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The Hobbit Mind Map Assignment

The Hobbit is long and can be challenging. In order to help you keep track and show that you are
understanding the reading, you will create a mind map and add to it throughout the book. Your
mind map can be whatever you want it to be, but it must show that you are keeping up with the
reading assignments and understanding what is happening in the novel. Here are some ideas of
what you can include in your mind map:

 Characters
 Settings
 Themes
 Ideas
o About what is going on or what might happen next.
 Connections
o To yourself, previous readings, the world, etc.
 Questions

Your mind map will be turned in every week. You will get points for adding to it each week.

You can create your mind map with any tool, including the following:

 Pen and paper

 Google Docs, Word Document, or similar
 Miro
o You can create a free account. Here is a link:
 Mind Mup

Here is an example of a mind map from The Hunger Games. It would be continuously added to
throughout the book, so this is just a beginning example.

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