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Directing my Jim Quinn (Prodigal

Son) Monologue
Thursday 4th of November.

Directions on my performance: After my first 45 second

performance, it was clear that I was holding back slightly on
volume levels. I didn’t want to have a high level of volume during
my performance, where i consistently keep at the same loud
volume - that doesn’t seem realistic. So, Kieron, took direction,
and asked me to deliver certain lines at a higher volume, and then
others at a normal volume. I had to identify which points of my 45
second performance, were delivered best louder and quieter. We
discovered that, the lines where I begin with the word ‘why’,
worked well when said louder, as I am directing them at my
“headmaster”, of whom I am frustrated with. After the beginning
three lines that start ‘why’, I go on to speak about my self, my
character Jim Quinn expresses his concerns for the world, and his
place in society. So, this section of the text, isn’t directed at
somebody, but more of a reflection on myself, so shouting it
would seem odd, a regular volume would suffice. When
performing my piece, Kieron recommended that it should seem
obvious when I am addressing the headmaster, and when I am
not. We role played, with putting Kieron actually in my piece, so
that I could direct my lines at a person. By this method, I could
practice speaking at somebody. The technique, allowed me to
visualise, where the headmaster might be placed in the room, my
eye contact became fixed on Kieron’s eyes, I can continue this to
the final monologue, so my eyes seem as if they are meeting the
headmasters, at the right level of the room - establish who I am
talking to, make it seem realistic. This exercise, means that I have
met my modified target of: use the performance space effectively,
to demonstrate the other character/atmosphere. I found that
placing my character, not where the audience/panel are sitting,
helped me to clearly showcase where they are in the room.
Additionally, it aided me, in keeping my eyes focused upon one
point, not straying to meet the eyes of someone else.

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