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Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Balancing chemical function with reduced environmental health

hazards: A joint probability approach to examine antimicrobial
product efficacy and mammalian toxicity
Rok Fink a, 1, Zhen Wang b, c, d, e, 1, Martina Oder a, Bryan W. Brooks b, e, *
University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000, Jubljana, Slovenia
Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Biomedical Studies, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
Institute of Marine Sciences, Shantou University, Shantou, 515063, China
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Shantou University, Shantou, 515063, China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution and Health, School of Environment, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 511443, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The fourth principle of Green Chemistry, a critically important area of sustainability science, identifies
Received 11 August 2019 that substances should maintain intended functions while possessing limited intrinsic hazards to public
Received in revised form health and the environment. In the present study, we empirically determined efficacy of 20 cleaning
7 January 2020
products against E. coli attachment to surfaces. Subsequently, probabilistic assessments using novel
Accepted 23 March 2020
Available online 4 April 2020
chemical efficacy distributions (CEDs) were conducted. Results for most chemicals indicated bacterial
detachment with increasing concentration. Using a threshold concentration of 5th centiles, these
Handling editor: Jun Bi cleaning product ingredients were predicted to detach E. coli (Lowest Observable Effect Concentration) at
or below 0.7 (0.2, 2.2) mg L1 for 5% of ingredients. We then employed chemical toxicity distributions
Keywords: (CTDs) to examine acute toxicity, based on currently available information, for common mammalian
Cleaning product ingredients models. Results demonstrate that probabilities of associated hazards for rat (oral exposure route), mouse
Antimicrobial efficacy (oral exposure route), rabbit (dermal exposure route), and rat (inhalation exposure route) were 43.2%,
Mammalian toxicity 36.7%, 38.6% and 75.5%, respectively. A novel joint probability distribution analysis approach was then
Chemical toxicity distributions
developed and applied to identify substances with various efficacy (CED) and hazard (CTD) character-
Thresholds of toxicological concern
istics. Our observations indicate that combining efficacy and toxicity information using joint probability
Joint probability distribution
curves may be useful for identifying classes of antimicrobial products, and other chemical classes, to
optimize efficacy while minimizing environment and health hazards.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2018; Fairbrother et al., 2019). To reduce hazards and risks to
public health and the environment, advances are being made in
Green chemistry presents critically important opportunities for green chemistry in which attributes of industrial chemicals are
innovation of importance to sustainability (Anastas, 2009) and is being identified with improved safety profiles (e.g., lower toxicity,
necessary to support the United Nations Sustainable Development increased biodegradability, decreased bioaccumulation)
Goals (Anastas and Zimmerman, 2018; Brooks, 2018, 2019). In fact, (Voutchkova et al., 2010; Erythropel et al., 2018; Brooks, 2019).
recent key question exercises have identified priority research Through diverse studies, including the Molecular Design Research
needs related to green and sustainable chemistry and engineering Network (MoDRN), sustainable molecular design guidelines are
to achieve more sustainable environmental quality (Van den Brink being developed to identify attributes of chemicals with elevated or
reduced hazards profiles (Coish et al., 2018). This area directly ex-
tends from the fourth principle of Green Chemistry, which states
“Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of
* Corresponding author. Environmental Health Science Program, Department of
function while reducing toxicity” (Anastas and Warner, 1998).
Environmental Science, Institute of Biomedical Studies, Baylor University, Waco, TX,
USA. However, research is specifically needed to ensure that unintended
E-mail address: Bryan_Brooks@baylor.edu (B.W. Brooks). consequences are avoided, including regretful substitutions of one
R Fink and Z Wang contributed equally to this work.

0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

chemical product for another that is not more sustainable and less material surfaces with classic and aggressive chemicals such as
hazardous (Zimmerman and Anastas, 2015). chlorine, hydrogen peroxide or ozone that efficiently destroys and
Efforts are also advancing to develop biologically derived or remove cells from surfaces. Herein, selecting chemical products
inspired cleaning products (Marchant and Banat, 2012), ideally with appropriate efficacy, but with limited environment and health
with reduced hazards to public health and the environment. Such hazards and risks represents an important consideration for diverse
advances are important because chemicals in cleaning products can stakeholders. Through the Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety
be absorbed dermally or through inhalation of household dust and Initiative (CPISI), we recently identified common ingredients in and
ingestion of chemical residues left on dishes and cutlery. In fact, we functional uses of cleaning products (DeLeo et al., 2018), which is
recently performed novel comparative human health hazard as- supporting novel environmental and human health hazard and risk
sessments of hundreds of cleaning products and formulary in- assessments. However, developing unique approaches to aid se-
gredients, which may support future product substitutions and lection of efficacious cleaning agents for surface attached bacteria
assessments (Wang et al., 2018, 2019). Cleaning products are while balancing environment and health hazards is necessary.
important interventions to manage interactions between bacteria In the present study, we present a novel joint probability dis-
and material surfaces, and play important roles in food safety, the tribution analysis (JPDA) approach to support balancing antimi-
pharmaceutical industry, medicine, households and in other facil- crobial function with environmental health hazards. We initially
ities and processes where hygiene is important (Fink et al., 2017b). examined the efficacy of 20 selected cleaning product ingredients
Because outbreaks are consistently reported, microorganisms pre- to detach E. coli from a representative surface. Subsequently,
sent critically important public health issues for which environ- probabilistic hazard assessments (PHA) using chemical efficacy
mental health professionals implement systems to reduce adverse distributions (CEDs) were conducted using newly generated effi-
outcomes. Consequently, industries, public authorities and con- cacy data here and corresponding mammalian toxicology data us-
sumers are concerned about health risks from bacteria and other ing chemical toxicity distributions (CTDs) from the publicly
microorganisms (Faille et al., 2017), particularly associated with available CPISI database (http://www.cleaninginstitute.org/CPISI/).
compromised water quality and food safety, two of the most We also identified associated thresholds of toxicological concern
commonly delivered programs by environmental health practi- (TTCs), based on our analysis of these ingredients, which could be
tioners (Gerding et al., 2019; Brooks et al., 2019). extended to other classes or uses in the future. We then conducted
For decades, chemical products have been employed to control JPDA to identify potential relationships between cleaning product
population growth of microorganisms. Thus, cleaning products are efficacy and mammalian environmental hazards.
often required within routine hygiene programs, from food prep-
aration and processing to consumer practices in residences. 2. Methods
Commonly used cleaning products in households and industrial
facilities include substances such as acids, bases, halogens, qua- Here we studied 20 common cleaning products ingredients:
ternary ammonium compounds, amphoteric products, surfactants, alcohol, benzotriazole, calcium chloride, Citrus aurantium dulcis
peroxides and others (Giaouris and Simo ~ es, 2018a). These chem- (Orange) peel oil, ethanolamine, magnesium hydroxide, magne-
icals commonly react with a number of cellular structures (e.g., cell sium sulfate, methyl alcohol, phenoxyisopropanol, Pinus palustris
wall, membranes, enzymes, genetic material, cytoplasm) causing oil, polyethylene glycol, Prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond)
destruction or reducing microbial reproduction (Simo ~ es, 2011; Srey oil, sodium hypochlorite, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauroyl
et al., 2013). Extensive research efforts examine inhibitory and sarcosinate, sodium metabisulfite, terpineol, titanium dioxide,
bacteriostatic activity of cleaning products, where bacterial cells in triethanolamine, and zinc chloride. All substances were purchased
liquid solution are exposed to various levels of chemicals and from Sigma Aldrich (USA), except etheric oils of orange peel, pine
product efficacy is subsequently identified (Kwak et al., 2017; and almond were purchased from Favn (Slovenia).
Pandya et al., 2017; Baptista et al., 2018). Such experimental
methods, however, do not include determination of cleaning 2.1. Efficacy of cleaning products ingredients for E. coli detaching
product efficacy for microorganisms that are attached to surfaces.
Surprisingly, little is known about the efficacy of cleaning Standard strains of E. coli ATCC 35218, obtained from the Czech
products on cells that are already attached to surfaces. In fact, Collection of Microorganisms (Brno, Czech Republic), were used.
bacterial cells can be found as free flowing planktonic cells in bulk E. coli is a clinically important opportunistic pathogen, associated
solution, but commonly tend to adhere to surfaces (Flemming and with multiple infections. E. coli is thus often used as a model or-
Wingender, 2010). Bacterial cells can attach to surfaces based on ganism, an indicator of fecal contamination and is therefore
gravitation, motility, diffusion or liquid shear forces, in which sur- included in hygiene assessment (Belluco et al., 2016; Chien et al.,
face interactions are based on van der Waals interactions, hydro- 2017; Oder et al., 2017).
phobic, acid-base and electrostatic interactions. Initial adhesion is a Bacteria from the collection were transferred on nutrient agar
reversible process where, due to Brownian motion and mild shear and incubated at 37  C 24h. After that, a single colony of strain was
forces, bacteria can be removed from surfaces (Simo ~es et al., 2010; transferred from nutrient agar to nutrient broth (Biolife, Italy) and
Khelissa et al., 2017). Subsequently, adhesion can become irre- incubated in the same conditions. For adhesion testing the method
versible when cells starts anchoring appendages to surfaces and/or of Bohinc et al. (2014) was used with modifications as follows.
producing exopolysaccharide substances to strengthen position. Overnight E. coli cultures were diluted in a 1:300 ratio with a fresh
Removal of irreversibly attached bacterial cells is difficult and re- nutrient medium. Clean and sterile glass 1 cm  1 cm (Isolab,
quires application of strong shear force or chemical agents (e.g., Germany) in size were transferred to asterile Petri dish and a pre-
enzymes, detergents, surfactants, sanitizers, heat; Frank and pared suspension of E. coli bacteria was added. After this step,
Chmielewski, 2001; Fink et al., 2017a). Joseph et al. (2001) previ- samples were incubated for 1 h at 37  C to achieve initial bacterial
ously demonstrated that 10 ppm of chlorine can kill 6 log bacterial adhesion to glass. After the incubation period, the medium was
cells, but only kills 1 log when cells are attached to a surface. removed. Next, none or loosely attached cells were removed by
Moreover, other researchers reported that total elimination of 3 mL Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer (0.026 g KH2PO4,
adhered cells is difficult (Shi and Zhu, 2009; Fink et al., 2017a). The 0.047 g K2HPO4 in 1 L). Bacterial cells remaining on surface were
traditional approach to control this problem has been to treat stained 0.1% crystal violet (Merck, Germany) suspension for 5 min.
R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323 3

Subsequently, dye was removed and the number of cells were determined from the parametric log-normal regression model,
counted by light microscopy with an Olympus CX40 and CCD CMOS multiplied by Monte Carlo simulation (resampled 5000 times).
camera. This approach allowed us to determine the number of cells These computations were accomplished with the model proced-
attached to the surface before cleaning products were applied. ures available in the Statistical Analysis System package (SAS,
Samples with attached E. coli were then exposed to each of the version 9.4, Cary, NC, USA). Concurrent meta-analyses were also
cleaning products at five different concentrations (1, 2, 3, 4, and 4.3 conducted using similar substance for the pairwise datasets to
log mg/L) for 10 min according to EN 13697 (ENAC, 2015). Next, the examine potential influences of chemical compositions for CEDs
cleaning product was removed, and the surface was washed with and CTDs comparisons and the following JPD analyses.
3 mL of PBS buffer, stained with crystal violet and counted under
the microscope. Efficacy was determined as percentage of cells left 2.2.2. Joint probability distribution analysis
on the glass surface after exposure to cleaning product relative to JPDA was also conducted to further examine relationships be-
the control with no cleaning product. All experiments were per- tween efficacy and mammalian toxicity, and joint probability
formed with five parallels and three repetitions. curves (JPCs) were developed following Solomon et al. (2000) with
The 5%, 10%, 20% and 50% effective concentrations (ECs) for each minor adjustment. In the present study, a JPC was developed having
chemical were calculated, respectively, from data distribution or the percentile of chemicals toxicity being encountereed (p%) as x-
regression based on dose-response curves (treatment vs efficacy; axis and probability of exceedance of concentration (TCp) affecting
Solomon et al., 2000). For the observed non-linear relationships, efficacy of cleaning product ingredients as y-axis. In brief, the slope
non-linear regression based on Hill’s model was used. For observed (a) and intercept (b) parameters from the log-normal fitted CEDs or
linear relationships, a simple linear regression was employed CTDs were used to calculate the probability of concentrations (TCs)
(GraphPad Prism™, version 5.00, San Diego, CA, USA). The no associated with efficacy or toxicity (acute LD50s) in a specified
observed effect concentration (NOEC) and/or lowest observed ef- percentage of chemicals (p%):
fect concentration (LOEC) for each experiment were also estimated
by comparing efficacy of treatments and control using one-way Percent of exceedence ¼ 100%  NORMDISTðae  log10 xðpÞ
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and corresponding post hoc Tukey’s
 Þ þ be Þ
tests (R, version 3.5.1).
2.2. Probabilistic efficacy and hazard assessments where x(p) is the concentration affecting p% of chemicals from CEDs
or CTDs (e.g., TCs at 1st, 5th, 10th and 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th
2.2.1. Chemical efficacy and toxicity distributions, and threshold centiles), ae and be are the slope and intercept parameters for log-
concentrations (TCs) normal fitted CEDs or CTDs, and NORMSDIST returns the standard
Probabilistic hazard assessment (PHA) using CEDs was con- normal cumulative distribution function of a selected value.
ducted using efficacy data (LOECs, NOECs, and EC10s/50s) for the
selected 20 cleaning product ingredients generated from the pre-
3. Results and discussion
sent study. PHA was also performed for corresponding mammalian
hazard data (acute LD50s) and CTDs collected from the CPISI
3.1. Efficacy of cleaning products ingredients for E. coli detachment
database (http://www.cleaninginstitute.org/CPISI/). The CEDs and
CTDs generated using efficacy data and mammalian data, respec-
Results of our cleaning product ingredients efficacy experiments
tively, were then compared using one-way analysis of covariance
showed that for most of the 20 chemicals examined E. coli
(ANCOVA, SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) for the differences of slopes and
detaching potential was increased by concentration (Fig. 1). We
intercepts of the both CEDs and CTDs, which were fitted with the
found for all chemicals at concertation of 1 log mg L1 efficacy of
log-normal model. Visual comparisons of the extent of either
E. coli reduction was relatively small, but was increased by
congruence or discrepancy of datasets were also employed.
increasing the concertation up to 4.3 log mg L1. More detailed
CEDs and CTDs were generated followed previously reported
analysis displayed large differences between ingredients. We found
approaches (Wang et al., 2018). In brief, any outlier(s) detected by
that at the highest concentration (4.3 log mg L1) tested the most
the Grubb’s test (Grubbs, 1969) or Tietjen-Moore test (Tietjen and
efficient was sodium hypochlorite, which resulted in total elimi-
Moore, 1972) was excluded for each dataset. A geometric mean
nation of E. coli (100%), followed by ehanolamine (81%), sodium
value was used when there were multiple data points available for
laureth sulfate (74%), benzotriazole (72%) and titanium dioxide
an ingredient. Datasets having a minimum of 5 data points (in-
(64%). For other tested chemicals, E. coli reduction efficacy was
gredients) were considered for CEDs and CTDs constructions.
below 50% relatively to control with no treatment. However, so-
Normality of residuals of each dataset (log-transformed) was
dium metabisulfite and ethanol showed the lowest efficacy with
checked by the Shapiro-Francia test (Shapiro and Francia, 1972),
only 10% E. coli detachment at the highest concentration (4.3 log mg
and the goodness of fit at the lower tails of each CED or CTD was
L1) examined (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 displays the number of E. coli cells on
assessed by Anderson-Darling test (Anderson and Darling, 1954).
the glass surface before exposure (Fig. 2a) to cleaning products and
Efficacy and hazard data were then ranked in ascending order, and
after 10 min exposure to the highest concentration of sodium hy-
percentiles were assigned from the Weibull formula:
pochlorite (Fig. 2b) and sodium metabisulfite (Fig. 2c). Microscopic
i image analysis showed that sodium metabisulfite removed only a
Percentile ¼  100% (1) few bacterial cells in comparison to sodium hypochlorite, which
eradicated all cells from the surface.
where i is the rank of the datum in ascending order and n is the total
number of data points. The CEDs and CTDs were then constructed 3.2. Probabilistic efficacy and hazard assessments
(SigmaPlot, version 13.0, San Jose, CA, USA) and fitted by log-
normal regression model. For each CED or CTD, threshold concen- Probabilistic hazard assessment using CTDs are useful to sup-
tration (TC) values at 1st, 5th, 10th and 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th port hazard and risk assessment and comparative toxicology when
centiles and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were toxicity information for a chemical is not available, because these
4 R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

Fig. 1. Efficacy of cleaning products ingredients for E. coli detachment from a glass surface.

approaches inherently account for uncertainties and are data- chemical class (Brain et al., 2006), as illustrated by our recent work
driven (Brain et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2018, 2019). The use of with common cleaning product ingredients (Wang et al., 2018).
CTDs allows hazard and risk assessors to generate a criterion Here we applied the CTD concept to toxicity data, and similarly
threshold value to protect a desired level of effect (e.g., 1%, 5% or derived CEDs for newly derived empirical antimicrobial efficacy
another centile of interest) for a particular endpoint for a particular information. Among all datasets used for CEDs and CTDs
R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323 5

Fig. 2. Number of E. coli cells on glass surface before and after exposure to cleaning products.

constructions, no outliers were identified; all data were thus used estimated by Monte Carlo simulation are presented in Table 2.
in our analyses (see Table 1 for efficacy data and Table S1 for Using TC5s from CEDs, for example, the cleaning product in-
mammalian toxicity data). With sufficient data points (5), CEDs gredients examined here would be expected to detach E. coli (LOEC)
and CTDs were generated using efficacy data (LOECs, NOECs, and at or below 0.7 (0.2, 2.2) mg/L for 5% of ingredients. Similarly, from
EC10s/50s) and acute LD50s for rat (oral and inhalation), mouse CTDs, these substances tended to be acutely toxic (lethal) at or
(oral), and rabbit (dermal), respectively (Fig. 3). All datasets passed below 392 (192, 631), 22 (1.8, 89), 585 (163, 1166), and 913 (588,
the Shapiro-Francia test (normality of residuals; p > 0.05) and 1236) mg/kg bw/day for 5% of chemicals to rat under oral and
Anderson-Darling test (p > 0.05; Table S2). Each CED or CTD was inhalation exposures, mouse under oral and rabbit under dermal
then fitted by a log-normal model; corresponding TCs and 95% CIs exposures, respectively. Comparatively, with more ingredients

Table 1
Summary of estimated ECs, NOECs and LOECs (if any) from dose-response relationships, and corresponding one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test for E. coli exposed to
selected cleaning product ingredients.

Chemicals CAS Dose-response relationship ECs NOEC LOEC

Equation R2 EC5 EC10 EC20 EC50

Alcohol 64-17-5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA

Benzotriazole 95-14-7 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1000 2000
Calcium Chloride 10043- NA NA NA NA NA NA 10000 20000
Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) 8008- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Peel Oil 57-9
Ethanolamine 141-43- y ¼ 100/((1 þ 10^(3.843- 0.818 17.4 (0.01, 37661) 187 (0.832, 711 (17.3, 6962 (1001, 100 1000
5 x)  0.608)) 42476) 29232) 48416)
Magnesium Hydroxide 1309- y ¼ 100/((1 þ 10^(4.48- 0.943 1.57 (0.013, 191) 19.0 (0.640, 561) 282 (39.4, 2026) 28611 (5477, 100 1000
42-8 x)  0.300)) 149449)
Magnesium Sulfate 7487- NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 1000
Methyl Alcohol 67-56-1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10000 20000
Phenoxyisopropanol 770-35- NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10
Pinus Palustris Oil 8002- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Polyethylene Glycol 25322- y ¼ 9.23xþ22.0 0.821 0.0145 (3.39E-31, 0.050 (2.19E-27, 0.610 (8.51E-20, 1083 (24.3, NA 10
68-3 2.94) 6.00) 26.0) 460257)
Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet 8007- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Almond) Oil 69-0
Sodium Hypochlorite 7681- y ¼ 100/((1 þ 10^(2.531- 0.995 12.5 (3.75, 41.4) 28.8 (11.2, 74.6) 71.7 (35.5, 145) 340 (215, 537) NA 10
52-9 x)  0.891))
Sodium Laureth Sulfate 68891- y ¼ 100/((1 þ 10^(3.657- 0.967 33.8 (1.65, 692) 117 (11.3, 1218) 452 (87.2, 2341) 4538 (1872, 10 100
38-3 x)  0.601)) 11000)
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate 137-16- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Sodium Metabisulfite 7681- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Terpineol 8000- y ¼ 100/((1 þ 10^(4.526- 0.906 0.133 (0.001, 153) 2.13 (0.222, 438) 96 (5.82, 1583) 33579 (3234, 10 100
41-7 x)  0.237)) 348691)
Titanium Dioxide 13463- y ¼ 9.94xþ33.4 0.985 0.0007 (3.64E-7, 0.003 (2.77E-6, 0.033 (0.0002, 69.5 (21.9, 153) NA 10
67-7 0.024) 0.06) 0.398)
Triethanolamine 102-71- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
Zinc Chloride 7646- NA NA NA NA NA NA 20000 NA
6 R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

Fig. 3. Chemical toxicity distributions using (a) efficacy data (EC10/50s, NOECs and LOECs) generated from the current study and (b) acute LD50s for rat (oral and inhalation), mouse
(oral) and rabbit (dermal) using available data collated from the Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative database.

Table 2
Threshold concentrations (TCs; mg/kg bw/day) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) at 1st, 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles for each chemical toxicity
distribution (CTD) considering all cleaning product ingredients of concern.
CTDs n y ¼ ax þ b TC1 (95% CI) TC5 (95% CI) TC10 (95% TC50 (95% TC90 (95% CI) TC95 (95% CI) TC99 (95% CI)
a B R2
Efficacy LOEC (mg/L) 12 0.646 3.443 0.910 0.1 (0.01, 0.3) 0.7 (0.2, 2.2) 2.7 (0.8, 6.6) 256 (149, 24666 (10340, 90034 (31492, 1021373 (250088,
457) 89507) 440715) 8867332)
Efficacy NOEC c (mg/L) 16 0.595 3.014 0.764 0.3 (0.01, 2.) 3.7 (0.2, 16) 15 (1.4, 52) 2178 (866, 310132 (78065, 1264859 (243864, 17669786 (1979673,
4988) 2695337) 19535894) 750221673)
Efficacy EC10 (mg/L) 7 0.417 4.787 0.904 0.001 0.002 0.005 3.2 (0.7, 15) 2094 (244, 4701 (4571, 8976 (753, 1358313)
(0.00001, (0.00002, (0.0001, 328095) 497737)
0.014) 0.023) 0.04)
Efficacy EC50 (mg/L) 7 0.779 2.341 0.962 2.7 (0.5, 7.2) 20 (5.6, 41) 59 (21, 104) 2588 (1676, 114253 (54645, 334343 (137339, 2505773 (782528,
3576) 260881) 960768) 11261142)
Rat Oral Acute LD50 e (mg/ 20 54.3 141 0.809 162 (57, 297) 392 (192, 629 (365, 3328 (2781, 17613 (13336, 28247 (20101, 68515 (43029,
kg bw/day) 631) 948) 4481) 38755) 74491) 244768)
Rat Inhalation Acute LD50 f 7 0.713 2.400 0.879 2.4 (0.1, 16) 22 (1.8, 89) 71 (9.7, 228) 4426 (2187, 277481 (93467, 896878 (237949, 8099730 (1297518,
(mg/kg bw/day) 9492) 2443195) 13273962) 323875050)
Mouse Oral Acute LD50 5 1.559 1.222 0.976 197 (35, 510) 585 (163, 1046 (365, 8129 (5885, 63146 (35099, 112911 (55418, 335878 (127951,
(mg/kg bw/day) 1166) 1822) 11347) 149485) 353231) 1708911)
Rabbit Dermal Acute LD50 6 1.834 1.886 0.938 398 (217, 913 (588, 1420 (994, 6755 (5771, 32133 (24192, 49998 (35424, 114583 (71984,
(mg/kg bw/day) 605) 1236) 1818) 7784) 45405) 77045) 207656)

centile value ¼ NORMSDISTððae  log10 xðpÞÞ þ be Þ; where the NORMSDIST returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function of a selected value.
Lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC).
No observed effect concentration (NOEC).
10%/50% effective concentration (EC10/EC50).
Median lethal concentration (LC50).

included from diverse categories (n ¼ 314), a similar acute oral TC5 CEDs generated using efficacy data to corresponding mammal
of 533 (506, 560) mg/kg bw/day was also identified for rats (over- acute LD50 CTDs using all (Fig. 4: LOECs versus LD50s and
lapped 95% CIs of the both TC5s) (Wang et al., 2018). Figs. S1eS3 for NOECs/EC10s/EC50s versus LD50s) and similar
In the current study, TC values and 95% CIs for a given endpoint (Fig. S4) available data. Pairwise CEDs and CTDs between efficacy
were estimated (Table 2). Our recent work, which examined many data and mammalian acute LD50s visually diverged, which was
more cleaning product ingredients than examined here, identified further supported by significant different slope and/intercept pa-
novel TTCs for future hazard and screening level risk assessments rameters (Table S3; except for efficacy NOECs and EC50s to inha-
(Wang et al., 2018, 2019). It is also important to note that the linear lation acute LD50s using all and similar substances; respectively).
regression function for a particular distribution (e.g., y ¼ bx þ a; Corresponding TCs for both efficacy and acute LD50 CTDs were also
Table 2) can be used in future efforts to estimate the probability of estimated and listed in Table S4.
finding a compound at or below a particular exposure threshold to In health hazard assessment, chemical (category) composition is
a common endpoint for a class of chemicals (Brain et al., 2006). an important factor that can influence a probability distribution,
Additionally, CTDs can be useful to compare relative sensitivities especially the lower end of CTDs where TC5s are normally derived,
between models, toxicological or pharmacological endpoints, or and can also influence identification of potential candidates for
chemical classes among different distributions (Solomon et al., cleaning applications if higher efficacy with lower toxicity is
2000; Wang et al., 2018). In the present study, we also compared desired (as illustrated in Fig. 1). Considering category specific
R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323 7

Fig. 4. Comparison of chemical toxicity distributions (CTDs) using publicly available mammal acute LD50s and efficacy EC50s generated from the present study.

toxicity of cleaning product to the rat model (oral; Wang et al., applications for environmental risk assessment (Solomon et al.,
2018), for example, chemicals examined here contained 17 sub- 2000), the closer a JPC is to the coordinate axes, which represent
stances from 9 categories and 3 chemicals of ungrouped sub- exposure and effects for a specific chemical, the lower the proba-
stances. Nine categories included relative more toxic classes of bility of risk. In the present study, we extended the JPD concept but
inorganic acids and salts (25%) and alkanolamines (10%) and ethers examined antimicrobial efficacy and effects. Here, differences
(5%) with intermediate toxicity, whereas the least toxic categories among the distance of the 4 JPCs (e.g., efficacy LOECs to mammalian
were aliphatic alcohols (15%) and glycerides (10%). Other categories acute LD50s; Fig. 5a) indicated that rat (oral and inhalation), mouse
included alcohol ethoxysulfates (sodium laureth sulfate), aromatic (oral) or rabbit (dermal) toxicity and efficacy of cleaning product
alcohols (phenoxyisopropanol), benzotriazoles (benzotriazole), ingredients were markedly different. Based on a concentration at a
hydroxides (magnesium hydroxide). In addition, acute LD50s of the given 5th centile (i.e., TC5), the probability of the maximum haz-
20 selected chemicals (Fig. 2b) covered a wide range (7.0%e99.7%) ards for rat (oral), mouse (oral), rabbit (dermal), and rat (inhalation)
of CTD values when compared to our recent work (Wang et al., were 43.2%, 36.7%, 38.6% and 75.5% respectively (Table S4). This
2018) examining acute LD50s of 314 cleaning product ingredients, hazard order (i.e., rat (inhalation) > rat (oral) > rabbit
indicating the diverse toxicity of the selected chemicals considered (dermal) > mouse (oral)) was consistent with the results using ef-
during the present study. ficacy data of NOECs, EC10s and EC50s compared to corresponding
mammalian acute LD50 CTDs (Fig. 5bed and Table S4).
3.3. Joint probability distribution analysis Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to various types of
cleaning and disinfections products, which may result in increased
Balancing chemical use for protection of public health while use of existing cleaning products or replacement with alternative
reducing hazards to humans and the environment has long rep- substances, but uncontrolled and inappropriate use of ingredients can
resented an important consideration for environmental health present environment and health risks. Because bacterial attachment
professionals. In the present study, the JPD concept (Solomon et al., to surface can present important risks to public health, testing efficacy
2000) was employed to examine the probability of encountering of cleaning products ingredients should examine inhibitory and
mammalian toxicity (CTDs) for a group of chemicals relative to bactericidal potential, and include efficacy for bacterial detaching
antimicrobial efficacy (CEDs) of removing attached E. coli (LOECs, from surfaces as remains of dead cells (e.g., antimicrobial resistance
NOECs, EC10s/50s) for a proportion of these substances. In previous genes) on the surface could act as a source of cross-resistance (Verraes
8 R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

Fig. 5. Joint probability curves (JPCs) illustrating the probability of efficacy for E. coli surface detachment to cleaning product ingredients (a: LOECs, b: NOECs, c: EC10s and d: EC50s)
related to acute toxicity (LD50s) of the ingredients to rat (oral, inhalation), mouse (oral) and rabbit (dermal) models.

et al., 2013). Moreover, testing the potential of chemical compounds commonly used in homebrewing and winemaking to sanitize
only on planktonic cells, but not on attached cells to surfaces, may lead equipment. It is also used as a cleaning product for potable water
to overestimation of antimicrobial activity because planktonic bac- reverse osmosis membranes in desalination systems. Traditionally,
teria are more susceptive to chemicals (Giaouris and Simo ~ es, 2018). cleaning products are tested under strict protocols using standard
Such information allows product efficacy assessments in worst case scenarios based on fats, proteins, starch and limescale added to
scenarios when bacteria are attached to a surface and thus can start testing surface (e.g., ASTM, 2016), but less information is available
forming a biofilm. However, identifying cleaning products that opti- how efficacious substances are against microorganisms. Balancing
mize surface removal efficacy while lowering hazards represents a efficacy with lower hazards promises be economically acceptable,
timely opportunity to support product substitutions during alterna- have a broad spectrum of effectiveness, and have lower impacts on
tives assessments. the environment and human health.
In the present study, results of E. coli detaching potential
showed large efficacy variability among cleaning products ingre- 3.4. Green chemistry and alternatives analyses
dient, ranging from 10% (sodium metabisulfite) to total eradication
(100%) for sodium hypochlorite at the same concentration of 4.3 log Historically, risk management of chemical substances primarily
mg L1. One reason for this efficacy is oxidation by sodium hypo- has focused on reducing exposure, even though risk emerges from
chlorite, which can target diverse bacteria and molds in short the intersection of exposure and hazard (Brooks, 2019). Efforts
contact times (Rossoni and Gaylarde, 2000). Though chlorine based designing more sustainable and less hazardous chemicals, which
cleaning products are inexpensive and partly tolerate hard water, represent important principles of green chemistry (Anastas and
these are relatively unstable and corrosive, and can further produce Warner, 1998), aim to reduce risk through design and use of less
disinfection byproducts (e.g. trihalomethanes, chloramines, halo- toxic and more readily biodegradable substances (Erythropel et al.,
acetic acids), which represent initially unintended tradeoffs asso- 2018). For example, the American Chemical Society’s Green
ciated with protection of public health and the environment Chemistry Institute (www.acs.org/content/acs/en/greenchemistry.
(Giaouris and Simo ~ es, 2018a). In contrast, we found that sodium html) is an important resource to facilitate research and commu-
metabisulfite was less efficient. Similar to observations in the pre- nication in sustainable and green chemistry and engineering.
sent study, Zhang et al. (2017) found no antibacterial activity of Similarly, selecting alternative substances, or classes of sub-
sodium metabisulfite on S. aureus. Sodium metabisulfite is stances, that are more sustainable and less hazardous for
R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323 9

substitutions in consumer and industrial products is advantaged 4. Conclusions

and increasingly expected by consumers (NRC, 2014). For example,
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice program In the present study, we empirically identified antimicrobial effi-
(www.epa.gov/saferchoice) represents a non-regulatory effort to cacy of 20 substances for surface adhered bacteria, a challenging
advance sustainability. Through alternatives assessments by the public health issue. Probabilistic distributions (i.e., CEDs and CTDs)
Design for the Environment program, companies submit informa- were subsequently constructed using these newly generated efficacy
tion related to their products, which are then evaluated for envi- data and likelihoods of encountering detachment thresholds for the
ronmental hazards using an alternatives assessment framework selected ingredients were determined. Mammalian toxicity CTDs
(www.epa.gov/saferchoice/alternatives-assessment-criteria- were then generated for mammalian species using acute LD50s for
hazard-evaluation). If these products are identified with suffi- oral, dermal or inhalation exposure routes. Because tools are needed
ciently lower environment and health hazards, then a Safe Choice to balance product efficacy with reduced hazards, we developed a
label can be used by business to market their "greener" products. novel PJPDA approach and compared probabilistic hazards of these
Collectively, research and practice in green chemistry are fueling efficacy CEDs and mammalian toxicity CTDs; a general hazard trend
innovation and advancing sustainability, particularly by incentivizing was identified: rat (inhalation) > rat (oral) > rabbit (dermal) > mouse
protection of public health and the environment toward achieving the (oral). However, it is important to note that here we employed acute
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Anastas and toxicity from mammalian models, because we could not identify
Zimmerman, 2018; Brooks, 2018). In the present study, we selected sufficient sublethal and chronic toxicity for these specific 20 sub-
group of chemicals in cleaning products for empirical microbiology stances. We further did not examine traditional measures of antimi-
studies and examined their environmental health hazards. Fig. 6 il- crobial efficacy or potential development of antimicrobial resistance
lustrates six JPCs of efficacy and toxicity, which may be useful in the to these substances. Future studies are needed to expand the work
future to examine specific classes of substances or functional use presented here with sublethal toxicity, data from standardized
categories relative to environment or health toxicology information. studies of antimicrobial activity, and resistance development infor-
Whereas JPCs in the lower left corner of Fig. 6 includes chemicals with mation when it becomes available.
low efficacy and toxicity, JPCs in the upper right corner chemicals with Important pursuits of green and sustainable chemistry include
high efficacy and toxicity. Chemicals associated with JPCs in the center identification of existing substances and sustainable molecular
of Fig. 6 are characterized by decreased efficacy and toxicity; thus, the design of new chemicals that are less hazardous to public health
green zone is interpreted as substances balancing function with and the environment yet maintain intended efficacy (Coish et al.,
hazard, which directly links to the 4th principle of green chemistry 2016; Erythropel et al., 2018). Research has often focused on al-
(Anastas and Warner,1998). Our novel observations indicate that JPCs ternatives assessments of individual products to inform chemical
appear useful to examine relationships between probability of substitutions (NRC, 2014). Studies examining classes of substances
chemical efficacy relative to mammalian toxicity, and thus to support with desired functions has received relatively less attention
selection of less environmentally hazardous ingredients. Such ob- (Brooks, 2019). However, combining chemical efficacy and toxicity
servations are important because alternatives assessments are information using JPCs may be useful for examining classes of
increasingly employed during selection of other chemicals that are antimicrobial products, and other substances (Fig. 6). Moreover, use
more sustainable and less hazardous (NRC, 2014). of JPCs may support practitioners and decisions makers who aim to
balance chemical functions and hazards. For example, JPC appli-
cations could be particularly useful when examining specific clas-
ses of existing chemicals, but may also be valuable when new
classes of substances are designed or discovered with desirable
functional activities (Fig. 6). Future work using JPCs should thus
examine specific classes of substances (e.g., chemical categories,
product uses), including traditional chemicals or newly designed
ingredient candidates from renewable resources, to optimize
chemical selection while balancing product efficacy and environ-
ment and health hazards.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing

financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Rok Fink: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,

Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project adminis-
tration, Resources, Supervision, Visualization, Writing - review &
editing. Zhen Wang: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing - re-
view & editing. Martina Oder: Data curation, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Supervision, Writing -
original draft. Bryan W. Brooks: Conceptualization, Data curation,
Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology,
Fig. 6. Joint probability curves of chemical efficacy and toxicity may support future Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Visualization,
examinations of specific classes of substances or functional use categories. Writing - review & editing.
10 R. Fink et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121323

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