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Ariel Brown

Kins. 4306
Internship Journal/log
Week 9

October 11 - Oct 15

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday Oct. 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Tuesday Oct. 12 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Wednesday, Oct. 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00


Thursday, Oct. 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00


Friday, Oct. 15 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Weekly Total 40

Total Hours 263

Weekly Journal

Monday: Today I worked on the powerpoint and some of the missing data that was left to do. It

was a really simple day.

Tuesday: Today I went to huddle at 9:15 and Randy the fellow was in charge of doing huddle

which was cool to see him lead for the first time. I got the chance to finally meet with Marylin

Margolis who is the CEO of the hospital. I had a great time shadowing her and asking her

questions about her role and how she got to that position.Our time was a bit limited since it

mostly involved meetings but it was insightful for me. I got to see what happens after we do Tier

3 Huddle and listen in on the Tier 5 huddle with all of the hospital system leaders across emory. I

also got to sit in on two different EMPOWER meetings with their respective leadership teams to

discuss ways the hospital and staff could improve various things.

Wednesday: I went in and went to Huddle at 9:15Am. After this I went to the office and began

working on sifting through more of the data and preparing my power point. I realized after

yesterdays meetings that I need to readjust the format so I began working on that and printing off

the documents I needed to cross reference things since my computer was not hooked up to the

printer yesterday for some reason.

Thursday: Today I came into the office at 9 and then went to huddle at 9:15. I continued

working on compiling the last of the data and getting stuff ready for the next step in the project.

Today we had a HUDDLE meeting where we looked at the issue trackers within the team and

realized that there was still an outstanding ticket for a computer in the office that I would need to

use the next day.

Friday: Today I worked on preparing the second step in my project which is the introductory

powerpoint for the official kickoff meeting. I am really excited for this meeting because it will be

my first time talking about what I’ve been working on to others besides Maria and it will give me

a chance to work on my public speaking skills.

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