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Think Aloud Planning Sheet

Directions for Full Credit: Use the think aloud strategy planning sheet below to plan your strategy instruction. Please submit
this completed template to Canvas with the reflection.

Name: Civil RIghts Think Aloud

Strategy: BDA - After: Reading Response
Content Area and ELA Standards:
● HS.SP1.3 Evaluate the significance of past events as they relate to their own lives and the world.
● HS.SP1.4 Use compelling questions generated about individuals and groups to assess how the
significance of their actions changes over time and is shaped by the historical context.
● 9-10.SL.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one,
in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively
● 9-10.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of
findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
Students will record a think aloud on Flipgrid about their response to prompt questions to the reading.
In this reading response students will utilize digital media for their presentations while answering
compelling questions about the unit as a whole. Students will then upload their responses and view the
responses by their classmates to see how their views/understanding differs from one another.

Strategy Awareness & Explanation (Purpose for selecting the strategy)

How will they provide students with a clear picture of the why and how?

Strategy Demonstration & Modeling (Think Aloud)

How will you model, explain, practice, and reinforce the rules or procedures of the strategy?

What the Text Says What I Say What Comprehension Strategy

I Model
Did you know? Nine months before Why do you think activists in the Civil Asking questions in a reading
Rosa Parks' arrest for refusing to give Rights Movement didn’t let Claudette response. I will lead the discussion
up her bus seat, 15-year-old to be their main figure in the and have the students develop their
Claudette Colvin was arrested in movement? Why do you think they own responses.
Montgomery for the same act. The were looking for the ‘perfect activist’?
city's Black leaders prepared to
protest, until it was discovered Colvin
was pregnant and deemed an
inappropriate symbol for their

“Approximately 40,000 Black bus This ties in with your other answer, Teacher will model how students can
riders—the majority of the city’s bus but here we have another example of upload their responses on Flipgrid
riders—boycotted the system the organizations/groups picking the and outline what is expected in said
next day, December 5. That perfect person to represent their response.
afternoon, Black leaders met to form cause. Why do you think Martin
the Montgomery Improvement Luther King Jr was picked? In what
Association (MIA). The group elected ways would he stick out more (‘in a
Martin Luther King, Jr., the 26-year- good way’) to a white audience?
old-pastor of Montgomery’s Dexter
Avenue Baptist Church, as its
president, and decided to continue
the boycott until the city met its

“In January 1957, four Black churches Martin Luther King Jr was known for Students will be shown how to make
and the homes of prominent Black his peaceful protests, why do you personal connections to the reading,
leaders were bombed; a bomb at think even after the no violence
King’s house was defused. On January stance, he was still a target of such
30, 1957, the Montgomery police rage? What is the context of people
arrested seven bombers; all were acting out so violently against him
members of the Ku Klux Klan, a white and other groups for wanting rights?
supremacist group. The arrests
largely brought an end to the busing-
related violence.”

Guided Practice
How will you have students practice the strategy with support?
The major comprehension strategy students will use for this lesson is doing reading responses.
However, students will record their reading responses as a video and upload them to a media platform.
Students will only read certain passages to cut down on what exactly is relevant to the questions being
asked. These passages will be isolated/highlighted. Once students have written their responses, they
will use it as a guide for their recorded response. Teacher will have to upload their own response to the
media platform for students to see what is needed for the response such as how much detail, how
long, etc.
Strategy Application
How will students apply the strategy independently?
After the guided practice, students will work independently on their own responses and recording
them. Students will then be able to view their peer’s responses and see how influence and different
views/opinions work on the same literature pieces.

Reflection Write a 2-3 paragraph detailed reflection about your teaching experience based off your
own self-assessment.
● How did the structure (awareness & explanation, demonstration & modeling, guided practice,
application) help support your instruction and student learning?
● How does this strategy support learning in your discipline specifically?
● What were your strengths, and areas for growth (please consider both your planning and your
instruction of the strategy).
As we enter the school system in the eyes of a teacher instead of a student, we see how much work
is needed for students to truly understand the material they are learning. From my personal
experience as a student, the work we were given was not engaging and we were usually expected to
do it on our own. There was no guided practice as it was more the teacher just straight up giving us the
answers. It just made school all very boring. However, we know now that’s not how teachers should be
teaching their classrooms every single day, especially in the age of differentiated instruction. So not
only does this type of instruction help someone as a teacher to understand what help their students
need in order to get started and engage in actual authentic work vs. giving too little/too much. And
students are given the opportunity to engage in work that challenges them in a way that they want to
work for it and aren’t left in the dust by their teacher who believes they should already know this
This is especially true for history where many students view it as just having one aspect. History is
also usually knowing all the facts about events. Helping the students to know ways to better view the
world of history in different eyes in different contexts. Personally, I think I’m really good at helping the
students make personal connections to the text. However, I find it difficult to have the students view
the different context and aspects of life from another era. I think it’s a bit difficult to try to justify why
people thought that way so long ago to students. However, it needs to be done so I find these
comprehension activities crucial to the development of their learning.

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