Taba Model Change Intro

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Grade: Intro to Change Using TABA Model Length: 60 min

Lesson Overview

Students will be introduced to the concept of change using the TABA model. Students
will first brainstorm as a whole class after watching some videos and then will be
tasked with brainstorming in table pairs.

Alberta Program of Studies Outcomes

General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:

Critical Questions

Unit Inquiry Question:

How is your worldview impacted by change, global, local, personal, or otherwise?

Lesson Guiding Questions:

What words do you think of when you think of change?
What does change look like?
What are things that change?
What are things that do not change?

Learning Objectives:
Students will…
Begin to understand change as a concept and attempt to deeply consider its magnitude

Learning Resources

Poster paper
Sticky notes
Printed articles

Materials and Equipment

Laptop for guided viewing

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (5 min):

Teacher will introduce the plan for the lesson, outlining the task at hand: students will
be exploring the concept of change.

Body (45 min):

Steps and Procedures: Teaching Strategies:

Students will first watch the video and Video viewing
then participate in whole-class Group work
brainstorming with the teacher collecting Whole-class discussion
ideas on the board.
Students will then watch a second video
and continue brainstorming.
Students will then work in pairs on their
poster paper to record ideas of things that
do and do not change.

Observation and contribution

Group work

Consolidating and Closure (10 min):

Teacher should then have students contribute their ideas in a whole class discussion,
comparing answers and adding any of their classmates’ ideas that they like and may
not have thought of.

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