Ogl 482 Three Questions

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The Three Questions:

What gives me joy? (What kinds of things am I doing when I'm most naturally content
and happy?)
            My family, pets and close friends are the sources of my joy. I find myself most at
peace when spending time with my loved ones. I currently live in Tennessee, and all of
my family and close friends are in Texas, so our time together is even more critical as it
is often limited to short visits a few times per year. After each visit to Texas, I am more
determined than ever to find a job that will support me moving home to be near my
loved ones. Unlike the Smith Family in Chapter 1, my partner is willing and has a
profession that can withstand a cross country move; he is a professional musician
(Harrington & Hall, 2007 p.2). Fortunately, his family and close friends also reside in
Texas, so our move is a goal after I graduate this spring.
            Before COVID, I made a career change that had a significant impact on my life; I
gave up my corporate role to finish my bachelor's degree. I sought part-time work with
Starbucks to access their benefits package, including 100% tuition coverage with no
obligation to the company after graduation. Like Helen Casey, I made this significant
career change in my 40's and needed to decide what was suitable for my life on a
personal level (Harrington & Hall, 2007 p.3). I chose my education and have yet to have
any regrets.
What am I good at?  (What are my strengths?)
            I find these types of questions difficult to answer; I am a private person and do
not like to talk about myself. My most vital skills include empathy, listening, self-
motivation, and time management. Helping others achieve success and managing my
success have helped me hone my skills of listening and empathy. Although I do not gain
satisfaction when I am only working to benefit myself, assisting others in achieving their
goals is rewarding and has led to my interest in leadership. Being able to manage my
time and be a self-starter has helped me succeed in my online education and my
upward movement at Starbucks.
            In the last year and a half, I have spent hours devoted to self-analysis as the
OGL program demands. I have discovered that my personal and professional values
and goals can align. As graduation approaches, I am looking forward to continuing my
career with Starbucks as I feel I have found a company that lives its values. Much of
their mission and values statement align with my values.
What does the world need me to do? (What can I contribute?)
            The world needs me to be a humble, compassionate, and present leader. I find
that my team values my consistency and dependability. I allow my team to rely on me
when they need support and work with a giving heart. I approach each shift, asking
what I can offer my partners and guests. Leading with a servant's heart truly fills my
            My understanding of what the world needs from me is pretty simple, to be a
productive, responsible, honest citizen looking out for the good of others. Caring for
others is an essential part of the human experience, in my opinion. We will gain more as
a society by caring for the needs of ourselves and our fellow humans. After all, we are
all seeking to meet our basic needs and enjoy our lives. Easing the suffering of others
can be a source of great joy and fulfillment.

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