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The First Sloka from Sri Appayya Dikshitendral’s Sri Varadaraja Stavam:

उा योगकलया दयाकोशं

धःै िचरादिप यथािच गमाणः ।

यः ूरिवरत ू र्
ं पिरपणपः
ौयः ु ु
े स म े िदशत ु शाितकं मकः ॥
This is the first Sloka in Sri Varadaraja Stavam, composed by Sri Appayya
Dikshitendral, eulogizing Sree Varadaraja Perumal of Kanchipuram. In Sanskrit
literature, the word “Indra” is also used in an honorific way, to denote the highest
or most distinguised member of a particular class. So, ‘Dikshitendra’ means the
fore-most among Dikshitars. It is told that, in those days, this appellation
‘Dikshitendra’ was exclusively used to refer to Sri Appayya Dikshithar. Great
Sanskrit commentators refer to him in their works, not by his name, but by the
appellation “Dikshitendra” – which uniquely identifies Sri Appayya only.

Now about the Sloka :

उा Having opened दयाकोशं the heart lotus in its entirety
योगकलया by the technique of Yoga िचरादिप by long-drawn efforts
ध ैः by the meritorious people यथािच as per their inclinations

गमाणः realized / seen यः who / Which Cosmic Absolute

ूरित glows / throbs अिवरत ं constantly, uninterruptedly
ू र्
पिरपणपः as the full-blown God- Head सः मक ु ु ः That Lord Maha
Vishnu – Mukunda (name Mukunda signifies that He
gives Moksha or salvation)
म े िदशत ु bestow on me े ever-permanent
शाितकं ौयः
happiness / Moksha sukham.

Free Translation: Great virtuous people, by constant recourse to Yogic

techniques, open their Heart Lotus, in all its fullness and see You there, in their
heart, in the Form, most loved by them (as Siva or Vishnu or Devi or whatever
Form dear to them). May That Cosmic Absolute, which always shines in the heart
in its ‘Paripoorna’ roopam --- That Mukunda bestow on me the perennial Bliss of
Moksha Sukham. (Note the apt use of the name Mukunda, while talking about
Moksha. Mahavishnu’s name Mukunda means one who has the prowess to bestow
the Bliss of Moksha, to his devotees).
Sri Appayya Dikshitendra establishes, in a subtle way, the oneness of Siva and
Vishnu, although the Stotra is addresed to Sri Varadaraja Perumal.

---With love from Kalyanaraman : 19th April 2011

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