Class Management

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General Classroom Control

1. General Rules to be followed

a. Never touch something that doesn’t belong to you! Music classrooms are full of
expensive instruments and equipment, so please only handle what belongs to
b. If you need to miss a concert or preformance, please let me know at least 24
hours in advance, or as soon as you know. An ensemble performance relies
heavily on the work of each individual person, so please let know if we will be
missing your voice. I understand there are certain things that cannot be avoided,
but please understand that not everything can be excused. This is a graded
class, your basketball practice is not.
c. Do your part. If you don’t know your music, ask for help from myself or from
someone in your section. Work on it outside of class if need be, but don’t suffer
silently. I want you to succeed.
d. We are a family, and the choir room is a safe place. Music should be a creative
break. Not a brain break, but a creative break. Relax, and let’s make some
2. Consequences
a. If you damage something that doesn’t belong to you, you’ll be asked to repair it
or to fund repairs.
b. If you fail to alert me of an absence, you’ll receive a zero for that performance.
(if valid proof is given to me afterwards, a makeup assignment will be given)
c. There is no obvious punishment for not knowing your music, except your own
frustration, and potentially damage to the choir’s sound. Let’s not find out which
comes first.
d. If you are found not treating everyone as a family member, we will find a time to
meet and discuss why. No one should feel excluded here.
e. If any school policies are broken in my classroom, the proper handbook
disciplinary actions will be taken. If it requires an after school meeting with me,
we will make an appointment to work it out.
3. I believe that the punishment should fit the crime. If you show me I can trust you, and
then drop the ball once, we can sit down and talk about what might be happening that
could be causing you to act up/be late/not do your work. If these actions are consistent,
some kind of action will need to be taken. Hopefully as a class, we can avoid the use of
these disciplinary actions all together.
Classroom management, Organization, and Expectations
1. Management and Organization
a. My classroom will be organized in a way that separates “baggage”, both literal
and figurative, from the student’s workspace. I believe my classroom should be a
space where students can forget about whatever is bothering them and just
create something beautiful. If their physical “baggage” is seperate from their work
space, they are more likely to keep those areas separate in their mind. As for
management, I will try to be strict but not scary. I want my kids to know I mean
business, but I don't want them to be afraid to have an off day. I want to be a
friend but also an inspiration.
b. Teacher expectations
i. As the instructor, I think it is important to know what I am talking about. If I
don’t do the work necessary to be able to instruct and assist where
necessary, I can’t do my job to the fullest. I need to be held accountable
the same way that I will be holding my students accountable.
ii. My office will be my space but it will be open to students who need it.
c. Student expectations
i. My students will be expected to know and be independent on their own
parts. I will be a helping hand when need be, but I will not spoon feed. I
want to not only teach them the songs they need to know, but I want to
make them strong musicians by making sure they are set with things like
theory and solfege. If they can’t be independent musicians, I haven’t done
my job.
Procedures and Routines
1. When entering the room, each student will be expected to drop off their things, grab their
folders, and stand in their spots before the bell rings. If someone is tardy, they should
have a pass. They should enter without disrupting the rest of the choir.
2. If someone needs a section played again or clarified, they should first mark it in their
music, then raise their hand at an appropriate time.
3. If I am sick and there is a sub, the first thing we can hope for is that teacher having some
kind of music ability. If not, the class should be treated as sectional time. I will have
classes planned for each section, and section leaders will be expected to run these
sectionals. I will have some kind of lesson plan for the sub, so they at least know how to
supervise these sectionals. Lastly, my students will be expected to treat this sub better
than they would treat me.
4. For things like fire drills and lockdowns, we will follow whatever the school’s policy says.
5. As stated above in the “Rules”, if a performance must be missed, I must be notified as
soon as you know, but at least 24 hours in advance. If an emergency comes up and you
must miss without notice, let me know as soon as you can what happened. Most things
are understandable but not everything is excusable.

Classroom discipline for…

1. Minor Disruptions
a. These will be dealt with on a case to case basis. If a student acts out once, I will
deal with it accordingly. Usually if a student only acts out once for seemingly no
reason, there is an outside issue that can be addressed.
2. On-going discipline issues
a. Repeat offenders will be talked to after class and dealt with how we feel is
3. Aggressive and violent behavior
a. No kind of aggressive or violent behavior will be tolerated in my classroom. If
students are caught engaging in this kind of behavior will be sent to the office
and dealt with as the school policy says. The principal will be involved as

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