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Santos, Cire Elmoe A.

GED0117 Section 32-MN

George Carlin:

Carlin was unequivocal about his views on disease and how it should be dealt with. He
was a believer in evolution. He chastised humanity's arrogant attempts to exert control over
nature. He believed that the only true immunization was exposure to toxins in the environment.
So, in terms of our global response to this ostensible pandemic, George has already stated (in
You Are All Diseased):

“Fear of germs… why these fucking pussies! Hey, where’s your sense of adventure?
Take a fucking chance, will you? Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for?
It’s for killing germs! But it needs practice… it needs germs to practice on. [In the 1940’s] the
big fear was polio; thousands of kids died from polio every year but you know something? In
my neighborhood, no one ever got polio! No one! Ever! You know why? Cause we swam in
raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems! The polio never had a prayer; we were
tempered in raw shit!”

Of course, there will be more than just disease fear in 2021. There has been a completely
illegal authoritarian takeover. The ostensible threat is being used as a justification for suspending
our liberties. This is something else George rants about in It's Bad For you.

General insights
Have faith in the human immune system. Few in the panic/hysteria mainstream media want
to admit that 99.8 percent of people who contract the virus will survive, almost entirely due to the
human immune system, and that once they recover, they have the antibodies to fight off any
additional exposure, as well as valuable plasma to help other patients. For the young and healthy,
getting the virus now, when their immune systems are at their strongest, may be preferable, as it
was for chicken pox.

Continue to fund potential new treatments or vaccines. There are dozens of vaccines in the
works. Maybe one day we'll have an effective and safe version, but that could take years or never
happen at all. There is no HIV vaccine. Flu has been around for over a century, but vaccines are
only marginally effective, if at all. Perhaps better treatment options for the symptoms will emerge.
Who can say? We should not sacrifice the quality of our remaining years for the sake of hopes and

Remove all restrictions, mandates, business restrictions, and other unconstitutional

government rules. We live in a free nation. The continuation of these fascist, harsh government
decrees endanger people's livelihoods and quality of life. People should be trusted to use their
common sense and take personal responsibility. Businesses and high-risk patients can continue to
use masks, social distancing, and whatever other measures they deem appropriate.

In my opinion, George Carlin was:

• A Student of human nature.
• Insightful
• Intelligent
• Funny
• A careful analyst and user of words
• Irreverent

2. A brief but substantial, bulleted discussion of the difference(s) between 'Hygiene' and
'Grooming' (must follow persuasive communication. Text-only version.

Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping one's body clean in order to prevent the spread of
germs. Grooming is the care of one's fingernails and hair. Examples of grooming activities include
hair styling, shaving, trimming, and painting one's fingernails. Feeling and looking good are
essential for each person's emotional and physical well-being. Hair, skin, nails, teeth, and body
hygiene must be impeccable.
Treatments and services require close contact with clients in any of the hair and beauty
industries. Broken skin or infection on the operator's exposed body parts should be covered with a
waterproof plaster or handy tape (available from pharmacies). If the procedure involves skin
penetration, single-use disposable gloves must be worn.
Personal hygiene which is also referred to as personal care includes all of the following: Bathing
and Showering

▪ Hair care
▪ Nail care
▪ Foot care
▪ Genital care
▪ Dental care
refers to the things that people do to keep themselves clean and make their face, hair,
and skin look nice.

• Accessories
Excessive jewelry should be avoided because it may scratch clients while they are receiving
hairdressing or beauty therapy treatments. Small, discrete pieces of jewelry are permissible.
• Hairstyle
These can range from funky and outrageous to perfectly formed buns, depending on the
workplace. If you go to a hair salon, you might expect to see unusual hair styles and colors;
however, if you go to a spa, the opposite is true.
• Footwear
The footwear style will be determined by the industry. Because there is a health and safety
issue to consider, many industries within the sector expect employees to wear sensible, enclosed,
low-heeled shoes. Dropping sharp tools and implements could cause foot injury if open toed shoes
are worn.
• Make-up and nails
Employees in the hair and beauty industries are typically expected to wear light day make-up,
though some employers may expect more. While the wearing of nail varnish is typically not
permitted in the beauty and spa industries, a nail technician is expected to do so. The most
important thing to remember about make-up and nails is that the application is flawless and that it
does not smudge or chip throughout the day.

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