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Owner's Mqnuql #874 tor

Electric Steps
using lhe Permonent Mognet Motor ond Control Unii
with o door qnd power switch operoting system
Single Step

(23 Series Pictured)

Kwikee Producls Compony, lnc,

230 Dovdson Avenue
Cofoge Grove, Cregon 91424 9545 a.- 3/96 xwrkee Products Co.,lnc
154r ) 942 3888 l(wik66 *900474
l we worronl lhot the equ pmenl rs free fiom derects in molerol ond workmonshrp
under normol use ond seryice. lhe
provislons of ihis worlon1y shol not opp 1o ony
v eqlripment thot hos be.n ,ro]"it to rn ,r,", n.stis"n"L, o i.ioito"]
occident, improper nslofioi on (such os the welding of ihe step to rhe renlcr.iio-e
o, moL,ntng brockets), normo]
dereriorotron due to weor, or hos been repo Ted oulside our pioce
of busrness in lny woy os, n our reosonob e
judgemenl, lo odversey offect ils performonce
ond reliobilijy

2. Our oblgouon under rhis worronry is rimiied to repo r ng or rep ocing,

ol our opiron, ony produc ho,r s rerurned to our
ploce of business ond when in 1s exominotion sholldacbse
to our;eosonooL soilrocton tot I is defeclive The
repoir or reprocement of rhe defecrive ports under ihis wofionly wifi
be mode w ihour chorge for pods or obor.
shipping chorges for returnrng ports to Kwkee.producrs compony, rnc
t"xw r<ee'L s-r.or oe iie responsioirty oitne
cuslomer Kw kee wifl poy sh pping chorges when refurning worroniob e ports to
ihe cusromer
3. rhe worronly s effeciive os o1rhe doie of so e to the orrginor purchoser ond eirends for
one yeor. since ir is the
responsblilyof the owner io veriivlhe orrgino purchose dole, Kwikee recommenJs
tnoi o olilor sole orsoles receipi
be kept for thot prrrpose

4' The durolion of ony impied worronly of merchonlobirly or filness Jor o poriiclror purpose
shol be limited in oll
respects to the duroiron of the rmii-arr worronry, ond rhe woronry descrioe!
oLJvL snor oe in tieu ot ony ottrer
express worronlv some sloles do not olow ]m ior ons on how ong impred
worroni es rost, so the obove I mirotrons
moy not opply to you w-o neilher ossume or outhotze ony olher
[ersons io ossume onyol.rer liobili]y ln conneclion
wilh our poducts.

5 The buye/s sole ond exc usrve remedy ogoinsl ihe seler sho r
be for the repoir or reprocement of defecrve
merchondrse os provided obove No orher remedy, incruding bul nol rimiiea
to, niioentot or consequenlior dom
oges for losi profiis, ostsoles, inluryto propertyor onyother in;ideniotor
consequentiot toss, shol be ovotioble io h m.
Some slotes do notollowlhe exc usion or limilotion of nc denlolor
con.aquanta Joaogaa, ,othe obove limiolcn
oI exclusion moy not opply to you. Before using, user shol delermtne
with -
ihe su tooitny Lr tne iroau"t ro, ir, int"no..c-,L,
ond userossumes ollTiskond liobilly whotsoever ln connecton there '_
5 Kwikee will noi undel ony circLlmslonces, reirnburse lhe cost of woloniy ports purchosed
from sources oltr€:. i.on
(w kee Producls Compony, lnc.

7. Ih s worronly gives you spec fic legol rights, ond you moy hove othq
righls which vory f rom s.rote io stoJe.

Forhore inloholion on worroniy policy ond qllowqnces pleose leel hee

podmenl ot the ietephone number tisied on the front cover lo conrqci our cuslomer servic€ De- l
qt or t fSOOi iii-rl;f.


rhe-even*hot servicing rhe step becomes necessory, rhe rnformo,on thor you
suppry berow wir herp expedne lhe
dentificolon of yoLrr step equlpmenl os we I.os the servrce response im.. p
motion speclfic io your step opplicoion ond retoin foryourown records.
uoillJtS l, now to fi in ihe infor-

Siep Seriol#l Siep Series #r Control Un I #

Yeor & Monufocturer ofthe recreoilon vehiclel Dote of Purchose
lhe ser es # ond serrol # ore on rhe idenirf couon ober thoi rs ottoched
to the undersrde of rhe step, neor the molor
lhe conlrolunll # is molded intolhe controlunii ono ts vtstote trom
beowln"-rtlpllili? inro,.no1on on the tobetrs noi
ovolloble, the Siep Moior ports Key on poge t 4 conto ns intormoton
intt * iifr.-f iv"u iA."ritv *nich siep you hove

Poge 2
\/orronly nformoion... . .. 2
Slep dentfcolof nforrnoion .. ....2
Tob e of Conlents ...3
ntroduclon ,, ,, ,,, ... 3
Generolservce Noles ,, , , .,,, 4
Operotngtheslep .. .. ... ... ... 5
Extend ng the Step for nslo oton .. -- ...6
nsloioton l,/lounting the Slep ond Reiroclngihe Siep .. ... .......7
nslololon Wiring lhe Slep.. ... ... ......7
Wrnqschemolc. l0
Siep Iest Procedures l

Siep l\4oior Poirs Key ... ... .. 14

SiepN4olorAsseanbyDogrom.. ... 15
nslructons forlhe Step [4olorAssembly 16
Poris Lisi... ... 1l
lvorronly Procedures . 19
N4oinlenonceond Lubrcoion .. .. ... .. . . ... .. 20

Th smonuo hos been provlded to ossist the user w th ihe dentif cot on, operol on, insio lotion ond iroub eshoolinq of orly
Kwikee elecirlc siep equpped wlh o dool swilch, o power swilch, conlrolunitond o permonent mognel molor lidoes
not oppy ond shou d nol be used os o reference 1o ony other prev ous ve6 ons of o Kw kee e ecir c slep

The s essentioly o cufieni sensor os well os o switch ng dev ce When the raotor ossemb y moves ihe
contro unil
siep lreod to erlended poslion, or stops mov ng becouse ol on obsirucl on such os o curb or the blnding of o
domoged or benl slep iiorne, the molor drows o orger omount ol curient. lhe control un t \enses" lhe orger currenl
drow ond shuls olf powerto ihe molor.

A conlro unls ore equipped vr'ilh overrde systern This systeaa s des gned so 'lhot the veh c e w not
on gnlon
be drlven w lh the step in the extended posrl on When the step is ocked n the efrencled posrlion, the door closecl, ond
the gn lion s turned on, the lgn iion sofely syslem wi engoge ond the step wll oulomol co ly [elloct

On sleps equipped with o coniro un i [#9095] 3, #909516, #909590, #909592)lhere s o 'Lost Oul'feoture. Thh s
cnother sofely feoture des gned so ihoi when ihe door s opened for lhe f rsl t me ofler lhe vehlcle gn tion s lurned off,
ihe slep w ekend, even f the power swllch is lurned off When the gniton s switched on, the funclon oflhe power
swilch h disobled onclthe step wiLLqlwoys exlend when the door is opened qnd reiroct when the doot is cLosed

NOTE: Followlhe inshuclions in this monuol corelully. Foilure lo do so moy result in domoEe lo lhe siep conhol,
lhe molor ond/or the vehicle wiring. Such domsge moy olso resull in voiding lhe wdronty.

Kwikee Producls Compqny hos inlroduced q redesigned conlrol unil box tor lhe
qulomqlic elechic sleps. The new design wos developed to provide lor more eflicienl
ossembly duling produclion, beller moislure exclusion wilh q goskel-seoled end cop
ond greoter durobilily by using a speciolly lormuloled ABS resin. ll wds phosed inlo
produclion storting in Mqy I994.

fhe newdesign is o molded while box (housing lhe eleclronic circuil boord) dnd q
blqck end cqp. The ocluql circuil boold did not chonge ond conlinues lo funclion
indenticolly lo lhe preceding oronge colored unil.

Poge 3
J the po$'er wire to the step
is drsconnecred from ,s source ond reconnecied,
momenrory chorging of ihe controrunt ond doer nor n".,-rtoiiv o spork is common Th s is coused byihe
d'o, ol L6 ,nJ
00_61 ,' oo T-v oro n ,s < ,)06. ,eo ora.o^e,,e ,,6^.5.iolin-
tiLrv#i. u,roving on, wh ch wourd couse o
,eoone..^'-ctsy-. oao,-o.r1e , oo "oiJ ,.':ouo{
tighr shourd become not ceobrv briohier rr
- ep ,o ope
,t."1 iui-o,o.*,-o,.-oonnpo..o.l-.-r.-oJr:jo
it a"J, noi, iA"
unpug the Jour wov pruq bejveen rhe conirorunit"no -n.t,o n..r'".i i5Jiiiltg Iurn The power swilch off on.l
mu u"r., to].ieiiovJrneoring "n. tne sbp motor
To further determ ne thollhe conlro unil s not shulling
oJf, remove ihe 2 screws from ihe conneclor
eods behveen rhe sleD motor ond rhe contror unt ne.oue on the slep.aolor
Poge I I ) oce o vo tmeler beiveen the red ona
t e seo tisu--o[ 1ri. t gu," u r rhe siep Tesl procedure
vufro* _Lroir"oi.Itn"" ,Iio'n'"'.", ,nu ,our-woy plug Tuin ihe power
swlch on. rf ony vo*oge regisiers on ihe meler, rn"
resi' swiich ihe vo imeler eods bock on.r Jorrh bet*een
,nii , ,-.,oirirfti"g .fi.;i".*
o. o"fectrve when do nq ih s
ine ,eo onJ v.lo*'."oio] elo, ,o o. ,u,e no vo
toge reghlers.
f::#f8:S":':ii'"?'l?;fli,i?li3il'i?i?Hi*ovpr'stok""piiJ-''*-J#ti"-overn.oting r.u,o;o,osf i,'
f the slep does noiwork oI opelotes errolco y,
such os extending port woy ond shuljing ofi, Thefirst
chec ked $ the vehic le s bottery The vo tog-e supp]eo item thol shou d be
boltelres A bol1ery thot reoiriem bc ow I 2; vois oc
to the $ep"snou o ;; ;t;;; ;
/ volis DC for welt chorged
engog ng ihe siep moror ihe conrrorLrnir vl,rishut ori rt the -.v
o,"p L"""* J,;;ffi3;"" .
ood is drown, such os
tooleo vottJg. rorrlt.t* g.s r.ri, oc. The con'rorunilwi
remember which function ri wos performing-.rl * r *o
t oetr^reen tvo Ln-o"t-iv.1"JJn"i.
ond wir 1ry ogoin to comp ete the funciion lf the supp y vo tr-.
o.p.nds on lemperolure),
toge . ; t ;;;;:s;;;,_,
o'o'5eoeo,.0_6,r_ros-poii.0.'096e-ro.rooo,oo.otDC:.,"og,o,u,.-,o,r,oe, ihe conlror unit wrir go rnio
5Loo', .o'ogo oooi, -o' oeo,\ o 5 \o.t. fC r -1*o - o no, .o o,-o"rl, o"- o", l,or" r. oLo lor6o .o-prao-
minuies 10 comp ele the origino runciion Low ^..,
*pp v uo tog. r;oy
conneclicns moy olso couse errottc operol on oJ the step " or ihe slep. poor ground
The slep moy olso operole elroi colly f the slep is being operoted direclly from o conver-ler, ond ihe
outpul from lhe
;:lfifl :,",'J :i.o]i:iiil5:?ffi'JJ["J,:iJ:l "r'on-oc 'o,os"
r;iLni",iJ,"'"'u,] o" .oo.o.ol pLo,.rns .- !
I the conio Lrnf rs hooted up !r lh reverse
oo orlly, the slep wil nol operoie. f the ground To
be-\"ee- .e.'-o.o..o.u--o-o-ne..1rce. ,^o rsr-r- o.; the conirol un t rs osl, e iher
borlery ond the ground (negoive borlerycobrerthe
-nlo[. *,e. o. oo.neFn -r e,6. .e
slep wir ,i"r r"i"r-i. r'u. in" oot rnrermino s ond or wire
connections ore creon ond tiqht. Be sure o[ wires ore ot prope, gouge.-oi
r,uluj"i"i ,p."r.o n the wir]ng rnstructrons.
These generorseNce noies ond the st-6n T-6sl pTocedure
cover the mosrcommon probrems ossocioled
electr c sieps. Due io the number oJ vo.oble co"o,lo". wilh Kwikee
covered' r ease feer free ro conlocr the cus'orn.' se,
o".ioot., vo, _"i.roliiJ"Ji
,r.o,o.,, other thon those
ce oep"rtmeni oii iador uit'-isor for fudher rnformolron


Poge 4
Alter ihe lnsio otion is complete ond w th the entronce door open, lurn the power sw 1ch on.
2. Coselhedoor Thestep should retroct ond ock nihe Ltp poslon

Open the door. Ihe step shou d exlend ond ock in lhe down posit on w th lhe underslep lqhT on
NOIE: The underslep ligh, is nol qvoiloble on otl slep mo.tels.

4. IuIn the power swilch ofl The slep should remo n ln ihe exlended pos tion w th the unclerstep ight off when ihe cloor
is c osed Iuming off the power wlh the slep retrocted w ll hold The slep in o retrocted poslion os we .

w Th the powerlch off, the step exfended, ond the entronce door crosed, lurn on the veh cle gnii on The ign tion
override system w lgo nlo effectond the slep w loulomolico V relrocT
NorE: If lhe yellowwire fiom lhe louFwoy conrector wos nol connecled lo on igniiion power source during
lhe inslollqlion proceclure, lhe ignition sdfety syslem will be inoperot,ve ond ihe siep will remoin in the
exlended position. ln this cose, lhe power swiich musl be turned on for lhe slep io relrocl.

WARNING: If the vehicre is driven wiih rhe step in lhe exiended position, lhere is lhe possibility ol cousing
mojor domoge to bolh ihe siep ond lhe vehicle.

5. Turn the veh cle gniron ofi ond open rhe door The slep wi extend ond ock n the down oostion Thh s rhe tost
Oul feoture

WARNING: If lhe door is opened ond closed wilhoui ollowing lhe slep tg fully extend ond lock in lhe ,down,
posilion, lhe slep will rehoci ohd lock in the "up. posilion. When the door is reopened, the siep wlll nol
exlend. The power swilch musi be lurned on tor ihe slep lo exlend.

v7. lhe
"LoslOul' feolure is on y operotve the J rst tirae the door s opened ofter ihe vehic e ignjl on is turned ojf.
ll the yellowwire hom lhe four-woy connecior wos noi connected lo the vehlcle fuse block during
insiolloiion, lhe "Losl Oul" feoture will nol operoie.

When the veh cle gn Tion s on, the slep w I otwoys octvote wth the cloor movement, regord ess of power swlch
posit on NOTE: fhis is noi volid if lhe olorementioned yellow wire hos noi been connecfed.

Poge 5
I. Io provide for eosier nslolollon, the
step should be in the extended
position. To extend the step, ploce the
slep upside-down on its mounting

WAPNING: Moking the wlre connec-

llohs detoiled ln ihis procedure will
cduse the slep to quickly extend
qnd retrqci. Keep hqnds dnd
tingerc cleor or lhe slep exlensloh

NOTE: Under no condilions should

power be opplied lo lhe molor
leqds while the molor is connecled
to lhe control unll- To do so will
couse domqge lo lhe conlrol unii
qnd void lhe worrdnly.

2. Connectthe fourwire plug from the

conlrolunlwlth the four wre plug/
pigloilthot hos been included wth the

3. Ground the conirolunil by ofioch-

ing the long l0 gouge green wire from
the contro unilto lhe neqoiive l )
terminolol o welchorged l2 volt DC
ouiomoive botlery. The slep wi not
operote withoui o good ground

4. NOIE: ll it ls hecessqry io use Figure I

lumpers to cohnecr lhe rvlre leods
froln lhe pigioll io ihe bqitery, mechonism, ground lhe brown wfe ler.ninol is broken prior lo disconnect-
o minimum ol l0 gquge whe from lhe pigto to ihe negolve ing the red ond white wire eods, the
(8 gouge lorwiring runs over 25 lerm nol to exlend the slep slep willretun to the retrocted position
leei) is recommended ror use os ond the procedure must be repeoted
lumper wire. 6. After ihe slep hos been extended,
d sconnectthe red ond white pigtoi After lhe step hos been exiended,
5. Atloch bolh the red ond white wires leods from the bottery Ths wifi keep disconnect lhe wires from ihe botery
from the piglo to the posilive (+l the slep in lhe extended posltion lJ ihe ond the four wre plug/p gio L
lermlnolof the bo1Jery, keeping honds ground conneclon belween lhe
ond fingerc cleorf.orn the slep brown whe ond the bottevs nego.tive

Poge 6
INSTAILATION - Mounting the step ond Relrocling the Step
o min mum of 4 hoes n the circuii boord wilhin lhe conlrol unil. grouhd wire conneclion.
! There ore
- top of the step thol should be used This domoge will noi be covered
when mouning the step. Us ng 5/16- under theworroniy. 2. Al1och the brown w re eod from lhe
I B (min mum) bolis wth ockwoshers lourwire plug/pgtoi to the negotive
ond nuts is recommended lor mount. '1. Ailoch ihe ong I0 gouge green (-)term no ofthe l2 volt bofiery
ing the slep. ground wire 10 lhe vehicle chossis.
3. Ailoch ihe red ond whie pigio wire
NOTE: Welding lhe Kwikee elechlc NOTE: A good ground conneclion is eods to ihe posiive (+lierni nolof ihe
step direcily to ihe chossis lrome or required lor proper slep operoiion. bolrery. Keeping honds ond fngers
mounling brdckel con resull in To insure o good ground connec- cleor from the siep mechonsm,
dislorlioh lo lhe frome os well os lion (melol-lo-melol), scrope ony disconnectlhe brown w re eod ond
severe domoge lo ihe eleclrohlc pqinl ond/or undercooting from lhe the slep will relrocl.

INSIAIIAIION - wirins the step

IMPORTANT: (wikee recommends mognelic)ond q powerswltch. The necessory. ll lhe leqds lo lhe door
whing lhe step lo lhe vehicle door sw lches moy be identfied by the swilch qre tighl, ii would be ex-
bqflery qs opposed to lhe "house" fo ow ng d ogroms. tremely dllllculi io reploce.
bqtlerydue lo poienliol inlerleF
ence lrom olher circuils. When in 2. Once preimjnory preporoions ore 3. Connect o l6 gouge (mnimum)
doubt coll Kwikee's service deporl- fin shed for doorswtch lnsio lolion wre irom ihe oiherlermino ol lhe
menl qt I (800) 736-9951. (dlil ng holes, etc. See swlch instollo' plunger door swiich or lorge mognelic
uons below l, connecllhe brown wre reed swich or ihe wire leods oJ ihe
NOTE: Prior to connecting ony eod from thevehic e hof of lhe four' oiher lwo mognetic door sw lches to
. wirind. disconnecl lhe vehicle's woy plug to the door switch (1o o the chosss ground. Agood ground
t powei'source ol lhe boliery. Ee sure term no on lhe plunger swtch or orge connecion is necessoMto nsure
the long l0 gouge greeh wire is mognelc reed swilch, or to o wire proper step operotion t s suggested
grounded lo ihe vehicle chqssis. eod on the olher 1wo mognetic thot o mochine screw, externo/
swilches) []se o min mum of l6 nterno -tooth lockwosher, ond o nut
l. The firstsiep n wiring the slep is to gouge wke be used insieod of o coorse lhreod
determine ihe switch confourolion for sheet meloLscrew. Ploce the exlernol/
ihe slep thot is belng lnsio led. De- NOIE: Do noi pull this leod tight. nterno loolh Lockwosher belween lhe
pending on the swtch pockoge, lhe Ledve d litlle slock, even if encosed coble ond the veh cle chosss Scrope
slep moy be conirolLed byony of four in on insulolor tube. Replocemeni ony poinl cleor 011his connection
door swtches (eiiher punqer or ol lhe door swilch mdy somedqy be po nlto insure o good ground.

: ,t[f--.- \

Figure 2
Poge 7
INSTALAIION - wiring the Step (Reter to Poge l0 ,or wiring Schemotic)
4. N4ount the door switch n lhe door step should beg n io exiend when lhe
jomb (see be ow). entronce door s opened beh4een
one 10 four inches. Less thon one inch
A Plunger-Style Swilch moy resuli n ihe step oscillolng
lerlend ond retrocllduelo rood
i. Locol-a ond drllo 3/4 d orn.-6ler hole vibrolon wh e iroveling. The round
'to mount the door swlch nlhedoor mognetic swiich design is mounled
frome on the h jmpoironl
nge side ll is into the dooriomb The mognel s
tholthere s ompe cleoronce n lhe nsiq ed in the door, opposile lhe
door frome for the door swtch body swllch
llnder noc rcurnsionces. shou d lh-a
door swtch hove io be forcecl nlo ts Locole ond dri o3/8 diomeierhoe
mouning postion W r ng io ihe swlch io mount the door swtch in the door
should come up through ihe hollow irome on the lock sde ll is importoni
door lrome The lermno s olihe reor ihotihere is ornpe c eoronce in the
of the door swilch musl noitouch ony door ffome forthe door swilch body
metolsurfoce when lhe wires ore looknq olihe lock sde of the door.
connected.Ihis would couse the ljnder no c rcumstonces, should lhe Figure 3
swtch to shod oncl molluncl on. ll is door swilch hove lo be lorced into ils
fecornmended lhol o screen door mount ng pos i on. W r ng 10 the swtch
not b,6 used to oclvolethe door shou d come up ihrough the ho ow
sw tch doorifome. After w ng is compleled,
mounl lhe swlich to the door jomb by
ii. To insure properoperolon of the screwnq down the door sw tch DIole
step, the bullon oflhe door swtch
musl be depressed ot eosllwo-thirds nstol the mognel in the door, oppo-
ol ils trovelobllily when the door s sle the swilch Precise ved col ploce-
cosed. ll des red ond when room menl of the moqnei s crilcolto door
permls, ofioch lhe poslc door swllch swlch operotion. Once pocement
st ker p ote lo the door, opposle the hos been deiermfed, dr lo 3/8
door swilch llse oddll onol spocers rl d omeler hoe lor the mognel nsert
needed lo ofio n the hvo-thirds lhe mognel, ond screw t down.
depresson forthe door sw tch Spoc-
ers ore ovo obe frorn Kwikee Prodlrcts C. nedongulor Mognelic Peed Swilch
Compony, nc. if needed When ol
preporolons ond wiring ore com- i. The rectongu or mognelc reed
pleted, mountlhe swlch to lhe door swilches ore o surfoce-mount design,
lomb byscrewing down the door wh ch ore besl insiolled on the ock
switch p ole sde ofihe door nsioloiion of the
Figure 4
door slYitches on ihe hinge sde of
B. Round Mqgnetic Swilch the door s noi recommended Ihe does nol hove !!re leods Thus n order
coserthe lwo pieces ore, the betler. lowire ihe slep, the hous ng must be
ATTET{TION: lt is recommended thql lf theyore too for oport, the siep moy removed from lhe swllch pece, ond
lhe swilch be inslolled on lhe lock osc lote (erlend ond retroci)dueio the wrng s then mounled 10 the
side ot the door. ll it is insldlled on lood vibToton wh e lrovelino Adlusl screws Iocoted on lhe swtch. Once
lhe hinge side, the door moy hove lh s spocing occord ngy so thoi ihe wlrlng is completed the swtch ond
lo open ioo lor before lhe siep slep begins to exiend when the mognet ore screwed directlyto the
slods lo exlend. On curved sided door s opened behveen one to four door from-6 ond door, respeclively
vehicles only, the swilch mdy be inches The smo reclongulor mognelic reed
inslqlled on lhe hinge provided lhoi swiich does hove wire leods Ihis
ll con be done in o woy ihoi lhe ii.Ihough operolon oflhese fivo door swilch olso hos on odhesve bocking
step begins lo exlencl when lhe swilches s vduo lyihe some, ond the for mountng. N,loke sureihoithe door
door is opened one to four inches. ocotion for nsto otion does noi frome ond door surfoces hove been
l. Some expe menlolon wllh the chonge, the procedure for insiolLoion wped cieon before slickng ihe swiich
swilch pos ton moy be necessory to s soane[/hot d tferenl The lorge ond mognet to them Screwing the
och eve proper siep operoton The rectongu or mognelc reed swlch swich ond moqnei down os o
Poge 8
INSIALIAIION - wiring the step (Refer lo Poge 'l o lor wiring Schemqtic)
precoutionory meosure s olso recom- lhe four-woy p ug lo the vehlcefuse discussed n the nexl slep onylvhere
J mended. b ock. The yellow wire must go to o
lerrnino mo*ed GN (gnitlon) orto
be veen lhe four woy plug ond the 25
omp fuse or c rcuil breoker.
5. Locote ond cul o hoe lo mouniihe onolher lerm nollhol is hol onlywhen
power switch. NOIE: Do hol lnsiqll the gnilion siurned on A5 omp 9. Connecl ihe red power eod from
lhe power swilch completely uniil moxmum fuse or circul breoker s the iour woy pluq io ihe 12 voll DC
ollwiring to the swiich is in plqce. recommended in lhe yelowwre. llse botterythrough o 25 omp fuse or
if ihe rocker power swilch is supplled I6 golge wre mnimum. Kw kee clrcuil breoker designoled for step use
by Kw kee, the power switch moy lecommends lhot ihe ignjlion override only
be mounted 'os is bycullinqo svstem lvellow wire) be connected on
9/16 x l/8 hole lor lhe swtch io snop o iinstolloions Th s nsureslhoithe WARNINO: Do nol conneci this wire
into NOIE: This hole rnusl be very slep wjl be retrocted before trovellng. io qny olher circuli ihoi exisls lo run
occurqle. Ihe swich moy olso be On some l.ove lroie. ond lfth whee olher functions. Fulhermore, do nol
moLrnted using o iemplole. Cut o opplcolons, il rnoy not be feosble lo connecidny olher ruhcilons lo lhis
5/B x I l/2' hoeio mounttheswtch connecl lhe ve low wire lf this opp ies circull. The clrcull musi be dedi-
using o lernploie NoTE: There musl 10 this nstollollon,le offtheye oww re coled io slep use only. Folluie lo do
be enough room behind lhe swiich eoding from the four-woy plug (do not s0 wlll couse severe dcmqge lo ihe
lo connecl lhe wires to the swilch connecl lhe ye low wlre to on!4hing), conhol unil, qnd will nol be cov-
lerminqls. A togg e lype swlch s ond wrop llo prolecl ilirom th-a ercd under wqrronly. use l0 gouge
ovo oble ond moy be used f desred. weolher, wre minimum [8 gougefor w r ng runs
over 25 feet)
5. Conneci ihe whte wire eoclfroao 8. Connecl o l6 gouge min mum wlre
the four-woy plug to one of the Irom ihe olher power swilch term nol 10. wrop ony exposed connectons io
termlna s on the power swilch Use l6 io ihe red l0 gouge power eod. A 5 proteclthem from lhe weother. l',4ouni
gouge wlre minlmum omp moxmum luse d citcuit breoker ihe power swiich. Reconneci ihe
s required in ths ne The wire moy be bollery.
7. Connecl iheyelowwire leod frorn connecled to the red power eod

Poge o
INSIAILATION - wiring schemolic

Step wiring

ollochecl to lhe.hossh

Flse block IMPonTANTi

The yellowwiro must go lo o tetminol
mo*ed IGN (isnilion) or to onother
teminol ihql is hot wlren the ignltlon
5 omp mox mlm llse or
cir.u t breo[er ecommended

Vehicle wiring

eiTher p unger or mogneTlc



5 omp r.ox mum llse or

circu l reoker recommencled

IMPORTANT: Kwikee recommends wiring lhe slep to ihe

vehicle boliery os opposed to lhe "house" boltery due lo
poienliol inle erence lrom oiher circuits. When in doubl coll
Kwikee's service dept. ot I (800) 736-9961.

tigure 5
Poge I0


Thh SleD Test Pro.-edrne hos be-on
- I" provded os the eos esl ond quicl,e+
woy to troubleshoolond test ol ofthe
Kwikee outomoic eleclrc siep
functions. lt is designed lo lnitolly
check ihe slep bosic lunctions sepo-
role y from the RV w r ng, lhere by
determining whether or notthe slep s
mo funcioning. From lhot ln iol
determ notion,the procedure goes on
to lest the vorious components oJ the
slep untillhe source oflhe mollunc-
Uon s ocoied. Using th s procedure wrll
shorien ond reduce the ilme speni

Some portions of this test require

Figure 6
oddltono equlpmenf. This equ pmenl
includesi o volrneler, o well chorged
I 2 volt DC outomotive bofiery, ond o 3. D sconnect the 4-woy plug on the Remove the brown wre ond lhe
4-woy extended-wire pigloi (Port underside of ihe siep ond connecllhe slep should retrocl.
#909336. ovo lob e from Kwikee step-holf of the pug wth the ex-
Products Componvl. tended wire pgioi conneclor {see 8. As in Slep 7, exlend the slep
Poge l0 - Wi ng Schennolic). ogoin. Wiih the step extended,
WA.PNING: '12 voli quiomolive disconneclthe wh te w re filsl ond
bqtieries conioln sullurlc ocld 4. Set o fu y chorged 12 vol DC then d sconnectthe brown wire
which con couse seveG burhs. oL omolve bolrery beside the step The slep shoud remoin extended.
qllow boflery
-J Avold cohlocl with lhe skin, eyes
ohd clolhing. l2 volt oulomolive
lerminols lo come in coniqcl with 9. With the step stil extended,
botleries produce hydrogen gos the step. Cornpiele o ground forlhe louch the yelow wireio the bolteny's
which is explosive; keep cigoretles, slep lesls by connecting o l0 gouge positve (+) post. The step shou d
open llomes ond sporks owoy fiom wire from the negotve ( ) posl of the relrocl.
the boltery ot oll iimes, bollerto lhe l0 gouge green ground
wire from the conlrolun L 10. Al this poinl refer to the conirol
Reod ng th s enlire procedure prorlo unil On slep models wlth the numbers
beginn ng the lesis is recommended 5. For lhe power suppy, oftoch the #909514, #909515 or #909591, oll
Shou d you need ossslonce n lhe red wre lrom the exfended-w re slep functons hove been lesled
course of perfo.m ng ihis lesl proce- pigto lto the bofierys positve (+) posl. Proceed to slep I L On slep models
dure, ieeliree io conloct Kwkees ioll wilh the numb,ets #909513, #909516,
free Serv ce Llne ol l lB00) 736-9961. 6. Wth the powerond ground con' #909590 or #909592, test the "Lost
nections complele, o lunclons of Oul'feoture by d sconnecling lhe
Tesling ihe Slep ihe conlrolunilcon be checked clt yellow wire ond then iouching the
the eods io lhe 4-woy efiended-wire brown wire to the bollevs negotve ( )
NOTE: Prior lo beginning lhe lesi pgioil The brown wire is lhe door posi The step should exiend ond
procedure, checklo be sure thol oll swilch, the wh le wire s the power remoln extended
gtound conneclions qre securely swilch, ond the yelloww re js lhe
loslened wilh good melql-to-metol gn tion over de I l. lf ony of the siep funcllons
contdcl. Agood ground ls requhed do not work, the source ofthe mol,
lor proper slep operolloh. WAQNING: Keep oll lingers, orms funclion s either n the controluni
ond legs cleqr of ihe slep mecho- ond/or the molor. Proceed to the
l. lnspeclthe step forvslble domoge nism while peforming these iests. tesi ng the molorsecilon. lf ollof
thot might reslrict'the step's extension. the slep functions do work the
7. While hod ng the while w relo molfuncton is either in lhe door
2. Obtoin o 4'woy pigloi connector the botterys posiiive (+) post, louch swifch,lhe powerswilch or lhe
-v (porl #909336) lrom Kwikee. the brown w.elothe bo11ery's nego- veh cle wirlng Proceed to leslng
tve ( ) posi. The step should extend ihe 4-woy plug - veh cle holf secion

Poge I I
Testing lhe Molor

12. Steps equlpped wlh ihe

Petmonent mognet molor requlre
disconnect ng the motor leods
from the contro Lrnil before opplyng
power lo the rnolor leods (see
Figure 6). To disconneclihe molor Groln.l wi.e l0 goloe sreef
rie l0 qouge qra-n
leods, d sossemb e the molor (re mujbe.ll0 h.e.l t w re, musT be olloched To reh . e
.irosss, o good grolnd"-ah.e
s necesso chosss, o qood gr.lnd s rccesso
leod w re connector seo (Refer to for proper slep cperoT on lor proper siep operoTon
Step 3, nslruciions for ihe Slep Moior
Assembly on Poge l5 for further
deio l)

NOTE: Foilure io dlscohnecl lhe

molor wire ledds from lhe cohlrol
unit prior to opplying power io ihe
molor leqds will domoge lhe
conhol unll ond void worronty. tigure 7 Figure 8
NOTE: Do not cui ony molor or
conhot unil wire leods. Any leods
thot hove been cui willvoid lhe

Afler the moior leods hove been

disconnecled, connecing the motofs
red wire leod to the positve (+) posl of :.
ihe boiieryond the motor's ye ow wr-o Grourd wre la golgegreen
wire, mLrst be olloched io vehce
eod io the negotive ( ) posl of the chosss, o Eood ground s necessdry
ro. prorrer sTep operonon
bolteryw le$end the slep Reversing
ihe ieod connectons w lretroctlhe
step f the step exlends ond retrocts
during ths test,lhe cond lion ol ihe
slep motor is good.

Tesling the 4-wrry Plug -Vehicle Holf

Figure I
13. To checklhe mo n powersource,
connecllhe voltrneler belween lhe 14. To check the power swich, Figure IO
red wire from lhe 4 woy plug (veh cle conneclthe volimeter between the
holllond the ground lermino ollhe whte wre lrom lhe 4-woy pug (veh cle 'the c:rcuils wirng ond term no con-
end of lhe controlunls l0 goug-a ho f)ond ihe iermnoLot the end of nectons
green ground wre (see Figure 7). The the conl.olunils l0 gouge green
reoding shoud be o m nimuan of l2 ground wr-6 (see Figure 81. The reoding 15. To checkthe door swtch, Connect
volls DC. shou d be o m nmum of l2 volls DC ihevollmeier belween ihe red wire
(the some os in Step 13)when the Itom the 4-woy plug (vehic e holf)
J ihevolioge reod nq is low,lhere switch is on, ond zero (0)vots DC ond the brown in lhe some plug (see
moy be o oose or corroded connec- when ihe swltch is ofl Figure 9). Thevolioge shoud be o
tion otthe bollery, or o ow levelon m n mum of l2 volts DC (the some
the bolt-ory itself lf lhe vo loge reoding lf ihe vo imeter reods zero (0)volts os ln siep l3)when ihe door ls open
is zero (0)volts, check the 25 omp when the power switch s on, iheTe s o ond zero {0)volls when lhe door s
fuse/circuitbreoker, olconneclons, probem n ihe power swllch c rcuit. closed.
ond the condtion ol lhe wiring be'
lween the bofiery ond the plug. Checklhe 5 omp n- lne fuse, the f the reod ngs vory (either zero (0) vo 1s
Power Switch iisel, ond lhe condiion of when the door is opened or l2 volis

Poge l2
continuously) there h o probem nthe
L doorswtlch. Check the door swtch
ihe ign Tion rs on ond zero (O) vo is eic.) cqn be connecled to the step
when lhe igntion is off wiring clrcuir. Any device con-
itsell ond the condlion oflhe circulls
nected io lhe sleps wirihg cq.l
wiring ond letnaino connect ons lflhe reoding is zero when the lgn iion cquse ihe step to molfunction ond
s on, check The termino conneclions will void lhe worronfy.
16. To check the gniton override in the vehicle's fLlse/breoker box, the
sysiem, connect the vollmeler cond lion ofThe fuse/circuT breoker Th s conclLtdes lhe Steo Test proc.-a-
behveen the yetow wire from ihe ond The condfon ofthe c rcuil5 \^,iring dure Al lhis po nt, the source of o
4-woy plug (veh cte hoflond ihe ond Term nolconneatons slep's mofuncton shou d be known
ground termjno on the end ofthe
if you hove odditiono questons or
conlrolunifs t0 gouge green NOTE: The slep wirinE circuil musl need moTe osststonce, contocl
ground wire (see F gure l0) be Independenl. No other device Kwikee's Serv ce Representoftv_- ot
The vo toge reoding should be op (i.e. olorm syslems, step weu lightsr
proximotey I2 vots DC when
r t800) 736 996t



Poge I3
Pods shown in lhe lluslrot on on the lollowing poge ore on y ovoioble n k 1 lorm ond connot be oblolned indiv duo ly. To
se ect the thol conloins ihe required pod wh ch s numbered n lhe I uslrotion ond in the firsl column of the ower chod,
locole your step by the descr ptions be ow, ond cross-reference i to the correcl molor ossembv k i numfrer.

doub ened slepr 24 wde neodt trome mecsLnes t0 To i. reirocled posion

npe neoo sTept24 wdeieocl
c.!be neoo sTepr I8l',1 widei'eod
s:ngereod slepr24 wtdenecd;neoo onged down{cla To nonjwhen reTrocied
doJbre lieod sTept 24 l/2" wde reod
sngene.d sTepr23 314 wcelreodr ome meotures 5 t18" tc nrenocledposton
s ng e nelC siepr 23 3/4 wdeirecdrn*d is I l,/8 .teep frome s4t/2 iol renc.jed
s ngle neod sTepr 36 tr.le treod
slnEle ireod sTepr 173,'4 wdeneod
neod 24 w de irecdr lrome nreosues 7 I /8" To !. renocled pos n.n
sing e tre.d nepr28lr8 wdelreod
dolbe lreca s]epr30 wide ne.d
s nqe neod slepr 2. 4rde neoo I / l/2 oeep from lrcnT oi ne.d to bo.k ot eil ohs
s nq e ne.d siep 30 w.le Treodr molnied 10 lnders de of sTep mounTing
s ng e neod siepr 3! i de ireodt molniecj io on onq ed bloc[ei oT itre bock oi sTep
s ngie lieod siept 24 w de lreodr 20 /2 deep trom tro.i of ,eod To boc[ oi en. orms

si.g e lreco sTepr 23 3/ri \!de neod;ireod s l0 318'deep;lrome s r l/2 1o -eirocTed

doubieneod s]epr2,1 !r:de necd; nome meosrres 6 I /2 to nrenocledposton
doub e trecd sTepr24 3/4 wdelreod

tM6l.r .ssemblies ore shipped oss€mbled

Poge l4

Poirs sho\,!n in lhis i ustrol on ore only ovo loble
n kl forrn ond connoi be oblo ned ndivduolly;
reJer 10 lhe ilustrolon beow oncl use the Slep
L,4oTor Ports (ey on the preceding pclge io
selecllhe kttihol conto ns The necessory poTl


I +l0xl 3,':l"sef Toppinqhawoshelhes:lscre{

2 Itloior beorng bro.[e]

,18 MoTcr{hghTorque for lsewlh 23 S:ressiepsl

Ln(oge oss! lroi moTor oss\rs +9095n2 & +9095031

/B L n(oqe ossemb! lTor rncTor ossemby *9Oq5Ot
1C Li.[oge ossemb]! ltor mojor ossembt!, +909504)

11.1 20 ri 1,,4 n ob,o ihreod iormi.g s.rew

t5 +6 x 3i!" sef Topc ng vr'osirer heod scre{
l]oloi 3od weciher seo lpper poie
t7 MoTor reod connedor (bber seo

ivloTor eod weorherseo orer poTe

Figure I I
Poge l5
lnslruclions for removlng lhe motor screws fltern #l ) o ong w th lhe geor cose cover (ihe squore hoes n
ossembly (Porl #9095O1, #9O95O2, beorlng brocket (ltem #21 lhe mouniing pole shoud be owoy
#9O95O3, #9O95O4r ltom ihe slep ironn the moior) ond nsio lond tghien
home ond disdssembly: 7. Geor cose removo: Unboll lhe the 4 screws (llem #14).
moior mounllnq p oie (llem #l3l
Reod o I nslruct ons before stoding lrom the sleD frome. 5. Ium lhe molor ossemby over ond
onY proceclure sel ilon the fol mounling p ote nslo
8. Remove the beor ng {tem #3) the nkoge ossemby (lle'n #7A,, *78
Rerer to the motor ossemby ex- ond the linkoge ossemby ltems #7A, or #7C) n1o the geor cose. Be sure
poded-view drowing on the prevous +78 or #7C) from the geor cose lhe linkoge ossembly seis o thewoy
poge for the tem numbers referred lo (tem #10) o ong with the odopior nlo ihe geor ond beor ng or lhe
rn these nslruclons. geor (ll-am #5)ond shoft (ltem #6) beorng brockel ilem #21wi notset
propery. lhe swvel bollond cost
l. 1 s eosiestto remove ihe Tnolot 9. Iurn the geor cose ossemblyover bock shou d foce ihe lronl oflhe
ossembyirom the step irome I ihe ond remove the 4 screws (tem #l4) mo1orossembly
step lreodls)ore rn o portollyex- from lhe geor cose Lft offthe mount-
iended poslion. if poss ble, pori olly ing p ole (lem #l3). 6. Ploce lhe beorng (liem #3)on the
extend the slep by slondord door nkoge ossembly shoft Poce the
swlch operolron Jihs snotpossibe 10. Remove the beoring (ltem #3) flonge of the beoring down
Plocede to step 2. Lilt oJf the geor cose cover (ltem #l2l
ond :ft oulihe geor Item #] I ), note 7. Lubrcole ond sei the odoplor geor
2. Unp ug the conlrolunilrom the which sde ofthe geor goes up (tem #5) ond odopior geor shoft
veh ce lJoLrr woy plug) Do not culony (ltem #61 n ploce ond mesh wth the
w rng Reossemblyond inslollotion ol ihe mojn geor.
molor ossembly (Porl #909501,
3. Remove the 2 screws Jlem #l5) #9o9 5O2, #9O9 5O3, # 9O95O 41 to a. Repocethe molor (lems #4A or
from ihe connector lllems +i 6 ond the slep frqme. #48)bycorelu y o gning lhe molor
#18)on ihe motor eods (red wre ond ond odoplor geor (ltem #5)so ihey
ye owwire) between the motor ond Reod o lnstructons before sioirng slide iogether. A gn the screw hoes
the coniro un i. Remove the seol onyprocedur,a ond push the moior nto the screw
ossemb,y (ltem # l7). N4oke nole of hole olgnmeni pockets ln the geor
howlhe wires ond connectors ore Reier lo the motor ossernby ex- cose,
ossembled lor reossembV oler ploded'vew drowing on the previous
poge for the item numbers relefied to 9. Poce the beoring brocket (lem +2)
4. Removlng lhe linkoge ossembly n these inslruclions. on lhe motor ossembly ond nstol ond
Removelhe coller pn tem #8)from lighten the molor screws (ltern #l ).
the clevs p n (tem +9) l. ln the fo owing ossemby b-6 sure ol These screws must be verysecure.
beo ng pockeis ond surfoces, geor
5. Remove lhe c evis p n iem #9) ieefh, ond the geor hub socketlhol is I O. Re nslolllhe motor ossemby on
frorn the cosl block n lhe end oi the in the geor cose ore we ubricoted the slep frome ond tighten o mount
inkoge ossembly (tems +14, #7Bat wlh o sutoble greose We recom- ng bolts. Be surethe motor ossembly
#7C) Note wh ch direct on the c,ovs rnend KwikLubetu Sproy Greose. s postioned the some woy the od
p:n goes nio lhe cost bock. lf the step one wos prioTlo Temovol.
is n ls locked posiion, the clevs pin 2. nslol the geor (ltem #l I ) in the
moy hove to be pred or drven oul ol geor cose (1em #l0). Be sure the I l. nstollthe clevs pln (tem #9)
the b ock Loosening lhe molor geor is reinstolled the some woy it wos ihrough the drive orms ottoched to
ossemby mounting bolts moy oho removed {wifh penny sized depres- ihe step frome ond the cost block in
o owlhe c evis p n to be removed sions downl. ihe nkooe ossemblv lllems #7A,
eosier The slep ireodls)shou d sw ng #78 or #7C). Be sure to re nsio llhe
freelywhen ihe clevs p n s removed 3. Ploce the geor cose cover lilem clevs p n the some direciion ii wos
f ihe lreod does noi move lree V, #12) on the geor cose, Set the removed. nstollihe cofier pin (tem
checkfor o benl siep lrorae ond for beornq (iem #3) in lhe cenier hoe o{ #8) in the c evis p n.
rusling ot the pivoi po nts the geor cose cover (the fonge of the
beo ng shou d be up) ond o on the I2. Reconnectihe molor to control
5. Molor removo r The moior (tems squore hole n ihe beor ng wlh the unll leods. Connecllhe conlro untlo
#4A or #48) moy be removed wthout squore hole n lhe geor lhe veh cle (lour-woy plug). Tesi step
removng ihe geor box or lnkoge Juncions
ossembysimpy by removnq the 3 4- Ploce mountng poie (liem #l3l on

Pooe I6

: (fiome only - ovoiloble in btock onlyl
Motor Assembly Kiis (conlinued)
Potl# Descriplion
Porl# Description (tl+9090t8
908022 22 Serles step frome (t ) #9c9045
908023 23 Seres step lrome 909502 motor ossembyki fiat
22,21,3A,32 33,
908024 24 Seres sTep frome
908026 26 Serres step frome
r -. o .8o.o40(e.6 eo I
908027 27 Se es sTep lrome
908028 28 Seres sleO flome ll ) #909550 molor
908029 29 Seres step frome 1tl o0a554 rnloqe
oOof.l '-.ooeo o.or .i,,o
908030 30 Series step frome _ 0 I
34, 35, 36, 3A ond 40 Series stepsl
908031 3l Seres slep lrome inc ud-as
908032 32 Seres slep frome (t ) ir909SS4 tinkoge
908033 33 Series step frome (t)#9090t7cevspn
908034 34 Seres sTep frome
908035 35 Seres slep ffome 1lI+9090t9colterpin
908035 36 Serles slep frome {ll #909045 beorino
909503 molor ossemby kit (for 23"Seres step)
908037 37 Seres step lrorne nc Ltdes
908033 38 Seres step Jrorne
908039 39 Seres slep frome
lll *90955t moior (h gh Torque)
ll ) +90a554 intooe
9080.1C 40 Series slep lronie
908042 42 Seres step lrome inc udes
(t ) +909554 linkoge
Step Frome Mounting Brockets (qvoiloble in pdirs only; (l)#9090t7cevspn
includes mounting hordwore)
lt I #9090t 8 coter pin
Port# Descriplion ll I #909045 becrino
907270 2 drop I for 22, 23, 32, 34, 35, 36, ond 38 90952'l motor reptocement kt
Serles steps)
lh;h torque; 23
Series slepl
inc Ltdes
!i Conhol Unils
(includes (l) #909336 - tour-woy ptug pigtdit)
(l ) #90955t molor
[l ) +909530 po.1s kl
Potl# Descripiion 909504 molor ossembly k1{for 26 Serjes stepl
909513 or use w,holor #909550 ncudes LosiOul nc Ldes
feolure (l ) #909550 moTor
909516 pm contro unlreoy reversed eods I +9095oS nl,ooe
909590 for use wlrnotor #909551 thigh torque)- nc udes ooo-l_ .r ooo o..6^ o,. trfo.-)o .-.te. s--o
Losl Out feotur-- ncludest
(t ) #909565 nkoge
Conlrol Unil Mounling Hordwore
ll I +9090t 7 ctevts ptn
(qpplicoble lo ollstep modets) (l)+9090t8cofierpn
Potl# Descriplion ll ) F909045 beor no
--- inc Lr.l.,os ooo _o -o o ,eoio 6F6' .t Ol .,op\ o..
(.1) +8-32 x 3/8 rype 23 sef-Topp ng screws Ser,-sl
ll I #B el1ernol/nlemo tooth ock wosher nc Lrdest
it ) #909550 moTor
MotorAssembly Kils
P(,tl# Descriplion lll +909530 pods kt
909524 geor box ossembty kt
905205 c evis ond colter p n kl ncludes:
nc udes
l1] #909555 geor cose
(t)#9090t7cevspn lll +909037 georcosecover
lll+9090l8cotterpin (l I #909038 geor
909501 r.otor cssemtl y kf lfor 28, 29, 3t, 3Z ond 39 (l ) #909530 kl
Senes sTeps) 909525 geor kit
nc udes nc udes
ltl#909550 (l ) #909038 geor
(t ) +909553
ll l #909530 pods kt
909553 rnkoge ossemby kT lfor 28, 29, 3t, 37 ond 39 909526 geor cose kT
Seres slepsl nc Lrdesl
nc udes (1) #909555 geor cose
(l ) #909553 nkcrge
[] I #909530 pods kl
[] ) +90901 7

Poge I 7
Motor Assembly Kils (conlinued) Electricol Poris rcis (coniinued)
Potl# Descrlpiion Pdtl# Descripiloh
909527 geor cose cover kl 905305 power switch klt
ncudes: ncludes:
Jl I #909037 geor cose cover (l ) #909016 power switch
{l) #909530 porls kit (l) #908329 trim p ote
909528 pm pin on geor ond sholt kil 905306 door switch , mognetic reclongulor,
909529 pm pin on sholt kit surfoc-a mounl
909530 ports kil 905307 door swilch - mognelic 3/8'round, morlise
lncludes mounl
(l)#909017cevispln 905312 heow duiy rectongu or mognetic swtch
(l ) #909018 colter p n pock
(2) #909045 beorings 90531 3 door swilch ' chrome p unqer pock
909535 molor mouni ng plole kt 905314 door swtch - mognelc 3/4' round
ncudes: 908329 tr m plqle lor power swiich
{l } #907039 motor mounung pote 908361 mounlng/spocer polelor 3/8 dometer
{l) #909530 pods kit mognetc doorswtch, I/l6" thick
909536 motor beoring brocket kil 909336 four'woy conneclor plug (veh cle holf)
ncludes 'o' .\e w il- co'_ol -^ '. =0005 3.
(l ) #909552 motor beorlng brockei #909514, #909590 ond 909591
(l ) #909530 ports kl
909537 motor leod conneclor kit WARNINC: Do nol use pod #909336, the tour-wqy
includesi conneclo. plug (vehicle holf), wiih the oll metol
(l ) #909559 upper clomp p ole conhol uhli or the block plosllc box with melol
11) #909562 ower c omp plote bose conhol unll. To do so moy resuli in domqge
(2) #909558 connector seo s lo lhe conhol unll ohd/or rhe vehicte wking.
Miscelloneous Slep Porls
Molor Assembly Mouniing Hqrdwore Porl# Desc plion
(lor mouniing lhe motor qssembly io lhe siep frome) 908157 stop kt (for 26, 27, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, ond
40 Series steps)
NOIE: Most componenl pieces of the motor dssembly includes
mounting hordwore should be reodily ovoiloble l4) #909134 odjusiob e stops
ihrough your locol RV pqrls supplier or hordwore siore. mouniing hordwore
Also, some lnsidllolions mqy only require lhree mounl- 909332 nonskd self-odher ng lreod 6'xl8'(fits3'l
lng bolls. Ser es slep)
Descripiioh 909333 nonskd self odherlng treod - 6' x 22 (fits 22,
1at 26,28,29,31, ard 39 Serles sleps: 23, 26, 21, 28, 29, 32, 35, 38, 39 ond 40
includes: Se es sleps)
14) ll4-20x314 long cor oge bolts 909334 nonskid self-odhering treod - B x 25 (fls 34
(4) l/4 splt lock woshers ond 36 Sei es sleps)
(4) 1/4-20 hex nuts 909004 understep ight
for 32, 34, 35, 36, ond 38 Se.ies steps:
nc udes: Olher Kwikee Porls
14)1/4 splt lockwoshers Pod# Descripiion
(4) I /4-20 hex nuts 905055 'Kwk-Flopfr - mud flop kitopplcobeto o
for 22,21. 77. o1d 40 (- iessleps (wi(ee elect ic s_eps .e'c ep 26 Se ies
nclLrdesi sleps)
(4) I /4'20 x 3/4' long corr oge bolls 905068 Kw kluberM -l I oz oerosolcon ol gieose
(4) I /4'split ock woshers lubrcont

Elechicol Pqrls KIts Kwikee recommends ihol you checkwilh the locot
Pott# Descripilon RV porls supplier for replocemenl pods. ll your
905302 doorswitch kt (plunger) deoler does noi hqve lhe porls in slock, pleqse
includes conlqci Kwikee oi I (800) 736-995I lor sourclng
(l ) #909316 plunger doorswilch dssistonce.
(l ) #908321 l/B' thick st ker plote
(l ) #908331 door swilch spocer
12) #909317 3116 femole spode wire
co, ^^c,ors l!/ b -e ir_\ .loio.

Poqe I I
Th s odv sory ls nrendedlo expo n worronly procedures wlh regord io KwikeeAuromorc
E ectr c sieps. observing proper
worronly procedures wlllexpedrle the processing of worronly c oims ond reducelhe number of clo ms
thol ore d;ned.
P eose loke nole ol ihe following odvice to ovoid the deniol of worronly or
o reduction n the Te mbursemeni your
' Do not repiqce entire ossembries when repoiring o siep under worronry Reproce onry those ports
ore ocfuory defecrive. rvlotoN, geor coses, geors, lnkoge ossemb res, ond contro unirs ore ol Teoroceobre
o" nd,\id-o oors.
you exchonge o comp ele ossembty when only.the rep ocemeni of on ndividuo pori ts requ
red, ihe
non_defecl ve ports wrl be relurned ond on y rhe defective porr wi be cred ied to you Exompre: rf o nkoge
ossemb y breoks ond the enl re molor ossemby ts reploced to repoir ihe step, the motor, geor cose, ond
geors w I be reiurned to you, ond only the nkoge ossembly wi be credited io yo,. Meonwh
e, you bought
ond poid for on enlire moior ossemby thol you d d nol need
2. Do not use cohversion kirs ror worroniy repoirs, conve^ron kirs ore ntended for rhe conversion of
older sieps wth field wound molors io lhe newer perrnonent rnognei motor system. lf on eniire conversion
k t s used to repoir o slep under worronjy, the non-defecl ve pods w I be returned
ond on y the derecrve porl
wllbe credlied to you. The ourchose of convers on kils for wolontv work wl onlv cost vou monev.
3. Ah RGA (Goods Aulhorizqilon) number must be obloined before qny pdds or cloims ore sehl in.
Coll Kwikee's SeNice Llne ol I (800) 736-9961 for on RGA number C o ms or poTls senl n wilhoul lhrs number
ofioched w ir not be processed, r sk the chonce of being osi, ond wil onry de oy the process ng of your croim.
4. Unless prlor oulhorizotioh is given by (wikee, reimbursemenl of lobor cloims will be limiied
lo lhe periods ol [ime outhorlzed os Iisled in ihe tqble below.


Control Unit 0.5 hours 0 3 hours 0 I hours
Moior 0 5 hours 0.3 hours 0.8 hours
LinkoOe 0 0.3 horrrs 0.3 hours
Geor/Geor Cose 0.3 hours 0 7 hoLrrs I 0 hours
Door Swilch 0 3 hours 0 2 horrrs 0.5 hours
Frome OnV 0 2 hours 0.8 hours L0 hours

5. our worrqnly does nor cover lrover iime, mileoge, or olher Incidenrql cosis. t s lmiied solelv lo ihe
replocemeni of defeclive po16 under worronly ond the I ol rote tobor schedule sied obove.
6. Do not cul ony wires on conkol unils or moiors. Cut w res w ll outomo'r colly void the worronfu os Kwikee
wllhove no woy ol tesling or ve fying your c ojm.
7. lf worronly replocement pqds ore requhed,lhey will be seni out wilh NET 60 Doy lerms. you wll
hove 60 doys to eilher reiurn ihe deiective portor poy forlhe one shipped. rfthe pod relurned tesis oK,
il w ll be reiurned lo you ond you wil be obleJorthe shipped podwth no lopse in your60 dovlerms

Do hot deviqle kom ony of lhe guidelines lisled qbove For questions regording these wo[on]y procedures, lechnico
ossislonce, coll I (800) 736-996 t . sh pping chorges for returnlng ports to Kwikee shol be the responsibilily of the
cuslomer. Kwlkee wi poy sh pp ng chorges when reiurning worronloble goods lo the customer Kw kee w li nol
C O D. shipmenis of ony relurned goods

Poge l9
C eon o ntJc, soi, cnc rood gr me from the step belore LrbrcoTlng LLrbrrcoTe o lrnoving pons lbeor ngs, pvcl pcrnls,
s des, ciells o Il, oNd dr ve I nkoge bo I every 30 doys w th c good quo ly mo sTLrre ond heoT reSistoni peneTrol ng greose
K\,r' [ube
r] Sproy Greose
s sirec o y fcrmLr oted 10 Lrbr cole Kw kee E eclr c STe ps ond s recomTnended for lubr col no o
mcv ng por'ls Referic Thefgures beo,rvfcr ucrcoton occtTons

KwiklubeiM s o L.rn qL-re oeroso greose

thot hos hLrndreds of oLrTomolv.-a
household, ond ndLslrcr uses in
oddliion 1o lubricoling K\r,/lkee Eiecl!ic
NOIE: F gL,res ore to be used os o 3.Fgure4-l OD iube Steps ll sproys on ond nTo forclto
geneicr reference oniy sorne moy ubrcoTe oround drive lube ond reclcfr poces KwikLube' charnges
nol perlcin To yoL-rr portcU crr step bei(een hecrd of lteorng ond drve from o penetroling lLrd lo crlolgh,
mode V e\ /s cre lyp co tc boih encls eg proleclve greose n o mofler of
oi llie sleps nr nuTes The cured 1 m s Tnpefl, o.]s
NOTE: We recommend lhqt ic mo str.]le ond con \r',r ihslond lem-
". F gures I & 3 - squore shoft beor ng penelroting oils ond silicone peroiures obove 400'F (204" Cl Ths
ultrccie otoLtnd olrtsde ond irnder lubriconls nol be used on ihe siep foimu oton oiso conlo ns odd llves to
he,rd of beor ng. ds lhey do nol lost. prevenl rusT ond reduce weor

2. F gLre.1
cr'r slep modeir eq! pped
w 1:piosic cover, th s covef r/ hove
io be removed ic LrbrlcoTe cerTer
beorngs LLrbrcole beorngs !nder
cover every 90 doys

Poo6 20

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