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School of Education, NUI Galway

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Danielle Mc Elroy

Date: 28/04/22

Class: Second Years

Subject: English

Topic of the Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) 1


Where does this lesson fit in the topic/unit being taught?

Students must complete two Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) between Second
and Third year. This lesson is introducing them to their first formal assessment and
focussing on what they will have to do for it.

What prior knowledge do students have about this topic?

Students will have some knowledge about what a CBA is and CBA 1 due to both
being discussed briefly in class the week prior. Students were asked to take
information letters home to their parents and have them signed ready to be handed up
at the end of todays lesson.

Students would understand what a speech is and know how to write one having
learned how to do so in previous lessons as part of their Junior cycle programme.
Materials used during lesson:
By teacher: By students:
Powerpoint Notes copy
Projector Journal
Whiteboard markers Pens
Clicker Show me board
VGA Cable Whiteboard marker
Laptop CBA parental forms signed
Teachers website https:// CBA 1 handout from this lesson Two Stars and a wish feedback sheet.
CBA 1 handout from this lesson

School of Education, NUI Galway

1. Aims In this lesson I will…

Develop and deepen students’ understanding of CBAs.
Instruct students on what they will have to do in preparation for their first CBA.
Issue students handout for first lesson which gives detailed breakdown of next few
Explain the marking scheme and timeline to the students.
Encourage students to think critically throughout the lesson with brainstorming
2. Learning Outcomes At the end of this lesson, students will be able to….
(outline key ideas/concepts/content/vocabulary, use specific active verbs)
Explain what a CBA is.
List two core areas of English CBA 1, preparation and communication.
Describe key points given in lesson about what is expected of them for their CBA1.
Discuss the pros and cons of presenting in a group.
Decide whether the want to present individually or in a group.
Evaluate what topic they wish to present on for their first CBA.
Explain how to access the teachers website- Ms McElroys Notes.
Identify CBA 1 timeline described in lesson and date of presentation.
Identify the four marking descriptors for CBA 1.
3. Assessment How will students’ learning progress be assessed?
I will ask students oral questions to gage their understanding throughout the lesson.
Students will participate in group activities and I will ask for their answers.
Students will write down answers in their copies.
Throughout the lesson I will walk around the room and inspect the students’ work.
At the end of the lesson I will ask students how they feel and gage understanding by
Two Stars One Wish system.
4. Opening How will lesson be introduced? What’s the ‘hook’?
(Try to link to real-world application/ or prior knowledge) Timing:
Students answer question given on whiteboard asking them what Two minutes
CBA stands for, they are instructed to write this out clearly on show
me boards while I set up my laptop for the lesson.

5. Body of lesson (include teaching approaches, when materials are used etc.)

School of Education, NUI Galway

Teacher Activities Student Activities Timing:

Ask students for their starter Students share answers on their One minute
answers on what they think CBA show me boards that I have
stands for, scanning the room. brought to class for them.

I will discuss CBAs, why they Students listen and ask questions Five minutes
are important and introduce the if they have any.
students to CBA 1, explaining
what it is.

Following my introduction, I Students participate in class Four minutes

will instruct students to write activity, Think-Pair-share oral
down answers to questions on activity, coming up with answers
the board. for questions.

I will create a spider graph on Students share their ideas. Five minutes
the board and ask the students
for their answers on the oral
communication questions.

Hand out handouts to students Students listen. Four minutes

and explain timeline to them
over next three weeks.

I will split students into groups Students participate in group task. Fours minutes
and get them to brainstorm on
the pros and cons of presenting
in a group.

Ask students for answers. A A student from each group comes Five minutes.
member from each group comes up and puts an answer on the
up and writes an answer in a box board.
either Pros or Cons. I will have
various markers due to covid to
ensure there is no students

Explain how the CBA is Students listen and participate in Five minutes
marked, show students how to class discussion
access my website telling them
it is written on handout and
asking students if they have any

School of Education, NUI Galway

6. Closing How will lesson be closed?

The lesson will be closed by recapping what the students have learned in the lesson,
emphasising key points students should remember and getting students to fill out Two
Stars and a Wish handout for feedback from lesson.

7. Self-Evaluation
How did the lesson

Were my learning
outcomes achieved?

To what extent?

What would I do
differently next time?

What can I learn from

this lesson?

School of Education, NUI Galway

You might consider areas such as:

! student understanding
! motivation
! clarity of instruction
! student involvement
! learners’ ability to transfer new knowledge to different situations
! teaching methods
! discipline, resources
! surprises and/or unexpected student behaviour

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