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Estimating the State of Charge of a Battery

Article  in  Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on · June 2005

DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2004.839571 · Source: IEEE Xplore

249 1,857

2 authors:

John Chiasson Baskar Vairamohan

Boise State University Electric Power Research Institute


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Estimating the State of Charge of a Battery

John Chiasson
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996
Baskar Vairamohan
EPRI PEAC Corporation
942 Corridor Park Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37932

Abstract– This works considers the state of charge (SOC) where S(t) is the state of charge (%) of the battery, a0 is
estimation problem for electrochemical batteries. Using an the battery terminal voltage when S(t) = 0%, and a1 is
electric circuit model of the battery given in the literature,
it is shown how the open circuit voltage (which is directly obtained knowing the value of a0 and Voc at S(t) = 100%.
related to the SOC) can be estimated based on the terminal By (2), the estimation of the state of charge is equivalent
voltage and current measurements provided there is suffi- to the estimation of its open circuit voltage. However, in
cient variation in the battery current.
order to measure the open circuit battery voltage Voc , the
Keywords– Battery, State of Charge, Observability battery must be disconnected from the load which is not
Gramian, Linear Time Varying Systems
possible during vehicle operation.

I. Introduction II. Battery Terms

In electric vehicles, a key parameter is the state of charge There are several parameters associated with battery
of the battery as it is a measure of the amount of electrical modeling , and the parameters which are relevant to model
energy stored in it. It is analogous to a fuel gauge on a used here are briefly described [2].
conventional internal combustion (IC) car. To define the Self-discharge resistance: It is the resistance that is as-
state of charge, consider a completely discharged battery. sociated with the electrolysis of water at high voltage levels
With Ib (t) the charging current, the charge delivered to and slow leakage across the battery terminal at low volt-
Rt R∞
the battery is t0 Ib (τ )dτ . With Q0 = t0 Ib (τ )dτ the total age. This resistance is more temperature sensitive and is
charge the battery can hold, the state of charge (SOC) of inversely proportional to the temperature [2].
the battery is simply Charge and discharge resistance ( Rc /Rd ): These resis-
tances are associated with the electrolyte resistance, plate
I (τ )dτ resistance, and fluid resistance and represent the fact that
t0 b
SOC(t) = × 100. (1) these values differ depending on whether the battery is
charging or discharging.
Typically, it is desired that the state of charge of the Overcharge and over discharge resistance: These resis-
battery be kept within appropriate limits, for example tances are attributed largely to the electrolyte diffusion
20% ≤ SOC(%) ≤ 95%. As a consequence, it is essential during over charging and over discharging.
to be able to estimate the state of charge of the battery Polarization capacitance ( C): This is the capacitance
to maintain the state of charge within safe limits. Esti- used to model the chemical diffusion of the electrolyte
mating the battery state of charge (SOC) is not an easy within the battery (rather than a purely electrical capac-
task because the SOC depends on many factors such as itance). It depends on SOC, temperature and also the
temperature, battery capacitance and internal resistance. device design.
One possible way to estimate the SOC is by direct appli- Continuous discharging: In this case, the battery con-
cation of (1), but this is subject to biases as it is a pure tinuously delivers energy to the load which leads to a con-
integration. Another approach is to compute the open cir- tinuous drop in the battery capacity.
cuit voltage of the battery (the voltage when the battery Intermittent discharging: In this case, the battery de-
current is zero). It has been shown that there is a linear livers energy to the load at regular or irregular intervals of
relationship between the state of charge of the battery and time. This is typical in HEVs where the energy is drawn by
its open circuit voltage given by [1] the motor for some period followed by the voltage recovery
Voc (t) = a1 S(t) + a0 Rate of charge and discharge: To extend service life of
voc (t) − a0 the battery, the rate of charge or discharge should not be
S(t) = (2) too high. Also the frequency of charging and discharging

cycles affect the battery life significantly. The frequency the forward biased diode) will be used because when one
of switching between charging and discharging is especially diode is forward biased the other will be reverse biased.
high in electric and hybrid electric vehicles which reduces These diodes are present only for modeling purposes only
the life of the battery. and have no physical significance in the battery.
In order to model the diffusion of the electrolytic through
III. Battery models
the battery and its resultant effect of causing transient cur-
A commonly used battery model is shown in Figure 1. rents in the battery, a capacitor is added to the model as
It consists of an ideal battery with open-circuit voltage shown in Figure 3 from [1][3]. This is the model adopted
Voc , a constant equivalent internal resistance Rint and the here to develop a state of charge estimation scheme. The
battery terminal voltage represented by Vb . The terminal
Voltage Vb can be obtained from the open circuit measure-
ment, and Rint can be measured by connecting a load and
measuring both the terminal voltage and current, at fully
charged condition. However, it has been found that the
internal resistance is different under discharge and charge
conditions. Also, this model does not capture the inter-
nal dynamics of the battery, in particular the effect of the
diffusion of the electrolytic chemicals between the battery

Fig. 3. Battery model with polarization capacitance as well as Rc , Rd

(see [1]).

dynamic equations of the circuit model for discharging and

charging are given by,

1 1 1
V̇p = −Vp + Voc − Ib , Vp ≤ Voc (3)
Rd C Rd C C
1 1 1
V̇p = −Vp + Voc − Ib , Vp > Voc (4)
Rc C Rc C C
Fig. 1. Simple battery model (see [1]).
Vp − Voc
To account for the different resistance values under Ib =
charge and discharge conditions, the circuit can be modi-
fied as shown in 2.
The current Ib is considered to have a positive sign when
the battery is discharging. As explained in [1], the ca-
pacitance C represents a “polarization capacitance” and
models the chemical diffusion within the battery. Its value
depends on SOC, temperature and also the device design.
This particular circuit model is chosen to model internal
workings of the battery for the following reasons: It ac-
counts for the electrical and non-electrical energy losses
(during charging and discharging of the battery) through
the choice of the circuit parameters Rd and Rc and mod-
els the transient behavior of the internal battery current
(especially important in the HEV and EV operation) by
Fig. 2. Battery model accounting for the different charging and
including the polarization capacitance C.
discharging resistance values (see [1]). None of the parameters Rc , Rd , C are known a priori and
Vp is not measurable. The problem then is to estimate Voc
This model has two kinds of internal resistances, Rc and (the SOC is then found using (2)) with only measurements
Rd , which are associated with the charging and discharging of the terminal voltage and current.
process of the battery, respectively. These two parameters Of course, the model (3) (4) is not the only model that
(Rc and Rd ) model all forms of energy loss which includes has been proposed for batteries. Circuit models in the same
electrical and non-electrical losses. The diodes, shown in spirit as the considered here have been proposed in [4][5][6].
Figure 2, implies that during charging or discharging only A model based on the kinetic reactions and diffusion pro-
one of the resistances Rc or Rd (which is in series with cess inside the battery has recently been proposed in [7].

IV. Mathematical Model the system

    
In this section, the dynamic equations of the model in z1 (t) −x20 1 −Ib (t) 0 z1 (t)
d 
 z2 (t)
 
 =  0 0 0 0  
  z2 (t)

Figure 3 as given by (3) and (4), are expanded to account
for the fact that circuit parameters are unknown. The open dt  z3 (t)   0 0 0 0   z3 (t) 
circuit voltage, internal capacitor voltage and the terminal z4 (t) 0 0 0 0 z4 (t)
 
voltage are represented by Voc , Vp and Vb respectively. The x10
charging, discharging and the internal resistance of the bat-  x30 
z(t0 ) = 

 (8)
tery are represented by Rc , Rd , and Rb , respectively; and x40 
the polarization capacitance of the battery is represented x50
by C. The current Ib is taken as positive if discharging  
z1 (t)
and negative otherwise. Consider the case when the bat- £ ¤  z2 (t) 
tery is discharging (the charging case is similar). The loop y(t) = 1 0 0 −Ib (t)  
 z3 (t)  .
equations pertaining to the circuit model are represented z4 (t)
by equation (5).
It is easy to check that if the current Ib is constant in
1 ³ ´ the system model (8), the resulting linear time-invariant
V̇p = (Voc − Vp ) /Rd − Ib (5) system is not observable. In fact, as will be shown below,
Vb = Vp − Ib Rb with the battery current of the form Ib (t) = a + b(t −
t0 ) + c(t − t0 )2 , the system (8) is observable if and only
if c 6= 0. Consequently, the time-varying behavior of the
Here the state space model of [1] is used. This model is current Ib (t) is essential to the system being observable.
found by defining the state variables
V. Observability Gramian
1 Voc 1 In compact form, the system (8) may be rewritten as
x1 = Vp ; x2 = ; x3 = ; x4 = ; x5 = Rb (6)
Rd C Rd C C dz
= A(t, x20 )z(t), z(t0 ) = (x10 , x30 , x40 , x50 )
so that the nonlinear time-varying state space model is y(t) = C(t)z(t) (9)
with the obvious definitions for A(t, x20 ) and C(t). If this
system satisfies certain observability criteria, then one can
ẋ1 = −x1 x2 + x3 − Ib (t)x4 estimate z(t0 ) = (x10 , x30 , x40 , x50 ) from knowledge of the
ẋ2 = 0 output y(t) and the input Ib (t). Then the open circuit
ẋ3 = 0 voltage is found from Voc = x30 /x20 (The fact that x20 is
ẋ4 = 0 (7) unknown will be dealt with later).
By definition [9], the unforced linear state equation given
ẋ5 = 0 by (9) is observable on [t0 , tf ] if any initial state z(t0 ) is
Vb = x1 − Ib (t)x5 uniquely determined by its corresponding response y(t),
for t [t0 , tf ]. The parameter of concern here is the ratio
x30 /x20 = Voc . The state transition matrix of the system
where x(0) = (x10 , x20 , x30 , x40 , x50 )T is unknown. The
defined by equation (9) is defined as the solution to
fundamental question is whether or not the open circuit
voltage Voc = x30 /x20 can be determined from the termi- dΦ(t, t0 , x20 )
nal voltage Vb and current Ib . That is, can one estimate the = A(t, x20 )Φ(t, t0 , x20 )
initial value of the state variables x20 , x30 from knowledge (10)
of the output Vb , input Ib and the system model (7)? In Φ(t0 , t0 , x20 ) = In×n .
[1], an extended Kalman filter approach was used. In [1], a
noise model was added to (7), the model was then linearized Then
so that one works with a linear time-varying system for
z(t, t0 , x20 ; z0 ) = Φ(t, t0 , x20 )z(t0 )
which the standard Kalman filter can be applied. (One of
the beautiful things about the Kalman filter is that its for- y(t) = C(t)Φ(t, t0 , x20 )z(t0 ).
mulation is no more difficult for the linear time-varying case In order to calculate z(t0 ) this system must be observable.
than for the linear time-invariant case.) As pointed out by The linear state equation given by equation (9) is observ-
Farrell [8], the system cannot be observable if the battery able on [t0 , tf ] if and only if the n × n Gramian matrix M
current is constant. Consequently, the approach here is to defined by
consider a deterministic linear time-varying model to esti- Z tf
mate Voc . Specifically, the system (7) is viewed as a linear
M (t0 , tf , x20 ) , ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)C(t)Φ(t, t0 , x20 )dt
time-varying system with the unknown parameter x20 . To t0
proceed, let z1 = x1 , z2 = x3 , z3 = x4 , z4 = x5 and consider (11)

is invertible. If M (t0 , tf , x20 ) is invertible, then the ini- Using this expression for Φ13 (t, t0 , x20 ) along with
tial state z(t0 ) is found by multiplying y(t) by ΦT C T and (17)(13)(14)(15)(16), the observability Gramian M is given
integrating to get (see [9]) by
Z tf
M (t0 , tf , x20 ) = (19)
ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)y(t)dt  
t0 Z tf Φ211 Φ11 Φ12 Φ11 Φ13 −Φ11 Ib
Z tf  Φ12 Φ11 Φ212 Φ12 Φ13 −Φ12 Ib 
  dt
= ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)C(t)Φ(t, t0 , x20 )z(t0 )dt  Φ13 Φ11 Φ13 Φ12 Φ213 −Φ13 Ib 
−Ib Φ11 −Ib Φ12 −Ib Φ13 Ib2
= M (t0 , tf , x20 )z(t0 )
This computation was carried out analytically using
Then Mathematica [10]. The important fact here is that the
Z tf Gramian has full rank if and only if c 6= 0 in (18). In the
z(t0 ) = M −1 (t0 , tf , x20 ) ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)y(t)dt case c 6= 0, the Gramian has full rank for any tf > t0 .
The open circuit voltage Voc = x30 /x20 is required to
(12) estimate the state of charge, but x20 is unknown. However,
again using Mathematica, the computation
The ability to compute z(t0 ) relies on the Gramian being
nonsingular. To find conditions under which the Gramian x30 1 ¡£ ¤
= 0 1 0 0 M −1 (t0 , tf , x20 )×
is nonsingular, the fundamental solution is first computed x20 x20
and then used to compute the Gramian. Solving (10) for Z tf ¶
Φ(t, t0 , x20 ) reduces to ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)y(t)dt (20)
= −Φ11 x20 (13) was performed. It was found that the right-hand side of
dt (20) had terms containing e−x20 (tf −t0 ) , e−2x20 (tf −t0 ) . If
= −Φ12 x20 + 1 (14) these terms are set to zero, it turns out the ratio x30 /x20
dt is independent of x20 ! In other words, Voc = x30 /x20
dΦ13 is asymptotically independent of x20 as e−x20 (tf −t0 ) →
= −Φ13 x20 − Ib (t) (15)
dt 0, e−2x20 (tf −t0 ) → 0 as tf − t0 → ∞. Mathematically,
Φ14 ≡ 0 (16)
Voc = lim
and tf −t0 →∞ x20
Φij = δ ij , i = 2, 3, 4 and j = 1, ..., 4. (17) 1 £ ¤
= lim 0 1 0 0 M −1 (t0 , tf , x20 )×
tf −t0 →∞ x20
Then   ¶
Z tf
Φ11 Φ12 Φ13 0
 0 1 0 0  ΦT (t, t0 , x20 )C T (t)y(t)dt (21)
Φ(t, t0 , x20 ) = 
 0
 t0
0 1 0 
0 0 0 1 does not depend on x20 . The approach here is to use a
¡ ¢ pretty much arbitrary value x̄20 for the unknown value x20
where Φ11 = e−x20 (t−t0 ) , Φ12 = x120 1 − e−x20 (t−t0 and )
in (21) to compute Voc . This procedure is outlined in the
Φ13 = − t0 e−x20 (t−τ ) Ib (τ )dτ . As stated previously, the next section.
key to observability of the system is the time variation of Remark 1: This result guarantees the open circuit volt-
the current Ib (t). Consider that over any short time in- age Voc can be (asymptotically) estimated without knowl-
terval [t0 , tf ], the battery current waveform can be fit to a edge of any of the circuit parameters. This could explain
quadratic equation of the form why the extended Kalman filter estimation algorithm in
[1] seems to estimate Voc while not accurately estimating
Ib (t) = a + b(t − t0 ) + c(t − t0 )2 (18) Rd (see Figure 6a in [1] and recall that x20 = 1/(Rd C)
). Though one is not typically interested in the value of
for some parameter values a, b and c. Then Rd , in contrast to [1], the approach here guarantees the
Z t (asymptotic) estimate of Voc without knowing Rd or any
Φ13 (t, t0 , x20 ) = − e−x20 (t−τ ) Ib (τ )dτ other circuit parameter.
µ 0 ¶ VI. Estimation Algorithm
2c − bc2 + ax220
= e−x20 (t−t0 )
x320 The estimation algorithm for the open circuit voltage Voc
1 ³ is given by
− 3 2c − bx20 + ax220 − 2cx20 (t − t0 ) 1. Sample the current Ib over an interval [t0 , tf ]
´ 2. Use a least-squares algorithm to compute a, b, c to fit
+bx220 (t − t0 ) + cx220 (t − t0 )2 the samples of the current to the expression (18).

3. Test that c 6= 0 to ensure the Gramian is full rank. If it Battery Current Ib(t)
is zero, then do not estimate Voc over that time interval.
4. Using a “guess-estimate” value x̄20 of the actual value
x20 = Rd1C , compute Voc lim xx̄30 20
using the right-hand 80
tf −t0 →∞
side of (21).

Battery Discharging Current (A)

Remark 2: The ratio x30 /x20 is independent of the value 60

of x20 only after e−x20 (tf −t0 ) → 0 with the actual (but
unknown) value of x20 . Consequently, knowledge of the 40
order of magnitude of x20 is needed so that one can be
assured that e−x20 (tf −t0 ) → 0 in the time interval [t0 , tf ].

VII. Experimental Results

The experiments reported here were carried out using 0

the ABC-150 [11] bidirectional battery charger/discharger.

This device has been designed specifically for testing elec-
tric and hybrid-electric vehicle batteries. It is controlled 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

through a personal computer (PC) using a special oper- Time (s)

ating system known as ABC-150 ROS (Remote Operating
System). ROS is a PC based graphical user interface (GUI) Fig. 4. Battery terminal current Ib (t) (discharging).
application and runs on the Windows NT operating system.
The ABC-150 is a test system for a wide range of DC loads Battery Terminal Vb(t) and Open circuit Voltage VOC(t)
and has the ability to follow a user defined current, voltage 16
or power profile within an allowable range. VOC(t)
The tests were conducted for different load conditions
using the ABC-150 and standard 12 Volt 16 Ampere-Hour
Terminal and Open Circuit Voltage (V)

lead acid battery made by Hawker Genesis [12]. In these
experiments, the unknown parameter x20 = Rd1C was set
equal to 1/3 (The values Rd = 7.5 mΩ from [12] and C = 40
F from [1] were used). Of course, the actual open circuit 8
voltage is not known. However, when the battery current
Ib is zero, the terminal voltage Vb and open circuit voltage 6

Voc should be equal. Further, if the battery is discharging

(Ib > 0) then Voc > Vb while if the battery is charging, 4

Vb > Voc .
Figure 4 is a current waveform chosen so that it goes to 2

zero for short intervals of time. This allows one to check

if Voc = Vb during these intervals as well as check that 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Voc > Vb when Ib > 0. Figure 5 shows that the estimated Time (s)
Voc is close to Vb during the time intervals that Ib is zero
and Voc > Vb when Ib > 0. Fig. 5. Battery terminal voltage Vb (t) and the estimated open circuit
Another test was performed using the current profile voltage Voc (t) corresponding to the discharging current profile in
Figure 4.
given in Figure 6. The corresponding battery terminal volt-
age and estimated open circuit voltage (based on the above
algorithm) are given in Figure7.
dependent of x20 as long as e−x20 (t−t0 ) ≈ 0, that is, after a
VIII. Conclusions and Summary short time interval.
The objective of this work was to estimate the state of Future work would include trying the above methodology
charge of lead-acid batteries. A modified Thevenin equiv- on the models proposed in [4][6].
alent circuit model given in [1] was used to represent the
lead-acid battery. Here the approach was to treat the non- IX. Acknowledgements
linear time varying model as a linear time varying model
with an unknown constant parameter x20 . Conditions were The authors are very grateful to Professor Jay Farrell for
found on the battery current that ensure the observability his helpful discussions about his work in [1]. They would
Gramian of the system is full rank so that the initial state also like to thank Dr. David Irick of the Mechanical Engi-
of the system can be found using the inverse of the system neering Department at The University of Tennessee for his
Gramian. The open circuit voltage is given by the ratio help in using their ABC-150 battery tester to obtain the
Voc = x30 /x20 where it was shown that this ratio was in- experimental data reported here.

Battery Current Ib(t) pp. 107—109, January 1999. California State University, Long
Test using three 12 Volt batteries
Beach CA.
connected in series [6] Z. M. Salameh, M. A. Casacca, and W. A. Lynch, “A math-
140 ematical model of lead-acid batteries,” IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, vol. 7, pp. 442—446, March 1992.
120 [7] O. Babarisi, R. Canaletti, L. Glielmo, M. Gosso, and F. Vasca,
Battery Discharging Current (A)

“State of charge estimator for nimh batteries,” in 41st IEEE

Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1739—1744, December
2002. Las Vegas, NV.
[8] J. Farrell, “Private communication.”
[9] W. J. Rugh, Linear System Theory, Second Edition. Prentice-
Hall,Inc., 1996.
60 [10] S. Wolfram, Mathematica, A System for Doing Mathematics by
Computer, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1992.
40 [11] ABC-150 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Aerovironment Inc., 1997.
[12] H. E. P. Inc., Genesis Application Manual Fifth edition. Febru-
ary 2000.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Time (s)

Fig. 6. Battery terminal current Ib (t) (discharging)

Battery Terminal Vb(t) and Open circuit Voltage VOC(t)

Terminal and Open Circuit Voltage (V)






Test using three 12 Volt batteries
connected in series"

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Time (s)

Fig. 7. Battery terminal voltage Vb (t) and the estimated open circuit
voltage Voc (t) corresponding to the discharging current profile of
Figure 6.

[1] S. Pang, J. Farrell, J. Du, and M. Barth, “Battery state-of-
charge estimation,” in Proceedings of the American Control
Conference, vol. 2, pp. 1644—1649, June 2001.
[2] H. L. Chan and D. Sutanto, “A new battery model for use with
battery energy storage systems and electric vehicles power sys-
tems,” in IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting,
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[3] B. Powell and T. Pilutti, Series Hybrid Dynamic Modeling and
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[4] M. A. Casacca and Z. M. Salameh, “Determination of lead-
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September 1992.
[5] J. R. Miller, “Development of equivalent circuit models for
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