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Grade: 8 Social Studies Length: 60 min

Lesson Overview

Students will engage in a Circle Talk about the National Day for Truth and
Reconciliation. The video of Mumilaaq Qaqqaq’s resignation speech from parliament
will be used as a video provocation, emphasizing the necessity for continued
discussion about Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

Alberta Program of Studies Outcomes

General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:

8.1.3 appreciate how models of
governance and decision making reflect a
society’s worldview
8.1.4 appreciate how a society’s
worldview shapes individual citizenship
and identity
8.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written
and visual literacy:
● communicate in a persuasive and
engaging manner through
speeches, multimedia
presentations and written and oral
reports, taking particular
audiences and purposes into
● use skills of informal debate to
persuasively express differing
viewpoints regarding an issue
● elicit, clarify and respond
appropriately to questions, ideas
and multiple points of view
presented in discussions
● offer reasoned comments related to
a topic of discussion
● listen to others to understand their
points of view

Critical Questions

Unit Inquiry Question:

Lesson Guiding Questions:
Why do you think we are having a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation?
What does reconciliation mean to you?
Why might reconciliation be uncomfortable for some people?
What does the “truth” in Truth and Reconciliation mean?
Do you think we must first have truth before we can have reconciliation? Why or why
Based on what Mumilaaq Qaqqaq said, do you think there has been a shift in
Canadian society in regards to reconciliation? What evidence have you seen to support
your answer?
Do you think we should continue to keep our flags at half mast to honour missing
Indigenous children?

Learning Objectives:
Students will…
Discuss the intentions behind the National Day for Reconciliation.
Consider the effectiveness of a national holiday for reconciliation.
Discuss the meaning of “truth” and “reconciliation”.
Consider the significance of the National Day for Reconciliation.

Learning Resources

Materials and Equipment

- Student notebooks
- Laptop for video viewing

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (10 min):

Teacher should begin lesson by reminding students of the National Day for Truth and
Reconciliation on September 30, 2021.

Body (45 min):

Steps and Procedures: Teaching Strategies:

Teacher will show the video of the Video viewing
Nunavut MP’s resignation speech, Whole class discussion
encouraging students to take notes while - Pointed questioning
watching, writing down concepts they
think are important or questions they
Teacher will then initiate the circle
discussion. Remind students of circle
etiquette. (One person speaks at a time,
all people are equal, we start in the East,
we honour every person’s contributions,
we recognize land acknowledgements, one
pass per person)
Teacher will provide a new question for
each pass through.

Participation in discussion.


Consolidating and Closure (5 min):

Thank students for participation, encouraging continued discussion and thinking

about Truth and Reconciliation.
Have students reorganize desks and chairs into regular placements.

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