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g]kfn 6]lnsd

g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8

clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
kf7\oqmdsf] ?k/]vf M— o; kf7\oqmdsf] cfwf/df lgDgfg';f/ r/0fdf k/LIff lnOg] 5 M
k|yd r/0f M— lnlvt k/LIff k"0ff{Í M— @))
låtLo r/0f M— cGtjf{tf{ k"0ff{Í M— #)
k/LIff of]hgf (Examination Scheme)
!= k|yd r/0f M lnlvt k/LIff (Written Examination) k"0ff{Ë M– @))
kq ljifo v08 k"0ff{Í pQL0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg;+Vof × cÍ ;do
ax'j}slNks %) k|Zg x ! cÍ $% ldg]6
& General
k|Zg (MCQ) Ö %)
k|yd Subject
Ability Test !)) $)
Management &
Institutional ljifout !) k|Zg x % cÍ ! 306f
Awareness Ö %) #) ldg]6
ax'j}slNks #) k|Zg x ! cÍ #) ldg]6
låtLo Technical Subject !)) $) k|Zg (MCQ)
@ k|Zg x % cÍ @ 306f
^ k|Zg x !) cÍ #) ldg]6
@= låtLo r/0f M
ljifo k"0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL ;do
JolQmut cGtjf{tf{ #) df}lvs

b|i6Jo M
1. of] kf7\oqmdsf] of]hgfnfO{ k|yd r/0f / låtLo r/0f u/L b'O{ efudf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .
2. lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod efiff g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL cyjf g]kfnL / c+u|]hL b'a} x'g]5 .
3. k|yd / låtLokqsf] lnlvt k/LIff 5'§f5'§} x'g]5 .
4. lnlvt k/LIffdf ;f]lwg] k|Zg ;+Vof / cÍef/ oyf;Dej ;DalGwt kq÷ljifodf lbO{P cg';f/ x''g]5 .
5. j:t'ut ax'j}slNks (Multiple Choice)k|Zgx?sf] unt pQ/ lbPdf k|To]s unt pQ/ afkt @)
k|ltzt cÍ s§f ul/g]5 . t/ pQ/ glbPdf To; afkt cÍ lbOg] 5}g / cÍ s§f klg ul/g] 5}g .
6. j:t'ut ax'j}slNks x'g] k/LIffdf k/LIffyL{n] pQ/ n]Vbf c+u|]hL 7"nf] cIf/ (Capital letter) A,B,C,D
df n]Vg'kg]{5 . ;fgf] cIf/ (Small letter) a,b,c,d n]v]sf] jf cGo s'g} ;ª\s]t u/]sf] eP ;a}
pQ/k'l:tsf /2 x'g]5 .
7. ax'j}slNks k|Zgx? x'g] k/LIffdf s'g} k|sf/sf] SofNs'n]6/ (Calculator) k|of]u ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
8. ljifout k|Zgdf k|To]s kq÷ljifosf k|To]s v08sf nflu 5'§f5'§} pQ/k'l:tsfx? x'g]5g\ . kl/IffyL{n]
k|To]s v08sf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ ;f]xL v08sf pQ/k'l:tsfdf n]Vg'kg]{5 .
9. o; kf7\oqmd of]hgf cGtu{tsf kq÷ljifosf ljifoj:t''df h];'s} n]lvPsf] ePtfklg kf7\oqmddf k/]sf
sfg"g, P]g, lgod, ljlgod tyf gLltx? k/LIffsf] ldlt eGbf # dlxgf cufl8 -;+zf]wg ePsf jf
;+zf]wg eO{ x6fO{Psf jf yk u/L ;+zf]wg eO{_ sfod /x]sfnfO{ o; kf7\qmddf k/]sf] ;Demg'' kb{5 .
10. k|yd r/0fsf] k/LIffaf6 5gf}6 ePsf pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ dfq låtLor/0fsf] k/LIffdf ;lDdlnt u/fOg]5 .
11. kf7\oqmdnfu' ldlt M–@)&*.)$.)!

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
k|yd kq (Paper I): General Subject

Section (A) : - General Awareness & General Ability Test (50% Marks)

1. General Awareness and Contemporary Issues(25×1 Mark = 25 Marks)

1.1 Geography of Nepal and the World (5 Marks)

1.1.1Continent, ocean, pole, latitude, longitude, time, distance,
mountains, deserts, rivers, glaciers, lakes, climate, trade winds,
1.1.2Physical, socio-cultural and economic geography, major natural
resources and demography of Nepal.

1.2 History & Culture (5 Marks)

1.2.1Major historical events of the World.
1.2.2Notable events, personalities and socio-cultural aspects of ancient,
medieval and modern history of Nepal.
1.2.3Customs, traditions, values, religions, ethnicity, languages,
cultures, arts, literature, music and heritages of Nepal.

1.3 Economic aspects of Nepal (5 Marks)

1.3.1Economic indicators (economic growth, GDP, GNP, per capita
income, remittance, foreign aid & investment)
1.3.2Infrastructures of development (agriculture, industry, trade,
tourism, transportation, communication, health, electricity)
1.3.3Government planning and budgeting.

1.4 Governance & Organisations (5 Marks)

1.4.1The Constitution of Nepal; federal, provincial and local
1.4.2General information on the UNO, WTO, ITU, WB, ADB, AIIB,

1.5 Contemporary Issues (5 Marks)

1.5.1Information on sustainable development, environment, pollution,
climate change, biodiversity, demography, urbanization, science
and technology.
1.5.2Recent advance and major achievements in telecommunication
1.5.3Major Events and Current Affairs of National and International

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
2. General Ability Test (15 ×1 Mark = 15 Marks)

2.1 Verbal and Non- Verbal Ability Test (8×1 Marks = 8 Marks)
Jumble words, Coding-Decoding, Ranking Order Test, Direction and
Distance Sense Test, Logical Reasoning, Statement and Conclusions,
Series, Analogy, Classification, Matrix, Analytical Reasoning, Figure
Formation and Analysis, Rule Detection, Water images, Mirror images,
Cubes and Dice & Venn-diagram

2.2 Numerical Ability Test (7×1 Marks = 7 Marks)

Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding, Arithmetical
reasoning/operation, Percentage, Ratio, Average, Loss & Profit, Time &
Work, Data interpretation & Data verification

3. Mathematics and Statistics (10 ×1 Mark = 10 Marks)

3.1 Function and Limit, Maxima and Minima, Differentiation and
Integration and their interpretation, Equations of straight lines, circle,
parabola, hyperbola, spheres, cylinders and cones, Linear differential
equations (up to second order), Fourier series, Fourier Transforms,
Fourier integral, inverse Fourier integral formula, odd and even
function, Laplace transforms, Line, surface and volume integral, Taylor
series, Zeros and Poles, Z-transforms
3.2 Introduction of statistics and descriptive statistics, Mean, Mode,
Variance, Dispersion, Probability, Discrete random variables and
probability distribution, continuous random variables and probability
distributions, Samples, Sampling theorems, Linear regression,
Population mean & sample mean and accuracy, pi & bar diagrams, error

Section (B) : - Management and Institutional Awareness Test (50%


4. Management Concepts (10 Marks)

4.1 Concept of Management, Modern approaches to management
4.2 Vision, Mission, Goal, Objectives, Targets, Strategies, Organization
Structure, Authority and Power Delegation, Leadership, Control,
Coordination, Motivation, Teamwork and Group Dynamics
4.3 Managing work force diversity and appreciative inquiry
4.4 Quality management & TQM techniques
4.5 Time Management, Conflict Management, MIS, Customer Care,
Decision Support System, Outsourcing, Inventory Control, Job
Description, training, service portfolio and tariff structure of Nepal
g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
4.6 Corporate and strategic planning and management, corporate social
4.7 Ethics, Integrity and responsibility in business/service like institution

5. Project Management & Marketing (10 Marks)

5.1 Definitions, the project life cycle, Setting project objectives & goals,
Network model: CPM & PERT, Gantt Chart, Project scheduling,
Resource leveling, Systems of project control, Cost control, Preparation
of operational budget, Introduction to budgetary control, Planning of
quality, time & cost dimensions, Negotiating for Materials, Supplies &
Services, project monitoring and evaluation, Bringing the project to a
successful conclusion.
5.2 Concept of EIRR(Economic internal rate of return) and FIRR(Financial
internal rate of return)
5.3 Business Strategic planning, Marketing Process, Product Planning,
Developing the Marketing Program

6. Finance and General Accounting Principles (10 Marks)

6.1 Essential business & accounting terminology, Cost classification &
analysis, Interest & time value of money, Basic methodology of
engineering economics, cost and benefit analysis, risk analysis,
investment decisions, demand analysis and sales forecasting,
6.2 Basic knowledge of trial balance & Balance Sheet, income statements,
revenue and capital expenditure, budgeting and capitalization,
depreciation and subsidy, Procurement procedures (FOB, CIF,
Liquidated Damages, Letter of Credit, Insurance, Invoice, Bid Security,
performance bond),Competitive bidding.

7. ;+:yfut 1fg / ;Dj4 sfg'gx? (20 Marks)

7.1 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf, sfo{If]q / r''gf}tL
7.2 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8sf] z]o/ ;+/rgf, vision, mission, goal, objectives,
7.3 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8n] k|jfx ug]{ ;]jfsf k|sf/x?, cjnDjg ul/Psf
k|ljlwx?, ;f] sf] u'0f:t/, u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f tyf ;]jfu|fxLsf] ;Gt'i6L tyf ;]jfsf]
d"No lgwf{/0f ;DjGwL Joj:yf
7.4 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ k|flws/0fsf] :yfkgf, nIo, p2]Zo, sfo{x? / lgodgsf/L e"ldsf
7.5 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL / g]kfn ;/sf/ tyf ;Dj4 lgsfox? ;+usf] ;DjGw /
7.6 b"/;+rf/ P]g, @)%# tyf b"/;+rf/ lgodfjnL, @)%$
7.7 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8sf] k|jGwkq / lgodfjnL

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
7.8 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8sf] sd{rf/L ljlgodfjnL, @)&* sf] labf, cfr/0f
tyf cg'zf;g, ;hfo / k"g/fj]bg , cjsfz,pkbfg, lga[Qe/0f tyf cGo ;'lawf
7.9 g]kfn b'/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld68sf] cfly{s lalgodfnL @)&!sf] efu @ sf] vl/b
;DaGwL sfo{lalw, efu # sf] kl/R5]b -!_ of]hgf th{"df jflif{s sfo{qmd / ah]6,
kl/R5]b-#_ sDkgLsf] ;DklQsf] lhDdf,To;sf] nut, ;+/If0f / a/a'emf/y ;DaGwL
7.10 sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] kl/R5]b @, # / %
7.11 b'/;+rf/ gLlt,@)^)
7.12 ;'rgf k|ljlw gLlt,@)^&
7.13 e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%(

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
låtLo kq (Paper II): Technical Subject
Section (A) : - (50% Marks)
1. Electronic Devices and circuit
Bipolar transistors switching characteristics, MOS transistor switching
characteristics, TTL logic circuits, NMOS/CMOS logic circuits, Memory:
RAM, DRAM, PROM, EPROM, Operational amplifiers, Butterworth and
Chebysev filters, A/D Converters, Adders, Arithmetic operations, Digital
comparators, Parity check generator, Multiplexer & Demultiplexers,
Flipflops, Shift register, Counters, Sequence generators, Power
electronics: Thyristor Controlled rectifier circuits, 7 segment display,
Untuned amplifier, Push-pull amplifier, tuned power amplifiers, Feedback
amplifiers, bode plot analysis, Wien bridge oscillators, tuned LC
oscillators, resonant circuits, crystal oscillator.
2. Electromagnetic field and waves
Coulomb’s law and Electric field intensity, Electric Flux Density and
Gauss’ law, Maxwell’s first equation and application, divergence theorem,
energy & potential, Laplace equation and Poisson equation, Biot-Svart’s
law, Ampere’s circuital law, Curl, Wave motion in free space, Perfect
dielectric and losses, Wave medium, Skin effect, Impedance matching,
Antenna fundamental, Polarizations, Radiation from dipole antenna, wave
guides and mixtures.
3. Control system
Open loop and closed loop control system, System Stability and
Sensitivity, System transfer functions and responses, Poles and Zeros
locations and their significance, Root locus method, Frequency response

4. Signal Analysis and Processing

Information theory, Shannon-Hartley law, Transmission of signals,
Impulse response and convolution, Fourier series, Fourier Transform, Unit
step, Delta, Sinc&Signum function, Helbert transform, LTI system,
System described by Differential & Difference equations, FIR & IIR
Filters, Discrete Fourier Transforms, IDFT, FFT, Circular convolutions,
Parseval’s theorem, Energy & power and auto correlation, Z transform.
5. Basic Analog and Digital Communications
Difference between analog and digital communications, Basic
communications elements, Signal and noise in communication system,
AM, DSC-SC, SSB-SC, PM, FM, Super heterodyne AM and FM receiver,
Digital to analog and analog to digital conversion, Sampling theorem,
Sample & hold Circuit, A law, m-law, Quantizer, Coding:

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
NRZ/HDB3/AMI, Error detection and correction, PCM/ADPCM, Digital
Modulation: ASK/PSK/FSK /QPSK /MSK / QAM, Modulation and
demodulation circuits, Frequency converter and Mixers, Phase locked loop

Section (B) : - (50% Marks)

6. Telecommunications and advanced communications
Evolution of telecommunications, Telecommunication network,
Transmission media, transmission lines, characteristic impedance, Return
loss, transformer and hybrid circuit, signal and noise measurements, echo
& singing, space /time /frequency /wavelength division multiplexing,
Erlang B formula, Queuing theorem, Data communication and computer
networking basics, Packet, Message and circuit switching, X.25 Protocol,
Frame relay, TCP/IP Protocol, OSI layers, Telephony, Functions of
switching, electromechanical switches, Stored Programmed Controlled
switch, TS/ST/TST/STS switching, No 5 and No 7 signaling, ISDN,
BISDN, ATM, PDH/SDH, DSL, Radar system, Navigational systems,
Numbering, Routing and charging plans. UMTS, IMT-2000, NGN (Next
Generation Network), MPLS, Real time protocol, Voice over IP, IP/PSTN
Platform, Introduction to IN(Intelligent Network), basics of GIS
(Geographical Information System).
7. Optical Communication
Total internal reflection, Snell's law, Optical Fiber types and properties,
optical transmission, Optical transmitters and receivers, Interconnected
and switched; splices, connectors & coupling, Fiber Optics Networks,
Optical switching, Submarine cable.
8. Wireless Communications
Evolution from 1G to 5G, Propagation theory, LOS (Line of Sight) &
Non-LOS model, Okumura and Hata Model, GMSK, OQPSK, BPSK,
FDMA/TDMA/CDMA technologies (GSM, 4G(LTE), CDMA, WiMAX),
Fundamental of satellite communication, stabilization, tracking, satellite
orbit and radio spectrum, satellite wave propagation and satellite antennas,
Digital satellite communication systems, earth stations, Kepler’s laws of
orbital motion, signal to noise ratio, interference between different
wireless systems.
9. Basic Electricity
Circuit elements, series & parallel circuits, resistance, resistivity, Ohm’s
laws, Kirchoff’s laws, Single phase & three phase circuit analysis,
Measurement of current, voltage, power, energy, insulation resistance,
Primary & Secondary cells, Cells in series & parallel, star & delta
connections, Fundamentals of transformers, Generators and Induction

g]kfn 6]lnsd
g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8
clws[t:t/ tx &, k|fljlws ;]jf, 6]lnsd O{lGhlgol/ª ;d"x, On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g pk;d"x,
On]S6«f]lgS; P08 sDo'lgs];g O{lGhlgo/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
motors, Electrical shock hazards, Earthing and shielding techniques for
telecom equipments, Lightning protections.
10. Information and Communications Technology Basics
Computer architecture, Microprocessor fundamentals, Microcomputer
systems: Bus structure, Memory systems (main, auxiliary, virtual, cache,
I/O devices, parallel and serial interfaces, RS-232 standards, Flow charts,
algorithms, variables, constants, data types, arithmetic expression, arrays,
Concept of ROM,RAM, MS-DOS, Windows, MS-Office packages, basic
concept on internet and e-mail.

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