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Percussionists are encouraged to audition on both percussion and timpani for the 2022 OAcademy.
With every country having their own COVID-19 protocols, please bear in mind that you should
guarantee access to these instruments ahead of time in order to participate fully in what OAcademy
will have to offer. If you would like to audition only for percussion you may do so and not include the
timpani excerpts. There will not be a separate timpani audition this year.

Invitamos a los percusionistas a aplicar a la OAcademy 2022 tanto para la audición de percusión como
de timpani. Dado que cada país tiene sus propios protocolos COVID-19, tenga en cuenta que deberá
garantizar el acceso a los instrumentos con anticipación para participar de manera exitosa en todas las
actividades que la OAcademy ofrecerá. Si desea hacer una audición solo para percusión, puede hacerlo sin
incluir los extractos de timpani. Este año no se realizará audición separada para timpani.

Audition Material


Orchestral Excerpts:
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (Overture) (Complete excerpt)
- Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra (Bar 173 – 183)


Orchestral Excerpts:
- Debussy: La Mer, No.3, Dialogue du vent et de la mer (9 bars after rehearsal mark #55 - 8 bars
before rehearsal mark #56)
- Dukas: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice [4 bars after rehearsal mark #17 - 4 bars after rehearsal mark
#19] and [rehearsal mark #22 - rehearsal mark #24]

Orchestral Excerpts:
- Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherezade, Mvt. III [Rehearsal mark D – E]; mvt. IV [1 bar before
rehearsal mark C – D; [4 bars before rehearsal mark N - 19 bars after rehearsal mark N];
[rehearsal mark P –rehearsal marl R]
- Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kijé Mvt. I, The Birth of Kijé, [Rehearsal mark #1 – rehearsal mark #3]


Orchestral Excerpt:
- Dvorak: Carnival Overture [bar 1 - 5 bars after rehearsal mark A]; [17 bars after rehearsal mark
K - 26 bars after rehearsal mark. K]; [rehearsal mark T – end]


Orchestral Excerpt:
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4, Mvt. IV [Bar 1-8 inclusive]; [16 bars after rehearsal mark H –


- A solo piece of the candidate’s choice on the following instruments: Marimba, Vibraphone,
Xylophone, Timpani, Snare Drum. Maximum duration: 3 minutes / Una pieza solista a
elección del candidato en los siguientes instrumentos: marimba, vibráfono, xilófono, timpani,
redoblante. Duración máxima: 3 minutos.
- Please choose 2 of the following instruments to demonstrate your ability on Latin and/or
Brazilian percussion: congas, timbales, bongo, tambora, maracas, pandeiro, repinique,
tamborim, caixa. Maximum duration: 2 minutes. / Elija 2 de los siguientes instrumentos para
demostrar sus habilidades en percusión latina y/o brasileña: congas, timbales, bongo, tambora,
maracas, pandereta, repinique, tamborim, caja. Duración máxima: 2 minutos.

7) TIMPANI [Optional]

Orchestral Excerpts:
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4, Mvt.1 [rehearsal mark T – 1 bar before rehearsal mark V]
- Beethoven Symphony No. 5, Mvt. III/IV [Bar 224 – 395 inclusive]

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