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25 Functions Program




using namespace std;

void Industry(void)//1

cout << " IT ORGANIZATION " << endl << "\n";

void Management_Of_IT_Department(void)//2

cout << "Management_Of_IT_Department " << endl;

cout << " * Server Management \n * Computer Management \n * Networking " << endl;

cout << " etc " << endl << "\n";

void Servers_List(void)//3

cout << " Data Center Management " << endl;

cout << " * Cloud Server \n * Mail Server \n * Printer Server " << endl;

cout << " * FireWall \n * ADC ( Active Domain Controller ) \n * Cameras Server " << endl << "\n";

void Server_Management(void)//4

cout << " Server Management " << endl;

cout << " Monitoring for any new or recurring issues " << endl;
cout << " To give the access on users " << endl;

cout << " To Take action at a time on all users" << endl << "\n";

void Computer_Management(void)//5

string name, Number, Email_ID, Employee_ID;

cout << " Computer Management" << endl;

cout << " To arrange the Computers for Users " << endl;

cout << " To give the id and password for using Computer on Domain side " << endl;

cout << " To give some access regarding query " << endl << "\n";

cout << " Form to Join Domain Side" << endl;

cout << " Enter Your First Name " << endl;

cin >> name;

cout << " Enter Your Last Name " << endl;

cin >> name;

cout << " Enter your contact Number " << endl;

cin >> Number;

cout << " Enter your Email ID " << endl;

cin >> Email_ID;

cout << " Enter your Employee ID " << endl;

cin >> Employee_ID; "\n";

cout << " Finish " << endl;

cout << " Waiting For Message " << endl << "\n";

void Networking(void)//6

string IP_Add;

cout << " Networking " << endl;

cout << " All Equipment run in Network Class (B) " << endl;
cout << " To Provide Network for organization " << endl;

cout << " Enter the IP Address or Host Name of any Equipment " << endl;

cin >> IP_Add;

cout << " IP Address is accepted " << endl;

cout << " Now you have a access on this Device" << endl << "\n";

void Website_Access(void)//7

string Name, L_Name, Number, Email_ID, Employee_ID, D_Name, Web_Name;

cout << " Websites Access Form " << endl << "\n";

cout << " Enter Your First Name " << endl;

cin >> Name;

cout << " Enter Your Last Name " << endl;

cin >> L_Name;

cout << " Enter your contact Number " << endl;

cin >> Number;

cout << " Enter your Email ID " << endl;

cin >> Email_ID;

cout << " Enter your Employee ID " << endl;

cin >> Employee_ID;

cout << " Enter Your Department Name " << endl;

cin >> D_Name;

cout << " Enter Websites Names " << endl;

cin >> Web_Name;

cout << " Signature of Your Head of Department " << endl;

cout << "_____________________________" << endl << "\n";

cout << " Finish " << endl << "\n";

void Cloud_Server_Access(void)//8

string name,zahid;

int password;

cout << "\n";

cout << " Access on Cloud Server " << endl;

cout << "Enter the UserName: "; cin >> name;

cout << " Enter your Password: "; cin >> password;

if (name == zahid && password == 2016)

cout << "Login successful" << endl;

else if (name != zahid && password != 2016)

cout << "\n Incorrect UserName & Details, Try again." << endl;

cout << " After 2 more times, you don't have access " << endl << "\n";

void Cloud_Server_Details(void)//9

cout << " Clood Server Details" << endl;

cout << " Last Backup Date is 27-Jan-2020 " << endl;

cout << " Storage 256200 TB " << endl;

cout << " Total user are 2300 " << endl;

cout << " All users are available in Class B " << endl;

cout << " IP addresses Start from to " << endl;

cout << " Admin allow to server access Only five (5) users " << endl;

cout << " List of users Names " << endl;

cout << " Zahid Masood \n Muhammad Jamil \n Ali Raza \n Muhammad Zahid" << endl << "\n";

void Mail_Server(void)//10

cout << " Mail Server " << endl;

cout << " Total User on Mail Server " << endl;

cout << " 1675 user mail is up to date " << endl;

cout << "Incoming mail server" << endl;

cout << "Incoming mail server port 993 (SSL required)" << endl;

cout << "Outgoing (SMTP) mail server" << endl;

cout << "Outgoing (SMTP) mail server port 587 (SSL/TLS required)" << endl << "\n";

void Printer_Server(void)//11

string IP_Add, Dep_Name, Name;

cout << " Printer server " << endl;

cout << " Total Printer are 689 " << endl;

cout << " Allow to users to take Print " << endl;

cout << " Printer server IP address :" << endl << "\n";

cout << " To Take access on Printer " << endl;

cout << " Enter User Name " << endl;

cin >> Name;

cout << " Enter Department Name " << endl;

cin >> Dep_Name;

cout << " Enter Your IP Address " << endl;

cin >> IP_Add;

cout << " Now wait for 2 minutes ..............----------------" << "\n" << endl;

void Firewall(void)//12

cout << "Firewall" << endl;

cout << "Highly Secure Configuration For Unknown Person" << endl;

cout << "Eliminate the occurrence of unwanted network" << endl << "\n";

void Cameras_Server(void)//13

cout << " Cameras Server " << endl;

cout << " Total Cameras Server : 38 " << endl;

cout << " Total Cameras is : 896 " << endl;

cout << " IP Addresses Start from to" << endl << "\n";

void Users_List(void)//14

int Users, C_User;

cout << "Total Users List " << endl;

cout << " Exist Users : 2300 " << endl;

cout << " Resign Users Information " << endl;

cout << " How many Users are Resign " << endl;

cout << " Enter Resign User Number " << endl;

cin >> Users;

C_User = 2300 - Users;

cout << " Now Current Users are this : " << C_User << "\n";

void Laptops_List(void)//15

int Laptops, New_L;

cout << " Laptop List " << endl;

cout << " Existing Laptop : 1118 " << endl;

cout << " Add New Laptops in List " << endl;
cin >> Laptops;

New_L = 1118 + Laptops;

if (New_L>1118)

cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Laptops are : " << New_L << endl << "\n";


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";

void Computers_List(void)//16

int Computer, New_C;

cout << " Computer List " << endl;

cout << " Total Computer is : 586 " << endl;

cout << " Add New Computers in List " << endl;

cin >> Computer;

New_C = 586 + Computer;

if (New_C>586)

cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Computers are : " << New_C << endl << "\n";


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";

void Projector_List(void)//17

int Projector, New_P;

cout << " Projector List " << endl;

cout << " Total Projectors : 135 " << endl;

cout << " Add New Projector in List " << endl;

cin >> Projector;

New_P = 135 + Projector;

if (New_P>135)
cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Projector are : " << New_P << endl << "\n";


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";

void Router_List(void)//18

int Router, New_R, users;

cout << " Router List " << endl;

cout << " Total Router : 486 " << endl;

cout << " 1 Router limit is 10 Users " << endl;

cout << " How many users are connected on Router " << endl;

cin >> users;

if (users >= 10)

cout << " The Network speed in giga " << endl;


cout << " The Network speed is slow " << endl << "\n";

cout << " Add New Router in List " << endl;

cin >> Router;

New_R = 486 + Router;

if (New_R>486)

cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Router are : " << New_R << endl << "\n";


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";

void Switch_List(void)//19

int Switch, New_S;

char choice = 1;
cout << " Switch List " << endl;

cout << " Two Types Switch We use \n 1 : D-Link , \n 2 : Cisco " << endl;

cout << " Total Cisco Switch List is : 88 " << endl;

cout << " Total D-Link Switch List is : 24 " << endl;

cout << " Press 1 For Cisco Switch " << endl;

cout << " Press 2 For D-Link Switch " << endl;

cin >> choice;

switch (choice)

case '1':

cout << " Add New Cisco Switch in List " << endl;

cin >> Switch;

New_S = 88 + Switch;

if (New_S>88)

cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Switch are : " << New_S << endl <<


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";


case '2':

cout << " Add New D-Link Switch in List " << endl;

cin >> Switch;

New_S = 24 + Switch;

if (New_S>24)

cout << " The List has been Updated, Now Switch are : " << New_S << endl <<


cout << " This List wasn't updated " << endl << "\n";


void Equipment_form(void)//20


cout << " Equipment Form " << endl;

string Name, Req, D_Name, Budge, E_Name, Dep_Name, E_Q;

int Price;

cout << " Enter your Name " << endl;

cin >> Name;

cout << " Enter Your Department Name " << endl;

cin >> Dep_Name;

cout << " Enter Your Requriment " << endl;

cin >> Req;

cout << " Enter Your Budge Amount " << endl;

cin >> Budge;

cout << " Enter your Equipment Name " << endl;

cin >> E_Name;

cout << " Enter Equipment Quantity " << endl;

cin >> E_Q;

cout << " Enter your Equipment Price " << endl;

cin >> Price;

cout << " Signature of Your Head of Department && CEO " << endl;

cout << "__________________ __________________" << endl << "\n";

cout << " Urgent " << endl << "\n";

void Calculator(void)//21

cout << "Calculator" << endl << "\n";

void Addition(void)//22

int Add, a, b;

cout << "Enter the number for addition " << endl;

cout << "Enter the Number: " << endl;

cin >> a;

cout << "Enter the second Number ";

cin >> b;

Add = a + b;

cout << " Answer : " << Add << endl << "\n";

void Subtraction(void)//23

int sub, a, b;

cout << " Enter the number for Subtraction " << endl;

cout << "Enter the Number " << endl;

cin >> a;

cout << " Enter the second Number ";

cin >> b;

sub = a - b;

cout << " Answer : " << sub << endl << "\n";

void Division(void)//24

int Div, a, b;

cout << " Enter the Number for Division " << endl;
cout << "Enter the Number " << endl;

cin >> a;

cout << " Enter the second Number ";

cin >> b;

Div = a / b;

cout << " Answer : " << Div << endl << "\n";

void Multiplication(void)//25

int multi, a, b;

cout << "Enter the Number for Multiplication" << endl;

cout << "Enter the Number" << endl;

cin >> a;

cout << "Enter the second Number ";

cin >> b;

multi = a*b;

cout << " Answer : " << multi << endl << "\n";

int main()


char choice;

cout << " Enter '1' For Industry " << endl;

cout << " Enter '2' For Management of IT Department " << endl;

cout << " Enter '3' For Server list " << endl;

cout << " Enter '4' For Server Management " << endl;

cout << " Enter '5' For Computer management " << endl;
cout << " Enter '6' For Netwroking " << endl;

cout << " Enter '7' For Website Access " << endl;

cout << " Enter '8' For Cloud Server Access " << endl;

cout << " Enter '9' For Cloud Server Details " << endl;

cout << " Enter '10' For Mail Server " << endl;

cout << " Enter '11' For Printer Server " << endl;

cout << " Enter '12' For Firewall " << endl;

cout << " Enter '13' For Cameras_Server " << endl;

cout << " Enter '14' For Find Current Users List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '15' For Laptops List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '16' For Computers List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '17' For Projectors List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '18' For Router List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '19' For Switch List " << endl;

cout << " Enter '20' For Equipment Form " << endl;

cout << " Enter '21' For Simple Calculator " << endl;

cout << " Enter '22' For Addition " << endl;

cout << " Enter '23' For Subtraction " << endl;

cout << " Enter '24' For Division " << endl;

cout << " Enter '25' For Multiplication " << endl << "\n";

cout << " Enter the Choice " << endl;

cin >> choice;

switch (choice)

case 1 :



case 2 :


case 3 :



case 4 :



case 5 :



case 6 :



case 7 :



case 8 :



case 9 :



case 10 :



case 11 :



case 12 :


case 13 :



case 14 :



case 15 :



case 16 :



case 17 :



case 18 :



case 19 :



case 20 :



case 21 :


case 22 :



case 23 :



case 24 :



case 25 :




goto pointA;

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