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School of Business and Management

Business Computing 1 (ISYS2109)

Assignment 1-Part 1
Business Report Plan Requirements

Individual Assessment
Total Marks: 3% of final marks

Due Date: Midnight SUN week 3


Use this document as a check list for you to make sure that you have completed
all the requirements in this submission. You will see square boxes in front of all
the items that you should complete before submitting. Make sure to tick them
for you to remember that you have completed that task.
I. Business Report requirements

Before you start working on this assignment, make sure you read the business report
requirements in assignment 1b in Canvas

II. Requirements for assignment 1a - Planning for the business report

To complete this assignment, you need to submit a one page essay to answer the following two
1. What business analytics methods (descriptive, predictive or prescriptive) that you will
use in the report? Briefly describe the chosen methods and why do you think they are
appropriate to use in the case study? (2% mark)
2. You will need more information to support your report, where and how do you find the
additional information? (1% mark)

The report should include the following components:

1. Title page
2. Answers for the two above questions
3. References

Details of each component are as follows:-

1. Title Page
Your assignment must begin with a “Title Page”. This “Title Page” should have the following
 A suitable title for your assignment. The title should be designed to attract the
attention of the reader.
 At the bottom of the title page you should provide the following information:
o Your full name
o Your student number
o The code name for the course: ISYS2109 – Business Computing 1
o Your workshop tutor/lecturer’s name and workshop time.
2. Answers to the two questions:
 Since the 1st question have twice the weight than the 2nd question, use two thirds of
your page to answer question 1 and one third of the page to answer question 2.
3. References
 List any references used in the report using RMIT referencing standard
 Refer the link:

Naming convention for submission file:

Your submission file should follow the following naming convention:
 {YourStudentID}-A1a-Business Report Plan-{Semester}.docx
 Example: s1234567-A1a-Business Report Plan-2018s1.docx
 Submit your plan through TurnItIn

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