, system software, communications (except for Beta test)

· Distribution of configured SYSTEM Z systems to the production sites

· Subcontracts with other SIs responsible for interfacing systems

· Subcontracts and management of SIs responsible for:

Information Architecture,
Technology Strategy, and
Integration Assurance

· Acting as prime contractor/lead role when interacting with other SIs

· Conducting user training

· Any refinement or development of standard business practices or procedures

· Any business case development related to the project

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