The Repellent and Persistent Toxic Effects of Essential Oils Against The Poultry Red Mite, Dermanyssus Gallinae

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Veterinary Parasitology 214 (2015) 348–352

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Short communication

The repellent and persistent toxic effects of essential oils against the
poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae
I.S. Nechita a,b , M.T. Poirel b,c , V. Cozma a , L. Zenner b,c,∗
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Parasitology, Avenue Manastur 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
VetAgro Sup, Veterinary Campus of Lyon, University of Lyon, Department of Parasitology, 1 avenue Bourgelat, F-69280 Marcy-Etoile, France
Laboratory of Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology, CNRS UMR 5558, University of Lyon, 43 Boulevard of 11 November, 69622 Villeurbanne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The economic impact of the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, the lack of new acaricides, the occur-
Received 31 March 2015 rence of resistance and tighter legislation have all led to the need to find new ways to control this pest. One
Received in revised form 7 October 2015 promising alternative method of control focuses on employing repellent and/or toxic effects of selected
Accepted 14 October 2015
plant essential oils against D. gallinae. Ten essential oils (basil, thyme, coriander, eucalyptus, lavender,
lemon, fir tree, oregano, mint, and juniper) were tested for the persistence of toxic and repellent effects.
In filter-paper toxicity bioassays against D. gallinae, the best results were observed for lavender (more
Dermanyssus gallinae
than 97% mortality after 48 and 72 h) and thyme (84% at 72 h) at a dose of 0.12 mg/cm2 . In addition, two
Essential oil
oils showed significant persistent toxic effects 15 and 30 days post application to filter papers. Thyme
Repellent was the most effective (100% mortality at 72 h), followed by lavender (nearly 80% mortality after 72 h).
Persistent Out of the ten oils tested for their repellent effect, thyme was the strongest, with nearly 80% of the tested
area avoided by mites; oregano caused a 60% avoidance and lavender exhibited an effect close to 40%.
All other oils exhibited a repellent effect of less than 30%. None of the experiments showed a repellent
effect for HM (commercial alimentary oil) or negative controls. We found that the thyme and lavender
essential oils exhibited promising results when tested in vitro for toxic and repellent effects against D.
gallinae; thus, we suggest that future experiments focus on in vivo tests using these oils in farm units.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction animals greatly limit the options for controlling this pest (Zeman,
1987; Ash and Oliver, 1989; Beugnet et al., 1997; Sparagano et al.,
Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778), known as the “poul- 2009). Therefore, alternative methods for the control of D. gallinae
try red mite,” is considered one of the most important welfare are urgently needed (Birkett et al., 2008).
and health problems for poultry, particularly laying hens (Chauve, One alternative method focuses on employing the repellent
1998; Emous et al., 2005; Hegelund and Sorensen, 2007) and and/or toxic effects of selected plant-derived products (PDPs), par-
causes large economic losses worldwide (Bruneau et al., 2001). This ticularly essential oils, for the management of numerous pests,
hematophagous mite parasitizes chickens, residing on its host only including D. gallinae. In vitro tests have shown promising activities
during blood meals, then retreating into hiding in farm buildings. A of PDPs against many food-borne pathogens and spoilage microor-
characteristic of red mite infestation is that once they are present in ganisms. Some studies have investigated the toxicity of essential
a flock, it is almost impossible to eradicate them (Chauve, 1998). The oils against different livestock pests, such as the study by Kim et al.
control of the poultry red mite is mainly based on the use of aca- (2004, 2007), which tested 56 plant essential oils for their acaricidal
ricides, such as organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and effects against D. gallinae. More recently, George et al. (2008, 2009,
formamidines. The lack of new acaricides, resistance to acaricides, 2010) investigated the influence of ‘time since last blood meal’ on
and increasingly stringent requirements for chemicals used on food the toxicity of essential oils to the poultry red mite, the repellence
of plant essential oils to D. gallinae, and their toxicity to the non-
targeted invertebrate Tenebrio molitor, as well as the in vitro and
in vivo acaricidal activity and residual toxicity of spinosad against
∗ Corresponding author at: VetAgro Sup, Veterinary Campus of Lyon, University the poultry red mite.
of Lyon, Department of Parasitology, 1 avenue Bourgelat, F-69280 Marcy-Etoile, To develop novel and reliable alternative methods for the man-
France. agement of this pest, we investigated ten essential oils with regard
E-mail address: (I.S. Nechita).
0304-4017/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I.S. Nechita et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 214 (2015) 348–352 349

to their acute toxicity at 24–72 h, the persistence of their toxicity of one of these circles, and 2 ␮L HM oil was placed in the centre
after 15 and 30 days, and their repellent effects against D. gallinae. of the remaining circle as a control. Prior to mounting the appara-
For this study, we selected ten plant essential oils (basil, thyme, tus, the filter papers were dried under a fume hood, and a single
coriander, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, fir tree, oregano, mint, and mite was then inserted just before the experiment. The video cam-
juniper) that are frequently used in the management and control era recorded 30 min of each test. After each test, the pieces of glass
of numerous pests. and rubber circle were washed with detergent and alcohol prior to
reuse. For this experiment, all the essential oils were tested against
2. Materials and methods HM at 100% concentration, or nothing, and three oils (thyme, laven-
der, and oregano) were tested at different concentrations (2, 5, and
2.1. Mites 20%). For each experiment, the trajectory of the mite in the appara-
tus was recorded on paper, and the area avoided by the mite during
D. gallinae mites were collected from a laying hen facility in the the experiment was measured. Resting periods were also noted, to
Lyon region. In the laboratory, the mites were transferred into an exclude mites that rested for more than half the duration of the
open jar surrounded by two successive barriers of water and were experiment (15 min) from the results. By relying on the measured
then subsequently left for 10 to 15 days before the start of exper- area and surface of the ring, we calculated the RE (repellent effect)
iments to stabilise the population and to acclimatise the parasites as a percentage of the area avoided by the mite for each experiment.
to the laboratory conditions. Means and standard deviations for each of the oils or control were
then calculated. For each of the oils or control, five replicates were
2.2. Selection of plant essential oils performed.

All plant essential oils used in this study were produced by

SOLARIS PLANT SRL (Bucharest, Romania) and were purchased from 3. Results
a herbal pharmacy (Cluj-Napoca).
3.1. Toxicity and persistence of essential oils
2.3. Bioassays
The toxic effect of 20% dilutions of ten essential oils at an appli-
Filter-paper contact bioassays were used to evaluate the toxicity cation rate of 0.12 mg/cm2 , varied according to the plant species.
and persistence of the toxic and repellent effects of the essential oils At this dose, the best results were observed for lavender (more
towards D. gallinae. than 97% mortality after 48 and 72 h) and thyme (84% at 72 h). The
For the toxicity bioassay, a 20% dilution of each essential oil in oregano and juniper oils resulted in a mortality rate close to 50%
distilled water was made with 0.12 mg/cm2 of the oil. Control filter after 72 h, whereas the other oils resulted in a lower or no mortality
papers (Whatman No. 2) contained nothing, commercial alimen- compared with the controls (Fig. 1A).
tary oil (Huile de mélange Omegabio 4 (HM), Cauvin, France) as a In addition, the persistence of the toxic effect of these oils after
negative control, or Phoxim at a dose of 0.52 mg/cm2 (ByeMite nd, 15 and 30 days from application on filter paper varied according
Bayer) as a positive control. After drying in a fume hood, each filter to the plant species. As shown in Fig. 1, only three oils (lavender,
paper (length: 8 cm; width: 1 cm) was folded length-wise and was oregano, and thyme) showed significant activity 30 days after appli-
placed into a Pasteur pipette, allowing mites to walk on the impreg- cation to filter papers, with lavender being less effective (nearly 80%
nated paper or on the glass wall of the pipettes. Batches of 18–25 mortality after 72 h), thyme the most effective (100% at 72 h), and
adult D. gallinae were introduced into the pipettes using a vacuum oregano the least effective, with more than 40% mite mortality after
pump. The fine ends of the pipette were broken and covered with 72 h (Fig. 1C).
parafilm, and the other ends were plugged with cotton. For each
experiment, three replicates were performed for each essential oil
in addition to two negative controls (paper without anything or
3.2. Toxicity of thyme and lavender at different concentrations
HM) and a positive control (Phoxim, ByeMite). All pipettes were
checked to ensure that no dead mites were introduced and to verify
Based on the results obtained at the 20% concentration level
the number of mites in each pipette. All pipettes were maintained
for essential oils, we tested the thyme and lavender oils at differ-
under the same conditions as those used for batch maintenance.
ent concentrations (2, 5, and 10%) to establish whether these oils
The mites were then examined after 24, 48, and 72 h of exposure
maintained their acaricidal activity. Thyme oil exhibited a greater
to the essential oils to determine mite mortality using a binocu-
activity at 20% (100% at 48 and 72 h) compared to lavender oil (80%
lar microscope. All experiments were repeated twice. The results
at 72 h), and at 5% dilution, more than 60% activity at 48 and 72 h
were expressed as the percentage mortality and the means and
was observed for thyme and only >40% activity at 72 h for laven-
standard deviations for each of the oils or controls were calculated,
der. At 10% dilution, lavender was more effective (>80% at 48 and
and the means were then corrected using Henderson–Tilton’s for-
72 h) than thyme (>60%). For the final dilution (2%), both oils had
mula (Henderson and Tilton, 1955), which relies on a non-uniform
approximately the same effect.
mite population. The persistence was tested after 15 and 30 days
using the same procedure as described above with filter papers
introduced into Pasteur pipettes and left under a hood for 15 or 30
days before the experiments. 3.3. Repellent effect of essential oils
To evaluate the repellent effect of essential oils toward D. gal-
linae, we used a video camera to register the movement of mites All ten essential oils were tested for their repellent effect by
exposed to essential oils for 30 min. In this experiment, a circular using a drop of 2 ␮L of pure oil. Out of the ten oils, thyme had the
rubber ring (4.5 cm diameter) was placed onto a filter paper cut to strongest repellent effect, with nearly 80% of the area avoided by the
the same size, and both were placed between two pieces of glass. mites; oregano resulted in a 60% avoidance and lavender approxi-
On each filter paper, two circles (0.81 cm diameter) were previ- mately a 40% avoidance. All of the other oils exhibited a repellent
ously drawn at two opposite points of the ring, 2 ␮L of each tested effect of less than 30%. None of the experiments showed a repellent
essential oil or control (nothing or HM) was placed in the centre effect for the HM or negative controls (Fig. 2A and 2B).
350 I.S. Nechita et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 214 (2015) 348–352

A. 100



B. 100



C. 100


20 h72

Fig. 1. The acaricidal activity of 10 essential oils against Dermanyssus gallinae using the filter-paper contact bioassay at 0.12 mg/cm2 of the oil.
A—Corrected means and standard deviations of the toxic effect at D0 (day 0).
B—Corrected means and standard deviations of the toxic effect at D15 (after 15 days).
C—Corrected means and standard deviations of the toxic effect at D30 (after 30 days).

3.4. Repellent effect of thyme, lavender, and oregano at different In comparison to other studies, we made four dilutions (2%, 5%,
concentrations 10%, and 20%) of the plant essential oils in distilled water and placed
them in filter paper in Pasteur pipettes. Lavender and thyme were
Based on the results obtained from the toxicity experiments, most effective at a dose of approximately 0.12 mg/cm2 of the oil,
we chose thyme, lavender, and oregano to examine their repellent corresponding to a 20% dilution and >80% mortality. In previous
effects at different concentrations (100%, 20%, 5%, and 2%). Similar studies (George et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2004), the same principle
to previous results, thyme was the most repellent at the 100% con- and method was used to establish the toxicity of essential oils, and
centration, followed by oregano and lavender. This order was also the only difference was that Petri dishes were used in one study
maintained for the 20% concentration, but the effects rapidly and and glass vials in the other, and adult mites were then introduced
constantly decreased, with little or no effect at 2% for the three oils, using flasks.
with the exception of lavender, which still had a slight effect at 2% A problem with the use of essential oils against different pests is
(Fig. 2A and C). that oils can have different chemical profiles and therefore, varying
acaricidal activity, even if the oils are from the same plant species.
Kim et al. (2004) found that lime, thyme, lavender, oregano, and
4. Discussion
coriander led to 100% mite mortality in contact toxicity assays at
0.07 mg/cm2 of the oil. George et al. (2009) reported that these oils
One of the alternative methods for the control of different
were less effective than in a previous study, and in our study, these
culture breeding pests is the use of plant essential oils, which
oils had moderate toxicity, with only lavender resulting in >90%
have been recognised for their properties (antibacterial, antifun-
mite mortality. In addition, George et al. (2010) found that not all
gal, antiviral, insecticidal, and antioxidant) and are widely used in
essential oils have the same toxic effect on all of the life stages
medicine and the food industry.
I.S. Nechita et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 214 (2015) 348–352 351

Fig. 2. The repellent effect of 10 essential oils against Dermanyssus gallinae.

A—Sketches showing the movement of mites in the presence of the essential oils and the avoided area.
B—The means and standard deviations of the area avoided by mites, due to the repellent effect of essential oils.
C—The means and standard deviations of the area avoided by mites, due to the repellent effect of thyme, lavender and oregano oils at different dilutions: 100%, 20%, 5% and

of D. gallinae, and thyme oil in the previous study produced 100% >80% when tested for toxicity, although thyme oil had the strongest
mortality in adults but had no effect on eggs. Kim et al. (2004) found repellent effect, followed by oregano, lavender, and basil oil.
that not all of the oils from the same species had the same effect, Regarding the repellent effect of essential oils against D. galli-
as in the case of Eucalyptus spp., juniperspp., mint spp., oreganospp., nae, only one study exists (George et al., 2009), with which we can
and seven Citrusspp, of which lime oil produced 100% mortality and compare our results. To test the repellent effect of essential oils,
the others were almost ineffective at the same dose. George et al. these authors used four Y-tube olfactometers of the same design,
(2008) reported that the acaricidal effect of Lavendula angustifolia which were assembled using flexible plastic tubing coupled to hol-
from Croatia was nearly 1.5 times more lethal to D. gallinae than low, rigid glass rods and plastic bungs. In this study, we used a
the same oil from the same species from France. video camera to record the movement (trajectory) and periods of
All of the plant essential oils used in the present study were rest of the mite for a 30-min period, between two pieces of glass.
found to have different levels of toxicity forwards D. gallinae, and We obtained repellent effect results faster using this method, and
differences in the repellent effect between the oils used in this study we used only one mite; thus, our results might be more accurate
were observed. For example, lavender oil resulted in the highest than those of others that used a group of mites, but might require
mite mortality at >90%, and the mortality caused by thyme oil was more replication. However, using this method, we could not deter-
mine precisely whether the repellent effect of essential oils occurs
352 I.S. Nechita et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 214 (2015) 348–352

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Acknowledgements Perruci, S., Macchioni, G., Cioni, P.L., Flamini, G., Morelli, I., 1995. Structure/activity
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The authors gratefully thank the Department of Parasitology,
Sparagano, A., Pavlicevic, A., Murano, T., Lamarda, A., 2009. Prevalence and key
VetAgro Sup, Université de Lyon for their support. This study was figures for the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae infections in poultry farm
supported by the Erasmus Mundus Programme, University Joseph systems. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 48, 3–10.
Zeman, P., 1987. Systemic efficacy of ivermectin against Dermanyssus gallinae
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(DeGeer 1778) in fowls. Vet. Parasitol. 23, 141–146.
erinary Medicine, CNRS, and the University of Lyon.


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