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Ariel Brown

Kins. 4306
Internship Journal/log
Week 12

November 1 - November 5

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday Nov. 1 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Tuesday Nov. 2 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Wednesday, 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Nov. 3

Thursday, Nov. 4 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Weekly Total 32

Total Hours 367

Weekly Journal

Monday: Today I worked from home. I also prepared myself for the upcoming meeting

tomorrow. I continued the data comparisons of the patients with language preferences and the

translation line to make sure that I had the minutes and all of the other information needed to

make more accurate. Today I came up with some questions that we could potentially use for the

“Idea tree” that we will be posting in nurse break rooms on some of the floors as well as creating

two different posters that could aid in giving the nurses more information so they can have a bit

more context about the importance this project and started on tomorrows meeting agenda.

Tuesday: Today I had a meeting with Maria for our weekly 1 on 1. I also had a great.

Conversation about my future career path and goals with one of the other office members. Maria

and I had a meeting with Adrienne to discuss the LEP project and how our meeting would go for

tomorrow as well as the pain conference steps that need to be taken. Overall Today was a pretty

good day. I made additions to the questions to present to the rest of the team as well ad planning

out an agenda for the meeting.

Wednesday: Today we had meeting three for the LEP project. It was nice because I feel like we

made some slow but foundational progress. We still have not completely figured out the direction

of this project but we are close. We decided that it would be important to have focus groups and I

got input on more potential questions that should be asked and we discussed the next steps.

Thursday: Today I came into the office and then began working on things for my meeting with

Maria in the afternoon. I also worked on meeting minutes for yesterdays meeting as well as

digitizing minutes for our previous meetings. I was surprised because this took me longer than I

anticipated but I am glad I did it when I did so that we can keep track of the project progress and

to ensure everything that I’ve done so far stays together os that the next person can pick up on

the project where I left off when time comes. I also completed some office tasks such as labeling

things to aid in the organization of patient records.

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