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Examiner Information


CULTURAL EVENT: I work for the Board of Tourism. We would like to hold a cultural event for
foreign visitors in our country, to attract people to Peru and to educate them about our
culture. We have two ideas for events we would like to hold, but we would like to have your


Option 1: An outdoor cultural event with a parade, food and music.

Disadvantage: If the weather is bad, people will not be able to enjoy the event.

Option 2: An indoor film festival of culturally related movies with a book and poster exhibition.

Disadvantage: Foreigners who do not speak Spanish well may not be able to enjoy the films if
they are not in their own languages, and it would be difficult to choose which languages to
have subtitles in.


1. Have you ever been to a parade before? Did you enjoy it? On what occasions are they held
in your city/country?

2. Have you ever been to a film festival? Would you want to see movies that are shown in a
language other than your native tongue? What kind of movies do you think visitors to another
country would like to see?

3. Have you been to the U.S. before? What sorts of things would you rather do as a cultural
event, other than the options presented?

4. What kind of event do you think of as being typically "American?"


Examiner Information

Who the person is: My son/nephew/cousin/younger brother.

What the problem is: He is being bullied by other students at school.

Option 1: Join a martial arts class such as karate or taekwondo.

Advantage: It will teach him self-defense and increase his self-confidence.

Option 2: Speak to a teacher / the principal about the problem.

Advantage: The bullies can be dealt with appropriately.

Elaboration Questions

1. Is/Was bullying a problem at your school? Why do you think some students bully/bullied

2. What are some of the benefits of learning martial arts? Would you be interested in taking a
martial arts class? Why? Why not?

3. In what ways are sports important for young people? Do you prefer team sports or
individual sports? Why?


Examiner information

Who the person is: My son/ schoolmate/cousin/younger brother

What the problem is: He has to study for an important exam but some neighborhood children
are using the street outside his home to listen to play soccer and are making noise.

Option 1: Study in the town library, where there are more books, an Internet connection and a
quiet atmosphere.

Option 2: Speak to the children's parents and ask them to take them to a local park, where
there is a skateboarding ramp and no one minds if they make noise music. Then, he can study
peacefully in his own room.

Elaboration Questions

1. What is the best way for you to study? Do you listen to music at the same time?

2. Do you become stressed and nervous before an exam? How can you relax but stay focused
on doing well?

3. Do you have a heavy schedule at school? Do you find enough time to be with your family
and friends? What do you like to do with them?
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