Scott'S Bale Emulsion Scott'S Bale Emulsion: Isi:100 ML Netto:100 ML

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Isi :100 ml R Netto :100 ml R


Each 5 ml contains
Ol. Lecoris aselli.....46.5 gram
Indikasi Indication
Membantu memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin pada Helps meet the needs of vitamins in
anak dan masa pertumbuhan child and growth period
Cara pemakaian How to use
1-6 tahun = 1 kali 15ml,1 Kali sehari 1-6 years = 1 time 15ml, 1 time a day
7-12 tahun = 1 kali 15ml,2 kali sehari 7-12 years = 1 time 15ml, 2 times a day
>12 tahun = 1kali 15ml,3 kali sehari >12 years = 1 time 15ml, 3 times a day
Kelas Farmakologi Pharmacology Class
Asam lemak omega 3 adalah berperan dalam menunjang kesehatan Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in supporting health
atau suplemen yang bersumber dari minyak ikan. Minyak ikan terdiri or supplements derived from fish oil. Fish oil consists of
dari 20 Rantai karbon EPA dan 22 rantai karbon DHA. Dengan of 20 EPA carbon chains and 22 DHA carbon chains. With
mekanismekerja mengurangi transduksi sinyal karena fosfatidilinositol mechanism of action reduces signal transduction due to phosphatid -
dan asam arakhidonat. Terutama DHA berguna untuk pembentukan ylinositol and arachidonic acid. Especially DHA is useful for the
membran fosfolipid sel pada jalur sinyal sel. Dimana absopsi nya formation of cell membrane phospholipids in cell signaling pathways.
melalui oral kemudian dihidrolisis sehingga menjadi kilomikron Where's the absorption? taken orally and then hydrolyzed to become
kemudian didistribusi di saluran limfe dan diubah menjadi lipoprotein chylomicrons then distributed in the lymphatics and converted into
lipase.Kemudian di metabolismedimana DHA sebagian berubah lipoproteins lipase. Then in metabolism where DHA is partially changed
menjadi EPA dan dieliminasi melalui urin dan tinja. converted to EPA and eliminated in the urine and feces.
Work mechanism
Fish oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) with type
omega 3. Fish oil consists of 20 carbon chains of EPA
(eicosapentaenoic acid)and 22 carbon chains of DHA
(docosahexanoeic acid). DHA is an important component of
phospholipids that areuseful for human cell membranes, especially he
brain and retina. EPA is a precursor for Prostaglandins, Leukotriene,
and Thromboxane(specifically EPA is a precursor for TXA3 and L
TB5, eicosanoids and lowers blood pressure) Fish oil is also useful as a
mood stabilizer in Bipolar. EPA and DHA can reduce signal transduction
due to phosphatidylinositol and arachidonic acid. Especially DHA,
is useful for the formation of cell membrane phospholipids in
cell signaling pathways.
Absorption: Triacylglycerol (TAG) enters the gastrointestinal tract
through the oral route. Then hydrolyzed by lipase enzymes
to form monoglycerides and free fatty acids (FFA). In enterocytes,
there is a change in TAG to phospholipids, cholesterol and apoproteins
to chylomicrons.
Distribution: Chylomicrons will be shown in the lymph channels and
brought into the circulation. Then the chylomicrons will be converted
into lipoprotein lipase, and EPA and DHA will be carried through the
circulation to the body tissues where they will be useful for the synthesis
of phospholipids. EPA and DHA are found most abundantly in cell
membrane phospholipids.
Metabolism: DHA will be absorbed more by the brain than other fatty
acids. DHA can be partially converted to EPA and EPA can also be
converted to DHA.
Elimination: Excreted through urine and feces
Side effects :
May cause nausea, fishy-smelling gas and flatulence.
Contra indications: -
May interact with blood thinning medications. Be careful
if taking with acitretin drug
Overdose containing iron is the leading cause of lethal poisoning in
children under 6 years of age. Keep out of reach of children.
Kemasan : If you accidentally overdose, contact your doctor or poison
Botol 100 ml
control center immediately.
12 botol @ Bacth Packaging :
100 ml bottle
12 botol @ Box
12 bottles @ Bacth
12 bottles @ Box
Simpan dalam wadah tertutup dan Store in a closed container and
tidak tembus cahaya not translucent
Diproduksi Oleh :
Produced by :
Makassar-Indonesia Makassar-Indonesia
DBL21001003A1 DBL21001003A1

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