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1.1 Background Information
Hospitals have nurse section that is responsible for patient cases upon admission. This nurse
department supervises a normal patient situation or an emergency situation. It is not
necessarily every patient that have his or her own nurse. A group of patients is supervised
more commonly by few assigned nurse as such group of patients with similar cases are kept
in a ward for proper attention. Situations that a patient will need to call nurse are unavoidable.
When such situation arise, the patient finds it difficult to use the traditional means of shout to
call for help or get down from the bed, walk to the nurse station for complain. In case of
emergency the patient needs a way to call nurse immediately, therefore a Hospital Call
System is designed to achieve this purpose. This system enables increased in response time of
a nurse to patient request. Consequently, a wireless communication system that acknowledge
call from the nurse end is to be implemented. The designed system is a multi-pushbutton
distributed system composed of a master transceiver destined to the nurse station with audio
visual alert system. The master transceiver is connected to the various patients/beds through a
wireless means via a master transceiver. In some Hospital call systems, call signal are only in
one direction from patient to nurse and the device is wired throughout the network. Patient
may not be certain whether or not the call has been seen by the nurse. This may result in
repeatable calls or worry by the patient. Therefore, there is a need from the station by the
nurse to send back an acknowledgment of receipt of patient request.
1.2 Problem Statement
Patients and nurses are not staying in the same place in a hospitals and they need to have
effective communication means between them.
1.3 Aim and Objectives
The aim of the project is to design and implement a hospital call system with following set of
 To be a microcontroller based system.

 To design the power supply unit

 To develop and debug program code for the system

 To simulate the system

 Interface LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)with Micro-controller to display the status of

 Interfacing DF player to give voice outputting emergency

 Interfacing push buttons pressed by patient for attention either from doctors office or
nurse station
1.4 Significance of the Project
 It enable patients to easily alert a nurse when in need of assitance.
 And provides patient an increased sense of security and confidence.
 The call button can also be used by a health care staff member already with the patient
to call for another when such assistance is needed, or by visitors to call for help on
behalf of the patient.
1.5 Scope of the Project
The project covers design and development of communicating circuit that will be able to call
attention of a nurse in a 150 meters’ range, 10 bed wards in a hospital. Which consist of
transmitter and receiver circuit with range of Radio Frequency RF433MHz.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains the theoretical background and description of major circuit components
used to realize the system. It is divided based on the realized block diagram and each unit of
the block and the components used to build the circuit are discussed in this chapter.

2.2 Review of Related Literature

Brain and Weber (1870); “Mechanical Doorbell Call” It comes into existence in 1870s before
dawn of electrical doorbell but after heyday of exterior pulls that operate a bell on a spring.
Typically, an iron case with flat back and two screw tabs, mechanical bell mounted on the
exterior side of the front door. A mechanism of spring and leaver rings the bell via one of
several types of exterior activator.
Mamuda (1997); Design and Construction of Hospital Call System, In this design all the beds
point in the ward are equipped with conveniently located buttons and speaker/microphones
the central point, called the nurse end is equipped with switch and numbered indicator, buzzer
and speaker/microphone. When a patient calls the attention of the nurse by pressing the
button the buzzer sound at the nurse end to alert the nurse an indicator light to show the bed
as to where the call was initiated. To talk with the bed-end, the nurse presses another switch
corresponding to the bed number to complete the communication path. The link is full duplex
with nurse having control over the switch which is achieved through multiplexing and
Sadiq (2009); Ward bed calling system design use discrete components: 555 timer; driver
circuit and seven segment display as his major components in the design.
He used wire as his medium of communication and there is no means of acknowledgement.
The set back of this project is that it is complex and not reliable.
Usman (2016); Design and implementation of microcontroller based wireless hospital bed
calling system, he use microcontroller as a controlling unit; series encoder and decoder with
FM modulation for transmission, reception and coding. The system is wireless but there is no
means of acknowledging the call from the nurse station which result in repeatedly calling by
the patient before the arrival of the nurse.
An interest was developed in order improve on the existing system by making it wireless and
incorporate means of acknowledge the call made. A Hospital call is a pushbutton within a

hospital bed that allows patients on the bed to alert a nurse or other health staff remotely of
their need for help. When the pushbutton is pressed, a signal alerts staff at the nurse station
and usually a nurse or nurse assistant responds to such call. Some systems also allow the
patient to speak directly to the staffers; others simply beep or buzz at the station and
indicating by displaying the room or bed number where the patient is requiring a staffer to
actually visit the patient's room to determine the patient's needs.
2.3 Theoretical Background
Electromagnetic wave was predicted in mathematical treaties by James Clerk Maxwell in
1865, then a professor at college London. The German scientist, Heinrich Hertz had verified
the existence of these waves in 1885 using spark between two electrodes as his transmitter
and a similar pair as his receiver. However, a more sophisticated system using an aerial, an
earth and improved detector sent out the first – dot radio telegraph message in 1896. The
range of this communication system was just two miles.
In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi opened the way for modern wireless communications by
transmitting the three-dot Morse code for the letter ‘S’ over a distance of three kilometers
using electromagnetic waves. From this beginning, wireless communication has developed
into a key element of modern society. From satellite transmission, radio and television
broadcasting to the now ubiquitous mobile telephone, wireless communication has
revolutionized the way societies function. Wireless technology is differentiated on the basis
of their range. Some offer connectivity within few feet’s viz. Bluetooth and other cover
medium sized office space. The mobile phone covers whole continents. Wireless technology
offers e-commerce more flexible and in-expensive ways to send and receive data. The four
key benefits of wireless technology are as under -

 Increased efficiency - High technology communication systems lead to faster transfer

of information within business and between customers.
 Rarely out of touch - No need to carry cables or adapters in order to access office
 Greater flexibility for users - Wireless workers in the office can be networked without
sitting at dedicated PC’s.
 Reduced Cost - Wireless networks are mostly cheaper to install and maintain than
wired networks.
Application of wireless communication ranges from industrial, commercial and domestic. As
it was applied here in communication between points, others have also used it in various

places or practice. Broadly speaking, telecommunication refers to branch of electrical
engineering and applied physics that deal with the electrical communication of information:
Electrical communication involves the science and technology of collecting information from
a source, transforming it into electrical current or fields, transmitting same over suitable
transmitting channels to its intended destination, and reconverting it into a form that can be
interpreted by receiving entity. The major divisions of telecommunication are: telephony,
telegraphy and radio transmission. These may be further divided into several subdivisions
based on various criteria, however, these are no concern to us here. The invention the triode
vacuum tube by Lee de Forest in 1906 and subsequent improvements in 1912, provide the
means of amplifying phone signal. However, since the invention of transistor in 1948, it has
increasingly replacing electron tube in communication circuit. It has also taken over the
functions of electro-mechanical relays and other mechanical switching device. Moreover,
logic circuit, semiconductor diodes and transistors in conjunction with computer technology
have been use to create purely electronic switching system.
2.3.1 Power Source
(I) Electrical Transformation
Electrical transformation is a process in which voltage is level is change from one value to
another based on the mutual induction between two circuit linked by a common magnetic
flux; it consists of two inductive coils which electrically separated but magnetically link
through a path of low reluctance it can be either step up or step down as shown in the figure 5
below, at the same frequency it depend on the area of the application.

(a) step down (b)step up

Figure 1: Transformer schematic diagram (
(II) Rectification
The need to convert voltage from ac to dc bring about rectifier, which is a circuit employ one
or more diodes to convert ac voltage into pulsating dc voltage. Full wave bridge rectifier
circuit is most frequently used for electronic dc power supply. It requires four diodes to
convert ac into pulsating dc by eliminating the negative half-cycle of the ac voltage being
rectified. There are different types of rectification depend on the application below are some

different type:The full Wave Rectifier circuit of two diodes, one for each half of the cycle. A
multiple winding transformer is used whose secondary winding is split equally into two
halves with a common center tapped connection, (C). This configuration results in each diode
conducting in turn when its anode terminal is positive with respect to the transformer center
point C producing an output during both half-cycles, twice that for the half wave rectifier so
it is 100% efficient as shown below.

(a)Full Wave Rectifier Circuit (b)The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

Figure 2: Voltage Rectification circuit (

(III) The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
Another type of circuit that produces the same output waveform as the full wave rectifier
circuit above, is that of the full Wave Bridge Rectifier. This type of single phase rectifier uses
four individual rectifying diodes connected in a closed loop “bridge” configuration to
produce the desired output. The main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does not
require a special centre tapped transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single
secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the
other side.
(IV) Half wave rectifier
The Half wave rectifier is a circuit which converts an ac voltage to dc voltage. The circuit
shown below the transformer serves two purposes.
i. It can be used to obtain the desired level of dc voltage (using step up or step down
ii. It provides isolation from the power line. The primary of the transformer is connected
to ac supply. This induces an ac voltage across the secondary of the transformer.
During the positive half cycle of the input voltage the polarity of the voltage across the
secondary forward biases the diode. As a result a current I L flows through the load resistor,
RL. The forward biased diode offers a very low resistance and hence the voltage drop across

it is very small. Thus the voltage appearing across the load is practically the same as the input
voltage at every instant. During the negative half cycle of the input voltage the polarity of the
secondary voltage gets reversed. As a result, the diode is reverse biased. Practically no
current flows through the circuit and almost no voltage is developed across the resistor. All
input voltage appears across the diode itself. Hence we conclude that when the input voltage
is going through its positive half cycle, output voltage is almost the same as the input voltage
and during the negative half cycle no voltage is available across the load. This explains the
unidirectional pulsating dc waveform obtained as output. The process of removing one half
the input signal to establish a dc level is aptly called half wave rectification.
(V) Filtration
Filter capacitor should be capable to hold peak-to-peak ripples at approximately 1% (0.01) of
the peak voltage. The function of the filter is to smooth the pulsations present in the output
voltage supplied by the rectifier. In practice, no filter gives output voltage that is as ripple-
free as that of a battery, but it considerably reduces the ripple to certain extent. A capacitor is
used to achieve the filtering as shown in figure 7 below: (V.K and Rohit 2008)

Voltage, V

Time, t

(a) Connection (b) wave form

Figure 3: Voltage Filtering (
(VI) Regulation
Precise voltage level is provided using voltage regulator which is used to regulate voltage
level. When a steady, reliable voltage is needed, then voltage regulator is the preferred
device. It generates a fixed output voltage that remains constant for any changes in an input
voltage or load conditions. It acts as a buffer for protecting components from damages. There
are two types of voltage regulators: Linear and switching voltage regulators; these are used in
wider applications. Linear voltage regulator is the easiest type of voltage regulators. Linear
voltage regulator and switching voltage regulator.

2.3.2 The Microcontroller Unit
The processing unit has microcontroller as its prime mover. microcontroller is a small, low-
cost and self-contained computer-on-a-chip that can be used as an embedded system. A
microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core,
memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of NOR
flash or OTP ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of
RAM. A few microcontrollers may utilize four-bit expressions and work at clock rate
frequencies, Microcontrollers usually must have low-power requirements since many devices
they control are battery-operated. Microcontrollers are used in many consumer electronics,
car engines, computer peripherals and test or measurement equipment. And these are well
suited for long lasting battery applications. The dominant part of microcontrollers being used
now a days are implanted in other apparatus. Classification of Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers are characterized based on bus-width (Number of Bits), instruction set,
memory architecture and memory devices. This article is going to describe some of the basic
types of the Microcontroller that newer users may not know about. The figure 3 below shows
the major classification

Figure 4: microcontroller classification (

(I) Classification According to Number of Bits (bus-width)
The following bits are available 8-bits, 16-bits and 32-bits microcontroller. In 8- bit
microcontroller, the point when the internal bus is 8-bit then the ALU is performs the arithmetic
and logic operations. The examples of 8-bit microcontrollers are Intel 8031/8051, PIC1x and
Motorola MC68HC11 families. The 16-bit microcontroller performs greater precision and

performance as compared to 8-bit. For example 8 bit microcontrollers can only use 8 bits,
resulting in a final range of 0×00 – 0xFF (0-255) for every cycle. In contrast, 16 bit
microcontrollers with its 16 bit data width has a range of 0×0000 – 0xFFFF (0-65535) for every
cycle. A longer timer most extreme worth can likely prove to be useful in certain applications and
circuits. It can automatically operate on two 16 bit numbers. Some examples of 16-bit
microcontroller are 16-bit MCUs are extended 8051XA, PIC2x, Intel 8096 and Motorola
MC68HC12 families.The 32-bit microcontroller uses the 32-bit instructions to perform the
arithmetic and logic operations. These are used in automatically controlled devices including
implantable medical devices, engine control systems, office machines, appliances and other
types of embedded systems. Some examples are Intel/Atmel 251 family, PIC3x.

(II) Classification According to Memory Devices

The memory devices are divided into two types, they are

(a) Embedded memory microcontroller:

When an embedded system has a microcontroller unit that has all the functional blocks available
on a chip is called an embedded microcontroller. For example, 8051 having program & data
memory, I/O ports, serial communication, counters and timers and interrupts on the chip is an
embedded microcontroller.

(b) External memory microcontroller:

External Memory Microcontroller: When an embedded system has a microcontroller unit
that has not all the functional blocks available on a chip is called an external memory
microcontroller. For example, 8031 has no program memory on the chip is an external
memory microcontroller.

(III) Classification According to Memory Architecture

Memory architecture of microcontroller are two types, they are namely:

(a) Harvard memory architecture microcontroller

Harvard Memory Architecture Microcontroller: The point when a microcontroller unit has a
dissimilar memory address space for the program and data memory, the microcontroller has
Harvard memory architecture in the processor.

(b) Princeton memory architecture microcontroller

Princeton Memory Architecture Microcontroller: The point when a microcontroller
has a common memory address for the program memory and data memory, the
microcontroller has Princeton memory architecture in the processor. AVR microcontroller is

developed by Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan from Atmel Corporation. The AVR
microcontrollers are modified harvard RISC architecture with separate memories for data and
program and speed of AVR is high when compare to 8051 and PIC. The AVR is stands for
Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan’s RISC processor.

(IV) Classification According to Instruction Set

Instructions set are categorized as follows:
(a) Complicated Instruction Set Computer (CISC) microcontroller:
When an MCU has an instruction set that supports many addressing modes for the arithmetic
and logical instructions and when there are the memory accesses during the ALU operations and
the data transfer instructions, the MCU is said to be possessing CISC-architecture. CISC provides
flexibility in choosing various ways of performing the data transfer, arithmetic and other
operations. For example, it is feasible to add contents of two registers or add the register and
memory or add the bits at two memory addresses in a CISC. Instructions are of variable number
of bytes in the CISC. These can take varying amounts of time interval for execution. An example
is Intel 8096.
(b) Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) microcontroller:
When an MCU has an instruction set that supports a few addressing modes for the arithmetic
and logical instructions and just a few (load, store, push and pop) instructions for the data
transfer, the MCU is said to be of RISC architecture. RISC provides no flexibility in choosing the
many different ways of performing the arithmetic and logic operations. These operations are
performed after the load of operands in the registers, and the results of these operations are
placed in registers. The register contents are later on stored in the memory. RISC implements
each instruction in a single cycle using a distinct hardwired control. It uses a lesser amount of
circuitry. It has less power dissipation. There is reduced instruction set. Instructions are of
fixed number of bytes and take a fixed amount of time for execution. It has many registers.
Therefore, operations can be performed using them. The need for external fetches from the
memories are greatly reduced. (An external fetch is to be done by the CPU for an operand
more frequently in the CISC). The RISC provides a higher performance in computing than
the CISC. This is because little need of the external fetches, which takes a significant amount
of processor time. High performance is also because of hardwired implementation of
instructions. An example of RISC architecture is the ARM processor family-based MCU

(V) Classification According to Family:

The microcontrollers can also be classified according to their family. Family is usually a
company or a manufacturer in which controller is fabricated. Each family has its own
architecture and instruction set. some though 8051 is famous but PIC and ARM are going
more popular than 8051. Different family are listed below

a. ARM
b. National
c. Texas
d. Others
e. PIC
f. Motorola
g. 8051
h. Intel
i. Atmel
j. Dallas
k. Philips
l. Siemens

Table 1: Pin Description and Functions

Pin Number Description Function

1 PC6 Reset
2 PD0 Digital Pin (RX)
3 PDI Digital Pin
4 PD2 Digital Pin (TX)
5 PD3 Digital Pin (PWM)
6 PD4 Digital Pin
7 Vcc Positive Voltage (Power)
8 GND Ground
9 XTAL 1 Crystal Oscillator
10 XTAL 2 Crystal Oscillator
11 PD5 Digital Pin (PWM)
12 PD6 Digital Pin (PWM)
13 PD7 Digital Pin
14 PB0 Digital Pin
15 PB1 Digital Pin (PWM)
16 PB2 Digital Pin (PWM)
17 PB3 Digital Pin (PWM)
18 PB4 Digital Pin
19 PB5 Digital Pin
20 AVCC Positive voltage for ADC

21 AREF Reference Voltage
22 GND Ground 23 PC0 Analog Input
23 PC1 Analog Input
24 PC2 Analog Input
25 PC3 Analog Input
26 PC4 Analog Input
27 PC5 Analog Input

2.3.3 Buzzer
The input transducer in both the two points is pushbutton. A pushbutton switch is a
transducer that converts action into electrical signal. Buzzer is a device used to converts
electrical voltage signal into audible sound. It is an electro-magnetic inducting device that
function in reverse of a solenoid. It consists of a movable coil, diaphragm, the fixed core and
the diaphragm used to generate sound. The figure below shows a buzzer and its internal

Figure 5: Buzzer schematics diagram (

2.3.4 Resistor
These are two-terminal passive electrical component that implements electrical resistance in
a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal
levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other
uses. There are many different Types of Resistor available for the electronics constructor to
choose from, from very small surface mount chip resistors up to large wirewound power

Plate 1: Typical Resistor (

There are many thousands of different Types of Resistor and are produced in a variety of
forms because their particular characteristics and accuracy suit certain areas of application,
such as High Stability, High Voltage, High Current etc, or are used as general purpose
resistors where their characteristics are less of a problem. All modern fixed value resistors
can be classified into four broad groups:

(i) Carbon Composition Resistor – Made of carbon dust or graphite paste, low wattage

(ii) Wire-wound Resistor – Metallic bodies for heat sink mounting, very high wattage
(iii) Semiconductor Resistor – High frequency/precision surface mount thin film
There are a large variety of fixed and variable resistor types with different construction styles
available for each group, with each one having its own particular characteristics, advantages
and disadvantages compared to the others. To include all types would make this section very
large so I shall limit it to the most commonly used, and readily available general purpose
types of resistors. How to read Resistor Color Codes

Black Brown Orange Blue Violet Grey White

Red Yellow Green
1 2 4 7 8 9 0
3 5 6

Figure 6: resistor color code (

2.3.5 Capacitor
Reservoir capacitors are used in power supplies where they smooth the output of a full or half
wave rectifier. They can also be used in charge pump circuits as the energy storage element
in the generation of higher voltages than the input voltage. Overview of different capacitor
types. There are many different types of capacitor that can be used - most of the major types
are outlined below:

I. Ceramic capacitor: The ceramic capacitor is a type of capacitor that is used in
many applications from audio to RF. Values range from a few picofarads to
around 0.1 microfarads.
II. Electrolytic capacitor: Electrolytic capacitors are a type of capacitor that is polarised.
They are able to offer high capacitance values - typically above 1μF, and are most
widely used for low frequency applications - power supplies, decoupling and
audio coupling applications as they have a frequency limit if around 100 kHz.
III. Silver Mica Capacitor: Silver mica capacitors are not as widely used these days,
but they still offer very high levels of stability, low loss and accuracy where space
is not an issue.

Figure 7: polarized and non-polarized capacitors symbol (

2.3.6 Diode
A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one
direction; it has low resistance in one direction, and high resistance in the other. There are
many types of diodes as Generic, Schottky, Shockley.Constant current, Zener, Light emitting,
Photo, Step recovery, Tunnel, Varactor, PIN, Vacuum diode, Gunn diode, Signal and power

Figure 8: polarized and non-polarized capacitors symbol ( Small Signal Diode

It is a small device with disproportional characteristics and whose applications are mainly
involved at high frequency and very low currents devices such as radios and televisions etc.
With respect to the functional frequencies of the signal diode the carrying capacity of the
current and power are very low which are maximum nearly at 150mA and 500mW.

(i) The silicon signal diode has high voltage drop at the coupling about 0.6 to 0.7 volts
so, it has very high resistance but low forward resistance. On other hand.
(ii) Germanium signal diode has low resistance due to low voltage drop nearly at 0.2 to
0.3 volts and high forward resistance. Due to small signal the functional point is not disrupted
in small signal diode. Large Signal Diode
These diodes have large PN junction layer. Thus the transformation of AC to DC voltages is
unbounded. This also increases the current forward capacity and reverse blocking voltage.
These large signals will disrupt the functional point also. Due to this it is not suitable for high
frequency applications.

The main applications of these diodes are in battery charging devices like inverters. Since it
has high current and voltage performance these can be used in electrical devices which are
used to suppress high peak voltages. Zener Diode
It is a passive element works under the principle of zener breakdown. First produced by
Clarence zener in 1934.It is similar to normal diode in forward direction, it also allows
current in reverse direction when the applied voltage reaches the breakdown voltage. It is
designed to prevent the other semiconductor devices from momentary voltage pulses. It acts
as voltage regulator.

(a) Zener Diode symbol (b) Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Figure 9: PN Junction Diode (
These diodes convert the electrical energy in to light energy. First production started in 1968.
It undergoes electroluminescence process in which holes and electrons are recombined to
produce energy in the form of light in forward bias condition.
2.7 LED

(LED) Is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric current passes
through it. The light is not particularly bright, but in most LEDs it is monochromatic,
occurring at a single wavelength.

Figure 10: LED

2.8. Crystal Oscillator

Crystal Oscillator uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric
material to create an electrical signal with a precise frequency. This frequency is often used to
keep track of time, as in quartz wristwatches, to provide a stable clock signal for digital
integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. the most
common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits
incorporating them became known as crystal oscillators, but other piezoelectric materials
including polycrystalline ceramics are used in similar circuits.

Figure 10: Crystal oscillator

2.9 Development Board (Arduino UNO)

A micro-controller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor
core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. The important part is that a
micro-controller contains the processor (which all computers have) and memory, and some
input/output pins that you can control. (often called GPIO - General Purpose Input Output
Pins). The arduino Uno board. This combines a micro-controller along with all of the extras
to make it easy to build and debug projects.

Figure 11: Arduino UNO

Liquid crystal displays an electronic display module that finds a wide range of application in
circuit. It is preferred over seven segment and other multi-LED display because it is more
programmable and economical. A 16*2 LCD can display 16 characters per line.

Figure 12: Liquid crystal display



3.1 Introduction

This chapter contains block diagram and flow explanation of the between the various units
that constitute the system; the design of each unit based on specification mentioned
(Calculation of its value and selection of components required) and overall electrical
circuitry and its explanation.
3.2 The Block Diagram

Figure 13:The Block Diagram

Figure 14: Circuit Diagram
3.3.1 Power supply

Figure 15: Power supply

Unit specification
Input AC voltage = 230/9Vac
Frequency = 50Hz Regulated D.C output voltage = 5v.D.C
Output current = 1000mA
(i) Transformer selection
Based on the unit specification above for power, a step down transformer of
size (rating) 230v/9vac, 1000mA in required and in off the shelf i.e available
at market.
Vrms = 9vac
Vpeak = 2 x Vr,ms …………………………………………. (1)
V peak = 2 x 9
Vpeak = 12.72v
(ii)Diode rectifier selection.
There are three type of rectifier, halt-wave rectifier; full-ware two-diode rectifier and full-
ware four diode rectifier (bridge rectifier). Bridge rectifier will
be use due to its efficiency. A. Diode capacity of 1000mA in required and in available at the
market. Diode No. IN4001 has been selected.
Vpeak = 12.72v
Vd.c =2 ……………………. . (2)
V d.c =212.72 = 8.1
(iii) Filtering capacitor selection
The filtering capacitor should hold peak-to peak ripple at approximately 1%(0.01) of the peak
voltageThe maximum load current 1m =?
Im =√2 x………………………………. (3)
Im =√2 x 1000 x 10-3
Im = 1.4a
Irms. Is the transform output currant =1000MA
Average laced current Id.c =?
=2× 1.4=0.9A
The value of arrange laced current in the DC current that the power supply unit deliver to the
circuit. The ripple voltage in give as:
Vripple =0.01 x 0d,c...........................................................(4)
=0.01 x 0,81=0,081v
The shunt capacitor value can be obtain from the relation
a =𝑑.𝑝𝑒 4√3..............(5)
When f in the frequency of the AC supply vergea= 0.9500.0814√3
From the e-series for capacities available for pitcher the particular value in notavailable for
pitcher the particular value in not available, but we can use equalor cascade contender
(iv) voltage regulator deletion
Since the required circuit voltage in 5v DC regulator the output of the powersupply must
maintain constant 5vd.c to supply the 1ooc. And this can be donewith use of zanier diode
voltage regulatorIs:
Vz=5.1v Vin=8.1v
Vout =5v
Is= Vin – VoutRsRl
volt = 5 = 0.93ΩRs 0.7218Rs =
Vin – VoutIi= 8.1 – 51000 x 10-3= 3.1 Ω.
But there is 5v voltage regulator off the shelf come in series of LM7805.

3.4 Implementation
The programming language used to program the microcontroller is C, which can be
written in Code Vision AVR software that deals with the microcontrollers. The micro that we
used is ATmega8. The projects consists of two units “Master and Slaves”. All units
connected with each other through (+12, GND and DATA). The DATA lines connected with
UART ports in the microcontrollers using a special continuation explained below.
The Master Unit is a central unit to be fixed in Nurse Department and we made 1 Master PCB
board. It consists of microcontroller, Digital display with 2 7-Segments, LED, Buzzer and
The Slave Unit is a terminal unit that will be in patients’ rooms. We made 3 PCBs with one
of them has higher priority to test the functionality of the system. Each contains a
microcontroller, LED1, LED2, Button and DIP Switch to specify the room number.
We can serve up to 100 room. We will give room “Ur” higher priority in request execution.
Address 00 is assigned to this room.

3.5 Multi drop bus

A multi-drop bus (MDB) is a computer bus in which all components are connected to the
electrical circuit. A process of arbitration determines which device sends information at any
point. The other devices listen for the data they are intended to receive.
Multi-drop buses have the advantage of simplicity and extensibility. However, modern
SDRAM chips exemplify the problem of electrical impedance discontinuity. Fully Buffered
DIMM is an alternative approach to connecting multiple DRAM modules to a memory
controller. Since 2000, multi-drop standards such as PCI and Parallel ATA are increasingly
being replaced by point-to-point systems such as PCI Express and SATA.
In our case, we modified the UART connection (RXD, TXD) to form a multidrop bus with
one data wire only as shown in figure below.
Normally, TX is high, when one microcontroller wants to send a value to the bus, zeroes
are based as the diode is normally biased. The other TX pins on the other devices are
unaffected of their diodes are reverse biased.
Figure 16: Multidrop Bus Overview.

Furthermore, this connection allows us to verify the correct transmission of data as the
transmitter also receives the sent data. If the received data is different from the sent, then the
transmitter knows and can resend the data again as explained below.

3.6 Slave Unit

Slave unit composed of external Crystal Oscillator which ensure the stability of clocking. We
can see also the pins for programming the microcontroller.

Figure 16.1: Slave Unit Flow Chart.

The request will be sent when the button is pressed, which will execute the following: LED1
will be lit, which indicate that the request is being sent now. The transmission will be done
through (TXD) of the microcontroller. The microcontroller will send the ID of patient’s room
which will be identified using DIP Switch connected to the microcontroller. After that,
microcontroller will receive the data from RXD and compare the ID with the one it has, in
case of not equal the microcontroller will wait for a period related to its ID, then it will resend
ID automatically through UART and compare the receive data with ID, etc. On the other
hand, when the received ID equal to the microcontroller ID, the microcontroller will stop
sending the ID to the master unit. LED1 stays lit until the microcontroller receives a signal to
switch off the LED1, which tells the slave unit that its request processing now. LED2
function is to toggle on and off every 2 seconds which indicates that the device is in
working state and it is ready for sending request in any time.

Figure 16.2: Slave Unit Practical Circuit.

3.7 Master Unit
Master unit contains external crystal oscillator, which puts for the same reason. We use a
transistor that operates the buzzer.

Figure 16.3: Master Unit Flow chart.

When requests arrived at the master microcontroller, it will verify that the received ID is
correct. After that, it will save the ID in queue to process the request in order except in case
of room “Ur” address 00.
At any request arrival, the microcontroller will start a buzzer and LED. In addition, it will
show an indicator at the display indicates that a request has to be executed. When the nurse
press the button, the microcontroller will DE queue the room number and show at the display
to send one of the nurse to the corresponding room. When the request done, the nurse will
press again the button to see if any new order had been request.

This button will do two functions: first it will send a signal to the corresponding slave unit to
light off the LED1 which indicate that the request was executed and there is a nurse in its way
to the room. Second, the microcontroller will dequeue the next order and shows at the display
to be executed or it will show “EE” at display which indicates that there is no order to be

Figure 16.4: Master Unit Practical Circuit.

3.8 Practical Execution
In execution we receive the following requests: (23, 56, and “Ur”). The requests will be
executed in the following order (“Ur”, 23, and 56).

Figure 16.5: Practical Circuits.

4.0 Test, Results and Discussion
4.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the description of tests performed on the various sections of the overall
system and their corresponding results as well as the result of the overall system. In order to
verify the correct functionality of the system, each component had to be tested individually.
This test will determine if the final implementation was a success with reference to the initial
aim of the project.
4.2 Test Equipment
 Oscilloscope
 Digital Multimeter
4.3 Tests
4.3.1 Test of Power Supply Procedure
The transformer secondary was connected to the oscilloscope and the output voltage was
measured. The oscilloscope which had 3 probes input, output and ground was connected at the
secondary of the transformer. At the transformer secondary 9vAC output was obtained. At
bridge circuit the voltage obtained was 8.1v unregulated. After regulation and filtering the
power supply was tested under full load and no load conditions to also determine its voltage
regulation. Under no-load, the voltage of the +5V supply section was measured to be 4.96V. At
full-load, the voltages were measured as 4.89V
4.3.2 Test of Signal Voltage Procedure
The signal voltage of the transceiver was measured by connecting the probes continuity tester
to output terminal of the module. Taking value of received signal voltage for various distance.
The probes of the voltmeter was connected to the Tx and Rx terminals of the transceiver
module and output voltage across the module was measured against distance for 150m in
interval of values as shown in the table below. And the corresponding value are plotted in
graph as shown in figure 17.
4.3.3 Test of Keypad (push button) Procedure
Four M wire and Three N wire are connected to seven digital input pins to give twelve different
combinations. The system has ten input key to the processor which is obtained by multiplexing 4
return pins and 3 scan pins for any possible combination there is a particular output. Following
result ware obtained as shown in the table 4.

4.4. Results
4.4.1 Power Supply Regulated Output Voltage
The value of voltage obtained at the output of the power supply was as shown in the table 3
Table 2: Power Supply Output Voltage

No Measurement Voltage (v)

1 No load voltage 4.96

2 On load voltage 4.89

Voltage Regulation (V.R) is given


V V
 100% ...(11)


VNL  No-load Voltage
VFL  Full-load Voltage
For the unit operating on +5V,
V. R = 4.96− 4.89 = 0.07 = 0.01411 = 1.41%
4.96 4.96
4.5 Discussion of The Results
From the test result obtained for the various unit clearly show that result obtained are

approximated to earlier theoretical design. the 5V power supply had a voltage regulation of

1.41%. This result correlated to the initial theoretical design for power supply were a 1%

percentage ripple voltage was chosen although there were cases of small overshoot. The

graphical result from the oscilloscope was as expected. A straight line with no ripples showed

that perfect rectification was achieved for all voltage levels.

5.1 Summary
This work was started with prescribed set of objective to design and implement hospital call
system. Various work and literature were consulted to achieve the goal. Calculations and
analysis have been made to design the system after which implementation was made and the
system is worked as intended.
5.2 Recommendations
i. This system can be further upgraded for more number of input and output to cater for more
ii. Intercom can be integrated for better communication.
iii. Also the system can be implemented in large organization for the purpose of signaling
security in a remote place for a particular action. For example, this can be done in a Hospital
were the system can be placed at control room and in various places in the ward where there is
need for emergency at any point, the doctor can be aware, by just pressing a button switch.

5.3 Conclusion
The aim of the project was achieved with the prescribed objectives. The system can be further
improved and implemented to suit different communication purpose.

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Appendix A.1 ATmega8 Microcontroller

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